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История изменений программы R-Studio

Изменения в программе R-Studio 9.0 build 190312 (25.04.2022):


  • Для RapidSpar добавлены две новые опции: «Создать образ» и «Полный образ среды выполнения».
  • Улучшена оценка шансов восстановления.
  • Тип файла образа ISO был добавлен в список типов файлов.
  • Во время выполнения образа Complete runtime Monitor I/O Monitor теперь показывает скорость чтения с диска, а не скорость чтения/записи.
  • Коды сообщений об ошибках файловой системы расширены для ошибок удаления/перемещения.

Исправление ошибок:

  • R-Studio Technician для Mac/Linux не удалось перерегистрировать в версии T80+. Исправлена
  • Многопроходные изображения с несколькими дублями создавались некорректно, если была выбрана опция Выполнять чтение в обратном порядке, если возможно. Исправлена.
  • I/O Monitor неправильно показывал скорость чтения. Исправлена.
  • Файл карты секторов записывался не так часто, как это было необходимо при создании образа во время выполнения. Исправлена.
  • Неправильно учитывались маскированные помеченные файлы. Исправлена.
  • Вкладки могли быть закрыты без должного предупреждения. Исправлена.
  • Удаленные файлы не помечались красным крестом на панели результатов поиска. Исправлена.
  • Кнопка «Восстановить помеченные» могла быть неактивной после пометки файлов с помощью диалогового окна «Найти/Отметить» и при выборе параметра «Пропустить файлы с поврежденными секторами» в диалоговом окне «Восстановить». Исправлена.
  • Пункт контекстного меню «Восстановить отмеченные» и кнопка оставались неактивными, когда файл был помечен для восстановления на панели «Результаты поиска». Исправлена.
  • Когда для большого файла не хватило места и было назначено новое место назначения, остатки файла уходили в первую очередь. Исправлена.
  • Восстановление зависало и не могло быть возобновлено, если имя файла и путь были слишком длинными. Исправлена.
  • Восстановление зависало на вкладке «Расширения», когда в диалоговом окне «Восстановление» были выбраны параметры «Восстановить структуру папок» и «Восстановить из корня». Исправлена.
  • Можно было выполнять множество операций Drag&Drop при выполнении различных задач с приводом. Исправлена.
  • Кнопка «ОК» была активна, когда поле «Пароль» в диалоговом окне «Введите пароль» было пустым. Исправлена.
  • Образ типа RDR не мог быть правильно удален из виртуального RAID. Исправлена.
  • Вкладки, подключенные к RAID, не закрывались при изменении параметров RAID. Исправлена.
  • Объект RAID Virtual Block мог зависнуть при добавлении другого родителя RAID. Исправлена.
  • Исправлено множество косметических, неправильных сообщений и ошибок локализации.

Текстовый/шестнадцатеричный редактор:

  • Содержимое столбцов UNICODE и UNICODE+ могло быть объединено. Размер этих столбцов нельзя изменить. Исправлено.
  • Возможно появление ненужного запроса на перезапись файла после выполнения команды Инструменты - Сохранить в двоичный файл... или Сохранить в шестнадцатеричный файл. Исправлено.

Стороннее оборудование:

  • R-Studio мог аварийно завершить работу при работе с оборудованием DeepSpar DDI. Исправлено.

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.11 build 175357 (27.08.2019):

Новые возможности:

  • Автоматическое распознавание и сборка сложных объектов диспетчера дисков, компонентами которых также являются различные объекты диспетчера дисков. Это может быть полезно для восстановления данных с различных устройств NAS.
  • Обновлен драйвер Windows, который может монтировать образы жестких дисков типа R-Drive Image (.rdr), помимо логических дисков, в качестве виртуальных жестких дисков в системе.


  • Параметр «Открыть папку после завершения» добавлен в диалоговое окно «Восстановление».
  • Скорость перебора файлов была увеличена в несколько десятков раз для разделов Ext2 / 3/4 и UFS1 / UFS2.
  • Сканирование папок для улучшения восстановления дерева папок на распознанных разделах Ext2 / 3/4 и UFS1 / UFS2.
  • Восстановление экстентов Ext4fs для больших удаленных файлов, даже если их нет в журнале файловой системы.
  • Скорость восстановления сетевых данных была увеличена в несколько десятков раз.

Исправление ошибок:

  • R-Studio может открывать некоторые разделы с большим количеством файлов в течение длительного времени. Исправлена.
  • Диалоговое окно выбора пути могло зависнуть, если некоторые сетевые диски были подключены к системе под учетной записью пользователя. Исправлена.
  • R-Studio, возможно, потерпел крах во время выполнения шансов восстановления перепроверки. Исправлена.
  • Метки разделов могут быть обнаружены неправильно для разделов UFS1. Исправлена.
  • Свободные последовательности RAID могли появляться при создании пользовательского RAID. Эти последовательности не могут быть удалены. Исправлена.
  • Когда была применена неверная таблица RAID, программа не выдавала предупреждение. Исправлена.
  • Возможно, неправильно указано минимальное количество строк таблицы RAID для RAID0 и RAID4. Исправлена.
  • Возможно, курсор неправильно перемещался при редактировании таблицы RAID. Исправлена.
  • Поля блоков (ТБ, ГБ, МБ) в редакторе RAID могли работать некорректно. Исправлена.
  • Команда Refresh DDI могла появиться, даже если устройство DDI не было подключено. Исправлена.

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.10 build 173987 (21.05.2019):


  • R-Studio may have crashed when the Recheck Recovery Chances command was invoked. Fixed.

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.10 build 173981 (19.05.2019):


  • LVM processing has been improved.


  • Empty sequences were generated in the Sequences window when the Custom RAID type was selected. Those sequences could not be deleted. Fixed.
  • The last valid RAID block order table was saved rather than the current invalid table. Fixed.
  • The Get Info window showed wrong file info when sorting had been changed. Fixed.
  • Clicking an empty space on the Get Info window opened Hexadecimal editor. Fixed.
  • Files remained marked when files were recovered with the Do not recover duplicate files from Extra Found Files option enabled. Fixed.
  • Not all information on Overlapping files and Regions when saving file names. Fixed.
  • The Find/Mark dialog box didn`t preserve selections for the Look At Files/Folders option. Fixed.
  • A file and folder may have the same ID on the time/extension sorting tabs. Clicking such object may have resulted in jumping to another object with the same ID. For example, to a file with an ID randomly coinciding with the ID of a folder. Fixed.
  • Saving file names for marked files didn`t save names for files with links in their paths. Only link name was saved without files in the related folder. Fixed.
  • Some small interface and cosmetic bugs have been fixed.

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.10 build 173857 (17.04.2019):

New features:

  • + Get Info panel has been added to the Content pane. Detailed information about a selected file. Extended file information in the Technician version like disk regions, overlapping files, etc.
  • + Advanced options have been added to file recovery lists in the Technician version: specific file system info, overlapping files, disk regions, etc.


  • * Files in Extra Found Files (raw files) can now be automatically excluded from recovery if they are duplicates of files found in the real file system.
  • * The algorithm for estimation for file recovery chances has been improved.
  • * Memory usage has been optimized and debuged.
  • * The Reset button has been added to the RAID Parents tab. It resets RAID parameters to those set by the Apply button.


  • - Some text lines did not change when the interface language was switched. Fixed.
  • - R-Studio may have temporally frozen when opening an NTFS partition with many compressed files. Fixed.
  • - R-Studio may have opened APFS partitions with many files for long time. Fixed.
  • - R-Studio may have temporally frozen when a Partition tab with very many files was closed. Fixed.
  • - The Find Previous Version of the File command may have worked incorrectly. Fixed.
  • - Mask presets may have loaded incorrectly. Fixed.
  • - Dates nay have changed incorrectly in the File Mask dialog box. Fixed.
  • - Some file dates may have been saved to File Mask presets incorrectly. Fixed.
  • - Multiple files that occupy the same sector may have been shown incorrectly in Text/hexadecimal editor. Fixed.
  • - If files were manually unmarked, they could not be marked for recovery using the File/Mark dialog box. Fixed.
  • - Existing files may have been shown as deleted in cross-linked folders on FAT32 partitions. Fixed.
  • - R-Studio may have crashed when opening disk images. Fixed.
  • - The Show Files command in Text/hexadecimal editor may have stopped working if file region enumeration was interrupted by the user. Fixed.
  • - The Details/Icons view may have switched incorrectly when switching opened partitions. Fixed.
  • - Units in the Size fields on the Find/Mark dialog box were always reset to Bytes. Fixed.
  • - R-Studio may have frozen or crashed when the Reopen Drive Files button was quickly clicked several times. Fixed.
  • - Sometimes mdadm RAIDs could not be automatically assembled from images. Fixed.
  • - The Apply changes immediately option could be enabled only by the second time. Fixed.
  • - An incorrect RAID layout could be saved. Fixed.
  • - Any changes in the the Block order table defaulted all other RAID parameters. Fixed.
  • - R-Studio may have frozen when one LDM disk was disconnected and the Reassemble button was clicked.
  • - R-Studio was crashed with Text/Hexadecimal editor was opened from the Block information window when working with DDI. Fixed.

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.9 build 173593 (19.12.2018):

Исправление ошибок:

  • Могла возникать ошибка при разборе поврежденного xattr в файловой системе UFS2.
  • Некоторые небольшие внутренние исправления

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.9 build 173589 (13.12.2018):

New features:

  • Estimation of chances for successful file recovery
  • Recovery of names and paths for files deleted to Recycle Bin and Trash
  • Support for ReFS 3.4 file system


  • A complete redesign of the Find/Mark dialog box.
  • The parsing and reconstruction of the FAT32 and NTFS file systems has been improved.
  • The parsing of scanned APFS partitions has been improved, especially for large APFS file systems, for which the decrease of parsing time may reach several thousand times.


  • Large ext4 file systems (60+TB) may have been processed incorrectly. Fixed.
  • Sometimes the program may have crashed or frozen during file enumeration and disk scan. Fixed.
  • The program may have written data to network drives incorrectly. Fixed.
  • Sometimes file systems on automatically created virtual RAIDs may have been created incorrectly when the RAID parents were disk images. Fixed.

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.8 build 172035 (08.10.2018):


  • Some encrypted APFS disks could not be opened. Fixed.
  • No files (recovered, scan info, image) could be save to connected network drives or to any place defined as a UNC path (serversharepath). Fixed.
  • The View/Edit command status (enable/disable) may have been incorrectly set. Fixed.
  • Details/Small/Medium/Large Icons button status wasn`t preserved during switching between opened file panels. Fixed.
  • Program Uninstall wasn`t digitally signed. Fixed.
  • The Ignore file mask option was working incorrectly. Fixed.
  • Some corrections have been made to various localizations.

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.8 build 171971 (23.07.2018):


  • The same text with a different letter case may have been converted to the initial in the Find/Mark dialog box. For example, if the first search was for Alex* and the second one for ALEX*, the latter may have been automatically converted to Alex*. Fixed.
  • File mark in a marked folder using the Look in From current folder / Current folder options may have worked incorrectly. Fixed.
  • Request to save changes was always thrown in the Edit User`s File Types window even when all changes had been canceled. Fixed.
  • Mark/Unmark commands may have worked incorrectly for an empty folder selected in the Folders pane. Fixed.
  • When file icons were selected, R-Viewer`s icon may have sometimes appeared in the task bar. Fixed.
  • Several cosmetic bugs have been fixed.

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.8 build 171951 (11.07.2018):

New features:

  • A completely overhauled file previewer which can now show picture tiles and first frames of video files as icons, and supports a large number of video/audio/graphic/document file formats. These files can now be played back without their respective applications installed.


  • Processing of APFS file systems has been improved.


  • File enumeration on huge APFS file systems may have been slow. Fixed.
  • Non-resident symlinks may have been parsed incorrectly on NTFS file systems. Fixed.
  • The program may have crashed when an advanced mask was used. Fixed.
  • The Parents tab may have disappeared when an rdr-compatible image was added to a virtual RAID. Fixed.

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.7 build 170955 (25.04.2018):

New features:

  • Support has been added for APFS (including encryption), a new Apple file system introduced in macOS High Sierra.


  • Folder tree reconstruction has been improved for supported file systems.
  • User`s known file types immediately become marked upon loading.


  • When a Reverse RAID had been created for an object and then deleted, the Delete Reverse RAID command remained active for that object, and the Create Reverse RAID command inactive. Fixed.
  • Icons of deleted objects may have remained in the Drives panel. Fixed.
  • Sometimes the red highlighting of incorrect values may have flashed even when correct values were entered. Fixed.
  • The Find Previous button may have remained active when the search reached the last match. When the button was clicked the last match was highlighted again. Fixed. Now the message that the search is over is thrown.
  • The Reload User`s File Types button on the Setting/Known File Types tab was active even when there was no user`s file types loaded. Fixed.
  • If the user`s known file types were not saved, all known file types may have become unchecked during disk imaging and simultaneous scanning. Fixed.
  • R-Studio may have frozen while working with a remote computer. Fixed.
  • Help may have stayed open even when the program was closed. Fixed.

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.5 build 170237 (16.03.2018):


  • Detection of FAT32 disks has been improved.


  • The program may have crashed during disk scan. Fixed.
  • The Drive panel may have shown "ghost" logical disks created by Windows. Fixed.
  • The file viewer may have frozen while playing a movie file. Fixed.
  • Several bugs in the file viewer have been fixed.
  • The program may have confused a real multi-parent object (a Windows Storage Space, LVM, etc.) and its image. Fixed.
  • RAID6 and mdadm/LVM containers may have been processed incorrectly. Fixed.
  • An already unlocked Apple CoreStorage may have been unlocked again. Fixed.

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.5 build 170117 (21.12.2017):


  • Corrections in several language localizations.
  • Some cosmetic bugs have been fixed.

Изменения в программе R-Studio 8.5 build 170098 (14.12.2017):

New features:

  • Support for Windows Storage Spaces created by Windows Fall Creators Update has been added.
  • Components management for various disk and volume managers (LVM, LDM, WSS, AppleRAID, etc.) has been added.
  • Compressed images (the R-Drive Image type, .rdi) can now be mounted as virtual disks to make them accessible for other software.
  • Drive auto-refresh can now be enabled/disabled. This feature is useful when a failing drive is connected.


  • Processing speed of the NTFS file system has been increased.
  • Processing of NTFS $BitMap file has been improved.


  • Local time zones were not taken into account when comparing file time stamps. Fixed.
  • File viewer didn`t change its language when the language had been changed in R-Studio. Fixed.
  • Dependent file types were selected incorrectly. Fixed.
  • Files from transacted NTFS systems may have recovered incorrectly. Fixed.
  • The Mark command on the Tools menu may have become inactive after manual unmarking. Fixed.
  • During program closure removable devices may have been blocked until the process had been finished. Fixed.
  • During startup R-Studio requested IDE info from USB disks which resulted in a long delay. Fixed.
  • Check for update may have worked incorrectly. Fixed.
  • The "Select All" button on the Known File Types tab may have worked incorrectly. Fixed.
  • When recovering files from a remote computer, the Recover Marked command recovered not only marked files in their folder, but all files in all folders up to the device root. Fixed.
  • Sometimes folder/file tree on the HFS+ file system may have been re-constructed incorrectly. Fixed.
  • Several cosmetic bugs have been fixed.

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