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История изменений программы Maxthon Cloud Browser
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (01.04.2023):
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой страница новой вкладки иногда становилась пустой.
- Исправлено несколько сбоев
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (06.01.2023):
- + Совершенно новая тема для версии 7
- + Улучшена тема встроенных страниц
- + Совершенно новая тема для страницы QA
- + Улучшен интерфейс перетаскивания вкладок
- + Управление функциями
- + Импорт данных Chrome
- * Оптимизирована производительность maxnote
- - Исправлены некоторые ошибки и сбои
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (09.06.2022):
- + Добавлена платежная информация и варианты адреса в Passkeeper.
- + Оптимизировано взаимодействие с Maxnote, добавлена сортировка, отображение и расположение столбцов
- + Добавлено отображение пути к папке в QuickNote
- + Поддерживается добавление, изменение и перемещение папки в боковой панели меню правой кнопки мыши Maxnote
- + Оптимизирован макет главного меню, добавлены параметры сохранения как изображения, pdf и файла
- + Оптимизировано контекстное меню веб-страницы, добавлена опция «Свойства».
- + Добавлена возможность восстановления данных из локального на странице настроек
- + Поддерживается управление автоматически добавляемыми поисковыми системами
- + Добавлен пункт настроек безопасного DNS на страницу настроек
- + Оптимизировано взаимодействие со страницей истории, добавлено контекстное меню
- + Поддерживается добавление QuickAccess из закладок
- + Настроена панель входа в систему для отображения номера телефона или адреса электронной почты, зарегистрированного в учетной записи браузера.
- + Поддерживается синхронизация шрифтов и настроек безопасности
- + Поддерживается добавление вкладки на страницу новой вкладки в контекстном меню вкладки
- + Поддерживается настройка ярлыка QuickNote в настройках
- + Добавлены «открыть домашнюю страницу» и «остановить обновление» для жестов мыши
- + Добавлена опция «Удалить» в контекстное меню окна ввода веб-страницы
- + Поддерживается загрузка с битой точки после перезапуска браузера
- + Поддерживаемые двойные цепочки в Vbox
- - Исправлены ошибки и улучшена стабильность
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (19.03.2022):
- + Оптимизирован значок и макет браузера при использовании темы Chrome.
- + Поддержан ярлык "Добавить в Maxnote"
- + Оптимизированная боковая панель
- + Поддержано контекстное меню окна браузера
- + Оптимизирована иконка редактора Maxnote
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой удаленную закладку нельзя было восстановить в некоторых случаях
- - Исправлена проблема с исключением браузера, когда перетаскиваемая вкладка зависала на кнопке новой вкладки.
- - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой некоторые сайты карт не могли работать должным образом после отключения функции «Ctrl+щелчок левой кнопкой мыши».
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой боковая панель не могла быть скрыта при включении функции полноэкранного просмотра видео.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой закрепленная боковая панель не отображалась после перезапуска браузера.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой в некоторых случаях список закладок закрывался автоматически после удаления закладки.
- - Исправлена проблема рендеринга инициализации страницы настроек.
- - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой браузер в некоторых случаях не мог добавить новый язык.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой в некоторых случаях панель входа не могла отображать правильное приглашение.
- - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой курсор в некоторых случаях не мог сфокусироваться на поле пароля.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой панель входа не могла вернуться к правильному интерфейсу.
- - Исправлена проблема с неточными результатами поиска в Maxnote.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой значок папки отображался неправильно в Maxnote.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой полоса прокрутки Maxnote в некоторых случаях отображалась некорректно.
- - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой в некоторых случаях возникало исключение разделителя менеджера закладок.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой заголовок новой вкладки отображался некорректно.
- - Исправлены сбои
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (31.12.2021):
- + Обновлен до Chromium 96
- + Экспорт и импорт расширений
- + Вкладка сна
- + Настроить папку отображения панели закладок
- + Добавлена опция "Отменить" для отмены удаления закладки
- + Многоколоночная прокрутка закладок
- + Напоминание о новой версии на панели инструментов
- + Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы сохранить форму
- + Добавлена новая кнопка синхронизации в главное меню
- + Оптимизировано контекстное меню вкладки
- + Оптимизировано контекстное меню закладок
- + Оптимизировано взаимодействие Maxnote с QuickNote
- + Обновлен редактор заметок для Maxnote и QuickNote
- + Оптимизирована функция поиска изображений в контекстном меню.
- + Добавлена ассоциация типов файлов на странице настроек
- + Добавлены возможности восстановления и просмотра ярлыков по умолчанию
- + Добавлены всплывающие окна, перенаправления, уведомления, изображения и настройки JavaScript на странице настроек.
- + Страница последней сессии обратно к логике взаимодействия Maxthon 5
- + Оптимизирована производительность страницы истории
- + Добавлена кнопка синхронизации на новой вкладке
- + Добавлен значок веб-сайта для цветового блока QuickAccess.
- + Добавлена регистрация телефона для Vbox
- - Исправлены ошибки и оптимизирована стабильность
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (30.01.2021):
- + Оптимизирован ретро-режим
- + Оптимизирована загрузка расширений
- + Оптимизированный Vbox
- - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой браузер не мог найти
- - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой некоторые ярлыки не могли работать сразу после настройки.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой файлы cookie не могли работать в ретро-режиме.
- - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой захват экрана не мог работать должным образом.
- - Исправлены сбои в некоторых случаях
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (07.01.2020):
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой шрифт mactype не мог быть использован
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой пользовательский агент не мог работать должным образом.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой при некоторых обстоятельствах страница загрузки не закрывалась автоматически.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые сайты не могли переключиться в режим мобильного разработчика.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые аудио не могли воспроизводиться при некоторых обстоятельствах.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой страница установки не отображалась должным образом в системе на украинском языке.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой QR-код не мог работать должным образом при некоторых обстоятельствах.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой ошибка перевода кнопки оснастки на испанский язык
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой Skype для Интернета не работал должным образом.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (25.10.2019):
- - Официальная новая версия ядра
- - Исправлено падение страницы при некоторых обстоятельствах
- - Исправлена ошибка сбоя при перетаскивании ссылки при некоторых обстоятельствах.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (27.09.2019):
- - Исправлены сбои
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой целевым языком расширения перевода по умолчанию был арабский язык.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой функция быстрого сохранения изображений не работала должным образом.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые веб-страницы рекомендовали обновить браузер.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые веб-страницы не могли быть изменены в зависимости от размера окна браузера при некоторых обстоятельствах.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (05.09.2019):
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые изображения не отображались должным образом.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой страница установки не отображалась должным образом в болгарской системе.
- - Исправлена проблема, из-за которой расширение перевода не могло работать должным образом при некоторых обстоятельствах.
- - Исправлена проблема с падениями страниц
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой Flash не работал должным образом при некоторых обстоятельствах.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (13.08.2019):
- - Исправлены сбои
- - Исправлена проблема с отображением флеш при некоторых обстоятельствах
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой ABC-видео не воспроизводилось
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой smallpdf.com работал некорректно
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой режим чтения работал некорректно при некоторых обстоятельствах.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (23.07.2019):
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой при некоторых обстоятельствах расширение перевода отображало недействительные сертификаты на некоторых веб-сайтах.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые сайты не могли загружаться должным образом.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой кнопка «Загрузить» отображала искаженный текст на некоторых сайтах.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой flash не мог быть установлен
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые видео не могли воспроизводиться при определенных обстоятельствах.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые веб-сайты, предлагаемые браузером, не могли быть открыты.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой видео и аудио не могли работать в Skype в системе XP.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой автозапуск видео не работал
- - Исправлена проблема сбоев в портативной версии при некоторых обстоятельствах
- - Исправлена проблема с зависанием при выходе из функции привязки браузера в Windows 7
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой локальный почтовый клиент не мог быть правильно закрыт при использовании браузера Maxthon для открытия электронной почты в системе Windows 2003
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (04.07.2019):
- - Исправлена проблема с падениями страниц при некоторых обстоятельствах.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой браузер не распознавал тип окна.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой браузер не мог предварительно просмотреть страницу печати на польском языке.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой при некоторых обстоятельствах веб-страницу Gmail нельзя было переключить в режим ретро.
- - Исправлена проблема сбоев при использовании звука Skype в системе XP
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (27.06.2019):
- + Добавлена настройка для небезопасных источников HTTPS
- - Исправлена проблема сбоев при запуске Maxthon 5 по внешней ссылке
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой ярлыки не отображались в международной версии при щелчке правой кнопкой мыши по ссылке.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой браузер предлагал установить его в качестве браузера по умолчанию при открытии HTML-файла.
- - Исправлена проблема сбоев в системе XP при запуске Maxthon 5
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой функция печати не работала должным образом в некоторых ситуациях.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (25.06.2019):
- + Добавлена настройка для небезопасных источников HTTPS
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые видео не могли быть остановлены при появлении видео.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой куки не могли быть сохранены мгновенно в некоторых ситуациях.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой браузер предлагал установить его в качестве браузера по умолчанию при открытии HTML-файла.
- - Исправлена проблема сбоев в системе XP
- - Исправлена проблема, при которой браузер не мог быть установлен с первого раза
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой ярлыки не отображались в международной версии при щелчке правой кнопкой мыши по ссылке.
- - Исправлены проблемы сбоев в Skype для веб
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (06.06.2019):
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые расширения не могли работать должным образом.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой микрофон не распознавался в системе Windows XP.
- - Исправлены сбои
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой анализатор ресурсов не мог отображать правильный музыкальный файл.
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые сайты не могли воспроизводить флэш-видео.
- - Исправлена проблема, связанная с камерой
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (30.05.2019):
- + Интерфейс перевода веб-страницы был изменен в китайской версии
- - Исправлены некоторые сбои
- - Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой выбранное слово не могло быть переведено правильно
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (09.05.2019):
- - Fixed the issue that the browser crashes when launching it
- - Fixed the issue that the browser could not recognize microphone in Windows XP system
- - Fixed the issue that the download manager “clear invalid” function could not work properly
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (26.04.2019):
- + Added the “upload” text for the cloud storage websites
- - Fixed the issue that the core could not be switched to retro mode
- - Fixed the issue that the download function could not work properly in Windows XP SP3
- - Fixed the issue that the print button of the web page could not work
- - Fixed the resource sniffer issue of the bilibili
- - Fixed the issue that the Netflix needed to install Silverlight
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (25.04.2019):
- - Fixed the certificate issue in the Windows XP system
- - Fixed the issue that the quick app closed abnormally
- - Fixed the issue that the local electronic certificate could not be activated
- - Fixed the issue that the content of new tab page address deleted automatically
- - Fixed the issue that some function of Passkeeper could not work properly
- - Fixed the issue that the certificate could not be viewed when unchecking the secure URL scan
- - Fixed the gap issue between the browser and the Windows 10 system taskbar
- - Fixed the issue that some video websites played abnormally when disabling the auto-play
- - Fixed the issue that the browsing history log created automatically under the system folder “Temp”
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (11.04.2019):
- + Added the recognizable icon for the new session and the private mode
- - Fixed the issue that the download window popped up invalid folder prompts (if you still experience the issue please change the download path of “quick download to” manually)
- - Fixed issue that the translation extension could not work properly on some websites
- - Fixed the issue that the DRM video could not be played on Tencent video official website
- - Fixed the issue that the Bilibili video could not be detected by the Resource Sniffer in Windows 7 system
- - Fixed the issue that the taskbar could not display after the browser full screen
- - Fixed the issue that the browser security verification could not pop up when using private or new session mode
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (09.04.2019):
- Fxied the issue that the browser could not have sound in the Windows XP SP3 system
- Fixed the issue that the cookies wrongly recorded under the privacy mode
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (04.04.2019):
- + Improved the security for the Passkeeper under the guest mode
- - Fixed the auto-fill issue on some webpages
- - Fixed the issue that the letter cannot be typed before you confirm the cursor manually
- - Fixed the issue that the ms-word protocol could not be recognized
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (21.03.2019):
- + Added the button to manage the video autoplay
- + Added the new entry for the translation extension
- - Improved the issue for page screenshot of PDF file
- - Default to disable the browser security protection
- - Improved the side bar on-off option
- - Fixed the 502 error for some webpages
- - Fixed the issue that the account auto logout from some websites under some situations
- - Fixed the issue that the tab display abnormally when switching tabs with loading the developer page
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (15.03.2019):
- Fixed the issue that the print function could not run properly
- Fixed the issue that pop-up window freeze
- Fixed the RSS Reader issue
- Fixed the compatibility issue for Windows XP system
- Fixed the screen capture issue of developer tools
- Fixed the issue that some images could not load properly
- Fixed the issue that some social websites could not send messages
- Fixed issue that the cookies could not go into effect in time
- Fixed the issue that some websites could not play the video properly
- Fixed the issue that the word lacks one pixel in some situation
- Fixed the issue that some webpages could not switch the core to retro mode
- Fixed the issue that the login box could not pop up when using the HTTP proxy
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (14.03.2019):
- - Improved the logic order of importing favorites data
- - Fixed the crash when checking the camera by using Maxthon browser
- - Fixed the issue that the Concrete could not be accessed
- - Fixed the Amazon Prime Video issue
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (08.03.2019):
- - Improved the translation function
- - Fixed the issue that browser occupied the focus especially when playing the game
- - Fixed the crash issue when updating site icon
- - Fixed the issue that the page reported errors when using the translation function
- - Fixed the issue that the login box could not be closed when entering the wrong password with the proxy customization
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (01.03.2019):
- + Improved the UI of translation extension
- - Fixed the slow response issue of autofill
- - Fixed the issue that the address bar QR code could not be used properly with WeChat
- - Fixed the issue that the resource sniffer closed abnormally by right-click
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (21.02.2019):
- + Updated the browser kernel to Chromium 69
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser RC (19.02.2019):
- Fixed the UI issue of download manager.
- Fixed the retrieval issue of Passkeeper.
- Fixed the issue of the third party cookie option.
- Fixed the freeze issue when clicking site update with the state of no networking.
- Fixed the issue of “Load mx_core.dll failed” in Windows XP SP3 system.
- Fixed the issue that the translation result could not adapt to the target language.
- Fixed the issue that the file larger than 4GB could not be downloaded properly with ReFS format.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (31.01.2019):
- Fixed crash issue.
- Improved the word-translation function.
- Improved the function of updating site icon and the logic of progress bar.
- Fixed the issue of getting title for downloaded YouTube video.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (24.01.2019):
- + Added the translation function with selected words
- + Added the function for checking websites in favorites
- - Improved the checking logic for the default browser prompt at launch
- - Fixed the bug that the untitled favorites entries could not be imported
- - Fixed the bug that the UA button not displaying properly
- - Fixed the bug that the file name displayed as messy code when downloading files and choosing "save as"
- - Fixed the bug that the status bar not displaying properly when minimizing the browser
- - Fixed the bug that some shortcut key not working properly in retro mode
- - Fixed the bug that the web page was frozen when clicking "save as PDF" in retro mode
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (20.12.2018):
- + Added the function of saving webpage as PDF
- + Improved the UI of the toolbar
- - Fixed the issue that the download path could not be deleted
- - Fixed the issue that the large attachment could not be downloaded from NetEase email
- - Fixed the issue that the amount of tab list could not be updated properly after duplicating and deleting the tab
- - Fixed issue that the icon of snap tool could not be zoomed in with the 4K screen
- - Fixed the issue that the browser has parameter error when downloading files from Baidu Netdisk at the first time
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (06.12.2018):
- + Improved the UI of download manager
- + Improved the fill function of Gmail (Save the form manually)
- - Failed to load print page in ultra-mode
- - Failed to display value of datalist of developer tools
- - Failed to log in to 163 email after disabling the cookies
- - The proxy settings couldn’t save the total characters
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser RC (22.11.2018):
- + Added “Third-party cookie policy” in settings
- + Restored the “New”, the “Pause” and the “Delete” buttons in download manager
- - Fixed the UI issues in the international version
- - The download manager couldn’t save the last download path when the download path had been saved more than three
- - The translation extension couldn’t recognize the Hebrew language and the Greek language
- - The file name couldn’t be displayed properly when you downloaded or clicked “save as” in Gmail
- - The top of the browser couldn’t display properly in Windows 7 and 8 systems
- - The “close” button couldn’t display properly when you clicked the “restore” button after the first installation in the rare cases
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (16.11.2018):
- + Updated the language files of international version
- - Tab disappeared after opening split screen
- - The Russian URL wrongly displayed on address bar
- - The address bar searched the URL “van.ke” as a word
- - The download manager exited automatically when downloading files
- - The browser couldn’t open the URL or file directly after closing abnormally
- - The browser closed accidentally after dragging URL on the Twitter page
- - The Spell Check couldn’t work instantly after switching languages
- - Couldn’t open the webpage by right-clicking on URL after searching by Google in retro mode
- - The extensions couldn’t move with the window after switching to night mode and restoring the window
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (14.11.2018):
- - Fixed the occasional crash of launching browser
- - Fixed the issue of failing to hide the sidebar
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (08.11.2018):
- + Improved download manager
- + Press “Esc”to close “Add to Maxnote”
- + Updated the default data of smart address bar
- - Fixed crash issue under retro mode in some situations
- - Fixed the issue of failing to hide sidebar
- - Fixed the script execution issue when entering #+js script on address bar
- - Fixed the UI issue of international version
- - Fixed the issue of original size button failed to restore the page size at once time
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (05.11.2018):
- - Fixed the occasional crash of launching browser
- - Fixed the issue of failing to hide the sidebar
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (01.11.2018):
- - Updated the copywriting of favorites bar settings in the English version
- - Updated the copywriting of uninstalling/installing page in the Russian version
- - Fixed the crash when searching “карусель” in Google homepage
- - Fixed the auto-fill abnormality issue on some websites
- - Fixed the issue that the favorites bar icon displayed abnormally after dragging it
- - Fixed the issue that the shortcut could not be displayed on the taskbar
- - Fixed the messy code issue when launching the browser after installing Sophos
- - Fixed the issue that the Download Manager hid automatically when downloading files
- - Fixed the issue that the translation bar displayed abnormally on the download page of the WPS2019 official website
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (25.10.2018):
- + Added the recommending function of hot extensions
- + Added the browser checking and fixing function
- + IE downloader is available in download manager
- - Fixed the crash issue when launching the browser
- - Fixed the auto-fill abnormality issue on some websites
- - Fixed the issue that the favorites menu icon displayed improperly after dragging it
- - Fixed the issue that the shortcut could not display properly on taskbar
- - Fixed the issue that the WPS2019 official website could not display the translation bar properly
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (18.10.2018):
- + Added Quick Access sync button
- + Added “save page as” button in the main menu
- + Updated language of the international version
- - Improved the flash downloading issue
- - Improved the response logic of hot extensions
- - Fixed the issue that it couldn’t access Evernote
- - Fixed crashes
- - Fixed the issue that magic fill couldn’t run properly on several websites
- - Fixed the issue that it couldn’t print the website URL when printing the webpage
- - Fixed the Russian UI issue
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (30.09.2018):
- - Some websites run the Magic Fill improperly
- - The Violentmonkey cannot display the amount of updated script
- - The close button UI error under the specific situation
- - The browser window displays abnormally when setting the system DPI as some specific numeric
- - The webpage zoomed in when using “Snap Region”browser
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (28.09.2018):
- - Optimized the zoom experience of the browser window
- - Optimized the mouseover experience of the toolbar
- - Optimized the display of blocked ads number on Adblock Plus
- - Fixed the bug that Magic Fill failed to work on several websites
- - Fixed the bug that the file hasn’t suffix when downloading file via Resource Sniffer
- - Fixed the bug that the text overlap when the text goes beyond the translation box
- - Fixed the bug that it couldn’t save the status of the settings of search box hot words after restarting the browser
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (19.09.2018):
- - Optimized the displayed style of translation dialog box
- - Fixed the issue that crash in the rare case
- - Fixed the issue that the text could not be selected in translation dialog box
- - Fixed the issue that the international version displayed Chinese words “image failed to load”
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (13.09.2018):
- + Optimize the functional experience of translation extension
- - Fixes the issue of compatible with AdvOR
- - Fixes the issue that the plugin download error
- - Fixes the issue that the new tab page cannot back to the previous page
- - Fixes the account issue under proxy and several websites
- - Fixes the shortcuts abnormal issue under specific situations
- - Fixes the issue that favorites bar displays abnormally after switching to icon mode
- - Restart browser cannot remain the state of disabling search box hot words
- - Fixes the issue that it downloads messy code of file name from OA system
- - Fixes the issue that it freezes when switching the system theme
- - Fixes the issue that the Facebook freezes when switching to several languages
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (06.09.2018):
- + Added Maxthon translation v2.0
- + Available *.mx5skin skin file
- + Updated several languages
- - Optimized the experience of UI
- - Cannot load Facebook game properly
- - Cannot download Excel file under OA system
- - Cannot upload attachment to NetEase email 6.0
- - Cannot display the last modified time of picture
- - Some websites cannot use shortcuts in retro mode
- - Cannot close the page properly after installing Flash
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (04.09.2018):
- - Optimized pre-rendering
- - Optimized the loading of Flash
- - Fixed the compatibility of webpage meet.google
- - Fixed the blurred font in quick app
- - Several websites cannot log into automatically
- - Download manager is empty after overwriting installation
- - Several devices load slowly when using hardware boost mode
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (14.08.2018):
- + Update several languages
- + Preload the searching keywords, improve startup speed
- - Occasional crash when merge several windows
- - Download manager is empty after the browser upgrade
- - Cannot properly import favorites data from Maxthon 4
- - Cannot go to URL properly from sidebar Notes
- - Cannot pop download window after canceling download repeatedly in retro mode on QQ official website
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (09.08.2018):
- + Updated the UI of Resource Sniffer
- + Can turn on/off the pre-rendering function
- - Fixed the bug that it failed to load control and attachment in the intranet
- - Fixed the bug that several websites failed to enable read mode
- - Fixed the bug that desktop shortcut would go wrong in some specific cases
- - Fixed the bug that split screen failed to load caused by the flash installation note
- - Fixed the bug that the site of flash note displayed abnormally when opening favorites in bulk
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (14.08.2018):
- - Fixed crashes
- - Fixed the bug that several websites failed to enable read mode
- - Fixed the bug that fail to load email and attachment in the internal network OA
- - Fixed the bug of Magic Fill can`t fill password on Baidu Bai Jiahao under some cases
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (09.08.2018):
- - Fixed the bug that some websites login certificates
- - Fixed the bug of abnormally import Maxnote and right-click
- - Fixed the bug that URL icon in Favorites had synchronous exception
- - Fixed the bug that in some cases Adblock still work even if you have disabled it
- - Fixed the bug that education.fr didn’t display secure icon
- - Fixed the issue of download file from oa system is incomplete
- - Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when opened local html file under special cases
- - Fixed the bug that URL icon in Favorites had synchronous exception
- - Fixed the bug that the Offline option in developer tools didn’t work
- - Fixed the bug that right-click to foldout cause crash in split screen
- - Fixed the bug that page didn`t work when user opened RSS subscription of QQ news
- - Fixed the bug that particular page couldn`t display when user opened mx://error
- - Fixed the bug that Low Version displayed when user opened google web page in the new tab page
- - Fixed an issue that it displayed abnormally when user clicked on link to download Quick app under XP and win7 system
- - Fixed the bug that browser screenshot couldn`t be pasted to OE Classic client
- - Fixed the bug that it would display white box when users maximized the browser in night mode
- - Fixed the bug that customized print settings cannot be saved after restarting browser
- - Fixed the bug that mouse gestures including up-right and down-right didn`t work when mouse focused on input box
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (02.08.2018):
- + Optimized efficiency of opening favorites menu
- + Optimized the reminder and installation procedure of Flash plugin in the Browser
- + Added pre-rendering of search result page and accelerated the opening of pages
- - Fixed the bug of incompatible with Sophos
- - Fixed the bug that the Offline option in developer tools didn’t work
- - Fixed the bug that it would display Unsafe when users visited YouTube
- - Fixed the bug that night mode was not off timely after closing or canceling it
- - Fixed the bug that the warm and cool colors in night mode would display abnormally after adjusting brightness and changing color
- - Fixed the bug that the original locked label lost when users opened the Browser through other links
- - Fixed the bug that the search didn’t synchronize with the new label page after users changed search engine in search box
- - Fixed the bug that right-click to foldout cause crash in split screen
- - Fixed the bug that fail to load email and attachment in the internal network OA
- - Fixed the bug that customized print settings cannot be saved after restarting browser
- - Hidden the button of hot word settings under search box in the International version
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (26.07.2018):
- + added the notification of login exception
- + added the adjustment of FontSize in browser
- + added the adjustment of warm and cool colors in night mode
- + added the setting of repair launcher icons or not
- + added the specific number of all options after right-click on Favorites
- - fixed the bug that URL icon in Favorites had synchronous exception
- - fixed the bug that it displayed error when users used photo viewer to open screenshot taken by browser
- - fixed the bug that icon couldn`t refresh when users opened website in new label page
- - fixed the bug that there`s code in headline when users used Maxthon Note to export documents
- - fixed the bug that it would display white box when users maximized the browser in night mode
- - fixed the bug that mouse gestures including up-right and down-right didn`t work when mouse focused on input box
- - fixed the bug that users may open context menu again after opening the context menu of folder in Maxthon Note
- - fixed the bug that the new note couldn`t be saved if the name of the new folder was led by letter O in Maxthon Note
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (19.07.2018):
- Added quick portal for last unclosed page(s) to revoke menu
- Added hotwords displays/shutdown option after search box drop-down
- Add the option of checking if it is default browser at startup
- Fixed the problem that there`s no default option in translation setting
- Fixed the bug that page didn`t work when user opened RSS subscription of QQ news
- Fixed the bug that Return button didn`t work when user opened local pictures
- Fixed the bug that particular page couldn`t display when user opened mx://error
- Fixed the bug that Low Version displayed when user opened google web page in the new tab page
- Fixed the bug that browser screenshot couldn`t be pasted to OE Classic client
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (12.07.2018):
- Fixed the issue of the installation directory displayed abnormally under special cases
- Fixed the issue of download file from oa system is incomplete
- Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when opened local html file under special cases
- Fixed the issue of failure to import MX4 favorites
- Fixed the issue of browser occasionally displayed abnormally when user started under XP system
- Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when using mouse gestures back to new tabs
- Fixed the issue of the image viewer prompted Chinese in English environment
- Fixed the issue of the print preview page could not fully display the local image
- Fixed the issue of it prompted an invalid certificate when user opened an individual website under XP system
- Fixed an issue that it displayed abnormally when user clicked on link to download Quick app under XP and win7 system
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (28.06.2018):
- + Optimized the problem of flash version compatibility
- + Optimized browser`s last session order problem
- + Replace web default font of Chinese version
- + Add a function to save the page as a picture to right-click menu
- - Fixed the issue when opening local html files is occasionally anomalous
- - Fixed the stuck issue when switching between some pages
- - Fixed incorrect display of text on some pages
- - Fixed the problem that double-clicking the top tab cannot close the tab when the window is maximized
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (22.06.2018):
- Optimize browser startup speed
- Optimized the stability of browsers
- Optimized the problem of flash version compatibility
- Optimized browser`s last open page order problem
- Replace web default font of Chinese version
- Add new Pdf and picture formats notes export
- Add a function to save the page as a picture to right-click menu
- Fixed the issue when opening local html files is occasionally anomalous
- Fixed the stuck issue when switching between some pages
- Fixed incorrect display of text on some pages
- Fixed the problem that double-clicking the top tab cannot close the tab when the window is maximized
- Fixed the problem when downloading QQ software in compatibility mode
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (14.06.2018):
- Fixed the issue of can’t use drop down menu under special cases
- Fixed the issue of UI and freeze when switching window size
- Fixed the issue of the hidden taskbar can’t be arouse when maximum
- Fixed the issue of UI displayed abnormally when switching taskbar on win10
- Fixed the issue of the entered download link in address bar displayed abnormally
- Fixed the issue of where secondary screen position cannot be recorded when there are dual monitors
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (07.06.2018):
- Fixed the issue of can`t record the reading status of news
- Fixed the issue of Last Session displayed abnormally
- Fixed the issue of title bar displayed abnormally on win10 when maximization
- Fixed the issue of can`t enter screensaver on win10 under special cases
- Fixed the issue of Flash extension reminder abnormally under special cases
- Fixed the issue of Facebook`s video and voice can`t be played normally
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (31.05.2018):
- Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when set Maxthon as default browser
- Fix the issue of failed to correlate Gif file on win10 system
- Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when openning Menu on top right corner
- Fixed the issue of some websites displayed abnormally
- Fixed the issue of system can`t open screensaver when there`s no operation
- Fixed the issue of can`t record mouse focus when creating new tab
- Fixed the issue of unable to switch mailbox service providers in Baidu search page
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser beta (24.05.2018):
- Added "Not Remind" option on browser`s trending news
- Fixed the issue of shortcut keys can`t be pasted in Microsoft Office software
- Fixed the issue of browser and system backspace key conflicts
- Fixed the issue of House of fun displayed abnormally in Facebook
- Fixed the issue of customized websites not effective in Favorites
- Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when dragging the video suspension window progress bar
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (22.05.2018):
- Fixed the issue of browser freezed when starting under special cases
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (17.05.2018):
- Optimized some video and audio websites operation experience
- Added some minority language translation
- Fixed the issue of Auto Refresh time not effective when right-click on tabs
- Fixed the issue of URL Shortcut key websites can`t be deleted in URL alias
- Fixed the issue of tab displayed abnormally when switching skin under split screen mode
- Fixed the issue of can`t paste after making screenshot with Crtl+F1 on some websites
- Fixed the issue of snap feature abnormal on QQmailbox notebook
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser beta (15.05.2018):
- Added overall UI detail and interactive optimization, better experience on visual sense and operations
- Added switching account experience optimization and reserve current opened tabs feature
- Added address bar loading page optimization, super speed for visit
- Fixed the issue of Auto Refresh time not effective when right-click on tabs
- Fixed the issue of URL Shortcut key websites can`t be deleted in URL alias
- Optimized the issue of name displayed abnormally when downloading Russian name file in Gmail
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (07.05.2018):
- Fixed the issue of can`t log in account under special cases
- Fixed the issue of pop-up of set as default browser displayed abnormally when new installation under special cases
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (21.04.2018):
- Fixed the issue of switching page freezed when logging in on certain extensions
- Fixed the issue of Favorites on sidebar switching to menu mode abnormally
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (16.04.2018):
- Fixed the issue of remind on "can`t find the page" when entering Quick Access page first time under special cases
- Fixed the issue of Maxnote List View mode displayed abnormally under special cases
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (13.04.2018):
- Fixed the issue of browser crashed when set default browser and multiple logins under special cases
- Fixed the issue of can`t enter website normally when using the proxy with password
- Fixed the issue of DOUYU video`s pop-up window can`t on full screen mode
- Fixed the issue of 401 Unauthorized when connecting sites with domain log in
- Fixed the issue of the Microphone drop-down list options in setting all displayed Chinses when setting browser language to minority language
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (11.04.2018):
- Fixed the issue of set default browser abnormally on win 10
- Fixed the issue of log in failed when logging browser under special cases
- Fixed the issue of can`t enter Chinese on search box when using Baidu Input Method
- Fixed the issue of it displayed abnormally when clicking print preview on Amazon refund page
- Fixed the issue of Maxthon blog displayed abnormally when visiting
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (03.04.2018):
- Optimize the open order of the last non-closed pages
- Resolve back problem in compatibility mode
- Improve browser stability
- Fix the problem when the browser language is bg-bg, some contents of the menu is not displayed
- Fix the occasional problem when click Ctrl+F1 for screenshot
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (27.03.2018):
- Fixed the issue of browser crashed after starting under special cases
- Fixed the issue of live videos can`t be played normally under special cases
- Fixed the issue of the opened txt file content displayed incorrect on reading mode
- Fixed the issue of the scroll bar on Maxnote interface not effective under special cases
- Fixed the issue of F12 can`t arouse developer tools under retro mode
- Fixed the issue of dragging emoji icons may caused browser crash when publishing Weibo comments
- Fixed the issue of browser crashed after adding screenshot to note under special cases
- Fixed the issue of replace current page by right click on certain websites
- Fixed the issue of sidebar favorites disordered after importing files
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (16.03.2018):
- Enhanced stability of version upgrade
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (15.03.2018):
- Fixed the issue of browser crashed when synchronizing data on Maxnote
- Fixed the issue of URL on address bar displayed error under special cases
- Fixed the issue of page displayed blank under special cases
- Fixed the issue of shows browser not supported on certain websites
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (06.03.2018):
- Optimized on tab operation experience
- Fixed the issue of the note content displayed incompletely in Maxnote main interface under split screen mode
- Fixed the issue of can`t copy text content on address bar under special cases
- Fixed the issue of new tab shows blank under special cases
- Fixed the issue of certificate error pops up when opened certain websites
- Fixed the issue of videos can`t be played normally on certain websites
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (26.02.2018):
- Log in notification pop-up after adding a number of favorites under guest mode
- Upgrade sidebar’s HAHA extension
- Optimized browser’s reminder system and interface
- Upgrade UI on Maxnote’s management page
- Fixed the issue of log in status displayed error in new tab under special cases
- Fixed the issue of new tab displayed blank under special cases
- Fixed the issue of URL in address bar can’t be copied normally under special cases
- Fixed the issue of Ctrl+mouse scroll is invalid on maximize/minimize web pages under special cases
- Fixed the issue of Maxnote will continue to synchronize and shows no error notification when Maxthon Account is offline
- Fixed the issue of modifying the folder name on Maxnote will not sync on left directory
- Fixed the issue of imported Maxnote to favorite folder will be set as favorite automatically
- Fixed the issue of password generator requires user to refresh the web page to be effective after changing the password rules
- Fixed the issue of feature area displayed incompletely on IQIYI’s pops up window
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (09.02.2018):
- Fixed the issue of the selected status not correct on drop down list which in note edition page route
- Fixed the issue of new note is in wrong place after switching the catalog in note edition page
- Fixed the issue of favorites became disordered after import the favorites from Maxnote
- Fixed the issue of browser won`t start automatically if users select install abp extension during installation process
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (31.01.2018):
- Fixed the issue of the panel’s page didn’t close when fast close and open the type of the panel extension in toolbar entrance.
- Fixed the issue of when selected the favorites type for "selected content" and then switch the tab, the "selected content" page and "Non-Url favorite tool bar"
- Fixed the issue of the downloader will continue to download for a period of time when download process displayed 100%Fixed the issue of the website which core has been locked will display "Lock" icon on menu in hover only and it shouldn’t display when not on hover
- Fixed the issue of there are no responses when clicking the back button on Non-Url favorite tool bar under special cases
- Fixed the issue of click search result on result page in Favorite extension and it can’t open the result page normally
- Fixed the issue of pop-up window of sharing displayed abnormal when stretching the sidebar
- Fixed the issue of there are no responses when right right click on any images to save after opening Maxnote with Ctrl+G
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (25.01.2018):
- Fixed the issue of the favorite bar displayed abnormally in windowed mode
- Fixed the issue of history items can`t display after ticked the "Show history items in the match list"
- Fixed the issue of there are no response when enabling SMS verification and view records on device
- Fixed the issue of the browser will create several windows that can`t be closed in task bar after exit full screen mode
- Fixed the issue of can`t click to open the HTML format files which added to My Sites
- Fixed the issue of the favorite sorting is inconsistent after synchronizing between multiple computers
- Fixed the issue of system screensaver is invalid after restart the browser under special cases
- Fixed the issue of new tab will display blank after dragging it to become an independent window under special cases
- Fixed the issue of the order of import favorites from IE is not consistent with IE favorite folder
- Fixed the issue of URL in address bar can`t be copied completel
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (06.01.2018):
- Fixed the issue of some websites stucked because of adblock filtering rules
- Fixed the issue of switch core available in new tab under special cases
- Fixed the issue of auto-fill enabled on retro mode under special cases
- Fixed the issue of can`t copy and paste picture on Maxnote
- Fixed the issue of there are no responses after changing and saving the article width in read mode under special cases
- Fixed the issue of the favorites became disordered after importing html under special cases
- ixed the issue of some favorite icons displayed abnormal under certain resolutions in Win10 system
- Fixed the issue of error display when opening favorites bar with Ctrl+B
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (04.01.2018):
- Enhanced browser`s stability
- Optimized the program installation background picture
- Optimized the login background picture
- Fixed the issue of not naming the microphone device on web pages correctly
- Fixed the issue of switch core available in new tab under special cases
- Fixed the issue of the information icon lost on status bar under special cases
- Fixed the issue of the filter number displayed abnormal on ABP feature
- Fixed the issue of auto-fill disabled on IE8 and its lower version under retro mode
- Fixed the issue of can`t see the form content clearly after auto-fill on hxxps://signin.gatehub.net/
- Fixed the issue of the scroll bar on Download Manager displayed abnormal
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (28.12.2017):
- Improved the data importing feature experience when upgrading MX4 to MX5
- Optimized the experience on Maxnote
- Enhanced browser`s stability
- Fixed the issue of the number of notes in the left directory won’t change after deleting multiple notes
- Optimized the feature of "sorting by name" on Maxnote`s main interface
- Fixed the issue of create notes feature are still available in the same directory after deleting a folder in Maxnote
- Fixed the issue of the favorite button in note detail page does not highlighted after setting it as favorite in Maxnote’s directory
- Fixed the issue of custom URL direct visit feature is not available under special cases
- Fixed the issue of there`s no text reminder when the mouse is suspended on sidebar`s favorite and note button
- Fixed the issue of sidebar did not display after installation or upgraded browser
- Fixed the issue of there`s no responses when entering read mode
- Fixed the issue of there`s no responses on all types filter feature on Maxnote main interface
- Fixed the issue of Maxnote main interface`s folder directory display different
- Fixed the issue of uninstall programs still show the the old version number and name after upgrading the browser
- Fixed the issue of can`t auto-fill account info on Adobe website
- Fixed the issue of the content does not highlighted after searching on Maxnote
- Fixed the issue of right-click and edit directory folder on Maxnote`s folder, it still displayed the old title
- Fixed the issue of identify location in folder`s detail is wrong after searching in folder
- Fixed the issue of there`s no note title after creating a new note under special cases
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (15.12.2017):
- This update optimized the following features:
- Made an adjustment on main interface UI
- Added features guidance on Maxnote`s background、sidebar note and individual pop-up
- Enhanced browser`s stability
- Optimized the drag and drop tabs to be a new window experience
Fixed the issue of Maxnote main interface scroll bar can`t drag under split screen mode
- Fixed the issue of title on tab bar disappeared after switching the skin on new created tab bar
- Fixed the issue of restore the maximized Maxnote pop-up window under the memo mode, the notes content will display incomplete and shows no scroll bar
- Fixed the issue of Ctrl+G can`t arouse pop up window in a fixed side window under special cases
- Fixed the issue of My Favorites data on tool bar`s favorites abnormally displayed after registering a new account
- Fixed the issue of the new created note can`t be dragged to folder
- Fixed the issue of no window opens when clicking on a single note on Favorites note
- Fixed the issue of can`t view rules content after adding adblock plus rules
- Fixed the issue of Bilibili`s auto-fill password will be empty after changing the password in Passkeeper
- Fixed the issue of can`t use right click menu when disabled mouse gesture under retro mode
- Fixed the issue of websites can`t load content after installing Violent Monkey`s yawf script
- Fixed the issue of the preview pages all displayed the first page when using Ctrl+P to enter print preview under reading mode
- Fixed the issue of can`t play the video on netflix
- Fixed the issue of hide the third party extensions under portable version and close the browser first, then restart again, the hidden third party extensions will appear again
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (08.12.2017):
- Made an adjustment on main interface UI
- Optimized logout on guest mode
- Supported customize drag and drop sorting in note sidebar and pop-up window
- Disabled Resource Sniffer in built-in page
- Enabled folder open on sidebar & individual pop-up search results
- No longer display tool bar on sidebar note
- Favorites on sidebar records last visited file
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (14.11.2017):
- Optimized the experience on Maxnote`s new version and Favorite feature
- Fixed the issue of volume bar displayed abnormally after video pop-up window minimized to a certain scale
- Fixed the issue of the notification of abnormal browser data will pop up after update MX4 to MX5 under special cases
- Fixed the issue of can`t exit the developer mode under special cases
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (30.10.2017):
- Added hardware acceleration mode in settings
- Optmized browser`s stability
- Fixed the issue of freezing on the install progress under special cases
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (11.10.2017):
- Support tasks continue downloading after closing the browser
- Optimized the experience on error page feature
- Optimized the experience on url format correlation feature
- Fixed the issue of starting the shortcut to display the search result page after adding a web page to the desktop shortcut
- Fixed the issue of the my favorite folder in favorite bar displayed same two columns of same websites under special cases
- Fixed the issue of users programmed HMLT can’t invoking mailbox
- Fixed the issue of can’t continue playing on video pop-up window when clicking the next series on the video pop-up pop-up window under special scene
- Fixed the issue of when copying the local image which open in browser to desktop, re-open the browser displayed abnormal
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (28.09.2017):
- Optimized the experience on Maxthon 4`s automatic data importing feature
- Optimized the stability on install process.
- Optimized the experience on video toolbar feature
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (25.09.2017):
- Support automatic data importing of Maxthon 4`s history records and recently opened tabs;
- Optimized browser`s stability
- Optimized the experience on video toolbar feature
- Fixed the issue of the mailto agreement can`t invoking local mail client
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (18.09.2017):
- Local video player supports keyboard shortcuts to control play status.
- Fixed the issue of the upper right corner close button being blocked under window status in special cases.
- Fixed the issue of the desktop will appear address bar when locking the browser through shortcuts key under special cases.
- Fixed the issue of the two addons can be expanded at the same time on the sidebar.
- Fixed the issue of can’t publish content on Sina Weibo addon.
- Fixed the issue of spotify webpage’s wrong notification of “not support the Web Player”
- Fixed the issue of can’t make a comment on mindorks website.
- Fixed the issue of Passkeeper’s exception website list did not remove duplicate matters after importing the data automatically.
- Fixed the issue of progress will be roll back when downloading some files.
- Fixed the issue of can’t open hxxp://h**taila.com/
- Fixed the issue of external tools can’t be displayed in toolbar’s original place after restarting the browser.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (04.09.2017):
Key Changes
- Optimized the QR code page sharing function on url
- Optimized the speed of installation
- Fixed the issue of the browser icon will not display in system task bar after install under special cases
- Fixed the issue of the there`s no feedback on add customized color blocks on new tabs
- Fixed the issue of can`t input console in developer tools under special cases
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (14.08.2017):
Key Changes
- This update fixed the following issues:
- Add full screen viewing mode into local image viewer
- Optimized the user experience of MX5 account`s Login & Registration
- Optimized the user experience of "More" menu feature of Tab Bar
- Fixed the issue of window malfunction when closing the Passkeeper`s SMS verification code window
- Fixed the incorrect copy of URL security information
- Fixed the incorrect copy of the right-click menu
- Fixed the issue of login status illustrated "offline" when restarting the browser after using password-required proxy login
- Fixed the issue of "My Site" appears to be overlapping under certain cases in a new tab
- Fixed the issue of black bar appears on the right side of the page when frequently hide the the sidebar
- Fixed the issue of label`s abnormal display when restored the maximized window that merged into by the tabs
- Fixed the issue of browsing data not totally cleaned when restarting the browser after selected "clearing the unclosed webpages last time" and "automatically cleared when exiting"
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (07.08.2017):
This update optimizes the following features:
- Passkeeper now supports SMS verification
- Support drag out the new tab page to create a new window
- Fast application now supports right-click menu
This update fixed the following issues:
- Fixed the issue when the taskbar is on the left side, the browser window does not maximize
- Fixed the issue of browser can not turn off under special cases
- Fixed the issue of incomplete display of the page of rabb.it
- Fixed the issue of occasionally abnormal displaying of the new tab page after launching the browser
- Fixed the issue of page collapse after installing the picViewer plug-in
- Fixed the issue of incomplete display of visual element after hanging the mouse on the little bee menu
- Fixed the issue of the right-click malfunction on the ed2k protocol link without ed2k software installed
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (31.07.2017):
- Common type files in the Download Manager can be viewed in the browser
- Enhanced browser`s self-protection
- Optimized uninstaller`s user experience
- Fixed the issue of occasionally authentication prompt after set up a proxy network
- Fixed the issue of occasionally password saving failure after set up a proxy network
- Fixed the issue of installation failure on certain devices
- Fixed the issue of garble appeared when pasting Chinese content in http://www.ewebeditor.net/demo/
- Fixed the issue of the preview page will also appear on the new tab when saving notes on the entire page under special cases
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (28.07.2017):
- Enhanced the stability of the browser
- Optimized touch screen operation function
- Fixed the issue of blurry image on the local image viewer
- Fixed the issue of developer tools can not be activated in some special scenes
- Fixed the issue of “Backspace” button on the keyboard can not return to the previous page in the speed mode
- Fix the issue of video toolbar pop-up when maximizing the video window under certain video sites
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (12.07.2017):
- Support viewing previous and next local picture
- Format association user experience optimized
- Flit screen function optimized
- Browser startup speed
- Hungarian language supported
Key Changes:
- Quick access data replaces history data
- RSS default download file format error
- Resource sniffer error for some specific sites and videos
- Guest mode Maxnote sharing function pop-up text optimized
- Ctrl+G pop-up window text displaying issue
- QR code shared to WeChat cannot be scanned after zooming
- Reader mode issue for site: gizmodo.com
- Set as default browser pop-up banner issue under win7
- Preview page not available when saving screenshot to Maxnote under XP
- GIF picture is blurry under high DPI
- Placement of new folder in Maxnote is not right
- Multi-refreshing caused crash in some specific page
- Some language displaying issue for the “sync” button in Maxnote
- Changed Portuguese (Brazil) to Português Brasileiro
- Pop-up banner displaying issue when deleting a note in Maxnote
- Notice text revised when failed to fetch QR code under poop internet situation
- Partially displaying for some characters (qgpjy) in Maxnote
- Maxthon icon not deleted after uninstalling in some special situation
- Failed to import after deleting RSS subscription
- Status bar hided after start browser
- Maxthon5 uninstall not showing in the list in win10
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (04.07.2017):
- Saving the same URL for several times
- Time and size displaying issue for FTP files
- “Save” and ‘delete” button in Maxnote context
- MHTM: file cannot show in reader mode
- Flash video playing issue under XP system
- File size counting issue under certain circumstance
- Fail to set as default browser under Windows 10
- Data importing pop-up banner not showing while users choose to import in background
- No activation window when minimizing icon to system tray
- Settings drop-down list display partially under 150 DPI or higher
- Tab bar displaying issue under specific theme and split mode
- Always loading after refreshing the pop-up video
- Playing issue on this site been fixed: https://fakty.tvn24.pl/
- Moving tab disappeared sometimes under split mode
- Tab lost under some multi-tab circumstance
Key Changes:
- Support sharing notes in Maxnote to friends
- Support viewing pictures, videos, and many other format files on Maxthon browser
- Optimization on importing function
- Unify all context menu options for Maxnote
- Enhanced stability
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (23.06.2017):
- Added displays of personal information panel when right click on avatar
- Added a switch for Maxthon Now’s mini-version in Settings
- Optimization on login registration feature’s experience
- Improve browser usage stability
- Fixed QA’s data loss under special occasions
- Fix Google’s online document loading failure
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (13.06.2017):
Features added:
- Browser core upgraded to chromium55
- Browser self-protect feature enhanced
- Support multi-operation on Maxnote
- Support pop-up flash video in retro mode
Features optimized:
- Data importing from MX4 process optimized the first time login MX5
- Optimized tab switching efficiency
- UE when exiting and closing tabs
- Extension icon displaying
- EU for main menu function
Bug fixed:
- Gmail attachment file name displaying error
- Pop-up window position under high DPI
- Occasionally blink on status bar
- Search for Maxnote on sidebar
- Quick app icon displaying issue under windows10
- Crash when importing HTML file under XP system
- Invalid link beside settings-spell check
- Form saving failed through shortcut in Alibaba website
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (17.04.2017):
- Fixed Maxthon process occupying CPU problem
- Fixed mobile number registration issue under English operation system
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (31.03.2017):
- поддержка скинов (пока только внутренних, не внешних)
- скорость запуска увеличена
- страница Быстрого доступа обновлена - можно ставить фоном свое изображение, также стало удобнее добавлят новые сайты
- Maxnote теперь доступен в боковой панели (!) с закреплением
- можно скрыть все кнопки аддонов с панели инструментов
- улучшена работа снифера на Youtube
- больше опций для значков на боковой панели и панели инструментов
- инструменты строки состояния перенесены в меню Вид
- много других полезных изменений и исправлений
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (28.03.2017):
- ускорен запуск программы
- исправлены ошибки
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (21.03.2017):
Visual improvements:
- Skins
- Unified the whole UI
- Visual effect optimized in sidebar under high DPI
- Display & hide option for tools on status bar relocated to settings>view>status bar
Functions optimized:
- Separate “search box”
- Support third party download tool IDM
- Sign in process optimized from MX4 to MX5 the first time
- Support partially importing user data
- Support choosing folder to import to Maxnote
- Display & hide options optimized for icons in toolbar and sidebar
- Maxnote entrance added in sidebar
- Smart address bar can detect favorited sites
- Passkeeper_add general identity function
- Optimized Settings-Tools & Addons category
- Optimized Settings-Privacy & Content-Auto Sync
- Optimized right click tab bar-send to desktop
- Optimized resource sniffer download functions for YouTube
Bug fixed:
- Toolbar interactive issue
- Maxnote sidebar interactive and auto syncing issue
- Skin_issues caused by dark skin
- Win10 default browser issue
- Win10 opening HTML file issue
- Global mute_function error under multi pages
- Guest mode_Passkeeper general identity lock error
- Favorite bar_icon displaying issue
- Some English & Turkish language issues
- Maxnote_sequence in reverse when moved to another folder
- Google search results show cannot be fully displayed
- Reader mode unavailable for some site
- YouTube video display issue under full-screen retro mode
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (16.02.2017):
- Better support Win10 system when switching tabs.
- Fixed some translation errors.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (28.12.2016):
- Changed address bar certificate pop-up message
- Maxnote: sometimes cannot drag an entry to other places
- Fixed the opening sequence of new tabs by right click
- Fixed pictures’ quick saving problem in this site: https://alpha.wallhaven.cc/latest
- Mouse gesture: closing the wrong tab when using mouse gesture to “close tabs to the right”
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (15.11.2016):
Functions added:
- Support HTML5 data list tag
- Add “send to Maxnote”, “desktop”, “quick app” to right click menu
- Add traditional address bar
- Add DirectWrite font render switcher
Bug fixed:
- Fixed some entries in favorite bar cannot locate correctly
- Fixed update favorite icon function
- Fixed global mute invalid problem in XP system
- Fixed second monitor flying away problem
- Fix the compatibility issue when using intranet service
- Open last session when starting the browser from a link outside
- Open a long-named local file causes abnormity in toolbar menu
- Exit from reader mode after continuously read some chapters causes page location error
- Some mouse gestures are invalid in retro mode
- Crashed when printing from Gmail
- Right click function on tab invalid
- Switch language causes crash or freeze on browser
- Under windows 2003 system with double monitor, maximized monitor flies away
- IE pop up a window when saving a filled form
- UUMail has repeated translation
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (27.10.2016):
- On XP operating system, no global mute option in retro mode
- Fixed freeze when signs in with guest account after clean install
- Optimized animation UI during installation
- Optimized pop-up window UI on UUMail page
- Private messages do not display for some games
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (01.11.2016):
Bug fixed:
- Facebook pictures repeat opening and closing by themselves
- Some font is not supported on WindowsXP system
- Can`t play some Yahoo videos
- Resource sniffer_Resource Sniffer window can`t pop up on original page
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (10.10.2016):
- Fixed homepage tampering
- Fixed wrong identification as Trojan by some anti-virus software
- Optimize extender interface
- Optimize system performance
Bug fixed:
- Error when open files begin with "[#"
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (21.09.2015):
New Features:
- Support night mode
- Support external tool
- Support CPU inspection tool
- Optimized Adblock Plus efficiency
- Optimized font settings
- Optimized read mode
- Fixed homepage tampering
- Fixed some crashes
- Fixed html5 video and audio playing problem in extension
- Fixed some pages missing problem for maximum window of win7 OS
- Optimized resource sniffer efficiency
Bug fixed:
- Backward button appears grey and unavailable
- Proxy_cannot auto check “Use IE proxy settings” after deleting all customized epoxy
- Search_Alias is not available
- Default browser_there is no prompt to set Maxthon as default browser when it’s not
- Read mode_read mode button appears sometimes in video pages
- Read mode_no read mode button for some novel reading pages
- Select multi favorites and right click to open, only one is opened
- Page zoom_Favourites Manager page cannot be zoomed
- Skynote_cannot close Skynote with Ctrl+G
- Developer tool_unable to use developer tool in private and session window
- Import user data_only import one IE homepage when there are more than one
- Import user data_after importing user data from IE, history records of visiting local files appear
- Import user data_import favorites with folders inside, cannot show the layer
- There is no option for copy when right click the link on pictures
- Install_ launch two windows after clean installation
- Settings_jump to wrong destination when click the download setting of video popup
- Amazon video playing problem
- Netflix video playing problem
- Hulu video playing problem
- Twitter video playing problem
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (02.06.2016):
Bug fixed:
- When switch to a new webpage, Resource Sniffer’s previous history did not clear automatically.
- Compatibility problem on some websites.
- In Default Application Setting Page, Maxthon’s name display error.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (26.05.2016):
- Improved webpage right-click menu
- In full screen mode, using shortcut key of “lock Maxthon” would lock.
- Browser in full screen mode.
- When we used boss key in full screen mode, the notification of“click here to quit full screen(F11)”was still existing.
- Importing favorites from IE and Firefox failed.
- Ctrl+G could not open SkyNote.
- Some Websites could be opened.
- Accessed to some https address with special port number, browser could not get correct certificate information.
- Opened a website and switched it into Retro Mode, then this website was still in Ultra Mode when it open in new tab.
- In Windows 10 system, the option of “create shortcut in Quick Launch Bar (in “save as Quick App”in right-click tab menu) did not work well.
- After Snap, can’t paste the snapped images in webpage.
- After selected search suggestions, the related search way would be wrong.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (20.05.2016):
- Some extensions load failed
- Google mirror sites compatibility problem
- Download manager did not support some language
- Google compatibility problem
- In RSS, clicked “Update all” error
- Google voice search problem
- In FTP login window, right click menu of input box did not support some language
- Boss key can not work wel
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (14.04.2016):
- Add font setting support
- Add search bar support
- Add third-party download support
- Add solid skin
- Add save as .mht support
- Add global mute support
- Upgrade flash plug-in
- Optimize start-up time
Bug fixed:
- Cannot obtain location information.
- Some known crashes.
- Cancel operation and draw, and then use snap region tool, the screenshot will move with cursor.
- In Resource sniffer, order by the size of files, then something disappear in default resource sniffer window.
- In Proxy, display of proxy icon in the right of address bar is different with the setting in proxy setting page.
- Cannot organize white and black list in custom proxy of HTTP and others.
- After cancel mute mode, go to “setting” - “tool’ - the mute status still highlight.
- In SkyNote, keep opening font window, meanwhile, browser will crash or black screen.
- In FTP login page, right click menu of input box display error.
- The time of judging is unsuitable.
- SkyNote cannot remember color change.
- Some websites cannot display HTTPS certificate.
- In Language, Cannot change to Portuguese.
- In some language, cannot display printing page’s preview.
- Sometimes, favorite status is error.
- Enter Reader mode, sliding cursor will cause automatic pages turning.
- No title in Reader mode.
- Repeated fill form recording in FTP.
- After tab mute, change skin, and then the mute icon will disappear.
- New a tab in full screen model, only double operation can exit full screen mode.
- In win7/win10 system, there is a extra sidebar in video full screen.
- Possibly saving encrypted password lead to cannot log in website.
- Change the shortcut key of “Find in page”, Ctrl+F cannot work in compatible mode.
- Not support copy pictures to desktop or folders.
- Open a tweet in Twitter and then close it, its title will display error.
- At the first time of log in Maxthon account in browser and then close it, browser will crash.
- In Extensions, downloading extensions cannot be canceled.
- Mouse gesture cannot setup boss key.
- After icloud enabled magic fill, the sign in button is grey and cannot work.
- Switch to solid skin, some icons error.
- In the search box, preview search result will hide the input box.
- When download files online, all symbols of “%” in download address and filenames cannot be translated.
- After accessed a melicious URLs, all of safe address will display warning.
- When “Mute” status was cancelled in status bar, menu – tool –mute status is still existing.
- After Ctrl+Left Click to save picture, move cursor, the picture will move with cursor.
- New window, the multiple search page will be reloaded as well as page display error.
- Files cannot set Maxthon browser as their default open program.
- In Full screen, switch tabs error.
- Incomplete display of resource sniffer
- Not support mx://gpu/
- Hide sidebar and open two windows at the same time, then show sidebar again. There will be an extra invalid button in sidebar of present window.
- In the present active webpage, enter an URL in address bar to open a website. Then back to previous webpage, tab name display error.
- When browser is not in full screen mode, new multiple windows will be created at the same place.
- Browser extension should support English display.
- Under high DPI, when window was set at minimal size, display error.
- Only change the view of one page and then all of opening pages will be displayed in the view as same as the changed page.
- Already enabled the ADBlock, but the ABP icon is still displayed in Disabled status.
- No longer display pop-up video notification.
- Right click address bar and select "Paste and go" is invalid.
- Added .win domain name support.
- Some websites notice that not support this browser.
- Click any link from a saved page,the five-point star will show yellow.
- The multisearch panel doesn`t disappear in some cases.
- Delete userdata will cause the process "Mxcrashreport" won`t close.
- Shut down magic fill and refresh the page, the magic fill will disappear.
- The sock5 proxy doesn`t support account verification.
- Mouse gesture fail.
- Some drop-downs and sliders disappear.
- Cannot add favorites.
- When tab is in compatible mode, cannot delete information in some extensions of sidebar.
- In old version with custom skin, overwrite installation will error.
- Cookies are deleted uncompleted.
- Direct website function cannot use on present block page.
- Login window display and location are error.
- Cnbeta.com cannot recognize reader mode.
- Auto-refresh cannot remember the refresh time set by manual way.
- After highlight custom UA, version number will error.
- After close tab, change the setup to recent pages, tab cannot be activated.
- and - symbol cannot be used to resize pictures.
- Cannot type f in compatible mode.
- Dragging hyperlink, which in SkyNote, into browser will open two tabs.
- Background’s tab pages cannot be added in favorite.
- Drop-downs of address bar do not disappear in some conditions.
- Cookie of small window could chaos.
- In compatible mode, mouse middle click open link error.
- In compatible mode, not support translating selected words in webpage.
- Keywords of search link cannot be transcoded.
- In history, deleting records in order of time will error.
- Sometimes, an extra # symbol appears in setting page.
- Selecting address text and dragging it will lead to event error.
- After magic fill in Gmail, the password will display in encrypted format.
- After statistic, SkyNote windows UI error.
- Part RSS cannot be analyzed.
- In address bar, the default search engine display error.
- In compatible mode, sometimes dragging link will crash.
- In compatible mode, block download does not be closed.v
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (25.02.2016):
- Improved browser launch speed significantly
- Update core version to Chrome39
- Optimized the safety of internal page
- Optimized the issue of lagging
- Optimized switching to retro mode
- Improved preview and print function of printer
- Improved the zoom effect of touch screen
- Update spell check dictionary automatically
- Support tabs mute
- Enhanced reader mode
- Enhanced the support of developer tools
- Remember the page zoom individually
- Optimized smooth scrolling
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (29.10.2015):
- Developer tools supported in Retro mode in Win10
- HTTPS pages can not prompt Warning window in Retro mode
- Address bar completion does not match with Dropdown menu
- Fixed malcious webpage leak
- Fixed some bugs caused by NULL pointer
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (10.09.2015):
- Optimized "Set Maxthon as default browser" in Win10
- Supported Pin to win10 start menu( can be done only once)
- Fixed 12306 certifaction issue.
- Fixed a presearch bug
- Fixed and issue with jd( a chinese website) search from Multisearch
- Updated Flash DLL
- Fixed one RSS leak
- Fixed conflict issue between Preseach and Page alias
- Internal update:
- Always Display System tray icon is checked by default.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (11.08.2015):
- Удалены страницы 466.com из главной страницы параметров
- Добавлен плагин для русской версии покупок (Shopping)
- Оптимизирован пользовательский интерфейс под win10
- Недействительный сертификат в Taobao под XP OS
- Не удается использовать псевдоним для предпоиска поисковой системы, когдапредпоиск в новой вкладке
- Конфликт между предпоиском псевдонимов и мульти поиском псевдонимов
- Не удается заполнить форму в автозаполнении в определенных условиях
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (09.07.2015):
- Anti-hajack added to Baidu inAddress bar/Favorite/Quick Access
- Unable to display safe link icon in preserach page
- Conflicts between presearch and alias seraching
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (26.06.2015):
- Only do search when typing in addressbar
- Unable to presearch chinese content in certain circumstances
- Not displaying safe link icon in presearch
- Presearch previous content in multiple search after editing (backsape, enter) it in address bar
- Improved data backup
- Optimized magic fill precision in Routers and other intranets
- Fix a leak issue of magic fill in sinaapp.com
- Upgrade magic fill to fit in more websites
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (04.06.2015):
- The pre-open function in address bar was disabled by default
- Crash when printing RSS leak
- The following languages have been updated:
ar-bh, ar-ye, bn-in, ca-es, he-il, hi-in, id-id, ml-in, mn-mn sr-cs, th-th
ar-sa bg-bg da-dk de-de es-es es-mx es-pe eu-es fa-ir fi-fi fr-fr hu-hu id-id it-it ka-ge ko-kr lt-lt nb-no nl-nl pt-pt ro-ro ru-ru sk-sk sl-si sv-se tr-tr uk-ua vi-vn zh-hk zh-tw
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (21.05.2015):
- Conflicts between opening a new tab and searching alias in preview settings
- Opening a new tab will cause the content disappearing typed in address bar
- The search result will not reload after pre-open
- Prelaod setting status error
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (28.04.2015):
New features:
- Address bar pre-opening when typing in
- Baidu search supports HTTPS
- ActiveX automatically switch to Retro mode.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (21.04.2015):
[Main Frame]
- Optimezed malicious websites shielding
- Optimized Update Notification
- Fixed Multi-search setting compatibility problem
- Fixed one RSS leak
[Webkit Core]
- Fixed one flash filtering problem
- Fixed canvas can`t display SVG
- Fixed Popup block does not display blocked urls correctly
- Fixed Error after taking repeatedly screenshots
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (21.04.2015):
[Main Frame]
- Optimezed malicious websites shielding
- Optimized Update Notification
- Fixed Multi-search setting compatibility problem
- Fixed one RSS leak
[Webkit Core]
- Fixed one flash filtering problem
- Fixed canvas can`t display SVG
- Fixed Popup block does not display blocked urls correctly
- Fixed Error after taking repeatedly screenshots
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (02.04.2015):
- Popup block does not display blocked urls
- Memory leak after after taking several sreenshot
- In some case canvas parts do not display SVG
New features:
- View ads filtering rankings
- Improved cloud push contacts aquiring
- li>Homepage setting security
- Error occured when you click cancel in font customize
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (12.03.2015):
[Main Frame]
- Optimized HTTPS Certificate
[Webkit Core]
- Support of Quit full screen for HTML5
[Main Frame]
- Input Local address changes to search item
- History Manager Titles may display errors
- Some Web Notification display problem
- Adblock causes page refresh
[Webkit Core]
- Extensions installation leak
- Fixed RSS XSS leak
- Playback problem when you exit full screen mode in Vimeo video
- Trusted code path execution
- Error in detection of Superfish
- Repaired crash occured when you input special characters in the address bar
- Unable to filter .MP4 format in the Adblock
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (10.02.2015):
[Main Frame]
- Indivudually display Custom filtering rules for pages
- Supported Security Alliance list certificate
- Optimization of Menu Style for Disabled Ad-Hunter
- Optimized ad-filters sharing +Adblock Plus icon with ads filtering count
- Optimization of Adblock Plus Notication Style
- Support of Acceptable Ads, Allow Non-invasive Advertising
[Webkit Core]
- Support of Top level domain
- Optimized Pop-up blocking
[Main Frame]
- Quick Access data reset issue
- Filter rules being downloaded when ad-hunter is not enabled
- "Subscription Rules Title" display issue.
- Possible to add non domain name to filtering white list
- When not maximized, the filter tip is not in the right position
- Tool bar icons appear transparent
- In some languages some Account panel parts are not completely displayed
- Setting center security problem
- One security issue in Extensions center
[Webkit Core]
- Fixed one Flash filtering mistake
- Youtube video loading speed is slow
- Some websites 3D display effect problem
- Unble to log into Session window under some specific conditions
- When maximizing or minimizing a page on touck screen devices, the status bar value doesn`t change
- On Touch screen devices touch scroll is not effextive on PDF Preview page and Multi-Frame pages
- Under High DPI, Certicates and Certificates error dialogs Height and Size
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (30.12.2014):
New Features:
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (11.12.2014):
- Problem with filling in forms under Retro mode
- problem with updating program
- Quick Access update problem
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (27.11.2014):
- Optimized Magic Fill
- Optimized Bookmarks import
- Chinese input problem under some circumstances
- Support importing data from the New version of Chrome
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (14.11.2014):
- Address bar crash
- Some HTML5 Videos playback problems
- Support of HTML5 file download
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (07.11.2014):
New features:
- Sometimes switching Languages Spell check is not effective.
- Spell check does not work for some languages
- Fixed two XSS leaks
- Optimized form submit error notification
- Optimized the support of download file names with special characters
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (23.10.2014):
New features:
- Screenshot feature guidence
Hints to some features in Settings page
- Importing bookmarks from file/Folder supports create New Folder/ Clear Bookmarks
- Optimized Quick access resources
- Cloud push- to share with friends can not identify phone number 170
- Unable to delete more than 20 set Homepages
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (25.09.2014):
New features:
- Maxthon features guidence
- Tool bar Little Red Dot notification
- Optimized Quick access resources
- Unable to log into iCloud
- With a high DPI, the browser zoom would present some Webpage display anomalies when the zoom is set to 100%
- After switching user account, the account panel would still display the previous account information.
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (11.09.2014):
New features:
- Added "Hide Quick Access page" option
- Adjusted Quick access search widget News gathering mechanism.
Fixed Bugs:
[Main Frame]
- Cloud push window displays a half when receiving cloud pushed message from phone to PC
- Using the keyboard to switch search engine in search box is not effective
- Fixed some Quick Access Data Loss Problems
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (22.08.2014):
- Optimized Sidebar Search efficiency
- Optimized Quick Access performance
Fixed bugs:
- Crashing problems that occured when restoring trash items
- Quick access might reset User`s data
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (28.08.2014):
[Main Frame]
Fixed Bugs:
[Webkit Core]
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (12.06.2014):
[Main Frame]
- Certain Toolbar icons display anomaly in some situation
[Webkit Core]
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (05.06.2014):
[Main Frame]
- Improved Maxthon Multi Search
[Webkit Core]
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (22.05.2014):
- Improved downloading prompt
- Advanced page smooth scrolling feature
Fixed bugs:
[Webkit Core]
- YouTube HTML5 Videos fail to play correctly
- In certain situation, Flash block page elements
- No response after switching tabs by F2 and F3 for several times
- Under certain circumstances, Global blocking rules always works
- Unable to download files in certain pages
- Anomalous file name downloaded from certain pages
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (22.05.2014):
New Features:
- Display effects of sidebar extension under high DPI
- Better DNS pre-reading and hyperlinks pre-link
- Advanced Ad-Hunter performance
- Enhanced Pop-Up Block feature
- Improved core waste recycling
Fixed bugs:
[Webkit Core]
- Anomaly caused by the Localstorage memory space problem
- Filesystem may result in some problems
- Bugs occur when Super Drag&Drop specific texts
- Certain Anomalies caused by Context3D
- CPU usage soars while scrolling certain pages
- Browser internal error and the inability to copy content in certain pages
- No smooth scrolling effect on Win8 touch screen
- Pop up video and then close its tab may lead to the video window exit
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (24.05.2014):
Fixed bugs:
[Main Frame]
- The pop-ups interception problem in some cases
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (24.04.2014):
Fixed bugs:
[Main Frame]
- Closing certain E-bank page may lead to anomaly of other pages
- Tabs display anomaly occurs when customizing system DPI
- Installation program fails to unfold advanced options
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (17.04.2014):
Fixed bugs:
[Main Frame]
- Video Pop-up interface anomaly in Retro Mode (Download icon appears in the pop-up interface in Retro, which should not)
[Webkit Core]
- Fail to display the website -- http://jiayuan.xunlei.com
- Fail to create new tasks while Thunder Download is offline
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (10.04.2014):
Fixed bugs:
[Main Frame]
- Fail to display site icons in the address bar in certain cases
- Display anomaly of Tab bar appears under certain circumstances
- The ability to check data and information such as Favorites even after locking Maxthon
- The ‘Edit blocking rules’ dialog box displays incorrectly sometimes
[Webkit Core]
- Anomaly occurs when using Drag&Drop to some specific texts
- The layout of right click menu is anomalous
- Download could lead to the failure of core process to exit
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (01.04.2014):
Fixed bugs:
[Main Frame]
- UI display anomaly in certain caese
- Fail to choose key words in the search box drop-down list with keyboard down arrow
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (25.03.2014):
- Optimized interface display in high DPI
[Webkit Core]
- Audio tab is invalid in certain situations.
- Fail to open E-bank in Retro Mode in certain cases
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (22.03.2014):
[Main Frame]
- In certain case, anomaly occurs when activating tabs
- Fail to create page in split mode in some situations
[Webkit Core]
- Unable to display URLs in address bar in certain circumstance
- Typesetting Errors in some webpages
- AppLoader is slow to log off
- Anomaly when uploading files to NetEase Group Email
- In certain page, it fails to login
- Failed Login Attempt to a certain webpage
- Enhanced core stability
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (27.02.2014):
- There is no sound in some pages under certain circumstances
- Certain video clips are out of sync with their audio
- Some problems with logging in Maxthon account
- The issue that default page zoom syncs among different devices
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (18.02.2014):
New feature:
- Download Manager icon is available in Quick Tools section
- New interface of ‘Check for update’ window
- Brand new installation program interface
- Improved core performance
- Advanced high DPI display
- Underline effect on hyperlinked text
- No auto prompt ‘set Maxthon as default browser’ in Win8/8.1
- Download manager icon is added to Quick Tools section
- Advanced quick words display in address bar
[Main Frame]
- Deleting one item in the address bar drop-down list, the number of the remaining items display incorrectly
- A bug that two same paths appear when selecting the folder to store the downloaded files in download manager
- Unable to show avatar when there are special characters in system account name
[Webkit Core]
- Subscribe and update RSS
- The bug that it is unable to show alert popup in webpage after minimizing the browser in XP system right click menu
- Reader Mode in certain pages display incorrectly
- Unable to open the webpage embedded with PDF file
- The bug that it is unable to send yahoo mails
- Partial composing Error in certain webpages
- The last visited content in Maxthon Now- Maxthon Start Page may be different from the one in “about:last”
- page alert popup cannot be shown after minimizing the browser
- Blue line occurs in some HTML 5 player controls
- Visiting PDF files in ultra mode, no downloading prompt pops up
- A bug that the page scrolls when using shortcuts ‘Ctrl+C’ to copy
- Cursor pattern does not change when using mouse gesture to switch tabs
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (14.02.2014):
New feature:
- Brand new installation program interface
- Improved core performance
- Advanced high DPI display
- Underline effect on hyperlinked text
[Main Frame]
- Deleting one item in the address bar drop-down list, the number of the remaining items display incorrectly
[Webkit Core]
- Subscribe and update RSS
- The bug that it is unable to show alert popup in webpage after minimizing the browser
- in XP system right click menu
- Reader Mode in certain pages display incorrectly
- Unable to open the webpage embedded with PDF file
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (21.01.2014):
New feature:
- New interface of ‘Check for update’ window
- No auto prompt ‘set Maxthon as default browser’ in Win8/8.1
- Download manager icon is added to Quick Tools section
- Advanced quick words display in address bar
[Main Frame]
- A bug that two same paths appear when selecting the folder to store the downloaded files in download manager
- Unable to show avatar when there are special characters in system account name
[Webkit Core]
- The bug that it is unable to send yahoo mails
- Partial composing Error in certain webpages
- The last visited content in Maxthon Now- Maxthon Start Page may be different from the one in “about:last”
- page alert popup cannot be shown after minimizing the browser
- Blue line occurs in some HTML 5 player controls
- Visiting PDF files in ultra mode, no downloading prompt pops up
- A bug that the page scrolls when using shortcuts ‘Ctrl+C’ to copy
- Cursor pattern does not change when using mouse gesture to switch tabs
- Unable to use bluetooth headset in WebRTC
- Enhanced core stability
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (09.01.2014):
[Webkit Core]
- A notification “unable to connect to the website”occurs in some cases
- Incompatibility issue in certain webpages
- The edit box of certain E-mails display incorrectly
- Tab bar title displays abnormal under some circumstances
- Unable to invoke RSS Reader in certain circumstance
- There are two download prompts after clicking certain download links
- Display anomaly in certain pages after setting the font
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (26.12.2013):
[Main Frame]
- Maxthon tray icon still remains after closing the browser
[Webkit Core]
- Unable to remember the pop-up window position when automatically playing the next video
- Some Russian spell checker anomalies
- Failure to download attachments in certain websites
- Some speed dials in quick access page are unable to display the page title
- It may be unable to switch tabs in Developer Tools
- Inability to scroll on some specific NetEase webpages
- Some particular pages fail to pop up the certificate prompt
- The wrong prompt in Taobao Website which will stop supporting IE6 in the near future
[Extension platform]
- Permission issue when inserting scripts
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta (19.12.2013):
[Main Frame]
- Improved the sidebar window position
- Messy codes occur in address bar under some circumstances
- Anomalous display of tab bar titles in some cases
- There is no right-click menu on the blank area of Favorites
- The drop-down list of address bar may display improperly in some situations
[Webkit Core]
- Ads are not filtered in quick access page before generating thumbnails
- Unable to pop up the ‘editing blocking rules’ window when copying the filtering rules
- The bug that it fails to show the input box in ABS E-bank
- Could not upload folders in 4sync page
[Extension platform]
- Fixed the limit of authority issue when inserting scripts
Изменения в программе Maxthon Cloud Browser Final (05.12.2013):
[Main Frame]
- Improved the URL bar display
- The maximized window appears in wrong location under certain circumstances
- The new tab is not activated timely after closing all tabs
- Under some circumstances a non - quick access page displayed as a quick access page
- Unable to delete the favorite whilst there is only one item in Favorites
- History issue when clicking the “Back” Button in cloud tab
- Conducting Full screen,the pinned extension window still shows at the top
- Using shortcut keys to activate Favorites menu, then clicking on the blank area, the favorites menu still exists
- Page anomaly caused by Maxthon Multi Search
[Webkit Core]
- Invalid default page zoom after restarting the browser
- Unable to activate Skynote in some cases
- Irregularity in html5 videos when conducting full screen
- Unable to display input boxes of user name and passwords in ASB E-bank
- Advertisements in Quick Access thumbnails
- The title bar fails to display in video popup
- Unable to read the Cache to recover visited pages when there is no connection to the internet
- It may not be able to use bluetooth headset in WebRTC
- Typesetting irregularity in certain pages
- Unable to use Mouse gestures to turn pages in Quick Access Pages
- Anomaly in certain pages when the LocalStorage is over limits
- Unable to go to the corresponding options page after clicking the video popup window setting
[IE Core]
- The verification code area shows blank after refreshing it in specific pages