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Перейти к описанию программы Total Commander

История изменений программы Total Commander

Изменения в программе Total Commander 11.50 (02.01.2025):


  • Списки файлов: возможность отображения секунд в поле даты/времени
  • Списки файлов: сокращение даты/времени с помощью «...», если значение слишком длинное для доступного пространства
  • Вкладки папок: всегда прокручивать текущую вкладку в поле при изменении размера главного окна
  • Всегда загружать значки из файлов .ico напрямую, а не из связанной программы
  • Список дисков (cm_OpenDrives): показывать метки/описания томов за буквами дисков
  • Корзина (cm_OpenRecycled): показывать исходное расположение удаленных файлов в представлении комментариев
  • Представление миниатюр: показывать миниатюры целевых ссылок (файлов .lnk) вместо самих файлов ссылок, например ссылки на фотографии
  • Меню: использовать значок, определенный в em_command, но только из файлов wcmicons.dll или .ico или из основной программы, для скорости (сканеры вирусов)
  • Настроить панель кнопок/отдельную кнопку или настроить внутреннюю команду: новая кнопка "->.ico" для извлечения одного значка из .exe/.dll/.icl
  • Все: поддержка сетевых дисков при получении размеров папок с опцией "Автоматически, только с `Everything`"
  • Сменить каталог с помощью команды "cd": добавить : для перехода к родительскому каталогу и поместить курсор на каталог или архив
  • OPENBARMENU теперь работает и при отсутствии основной панели кнопок
  • Диалоговое окно подключения FTP (Ctrl+F): плагины файловой системы теперь также можно вводить в форме PluginnamePath или любых каталогов (с буквой диска или путем UNC).
  • Новые псевдопеременные среды %$CLIPBOARD%, %$CLIPNAME% и %$CLIPNAME_NE% для доступа к содержимому буфера обмена, например, в командах кнопок

Операции с файлами:

  • Внутреннее сжатие 7zip через 7zip dll (включено)
  • Подстановочные знаки для переименования файлов при копировании файлов с помощью F5: Варианты размещения текста перед именем или добавления текста после имени
  • Окно Packer (Alt+Enter для файла в архиве): Показывает, какой плагин открыл архив в поле «Packer»
  • Откройте приложение «Фотографии» с новой командой для включения кнопок «Предыдущий»/«Далее»
  • Файлы — Связать с: Новая кнопка «Удалить» устанавливает связь на «(нет)»
  • Синхронизация каталогов: Временные метки теперь можно копировать также в плагины файловой системы и FTP-серверы
  • Удаление файлов путем перетаскивания на кнопку «F8 Delete»: Подтверждение теперь можно отключить отдельно от подтверждения копирования

Проверка контрольных сумм:

  • Новый флажок «Только ошибки» для отображения только строк с ошибками и сводки
  • При проверке контрольной суммы из имени файла или буфера обмена пользователь может выбрать другой метод контрольной суммы, если их несколько с одинаковым размером контрольной суммы
  • Ctrl+A теперь выбирает весь список, когда фокус находится в списке
  • Проверка контрольных сумм из буфера обмена: также поддерживает SHA224 и SSH384


  • Поиск *.ext test1test2 найдет файлы в текущем каталоге и подкаталоге test1test2, хотя test1 не ищется
  • Поиск *.ext test1test2 найдет файлы в текущем каталоге и подкаталогах, содержащих каталоги test1test2 в любом месте пути
  • Автономный поиск, запущенный через /S=F: дополнительный параметр S* сообщает поиску, что нужно получить порядок сортировки из текущего запущенного Total Commander
  • Вкладка «Плагины»: записи теперь можно сортировать вручную с помощью курсора Ctrl вверх/вниз или с помощью кнопок сортировки

Список открытых вкладок (Ctrl+Shift+A):

  • Возможность показывать сначала последние посещенные вкладки, горячая клавиша Ctrl+L
  • Shift+Enter на недавно закрытой вкладке теперь восстанавливает вкладку, но не фокусирует ее
  • Конфигурация - Параметры - Вкладки папок: новые параметры «Ctrl+Tab открывает как список» и «Сначала последний посещенный»
  • Конфигурация - Параметры - Вкладки папок: новая возможность перейти к последней открытой вкладке с помощью Ctrl+Tab.


    Ctrl+колесо мыши и Ctrl+`+`/`-` теперь также масштабируют во всех текстовых режимах (управление через [Lister] ZoomFont=1/0)
      Спросить пользователя, хочет ли он вручную установить шрифт ASCII/DOS, который не содержит кодировку
        Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по URL, начинающемуся с http://, https://, www. или буквенно-цифровому тексту с хотя бы одной точкой перед концом, чтобы выбрать его и показать пункт контекстного меню «Открыть в браузере по умолчанию»

      Внутренние команды:

      • OPENBAR, OPENBAR1, OPENBAR2, OPENBARMENU: новый параметр * открывает панель по умолчанию, определенную для главной панели/вертикальной панели
      • Все команды, начинающиеся с cm_SelectAll или cm_ClearAll, теперь поддерживают числовой параметр n: если не 0, выбрать каждый n-й файл с текущей позиции, например. cm_SelectAllFolders 2 -> каждая вторая папка от позиции курсора
      • Добавьте 4 к параметру следующих команд, чтобы не сохранять изменения в wincmd.ini: cm_SwitchLongNames, cm_SwitchHidSys, cm_SwitchHid, cm_SwitchSys, cm_Switch83Names, cm_SwitchDirSort, cm_SwitchOverlayIcons, cm_SwitchIgnoreList, cm_SwitchX64Redirection, cm_SwitchFileTipWindows, cm_SwitchColorsByFileType, cm_ToggleAutoViewModeSwitch, cm_Vis*

      Параметры панели кнопок/меню «Пуск»:

      • Параметры %S, %R, %P%S и %T%R в двойных кавычках теперь поддерживают текст префикса/суффикса для каждого файла

      Инструмент множественного переименования:

      • Поле [T4], за которым следуют любые поля даты/времени, например [YMD], теперь получает дату EXIF ​​также из файлов изображений HEIC и дату записи из видео MP4
      • Заполнитель [T4] теперь также работает при создании каталогов (F7) или текстовых файлов (Shift+F4)
      • Загрузка имен из файла теперь поддерживает переносы строк Unix

      Новые параметры wincmd.ini:

      • [Конфигурация] OldStyleHistory=1 возвращает историю старого стиля в виде раскрывающегося меню без часто используемых каталогов
      • [Конфигурация] CopyStayOnFile=1 удерживает курсор на текущем активном файле после копирования файла с помощью Shift+F5
      • [Конфигурация] BriefViewWidthLimitMin=0 устанавливает минимальную ширину столбца для краткого просмотра

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 11.03 (21.02.2024):

      Новые функции и исправления:

      • Копирование файлов: опция «Сохранить относительные пути» теперь также доступна в результатах поиска, копирует с полным путем.
      • Lister: нажмите F4, чтобы открыть просматриваемый в данный момент файл в пользовательском редакторе.
      • Новая переменная среды %COMMANDER_INI_PATH%: каталог файла настроек wincmd.ini.
      • cm_CompareDirs, cm_CompareDirsWithSubdirs: новый параметр 1, позволяющий выбирать только файлы, которых нет на другой стороне.
      • Список открытых вкладок: переключайтесь между заголовком вкладки и каталогом вкладок с помощью Ctrl+Shift+A.
      • Псевдопеременная среды %$DATE% теперь поддерживает смещение, например. %$DATE+1Y% (используйте %|$DATE+1Y| в поле параметров)
      • Установите другое расположение для фильтров DirectShow: wincmd.ini [Lister] Filter32dir=/Filter64dir.
      • Windows 10 и более поздние версии: откройте приложение Windows Photo с параметром текущего каталога, чтобы оно могло переключаться между всеми изображениями в той же папке, что и открытое изображение, настраиваемое с помощью поля PhotoAppFilter.
      • Исправлены ошибки.
      • Предупреждение: «облачный» плагин сможет поддерживать Google Диск только тогда, когда вы создадите свой собственный идентификатор клиента.

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 11.02 (09.11.2023):

      Новые функции и исправления:

      • Синхронизация каталогов: сравнение теперь можно приостановить (кнопка паузы).
      • Обновлены библиотеки DLL libdeflate/libdeflate64: в редких случаях Windows Explorer 7/10/11 не мог извлечь архивы, созданные этой DLL, даже если архив на 100% корректен и может быть без проблем распакован с помощью Win7zip/pkzip/WinRAR/7Zip.
      • Если вы не можете или не хотите обновляться сейчас, вы можете загрузить новые библиотеки DLL отдельно.
      • Файлы — тестовые архивы находят затронутые ZIP-файлы, если они не отключены (wincmd.ini [Packer] ZipTestWarnExplorer=0).
      • Улучшено кэширование миниатюр в режиме просмотра миниатюр.
      • Для функции cm_SyncChangeDir доступно несколько опций (SyncChangeDirMode в wincmd.ini).
      • Исправление ошибок.

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 11.01 (01.09.2023):

      Новые функции и исправления:

      • Обновлены библиотеки unrar до версии 6.23.0. RARLAB опубликовала заявление о том, что библиотеки unrar не подвержены критической уязвимости в RAR.
      • Shift+F4 редактировать новый файл(ы): теперь можно передавать несколько имен также в двойных кавычках, разделенных пробелами, например. "файл1.txt" "файл2.txt" "файл3.txt"
      • cm_Edit: параметр /N теперь поддерживает альтернативный синтаксис /N=<"file1.txt" "file2.txt" "file3.txt"> для более простой передачи нескольких имен функции.
      • Сравнить по содержимому: установите количество строк, которые должны совпадать после разницы (CompareFindLines).
      • Исправление ошибок.

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 11.00 (02.08.2023):


      • Показать доступный для поиска список всех открытых вкладок, нажав Ctrl + Shift + A (как в браузере Chrome) или щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши крайний правый край заголовков вкладок.
      • Список игнорирования теперь поддерживает записи для подключаемых модулей файловой системы и FTP-серверов (отдельный синтаксис)
      • Поиск со словом «Все». Поддержка поиска в проиндексированных подпапках.
      • Показать полный путь со всеми родительскими папками во вложенных виртуальных папках, например при доступе к телефону
      • Показать свободное и общее пространство устройств Android в базовой папке
      • Следуйте файлам ссылок (*.lnk), указывающим на каталоги относительно текущего местоположения, например %WinDir%explorer.exe ....content
      • Сообщать другим экземплярам Total Commander на том же ПК, когда пользователь меняет меню «Пуск» или панели кнопок.
      • Вместо переименования в командной строке: остановите нажатие Ctrl + Влево/вправо на дополнительных небуквенно-цифровых символах.
      • Автономный Lister, поиск, сравнение и синхронизация каталогов могут быть запущены в развернутом и свернутом виде
      • Новая переменная псевдосреды %$DATE% вставляет текущую дату и время в 24-часовом формате, поддерживает такой шаблон, как %$DATE:YMD%
      • Инструмент многократного переименования: новый заполнитель [I] или [I1] для игнорирования точек в именах папок: полное имя в [N], [E] пусто.

      Файловые операции:

      • Высокая скорость упаковки и распаковки файлов ZIP и GZ с модифицированной библиотекой libdeflate
      • Меняйте степень сжатия для ZIP, GZ и TGZ прямо в диалоге пакета
      • Копия F5: новый режим перезаписи «Переименовать старые целевые файлы, пропустить новые»
      • Копирование F5, передача по ftp/плагину: Показать скорость передачи всей операции копирования на втором индикаторе выполнения, если доступно.
      • Плагины файловой системы и FTP: показать новую опцию «Завершить копирование текущего файла» при прерывании копирования.
      • Распаковать ZIP-файлы со сжатием ZSTD (от Facebook)
      • Распакуйте файлы .zst (ZSTD) и .br (BROTLI)
      • 7z.exe или 7zg.exe теперь также можно использовать в качестве внешнего zip-упаковщика.

      История каталога:

      • Список истории каталогов в новом стиле, который больше не основан на меню Windows.
      • Быстрый поиск и поддержка быстрых фильтров
      • Быстрый поиск по всему пути, начиная строку поиска со звездочки
      • Поддержка контекстного меню правой кнопкой мыши со многими параметрами, такими как открытие каталога на другой панели или новая вкладка.
      • Контекстное меню, возможность скопировать путь в буфер обмена
      • Контекстное меню, возможность удалить записи из истории
      • Контекстное меню, возможность показать все элементы, когда включено прореживание истории
      • Отслеживайте наиболее часто используемые каталоги и показывайте их в истории каталогов в дополнение к записям истории.
      • Синхронизируйте список часто используемых каталогов между несколькими экземплярами Total Commander на одном ПК.
      • Новая страница "История" в главном диалоге настроек


      • Шестнадцатеричный режим: выделение как текстового, так и шестнадцатеричного представления содержимого файла
      • Скопируйте выделение в буфер обмена в виде шестнадцатеричных символов с помощью Ctrl+Shift+C или через контекстное меню.

      Внутренние команды:

      • cm_Copy, cm_RenMov, cm_CreateShortcut, cm_PackFiles, cm_UnpackFiles и cm_Edit поддерживают параметры для установки параметров диалогового окна.
      • Команды новой вкладки: cm_RenameTab, cm_SetTabOption*, cm_SetAllTabsOption*, cm_OpenNewTabOther, cm_OpenNewTabBgOther
      • Новые команды быстрого поиска: cm_QuickSearch, cm_QuickFilter, cm_QuickFilter 1 (восстановить последний быстрый фильтр)
      • Новые команды привода: cm_DriveContextMenu, cm_OpenDriveByIndex.
      • Новые команды командной строки: cm_ShowCmdLineHistory, cm_AddFileNameToCmdline, cm_AddPathAndFileNameToCmdline.
      • Новая внутренняя команда OPENBARMENU открывает переданный файл .bar в виде выпадающего меню.
      • Горячие клавиши, определенные через Конфигурация - Параметры - Разное, теперь поддерживают команды с параметрами.
      • Используйте внутренние команды во внутренних ассоциациях, например. ***CM_LIST %1

      Параметры командной строки в панели кнопок/меню пуск:

      • Новый параметр %y (нижний регистр) сохраняет другие параметры и пропускает только параметры файла списка, если список пуст
      • Новый параметр %a (нижний регистр) включает все выбранные файлы с обеих панелей в параметры списка, такие как %L
      • Новый параметр %|envvar| вставляет переменную среды envvar, например. %|windir| или %|$DESKTOP|

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 10.52 (26.10.2022):

      • Параметры командной строки: опция /O теперь поддерживает параметр, например. /O0, чтобы никогда не открывать новый экземпляр в любом случае
      • Новая горячая клавиша F9 в «Сравнить по содержимому» для переключения видимости двухстрочного поля сравнения внизу.
      • Внутренние ассоциации: Новая команда **pathfilename.bar открывает данный файл панели кнопок как меню.
      • Команда кнопки LOADLIST0 загружает список файлов без каких-либо сообщений об ошибках, когда файлы не могут быть найдены
      • Параметры командной строки теперь поддерживают значение LOADLIST:pathlistfile.txt вместо имени каталога для загрузки файла списка в файловую панель.
      • Быстрый поиск с диалоговым окном поиска и Ctrl+S. Быстрый фильтр: новая горячая клавиша Ctrl+Z для очистки текста поиска.
      • Следующие внутренние команды теперь поддерживают параметры: cm_Exit, cm_UnloadPlugins, cm_*ActivateTab*, cm_50percent
      • Новый метод открытия виртуальных папок с помощью кнопки или командной строки с помощью команды cd shell:Имя папки (например, cd shell:Fonts)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 10.51 (01.09.2022):

      • Панель кнопок, стартовое меню: новый параметр %Q отключает автоматические кавычки вокруг определенных комбинаций параметров, таких как %P%N.
      • Проверка контрольных сумм: поддержка расширения .bk3 для Blake3 и проверки контрольной суммы Blake3 произвольной длины.
      • Папка OneDrive: отображать зеленый значок наложения с галочкой для файлов, которые помечены как всегда доступные в автономном режиме.
      • Lister, сравнение по содержимому: поддержка боковой прокрутки путем наклона колесика мыши влево/вправо (поддерживается только некоторыми мышами)
      • Инструмент многократного переименования: новый заполнитель [X] вставляет текст из буфера обмена.
      • Синхронизировать каталоги: показать желтый индикатор выполнения на панели задач, когда все будет готово, и сравнение заняло более 10 секунд.

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 10.50 (07.07.2022):


      • Файлы — создание файла(ов) контрольной суммы: поддержка очень быстрого алгоритма хеширования BLAKE3.
      • Новая опция «Завершить копирование текущего файла» при прерывании копирования в середине файла.
      • Новый параметр командной строки /P открывает родительский элемент переданного пути и помещает курсор в последний каталог
      • Плагин внутреннего контента (tc): новые поля из тегов метаданных id3v1/id3v2/ape/flac/wav/ogg/m4a, такие как название, исполнитель и т. д.
      • Распакуйте ZIP-файлы со сжатием Brotli (от Google), которое в основном используется в файлах XPI.
      • Синхронизировать каталоги: отображать прогресс при сравнении по содержимому также на значке панели задач.
      • FTPS/HTTPS: поддержка OpenSSL 3.0
      • wincmd.ini [Конфигурация] ExecUseContextMenu: установите значение 1, чтобы открывать файлы, как если бы пользователь щелкнул их правой кнопкой мыши и щелкнул элемент контекстного меню по умолчанию.
      • wincmd.ini [Конфигурация] AlwaysShowAppdata=0 скрывает папку Appdata, когда скрытые файлы не отображаются
      • wincmd.ini [Конфигурация] FileTipWindowsOnIcon=1 показывает всплывающие подсказки только тогда, когда курсор находится над значком (FileTipWindows также должен быть включен).
      • wincmd.ini [Configuration] CountMarkedInDialog=0 отключает определение требований к памяти в диалоговом окне копирования F5.

      Пользовательский интерфейс:

      • Возможность всегда загружать размеры каталогов после изменения каталога либо внутри, либо с помощью инструмента «Все».
      • Возможность установки пользовательского формата даты/времени и разделителей (Конфигурация - Параметры - Табуляции)
      • Показать общее количество байтов, файлов и папок, которые будут скопированы уже в диалоговом окне копирования F5
      • Показывать скорость передачи со смешанными единицами измерения (например, x.xx b/M/G/T), настроенную с помощью [Configuration] SizeTransfer, по умолчанию значение нижнего колонтитула
      • Настройте дополнительное пространство вокруг значков кнопок дисков через Конфигурация — Параметры — Значки.
      • Темный режим: возможность настроить цвет границы (линии между элементами управления)
      • Панель кнопок: установите в поле «Подсказка» один пробел, чтобы отключить всплывающую подсказку.
      • Меню Файлы - Печать - Содержимое файла теперь печатает все выбранные файлы (после предупреждения)
      • В Windows 10 старше 1709 (осень 2017 г.) и более ранних версиях Windows поддерживаются миниатюры размером более 240 пикселей.
      • Горячий список каталогов (Ctrl+D): для кнопки добавления/удаления и настройки используйте горячие клавиши +, - и * (настраивается)
      • Ctrl+Z на ".." позволяет установить комментарий текущей директории


      • Показать дополнительный пункт главного меню «Плагины», чтобы напрямую выбрать плагин Lister
      • Панель быстрого просмотра: показать используемый плагин в заголовке (обычно используется для пути) после имени файла.
      • Параметр командной строки /S=L для открытия отдельного окна Lister: Новый подпараметр F для открытия Lister в полноэкранном режиме

      Lister, встроенный просмотрщик изображений:

      • Масштабируйте изображения с помощью Ctrl+Колесо мыши или +/- на цифровой клавиатуре, или кликая по процентному значению в меню
      • Используйте Shift+Курсор влево/вправо для прокрутки изображений меньшими шагами, чем курсор влево/вправо.

      Lister, внутренний медиаплеер:

      • Показать название трека и исполнителя из тегов трека (id3v1, id3v2.2, id3v2.3/2.4, ape, flac, wav, ogg и m4a)
      • Показать обложку из тегов дорожки или из файла с именем cover.jpg, folder.jpg, cover.png или folder.png в той же папке
      • Кнопка, чтобы показать/скрыть обложку
      • Загрузить позиции и названия треков из файла .cue с тем же именем, что и у открытого медиафайла, например. для поиска в длинных подборках
      • Один шаг теперь также работает только для аудио (с шагом 1/10 секунды)
      • Новые горячие клавиши в мультимедийном режиме: M=Отключить звук, E=Пошаговый режим, C=Обложка, Ctrl/Shift+клавиши со стрелками для быстрой перемотки вперед/назад
      • Предпочитать фильтры DirectShow из подкаталога filter32/64, даже если в системе зарегистрирована другая версия этого фильтра. Отключить через wincmd.ini [Lister] PreferFiltersFromFile=0
      • Установите цвет переднего плана и фона элементов управления медиаплеером Lister через Configuration-Options-Color.

      Изменение атрибутов:

      • Установите частичную дату и/или время, используя буквы вместо неизменных частей, например. 10:мм:сс, чтобы изменить только часы. Фактические символы не имеют значения, 10:xx:xx также будут работать.

      Сравнение по содержанию:

      • Новая горячая клавиша F2 в режиме редактирования позволяет перейти к следующему различию в строке, Shift+F2 — к предыдущему различию.
      • Примите одно или два имени файла, перетащив их в поля редактирования пути.
      • Кнопка «Синхронизировать», чтобы выбрать метод повторной синхронизации, например. искать одинаковые символы только после пробела

      Инструмент многократного переименования:

      • Предложение автоматического переименования файлов также при перемещении их в подкаталоги и файл с таким именем уже существует в этом каталоге
      • Новые заполнители [B0]...[B9] вставляют родительскую, прародительскую, прапрародительскую папку и т. д. из пути
      • Новые заполнители [B+0]...[B+9] вставить букву диска, первую папку, вторую папку и т. д. из пути
      • Новое поле [T4] будет использовать дату EXIF (когда была сделана фотография) для всех полей даты после этого заполнителя.
      • Поля с [T1] по [T4] теперь поддерживают смещение по времени в форме [T1+60m] или [T1-10h].

      Внутренние команды:

      • cm_ReloadFileIcons для перезагрузки всех значков и наложений значков без повторного чтения списков файлов.
      • cm_CloseDuplicateTabs, чтобы закрыть все повторяющиеся вкладки на текущей панели
      • cm_SwitchColorsByFileType для включения/выключения цветов по типу файла
      • cm_SwitchFileTipWindows для включения/отключения отображения всплывающих подсказок (подсказок) для файлов
      • cm_CopyToArchive/cm_MoveToArchive, чтобы открыть диалоговое окно пакета со снятой/установленной опцией «Переместить»
      • cm_CloseCurrentTab, cm_CloseAllTabs, cm_UnloadPlugins, cm_CopyFileDetailsToClip, cm_CopyHdrFileDetailsToClip и т. д. теперь поддерживают параметры, см. описание
      • команда cd "путь" теперь может быть объединена с внутренними командами, с путем в двойных кавычках
      • MULTIRENAME= сразу начинает переименование с заданными сохраненными настройками, после чего два знака равенства закрывают диалог

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 10.00 (10.06.2021):

      • Исправлено: Синхронизировать каталоги: Предупреждающий восклицательный знак на не нажатых кнопках "дубликаты"/"одиночки" показывался даже при установленном ShowWarningIcons=0 (32/64)
      • Исправлено: темный режим, вертикальная панель кнопок: треугольная кнопка для открытия меню переполнения (отображается, когда кнопок слишком много для доступного места) использовала черный цвет вместо цвета текста в темном режиме (32/64)
      • Исправлено: каталоги, созданные MacOS на флэш-накопителях ExFAT, нельзя было открыть в «Синхронизировать каталоги», поскольку они имели неверный атрибут 8: Метка тома (32/64)
      • Исправлено: При изменении размера диалогового окна Файлы - Ассоциировать - "Редактировать тип" с более крупным шрифтом значок предварительного просмотра отображался в прямоугольной форме даже с очень широкими шрифтами, такими как Courier New (то же самое и для внутренних ассоциаций) (32/64)
      • Исправлено: cm_SwitchX64Redirection не отключался, когда в меню Конфигурация - Параметры - Иконки были установлены галочки "Показывать 3D-рамку вокруг значка" и "Показывать отмеченные значки как нажатые кнопки..." (64)
      • Исправлено: Синхронизировать каталоги: новая опция «Поиск должен совпадать:» не работала с «не учитывать файлы, присутствующие только справа/слева» или «Скрыть файлы, соответствующие критериям», когда сохраненный поиск содержал простой фильтр типа *.ini (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.51 (25.03.2020):

      • Исправлено: Lister, предварительный просмотр Explorer: с некоторыми обработчиками предварительного просмотра, минимизированный Lister больше не может быть восстановлен нажатием на значок на панели задач (32/64)
      • Исправлено: Редактирование комментария (Ctrl + Z) не работало с опцией "DOS charset", когда текущая кодировка не была "Western" (32/64)
      • Исправлено: Lister: Запретить предварительный просмотр Explorer (режим `8`) для файлов шрифтов из-за дыры в безопасности в обработчике шрифтов Windows. Может быть включен вручную после того, как Microsoft выпустит патч через wincmd.ini [Configuration] FontPreview = 1 или FontPreview = 2 только для Windows 10 1607 или новее, где шрифты загружаются вне ядра (32/64)
      • Исправлено: Поиск файлов: игнорировать последнюю (неправильную) точку с запятой в поле «Поиск в» при поиске по нескольким путям, например, C: путь1; d: путь2; (32/64)
      • Исправлено: Файлы - Создание файла (ов) контрольной суммы: при создании отдельных файлов контрольной суммы для файла или папки пропустите все файлы в подпапках, которые имеют то же расширение, что и созданная контрольная сумма, например, создать контрольную сумму sha256 -> пропустить все с расширением .sha256 (32/64)
      • Исправлено: Командная строка, CM_LIST и CM_LISTINTERNALONLY: Удалить завершающие пробелы из имени (32/64)
      • Исправлено: Синхронизация каталогов с ZIP-архивом: Убрано предупреждение о зависании ключа ESC, которое отображалось при закрытии предупреждения о доступном только для чтения ZIP-архиве с ESC (32/64)
      • Исправлено: Lister, предварительный просмотр Explorer: предварительный просмотр может зависать при удерживании нажатой клавиши «8», «n» или «p» (32/64)
      • Исправлено: Lister, предварительный просмотр Explorer: горячая клавиша `8` дважды вызывала переключение на предварительный просмотр Explorer (32/64)
      • Исправлено: Lister, предварительный просмотр Explorer: откройте панель быстрого просмотра и отдельную Lister с предварительным просмотром Explorer каждый, закройте Lister, чтобы панель быстрого просмотра была в фокусе -> горячие клавиши, такие как ESC, больше не работали (32/64)
      • Исправлено: Lister, предварительный просмотр Explorer: откройте 2 окна Lister с предварительным просмотром Explorer, закройте одно, чтобы другое получило фокус -> горячие клавиши, такие как ESC, больше не работают (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.51 RC6 (18.03.2020):

      • Это обновление исправляет ошибки, обнаруженные после выпуска Total Commander 9.50.

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.51 RC5 (11.03.2020):

      • Это обновление исправляет ошибки, обнаруженные после выпуска Total Commander 9.50.

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.51 RC4 (04.03.2020):

      • Это обновление исправляет ошибки, обнаруженные после выпуска Total Commander 9.50.

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.51 RC3 (26.02.2020):

        Ето обновление исправляет ошибки, обнаруженные после выпуска Total Commander 9.50.

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.50 (05.02.2020):

      Пользовательский интерфейс:

      • Темный режим, начиная с Windows XP, полная поддержка Windows 10 1809 (осень 2018), неофициально также со старыми версиями Windows (ForceDarkModeOptions = 1)
      • Курсор мыши теперь переходит к кнопке по умолчанию, если она включена в панели управления в разделе «Мышь»
      • Показывать до 3 подключенных USB-устройств без буквы диска (например, телефоны, планшеты) также на панели кнопок диска
      • Увеличена длина истории каталогов до 200 (настраивается через HistoryLenStored)
      • История: Показать только каталоги, в которых пользователь выполнил какую-либо операцию (настраивается). Alt + Shift + стрелка вниз показывает всю историю
      • Раскрывающийся список дисков, панель кнопок дисков: отображение оверлея «извлечение» поверх значка диска для съемных дисков.
      • При прокрутке списков файлов с помощью клавиатуры оставляйте поле в 4 строки выше / ниже текущей позиции (настраивается)
      • Панели каталогов: Показать для жестких ссылок / программных ссылок на файлы вместо 0 размера
      • Ctrl + Q быстрый просмотр: показать содержимое ссылки вместо содержимого файла lnk
      • Конфигурация - Параметры - Показать: Новая опция «Добавить » для отображения папок как Папка вместо [Папка]
      • Внутренние ассоциации: Необязательно: Добавить дополнительные глаголы из ВСЕХ подходящих фильтров, по умолчанию «открывать» только с первого соответствия
      • Показывать «Новое» подменю также в контекстном меню для записи [..], чтобы создать новый файл в текущем каталоге
      • Windows 10, контекстное меню: пункт меню «Поделиться» ничего не делал -> внутренне обработал
      • Диалог быстрого поиска: Очистить поиск с помощью Ctrl + Y
      • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на вкладке каталога -> «Недавно закрытые вкладки»
      • Показать расположение файла Total Commander EXE в окне about

      Файловые операции:

      • Архивы: выберите кодовую страницу при распаковке файлов, например, распаковывать имена с кириллическими символами. Показать [Авто] или выбранную кодировку в заголовке вкладки.
      • Папка OneDrive: обработка папок, которые отображаются как ссылки на файловую систему
      • Диалог копирования F5: Список поддержки каталога (Ctrl + D)
      • Создание контрольных сумм CRC: новые опции для использования формата Unix и всегда использовать UTF-8
      • Поддержка подстрок из переменных среды, например, Переменная%: ~ 2,3%

      Плагины FTP / файловой системы:

      • Перенос с FTP-сервера на FTP-сервер с помощью F5: возможность копирования через локальный ПК
      • Перенос с / на плагины FTP / FS: поддержка фильтров копирования, таких как локальная функция копирования файлов, например, * .txt | excludeddir
      • FTP, выгрузка / загрузка с F5 - F2 в фоновом режиме: поддержка сертификата клиента
      • RestrictInterface = 6144: запретить все плагины, или 4096: разрешать только плагины с действительной цифровой подписью

      Bнструмент переименования:

      • Новый заполнитель [c] = количество файлов в списке
      • Новый заполнитель [S] = размер файла

      Дерево Alt + F10:

      • Возможность использовать «Все» для загрузки дерева
      • Combobox, чтобы изменить диск, открыть с помощью Alt + F1 или Alt + F2


      • Поиск с помощью «Все»: отображение процента результатов поиска, переданных в Total Commander.
      • Улучшенный поиск в файлах Office xml (например, .docx, .ods и т. Д.): Поиск акцентированных символов
      • Автоматически проверять опцию «Все» при использовании префикса ev: или ed: в поле поиска
      • Возможность поиска только в результатах поиска
      • Посмотреть предыдущие результаты поиска

      Lister (F3):

      • Определите, какой метод просмотра и плагин должны использоваться при открытии, отдельно по типу файла, например, все файлы jpg с внутренней программой просмотра изображений
      • Нажмите «8», чтобы отобразить предварительный просмотр в качестве проводника (использует IPreviewHandler или IThumbnailProvider, если первый не доступен)
      • Поддержка печати JPG / PNG / GIF в Lister с внутренней программой просмотра изображений

      Сравнить по содержанию:

      • Установить цвет для подчеркнутых результатов поиска

      Синхронизировать каталоги:

      • Используйте Ctrl + PageUp / PageDown, чтобы перейти к следующему / предыдущему каталогу

      Внутренние команды:

      • Новые внутренние команды с параметрами: LOADSELECTION, SAVESELECTION, SAVEDETAILS плюс версии ANSI / Unicode
      • cm_ModernShare позволяет напрямую использовать новый пункт контекстного меню Windows 10 «Поделиться»
      • cm_ChangeArchiveEncoding, чтобы открыть всплывающее меню кодировки архива
      • cm_MoveTabLeft и cm_MoveTabRight для ручного перемещения текущей вкладки

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.22a (29.03.2019):

      • 29.03.19 Fixed: Difficult to reproduce crash in F7 new folder inside ZIP archives (timing problem with removing progress dialog) (32/64)
      • 27.03.19 Fixed: F7 new folder: Invalid name created when user specifies path in zip incorrectly with starting and/or trailing slash, e.g. /dir1/dir2/dir3/ (32/64)
      • 27.03.19 Fixed: F7 new folder: ensure that the dialog isn`t displayed outside of the current screen (32/64)
      • 26.03.19 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack: Invalid name created when user specifies path in zip incorrectly with trailing forward slash, e.g. c:testtest.zip/dir1/dir2/ (32/64)
      • 26.03.19 Fixed: Viewing LZMA-compressed files in ZIP sometimes failed with an unpack error (64)
      • 25.03.19 Fixed: Ctrl+Q, click on active tab header of current tab above the quick view panel -> Tab no longer switched sides (32/64)
      • 25.03.19 Fixed: Duplicating a tab which was locked with directory changes allowed could leave it with an empty name if it caused an additional line of tabs to appear (32/64)
      • 21.03.19 Fixed: Couldn`t open 7z archives with Unicode characters from different codepage (e.g. Chinese on English Windows) (64)
      • 21.03.19 Fixed: Leaving branch view inside archive with Ctrl+B no longer went to the directory of the file under the cursor (32/64)
      • 19.03.19 Fixed: Internal associations: **ext only worked for packer plugins, not for internal unpackers like **zip. Now also supports **internal_zip to override external packers (32/64)
      • 19.03.19 Fixed: Opening xlsx files associated with Office 365 app (Windows 10) failed, they opened as ZIP files instead (32/64)
      • 19.03.19 Fixed: In the following dialogs, ENTER confirmed the dialog also on other buttons like Cancel: password input, pack/unpack, other general input dialogs (64)
      • 17.03.19 Fixed: Packing/unpacking with ace32.exe 2.6 didn`t work - it expects ";" as delimiter in list file instead of line break (32/64)
      • 17.03.19 Fixed: Do not try to unpack archives with ":" in them after the second character in them with F5 using external unpackers (32/64)
      • 17.03.19 Fixed: Do not try to unpack ace archives with absolute paths or .. in them with external ace32.exe or winace.exe via Alt+F9 (32/64)
      • 17.03.19 Fixed: Width of drive dropdown combobox (Alt+F1/Alt+F2) wrong when using screens with different DPI (32/64)
      • 17.03.19 Fixed: Icons in file lists displayed incorrectly when moving main window to a screen with different DPI (64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.22 (14.03.2019):

      • 12.03.19 Fixed: Copy hidden or system file with older default method (standard unchecked) -> no overwrite warning for hidden/system files for which the normal overwrite dialog was shown (32/64)
      • 12.03.19 Fixed: Overwrite read only confirmation dialog may be shown in the middle of copying instead of at the end (32/64)
      • 11.03.19 Fixed: Overwrite read only file while warning for read only was disabled but for hidden/system enabled -> still read only warning when using the expanded overwrite dialog (32/64)
      • 11.03.19 Fixed: Thumbnail cache: Don`t try to save uncompressed thumbnails when saving compressed fails (32/64)
      • 10.03.19 Fixed: Copy hidden or system file with standard method (CopyFileEx) -> no overwrite warning, except when it also had the read only attribute. Can be overridden with OverwriteHidSysNotReadonly=1 (32/64)
      • 08.03.19 Fixed: Possible crash in compiler library when window handle becomes invalid in main window message handler (64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.22 RC2 (06.03.2019):

      • 06.03.19 Fixed: Copy in background: wait up to 5 seconds while mouse button is currently down, e.g. for drag&drop, then cancel operation with ESC to avoid lockup (32/64)
      • 05.03.19 Fixed: Improved patch of unacev2.dll, also handling absolute paths (c: or ) in addition to relative .. (32)
      • 03.03.19 Fixed: Lister: Press `4` while already using a single plugin, then `1` would not turn off that plugin (64)
      • 03.03.19 Fixed: Lister: Hide percent when using internal media player (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.22 RC1 (27.02.2019):

      • 27.02.19 Release Total Commander 9.22 release candidate 1 (32/64)
      • 27.02.19 Fixed: String "Search result:" in drive label field wasn`t updated when changing language (the fix also updates the current tab, but not other tabs) (32/64)
      • 27.02.19 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Do not warn if local dir contains 2 identical names with different case, e.g. a.txt and A.txt. However, sync functions are limited in this case (32/64)
      • 27.02.19 Fixed: Ctrl+D, add directory to subfolder containing nested subfolders -> it wasn`t added at the end of the subfolder, but before the first nested subfolder (32/64)
      • 26.02.19 Fixed: Accessing tab with inaccessible network path can cause a hang when using IgnoreDirErrors=1 (32/64)
      • 26.02.19 Fixed: After uploading zip file to virtual path (e.g. Android device), it could sometimes be opened internally by mistake (32/64)
      • 26.02.19 Added: Included latest unrar dll 5.70.0 from www.rarlab.com (32/64)
      • 22.02.19 Fixed: Handle directory traversal bug in unacev2.dll, affecting only the "unpack all" (Alt+F9) function (32)
      • 17.02.19 Fixed: Shift+F4 dialog: Buttons "Tree" and "Cancel" were incorrect when using Cyrillic translation on English locale (32)
      • 01.02.19 Fixed: Search: Detection of infinite loops in hard links/junctions/reparse points didn`t always work (32/64)
      • 23.01.19 Fixed: Couldn`t drag directory from separate tree to empty space in tab header to add it (32/64)
      • 21.01.19 Added: Always look in registry for key if no wincmd.key file is found in the supported locations (32/64)
      • 21.01.19 Fixed: ZIP packer: ???? were shown instead of the name when packing to Unicode extra field, and verifying any Unicode mode (32/64)
      • 14.01.19 Fixed: Directory history with shift+mouse wheel not working (64)
      • 14.01.19 Fixed: Lister (F3), internal media player: Window size too small when viewing a lot of mp3 files, so the menu is broken into 2 lines (64)
      • 14.01.19 Fixed: Lister (F3) was ticking the wrong codepage in the "Encoding" menu when opened (64)
      • 14.01.19 Fixed: Folder tabs: when not using multiple lines for tabs, drag & drop of a tab to the opposite panel would add it to the source panel if it had hidden (scrolled) tabs under that position (32/64)
      • 14.01.19 Fixed: Ignore X64Menu option on 32-bit Windows (32)
      • 14.01.19 Fixed: When using X64Menu=1 in 64-bit version, the dialog in context menu - X32 - Configure was very small (64)
      • 12.11.18 Fixed: ZIP packer: An incompressible file slightly smaller than 4GB, resulting in a compressed file >4GB appeared with a size of -1 in the created ZIP (but could still be unpacked) (32/64)
      • 11.11.18 Fixed: Re-upload to FTP after editing now also works when the FTP connection is not displayed in one of the two panels, but still active (32/64)
      • 11.11.18 Fixed: Compare by content, 2 files on the same FTP server but different user names -> edited file could be re-uploaded to the wrong server (32/64)
      • 04.11.18 Fixed: Select all, switch between full and brief view mode: Entire list was scrolled slowly (64)
      • 04.11.18 Fixed: FTP Upload/Download: Selection wasn`t cleared when adding files to already opened background transfer manager with F5 - F2 (32/64)
      • 04.11.18 Fixed: Header-encrypted RAR: Open archive, minimize+restore TC, try to unpack file, enter wrong password (remember password checked) -> user isn`t asked again for the correct password (32/64)
      • 30.10.18 Fixed: Dual screen, TC on the right screen: Search in separate process, maximize, minimize, restore -> search window had 0*0 pixel size (32/64)
      • 01.10.18 Fixed: FTP error "Command in progress" in special case: Synchronize dirs, compare local dir with ftp, compare by content, edit remote file, save file, close compare tool, re-upload (32/64)
      • 01.10.18 Fixed: Function to check file system links (junctions, reparse points) for infinite loops didn`t handle relative paths created e.g. via "mklink /D MyDirLink ..MyDir" while in directory "C:MyDir" (32/64)
      • 25.09.18 Fixed: Button bar: cd *.ext (to set custom filter) didn`t support Unicode when using separate Left/Right menus (32/64)
      • 24.09.18 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: [f] option didn`t work for manually entered text, only for placeholders like [N] -> [f] is now applied for the entire text until the end or the next upper-/lowercase placeholder (32/64)
      • 24.09.18 Fixed: Click on locked tab (directory changes not allowed) showed message about new tab when using TabEnterDirChange=2, but only if it was already the active tab (32)
      • 24.09.18 Fixed: Click on locked tab (directory changes not allowed) showed message about new tab when using TabEnterDirChange=2 (64)
      • 24.09.18 Fixed: Crash when starting external sync tool with /S=S parameter when PreventScrollbarCrash=1 was set (the default on Windows 8.1) (64)
      • 24.09.18 Fixed: Search function: when going through list of old searches with up/down keys while the combobox was closed, the "RegEx" checkmark was only set, not removed (32/64)
      • 24.09.18 Fixed: Search function: when going through list of old searches with up/down keys, the index reverted to the first item when a search with regular expression was encountered (64)
      • 24.09.18 Fixed: Open archive with alternate packer via right click menu (internal association: **ext), then press Ctrl+B -> the default packer was now used (32/64)
      • 23.09.18 Fixed: Crash viewing ICO files containing multiple PNG images (the problem seems to be re-using the TLazReaderPNG) (64)
      • 23.09.18 Fixed: Search in archives by size wouldn`t reliably find files >=2GBytes (32/64)
      • 23.09.18 Fixed: Crash unpacking xz-packed zipx archives (because the necessary functions were missing from newer TCMDLZMA.DLL / TCLZMA64.DLL files) (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.21a (21.08.2018):

      • 18.08.18 Fixed: Compare by content: Disable button "Show only differences" during comparison, otherwise clicking it in the wrong moment could cause a crash (32/64)
      • 16.08.18 Fixed: Ctrl+E and ESC (only with auto-complete+auto-append disabled) no longer worked in command line (32/64)
      • 16.08.18 Fixed: Icons in menus: Selected items could no longer be shown as pressed buttons instead of checkmarks after saving icon options once (32/64)
      • 15.08.18 Fixed: Crash when passing path to zip file to TC (e.g. from external Everything.exe), mostly on 64-bit (32/64

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.21 RC3 (08.08.2018):

      • Fixed: FTP: Auto-reconnect when the connection is lost while uploading/downloading many empty directories recursively (32/64)
      • Fixed: Updated to latest unrar.dll 5.60.0 from www.rarlab.com, and latest tcmdlzma.dll (18.05) from 7-zip.org (32/64)
      • Fixed: Search function: Buttons below the search result couldn`t be reached with Tab key, only with mouse or hotkeys (32/64)
      • Fixed: When using IgnoreDirErrors=1, don`t show dialog to connect to network share twice, e.g. when changing to a network tab (32/64)
      • Fixed: When using IgnoreDirErrors=1, wait with connecting to UNC path servershare while nag dialog (with 1-2-3 buttons) is displayed (32/64)
      • Fixed: Keep nag dialog (with 1-2-3 buttons) usable and focused when dialog to connect to computer on the network (servername) is shown below it (32/64)
      • Fixed: Button bar: Button highlights (not pressed, hovered) not always disappearing after moving mouse away, e.g. after Alt+Shift+F11 (32/64)
      • Fixed: DPI dependent main menu icon sizes were not saved in resolution-specific section, loading worked fine (64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.21 RC2 (01.08.2018):

      • Fixed: Moved DPI dependent main menu icon sizes from [Configuration] to resolution-specific section for full multiple screen support, e.g. to [1920x1080 (16x20)] (32/64)
      • Fixed: Button bar, start menu parameters: %M added .. for updir item, but only when used in combination with %T (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTP: Auto-reconnect when the connection is lost while uploading recursively (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc - Hotkey dropdown combobox: ESC now keeps the last chosen hotkey also on Windows 7 (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc - Hotkey dropdown combobox: Do not open help on F1 (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTP: Auto-reconnect when the connection is lost while reading a subdirectory when downloading recursively (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTP: Dialog box "Not connected!" was shown as independent window without parent when TC wasn`t in the foreground (32/64)
      • Fixed: Ctrl+Q: Focus went from active panel to quick view panel after switching away from TC and back, but only when ActiveTitle was set in wincmd.ini (32/64)
      • Fixed: Handle structured exceptions within wcmzip64.dll to prevent crashes with thumbnail packing (64)
      • Fixed: Problems with descript.ion files using UTF-8: Upper/lowercase conversion was incorrect, so comments were not picked up when accented characters had different case. Also caused problems with special characters on Chinese locale (32/64)
      • Fixed: Search with "Everything": Put regular expressions in double quotes, e.g. user enters ^(ABC|BCD) and checks "RegEx" and "Everything" -> send regex:"^(ABC|BCD)" (32/64)
      • Fixed: When closing some dialogs with ESC, e.g. FTP connection details, the dialog would disappear, and briefly re-appear before disappearing again (64)
      • Fixed: Distinguish between empty environment variables and non-existing environment variables. Replace %variable% with empty string in the first case (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.21 RC1 (25.07.2018):

      • Release Total Commander 9.21 release candidate 1 (32/64)
      • Added: Use smaller 16x16 link overlay icon (32/64)
      • Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] PreventScrollbarCrash= enable function to prevent crash when loading Lister multiple times manually (32/64)
      • Fixed: Prevent crash when loading Lister multiple times also on Windows Server 2016 (32/64)
      • Added: wcx_ftp.ini [General] ReturnToReUploadDir=0 Set to 1 to automatically return to the directory to which an edited remote file was re-uploaded when saved (32/64)
      • Fixed: Crash in FTP connection details (Ctrl+F - Edit) in case of problems with user certificate store (32/64)
      • Added: Also show png images in addition to icons from ico/dll/exe files defined in file associations (32/64)
      • Fixed: All combobox controls: When entering Korean text and the last entered character is incomplete, clicking on another control inserted that character at the start of the control (32/64)
      • Fixed: Prevent flickering about 1 second after starting on Windows 7 (which was sending a WM_THEMECHANGED notification although the theme didn`t change) (32)
      • Fixed: With option "Select only the filename when renaming" set, the name+extension were still selected when pressing down arrow on last file in list (32/64)
      • Fixed: Shift+F7 while the Quick View panel was shown -> other file operations like F5 stopped working (32/64)
      • Fixed: Reading directories with FindFirstFile/FindNextFile: Ignore empty names (0 length) returned by certain SMB servers (32/64)
      • Fixed: Alt+F1/F2 drive dropdown combobox: Show context menu also for Computer, Documents, Network Neighborhood, and connected devices. Opens location in Explorer (32/64)
      • Fixed: Always show internal link overlay icons for file system links (junctions, reparse points) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Lister: View RTF file with F3, press 1 then 4 -> two scrollbars were visible (64)
      • Fixed: Font in copy/pack progress bar wrong when using NewStyleProgress=0 -> use dialog box font, changed to bold (32/64)
      • Fixed: Default window position and size wrong when starting TC after changing scale factor in Windows 10 without logging out and back in (32/64)
      • Fixed: Empty directory panels when OldStyleDir=1 was set (it took precedence over IgnoreDirErrors) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Commands - Search -Load/Save, double click on saved item -> default focus was not set to start button (64)
      • Fixed: There was no more beep when foreground file operation ended while the main window was in the background (e.g. re-upload when editing) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Compare by content and Synchronize dirs also crashed on Windows 8.1 64-bit, happened after opening them multiple times (solution: keep hidden Lister open in the background) (64)
      • Added: Lister: Allow to set maximum line length for text when not using word wrap: wincmd.ini [Lister] unwrapwidth=1024 (uses more RAM for buffer for bigger numbers. Max. 16384) (32/64

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.20 Final (04.07.2018):

      New functions in Total Commander 9.20:

      User interface:
      • When using multiple monitors, the position and size can be stored separately for each screen (switch with Win+Shift+Cursor left/right)
      • Button bar: Button size and small icon size can now be set separately for each screen scale (dpi)
      • Icon from internal association takes precedence over internal packer icon (e.g. for *.rar) wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=1 allows to switch to inaccessible or non-existent directories, shows in file list instead
      File operations:
      • Shift+F7 creates directory in target panel
      • Button bar, command line: support shell GUIDs, e.g. to go to Explorer`s recent dirs, use
      • cd ::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}
      • Files - change attributes: Button to load attributes from file under cursor in target panel
      • Support for client certificates for ftps (ftp over ssl/tls) from Windows certificate store. Only works with
      • schannel library on Vista or newer, not openssl
      • Set the FTPS mode via prefix: ftpes:// = explicit (MODE TLS), ftpis:// = impicit (encrypted from the start)
      Compare by content:
      • Select all with Ctrl+A
      Multi-rename tool:
      • New placeholder [f] for "First of each word uppercase (English in Titles)". Certain words like ze=2 face="arial">"a", "an" and "the" are converted to lowercase

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.20 beta 6:

      • Button bar, command line: support shell GUIDs, e.g. to go to Explorer`s recent dirs, use cd ::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}
      • Files - change attributes: Button to load attributes from file under cursor in target panel
      • Icon from internal association takes precedence over internal packer icon (e.g. for *.rar) wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=1 allows to switch to inaccessible or non-existent directories, shows in file list instead
      • Button bar: Button size and small icon size can now be set separately for each screen scale (dpi)
      • FTP client: Support for client certificates for ftps (ftp over ssl/tls) from Windows certificate store. Only works with schannel library on Vista or newer, not openssl

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.20 beta 5:

      • Button bar, command line: support shell GUIDs, e.g. to go to Explorer`s recent dirs, use cd ::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}
      • Files - change attributes: Button to load attributes from file under cursor in target panel
      • Icon from internal association takes precedence over internal packer icon (e.g. for *.rar) wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=1 allows to switch to inaccessible or non-existent directories, shows in file list instead
      • Button bar: Button size and small icon size can now be set separately for each screen scale (dpi)
      • FTP client: Support for client certificates for ftps (ftp over ssl/tls) from Windows certificate store. Only works with schannel library on Vista or newer, not openssl

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.20 beta 3 (16.05.2018):

      • Fixed: Only standard icons were shown for files with only "PerceivedType" set (32/64)
      • Fixed: Changed how the following dialogs are minimized: Custom Columns, FTP connection progress, Plugin field picker, Print preview, Configure file system/lister/content plugins (32/64)
      • Fixed: Add flag WS_POPUP for all resizable dialog boxes, otherwise GetParent() would return 0 (32/64)
      • Added: Compare by content: Select all with Ctrl+A both in read only mode and editor mode (32/64)
      • Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholder [f] for option "First of each word uppercase (English in Titles)", also support in F7 and Shift+F4, e.g. <[f][N] (32/64)
      • Fixed: Error was shown by mistake on disks with just hidden/system files/folders (e.g. System Volume Information) when using IgnoreDirErrors=1 and hidden/system files not shown (32/64)
      • dded: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=-1 turns off also on TC start when a directory is unavailable (32/64)
      • Fixed: When using IgnoreDirErrors=0 (default) and directory doesn`t exist, only show on TC start when the active tab was locked. Otherwise switch to parent directory (32/64)
      • Fixed: Installer: Call QueryFullProcessImageName if GetModuleFileNameEx fails, now also in 64-bit version (64)
      • Fixed: When using PreloadThumbnails=1 or 2, resume pre-loading thumbnails for the entire directory after changing sort order (32/64)
      • Fixed: Garbled lines in wincmd.ini (for size per dpi) when saving button bar (fpc bug) (64)
      • Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] LowercaseStrings=English:a,an,the,at,by,for,in,of,on,to,from,up,and,as,but,or,nor,yet,so,vs set title and excepted words for "First of each word uppercase" (32/64)
      • Added: Multi-rename tool: New upper/lowercase option "First of each word uppercase (English in Titles)" which doesn`t uppercase words like "a", "an", "the" etc., except at the start or end (32/64)
      • Fixed: Change attributes dialog: Show error message when user enters invalid date or time also in date/time-specific plugin field(s) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Copy/move/rename file with long name >259 characters: warning about the last part longer than 256 characters was wrong by 1 character, should be max. 255 (32/64)
      • Fixed: Still range check errors in some cases when resizing controls (problem was that the Lazarus library was compiled with range check on due to missing miscellaneousoptions.xml file) (64)
      • Fixed: Loading of thumbnails didn`t resume after changing sort order (64)
      • Fixed: Increased combobox dropdown count to 30 in various dialogs: Multi-rename tool: Load/save settings, Change attributes: Load/save settings, Associate: All files with extension, Split file: Bytes for file, Configuration - Color: Others, Configuration - Misc: Redefine hotkeys (64)
      • Fixed: FTP connection details: Hotkey for new option "Client certificate" didn`t work (32/64)
      • Fixed: Change attributes dialog: Show error message when user enters invalid date or time (32/64)
      • Fixed: Button bar, start menu: %N parameter would pass `..` to program when cursor was standing on "go to parent" directory entry (32/64)
      • Fixed: Log files (normal or ftp) >4GB didn`t work (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.20 beta 2 (09.05.2018):

      • Fixed: Installer: Detect when Total Commander is running even when one path is in long form and one in 8.3 form, e.g. c:Program Filestotal commander and C:PROGRA~1TOTALC~1 (32/64)
      • Fixed: When moving the main window docked to the left/right side (AeroSnap) between 2 screens with different DPI with Shift+Win+Cursor left/right, the window was resized (AeroSnap was lost) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Crash creating new FTP connection via Ctrl+F - New connection (64)
      • Fixed: Buttons for directory hotlist and history didn`t have the right foreground color in high contrast mode with black background (64)
      • Fixed: Buttons for directory hotlist and history could disappear when resizing window (64)
      • Fixed: Alt+2 hotkey not working in "Change attributes" dialog (64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs, right click context menu, "Copy file properties": When copying NTFS permissions, the archive attribute was set by Windows (32/64)
      • Fixed: Tree shown in normal file panel: Cursor was not placed on moved line when clicking on [+] or [-] symbol (AllowSetCursorPos had no effect) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Updated 7zip unpacker dlls (TC7Z.DLL/TC7Z64.DLL) to version 18.05 from https://www.7-zip.org/sdk.html, with various improvements (the security problem CVE-2018-10115 in RAR unpacking does not affect this dll since TC uses the official unrar dll) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Misaligned and overlapping controls in multi-rename tool (32/64)
      • Fixed: Error was shown by mistake on empty disks with no files when using IgnoreDirErrors=1 (32/64)
      • Fixed: Selection was always lost in virtual folders like the Desktop when switching away from TC and back, even when nothing changed (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - Refresh - "No refresh for these drives" didn`t work correctly for virtual folders: `:` should disable refresh, but instead, `` was used (32/64)
      • Fixed: Range check error when the width or height of a control was set to a negative number by mistake, e.g. via cm_100Percent (64)
      • Fixed: Mouse wheel: combine wheel turning into one scroll operation, e.g. instead of 3x WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, scroll 3 lines together (64)
      • Fixed: Compare by content, very big files, start comparison within compare tool: Show progress both for the initial comparison and for counting the differences (32/64)
      • Fixed: When passing path to TC via command line or WM_COPYDATA, do not show when invalid - always go to valid parent (32/64)
      • Fixed: View modes, auto switch mode: "Must match" option didn`t work with FTP paths when using patterns *myfolder* (specified folder and subfolders) or *myfolder (folder only) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Search for *2?21?3* didn`t find dots in the location of the ? placeholders, e.g. 2.21.36.jpg - Reason: bug in Windows function FindFirstFile (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.20 beta 1 (03.05.2018):

      • Fixed: F7 new folder: Placeholder <[d] inserted the date from the file timestamp instead of the current date as documented. Use <[T1][d] to insert the file date (32/64)
      • Fixed: Crash on program start when entering very long command line (e.g. 1000 characters) in TC "Start" menu (32/64)
      • Fixed: Verify checksums: Detect UTF-8-encoded checksum file even without byte order marker (32/64)
      • Fixed: Use GetTickCount64 on Windows Vista or newer to show system up time >49 days (32/64)
      • Fixed: Improved system info dialog: Show CPU details from registry, Windows 10 ProductId, Windows type (Home, Professional, Ultimate etc), get SystemBiosVersion if SystemBiosDate is missing (32/64)
      • Fixed: Drag tab to other panel with no tabs -> tab was added also for current directory of that panel, but without icon (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTP client: Automatically use sChannel (even with OpenSSL present) on Vista or newer when using a client certificate (32/64)
      • Added: FTP client: Support for client certificates for ftps (ftp over ssl/tls) from Windows certificate store. Only works with sChannel library on Vista or newer, not openssl (32/64)
      • Fixed: Create CRC checksums, SFV format: The "beta" character in beta versions wasn`t stored correctly in UTF-8-encoded sfv files (32/64)
      • Fixed: File system links (junctions, reparse points): Do not draw 2 link overlays (internal and from Windows itself), it results in a double border on Windows 10 (32/64)
      • Fixed: Removed flickering caused by functions added to handle switching from/to high contrast mode (32/64)
      • Fixed: Button bar, start menu: parameter %O was appended with limit of 1023 characters, so it could be cut if the command line was longer (32/64)
      • Added: If we cannot access a directory when TC starts, show even if IgnoreDirErrors=1 isn`t set (32/64)
      • Added: Changing to directory via history or by switching tab -> ask for admin rights if we get error 5 (access denied), e.g. for C:WindowsSystem32config (32/64)
      • Added: Button bar: Button size and small icon size can now be set separately for each screen scale (dpi), e.g. for 4k screen and full hd screen (32/64)
      • Fixed: Windows 10, switch from/to high contrast mode -> text and background colors of various buttons were wrong (32/64)
      • Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoRenameMode=3: Determines how files are auto-renamed when copying or in multi-rename tool. Sum of: 1: append number (x) separated by space, 2: start number at (2), not (1) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Crash when viewing file with cudalister plugin, modifying the file, and closing lister without saving (32)
      • Added: Button bar, start menu: Add quotes around name inserted with %p%n too if it contains spaces or `&` character (32/64)
      • Added: When searching in virtual folder Desktop (Alt+F7 or Alt+Shift+F7), search both in user directory and common directory (32/64)
      • Added: Trying to create a subdirectory in non-existent directory with F7 or via command line (md dir) will now create the missing parent directory too (32/64)
      • Added: Double click on entry in unreadable directories lets TC retry to read the directory (32/64)
      • Fixed: Some content plugins could crash the plugin picker dialog (e.g. click on [=? Plugin] in multi-rename tool) when the user closed the dialog while the plugin sample value was still being loaded (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Button bar: in rare cases, the wrong icon was still shown after closing/re-opening the dialog (bug in LoadIconWithScaleDown function) (32/64)
      • Fixed: cd c:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportQueue caused unnecessary elevation prompt (32/64)
      • Fixed: Copying to t: fails if it`s substed drive for dirs with write access for which SetCurrentDirectory didn`t work, like c:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportQueue on Windows 10 (32/64)
      • Fixed: Ctrl+R in c:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportQueue caused unneccessary elevation prompt (32/64)
      • Fixed: Button bar, paste button from clipboard: Remove all trailing spaces, they are often added when copying button bar data from a Web browser (32/64)
      • Fixed: Lister: Couldn`t find Cyrillic text under special conditions: language for non-Unicode programs=Russian, encoding=Ansi (0), default font was changed (32/64)
      • Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker: password dialog for encrypted file names was sometimes not modal (user could still go back to TC) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Separate search dialog: only use second file name as list file name (selected files) if the name ends with .tmp (32/64)
      • Fixed: Couldn`t copy to certain directories with F5-F2, e.g. to C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportQueue, because SetCurrentDirectory failed (32/64)
      • Fixed: Starting a search in certain directories failed with error "Search path not found!", e.g. in C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportQueue, because SetCurrentDirectory failed (32/64)
      • Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=1 allows to switch to inaccessible or non-existent directories, shows in file list instead (32/64)
      • Added: New button bar parameter %Y anywhere in the parameter list: Allow empty lists when nothing is selected for parameters %S, %R, %L, %l, %F, %f, %D, %d, %WL, %WF, %UL and %UF (32/64)
      • Fixed: Standalone search via Alt+Shift+F7: Use real path for virtual folders, e.g. "Desktop" -> C:UsersDesktop, show error if not available (32/64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs with compare by content: Show "?" and not "unequal" when there is a read error in the middle of a file (32/64)
      • Fixed: Delete to recycle bin: Always divide the reported numbers by 2, since the reported estimates are mostly twice the number of files deleted (32/64)
      • Fixed: Switch between two directories with exactly the same content, e.g. a directory and a junction/reparse point to the same directory -> view modes were not updated (32/64)
      • Fixed: Drag URL from Chrome or Firefox to Total Commander: Disallow drop to file system plugin (32/64)
      • Fixed: Copying files, background transfer manager: Speed limit didn`t work any more for the second file and below (32/64)
      • Fixed: Copying files, option "Auto-rename target": The renaming of the existing target files to e.g. "file (2).ext" wasn`t logged (32/64)
      • Fixed: Copying files: reset speed calculations when overwrite confirmation dialog is shown (32/64)
      • Added: Icon from internal association takes precedence over internal packer icon (e.g. for *.rar) (32/64)
      • Fixed: "x32" submenu in file right click context menu (only displayed with X64menu=1 in [Configuration]): menu item "Configure..." not working (64)
      • Fixed: Compare by content, binary mode: Problems with files >2GB: no progress bar within compare results to count differences, sometimes crashes, no "show only selected" (64)
      • Fixed: Button bar button: Parameters %P, %p, %N, %n, %T, %t, %M, %m wrong in archive branch view: The name parameters need to contain the relative path (32/64)
      • Fixed: Button bar button: Parameters %L, %l, %F, %f, %D, %d, %WL, %WF, %UL, %UF didn`t put local paths in list for file system plugins like virtual panel (32/64)
      • Fixed: Button bar button: Parameters %C1, %C2, %c1, %c2 etc. didn`t work with file system plugins returning local path like virtual panel (32/64)
      • Fixed: Button bar button: Parameters %c1, %c2, %n, %m were not using 8.3 names any more (32/64)
      • Fixed: Command line parameters: Always treat file with extension .tab as a directory tab file, even when a packer plugin claims the extension for itself (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTP: no second progress bar was shown when uploading subdirectories (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTP, edit two text files (with F4) from two different directories, save both within 1-2 seconds -> re-upload errors (32/64)
      • Fixed: cm_GotoNextDrive, cm_GotoPreviousDrive: skip drives with no media when HideRemovableNoMedia!=0 (32/64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP server: Download, "Resume all" didn`t work (it re-downloaded from the start), "Resume" worked (32/64)
      • Fixed: Non-Unicode SunOS-compatible TAR archives (long name stored within same header): Long paths were cut at 155 characters (32/64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Ctrl+F3 (compare left and right) tried to compare empty directory only present on one side (32/64)
      • Added: Files - change attributes: Button to load attributes from file under cursor in target panel, labeled LEFT or RIGHT (hotkey: Alt+2) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Delete file from ZIP subdir -> file list wasn`t refreshed if the subdir wasn`t by itself stored in the zip, just the file with relative name (32/64)
      • Fixed: Do not beep in compare by content when copying a line which wasn`t selected between the panels (Alt+Left or Alt+Right), only when copying from the inactive to the active panel (32/64)
      • Fixed: GZip unpacker: Couldn`t unpack GZ file with very large extra field >8kBytes (32/64)
      • Fixed: GZip unpacker: Only first stream of multi-stream gz file was unpacked when it had the same CRC as the last stream (32/64)
      • Fixed: File system plugins with custom icons: icons were not refreshed when changing icon size in configuration and just entering the plugin root (32/64)
      • Fixed: Files - Change attributes - Add - Comment - ">>" (Edit comment) -> the buttons were not visible (64)
      • Added: Command line parameters: Support switching to virtual folders via GUID, e.g. for drive list, use /L=::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} (32/64)
      • Added: Command line: support switching to virtual folders via GUID, e.g. for drive list, use cd ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} (32/64)
      • Added: Button bar: support shell GUIDs, e.g. to go to Explorer`s recent dirs, use cd ::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99} (32/64)
      • Fixed: Files - Pack files: Dropdown list of packer plugins only showed up to 8 plugins without scrolling, increased to 30 (64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Button bar: Couldn`t delete exe/dll files used for icons in the bar after closing the dialog (they still stay locked while the dialog is up) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Files - Split files: Last used size wasn`t remembered as default. Now saved in wincmd.ini [Configuration] SplitBytesPerFile (32/64)
      • Fixed: Compare by content: Clear last search result (underlined text) when changing the text or re-comparing from current line (32/64)
      • Fixed: View mode with custom columns view: Additional sort orders defined in the view mode were not applied (32/64)
      • Fixed: View modes, auto switch mode: "Must match" option didn`t work with FTP paths, e.g. *public_html* matches folder named "public_html" and all subfolders. Must use backslashes in pattern (32/64)
      • Fixed: Files - Encode files: Options were not remembered when closing Total Commander. Store in wincmd.ini [Configuration] EncodeMethod=0..2 and EncodeLinesPerFile (32/64)
      • Fixed: Trying to close locked tab with middle mouse click (wheel) or ctrl+left click -> show tab title in confirmation dialog (32/64)
      • Fixed: Ctrl+Click on inactive tab now closes the tab without switching to it first (32/64)
      • Fixed: Button bar: When shown as dropdown menu, items without an icon are not displayed as pressed (e.g. sort by name button when list sorted by name) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Crash when switching to different tab with mouse when using Windows 10 exploits protections (due to handle values > 4GB) (64)
      • Fixed: No drive icons from Explorer were shown when using Windows 10 exploits protections (due to handle values > 4GB) (64)
      • Fixed: Copying in foreground, then clicking on background button crashed when using Windows 10 exploits protections (due to handle values > 4GB) (64)
      • Fixed: Background transfer manager crashed when using Windows 10 exploits protections (due to handle values > 4GB) (64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs, internal compare plugin (compare as text) may hang with 2 files of different size, multiple of 32kBytes (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - button bar: icons were sometimes wrong (32/64)
      • Added: Show warning in log when upload to Micrsoft IIS FTP server via TLSv1.2 fails. Search for KB2888853 for a hotfix (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.12 Final (24.11.2017):

      • Fixed: Get tsclient shares during remote desktop session using Unicode functions (64)
      • Fixed: Position and size of background copy dialog (F5-Enter-Background) could be wrong on Windows 10 Creators Update (32/64)
      • Fixed: Drag the copy progress dialog (F5-Enter) to secondary screen with different DPI -> size wasn`t changed (64)
      • Fixed: If the option EditNewName=name was set to a placeholder string, e.g. EditNewName=<[YMD].txt, the placeholders were not resolved on Shift+F4 (32/64)
      • Fixed: 32-bit color drive icons with transparency still used the first pixel as transparent color for the drive buttonbar (64)
      • Fixed: Printing didn`t work when starting TC with command line parameters starting with / (e.g. /i=ini file) (64)
      • Fixed: The initial window size of resizable dialogs (e.g. synchronize dirs, multi-rename tool etc.) was too small on high dpi screens (64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs, copy attributes (via right click menu): Couldn`t copy timestamp if target had read only attribute (32/64)
      • Fixed: Internal associations pointing to different packers didn`t work any more, e.g. *.exe -> "7zip packer", **7z (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.10 Final (20.10.2017):

      User interface:
      • Support for multiple screens with different densities (DPI) per screen on Windows 10 (requires latest release version, "Creators Update", or newer).
      • Support for Windows 10 fall Creators Update, mainly OneDrive online only file support
      • Set font quality (e.g. force antialiasing on/off)
      • Support new pseudo environment variables from values described here - just leave out the FOLDERID_ prefix, e.g. %$AccountPictures%

      File operations:
      • "New folder" (F7) can now use the same placeholders as the multi-rename tool (e.g. date+time), and create multiple directories in one step using a counter
      • "New text file" (Shift+F4) now supports the same placeholders as the multi-rename tool
      • "New text file" (Shift+F4) now also works in archives, on FTP servers, and with file system plugins
      • Option to use latest "Everything" tool in Alt+Shift+Enter/Spacebar free space calculations
      • Internal 7zip unpacker: Support background unpacking

      • Support touch screen scrolling+text selection
      • Support Unicode names when loading images via Irfanview (needs new Unicode version of Irfanview)

      Compare by content:
      • Set width in binary mode to 8, 16, 24 or 32 bytes

      Multi-rename tool:
      • New placeholders for inserting current date+time

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0a Final (14.12.2016):

      • Fixed: Mapped USB drives or network drives added after starting TC would show up with internal icon/as disconnected when using Explorer icons and no drive buttonbar (32/64)
      • Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Entries which appeared with a delay were sometimes shown as files, not folders (32/64)
      • Fixed: Standalone install64.exe ignored UserName= line in install.inf when auto-installing. Furthermore, the line userforicons= was unused (64)
      • Fixed: Clear pending numeric coprocessor exceptions also before dispatching Windows messages to reduce problems with C/C++ plugins and extensions (32)
      • Fixed: Unpack files with forbidden characters ?*|<> also from 7zip and rar archives, partial support for packer plugins too (32/64)
      • Fixed: Disabled the fix "Support invalid ZIP archives with UTF-8-encoded names but missing UTF-8 flag (created by Dropbox)" on systems with double byte charsets like Chinese, because some valid Chinese double byte characters would be detected as UTF-8 (32/64)
      • Fixed: Alt+F5 re-pack files from within an archive, no target path given (e.g. rar:newfile.rar) -> archive was created in TEMP dir, need to insert current directory (32/64)
      • Fixed: Lister (F3): Search for regular expressions in UTF-8 and UTF-16 modes didn`t handle backslashes correctly, had to enter instead of to find a single backslash (32/64)
      • Fixed: Auto switch mode: sort order was lost when restarting TC while in an archive, and view mode of parent directory had sort order set to "unchanged" (32/64)
      • Fixed: Reduced flickering when pressing ESC while not in command line (32/64)
      • Fixed: Quick filter: Filter icon was drawn 1 pixel too high, separator line was overdrawn (32/64)
      • Fixed: Brief view, select all, select nothing, select all -> total number of files was no longer shown in footer (32/64)
      • Fixed: In rare cases, TC may start with empy file panels. To fix, add to wincmd.ini [Configuration] FixEmptyPanel=1

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0a RC3 (08.12.2016):

      • Fixed: Dimmed icons (for hidden files) were drawn incorrectly on Windows 2000 and older if the background color wasn`t white (32)
      • Fixed: Lister, html view: was not recognized as UTF-8 encoding header (32/64)
      • Fixed: Search function: When saving search and overwriting an existing search with different upper-/lowercase characters, there was a (correct) overwrite warning, but the search appeared twice in the list (64)
      • Fixed: When preloading icons from system image list, draw the icon already in the background thread (hidden), because the icon seems to be loaded only when drawn (32/64)
      • Fixed: F6 move: Skipping empty dirs by appending |** to second input line didn`t work when moving within the same drive (32/64)
      • Fixed: Hide "Themed cursor" checkbox in configuration dialog on systems older than Windows XP (32/64)
      • Fixed: Separate quick view window was closed when choosing directory from directory hotlist or history in other panel (32/64)
      • Fixed: Drag&Drop to other file panel not possible while separate quick view window was shown (32/64)
      • Fixed: Alt+F5 pack dialog was shown on wrong (primary) screen when the last used packer was a plugin (caused by focus change) (64)
      • Fixed: Content plugin field selection dialog: extra text (x.xx) after size field units wasn`t removed when adding a field (64)
      • Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SkippedFileCopy=100 or more: Option to set a different delay (in ms) at start of a file operation during which a user can be asked whether he wants to overwrite a file (32/64)
      • Fixed: Delay-load Windows drive icons when not using the drive buttonbar. Disable via wincmd.ini [Configuration] LoadDriveIconsInBackground=0 (32/64)
      • Fixed: Internal command SELECTFILES (and also SELECTFILESB, SELECTFILESD etc.) didn`t work with saved selections in the form >Saved_selection any more (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0a RC2 (05.12.2016):

      • Fixed: Multi-rename tool retried with 10000 different target names if the source file was locked by another app, slowing down the rename function (32/64)
      • Fixed: Lister, search function: Allow to search for OEM-specific characters like the line drawing characters in OEM/DOS mode (32/64)
      • Fixed: Internal associations could not longer be defined for *.url files (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - button bar: Upper preview window (entire bar) didn`t show icon if the icon file name was given in double quotes (32/64)
      • Added: Content plugins: "size" field now supports 4 additional types: bkMGT, bkMGT2, bkMG3, bkMGT3: T is with Terabytes, 3 is 2 digits after the decimal point (and at least 1 before it) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Content plugin field selection dialog: Right click on plugin field - "Copy to clipboard" was not working (32/64)
      • Fixed: Brief view: Extension could switch from aligned to attached to file name when making window smaller (32/64)
      • Fixed: Quick search filter was lost when deleting files from archive (32/64)
      • Fixed: Faster loading of directories (especially on network shares) with option "Overlay icons" enabled, by moving the name parsing to the background thread (32/64)
      • Fixed: Lister: could not copy OEM text to clipboard in binary and hex mode, it was copied as ANSI text (32/64)
      • Fixed: Hex search in Lister not always working with OEM font set, and "Respect case" not checked (32/64)
      • Added: The replacement of the Photos app with Windows Image Viewer can now be disabled in Files - Associate With..., the option is only shown for affected extensions like jpg (32/64)
      • Fixed: Search with `Everything`: Detect versions older than 1.3 and warn user that version 1.3 or newer is needed (32/64)
      • Fixed: Dialog box for choosing the default icon library: Automatically check second radio button (lower icon lib) when user chooses library from dropdown combobox (32/64)
      • Fixed: Dialog box "Drive not found" was using a very small font size on high DPI devices (32/64)
      • Fixed: Trying to drag files from WindowsFonts to other program made TC unresponsive to mouse clicks; the actual drag problem cannot be fixed because Fonts stores the files for a virtual folder (64)
      • Fixed: Do not remember position of separator between the two file panels when closing separate quick view window (32/64)
      • Added: wincmd.ini, UseEverythingInstance option now supports environment variables (32/64)
      • Fixed: Classic theme: Multi-rename tool buttons "+" and "#" did not show cyrillic characters, just ???? (64)
      • Fixed: FTP connection on tab: When drive letters are shown on the tab, change # to connection number when the connection on that tab is established (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTP connection on locked tab (with dir changes allowed) not working: Couldn`t switch to that tab with mouse click, click on "" didn`t go to locked dir, restarting TC with that tab in foreground changed title. Note: after restarting, click on tab title to reconnect (32/64)
      • Fixed: Reload shield overlay icon when user changes icon size in file list (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0a RC1 (30.11.2016):

      • Fixed: Left side in archive, rename that archive in other panel -> returned to directory of the archive, but the auto switch mode rules were not applied (32/64)
      • Fixed: Some overlays (e.g. on default folder icons) could be drawn twice (32/64)
      • Fixed: Shield overlay icon was pixelated in thumbnails view if it was loaded while in normal view (32/64)
      • Added: Name of icon library for cached button bar is now stored in separate section [ButtonbarCache] instead of [Buttonbar] (but it`s read from both) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Language in TC could partially switch back to English when moving multiple file operations to the background (running there at the same time) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Themed caret (cursor in listboxes) was not disabled by default if WindowBlinds is running in x64 only because the module name is wblind64 not wblind (64)
      • Fixed: FTP connection, search, feed to listbox, connection lost, user denies to reconnect -> sometimes the text "Search result" remained on tab (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTP connection, connection lost, user denies to reconnect -> view mode was not applied to local directory (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - Auto switch mode: Crash trying to load a rule with more than 50 sub-rules (created manually). also increased maximum to 100 (32/64)
      • Added: Search function: Use prefix ed: instead of ev: for unfiltered Everything search in the location(s) given by "Search in" field. Also supports the "limit depth" option (32/64)
      • Fixed: Lister: Position at start differed by 1 pixel from previously saved position (32/64)
      • Fixed: Could no longer open archives without extension with Enter (only with Ctrl+PageDown) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Could not load saved synchronize dirs option with files from list file if there were previous selections (32/64)
      • Added: Everything: Support named instances (Everything.exe -instance "somename"): wincmd.ini [Configuration] UseEverythingInstance=somename (32/64)
      • Fixed: Could not use 7zip plugin (e.g. Total7zip) in synchronize dirs with self-extracting .exe files, TC always used internal 7zip (32/64)
      • Fixed: F3 on large directory (e.g. Windows) -> counting directory size couldn`t be aborted by closing lister with X button, only with ESC (32/64)
      • Fixed: Do not open associated files with Ctrl+PageDown if "Treat archives like directories" is disabled (32/64)
      • Fixed: Commands - Target=Source didn`t apply Auto Switch Mode rules to the target panel (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTP, search function: File sizes >2GB would not be handled correctly (32/64)
      • Fixed: Main menu: Submenu indicator (black triangle) could overlay menu text on high dpi screens (32/64)
      • Fixed: Windows classic theme: Reduce flickering of status bar (footer) by not updating it when the content stays the same, e.g. when clicking on a different file in full mode (32/64)
      • Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Sometimes servers which should appear there are shown in a file system plugin which is opened from there (although the function is disabled when leaving Network Neighborhood) (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 Final (23.11.2016):

      • Fixed: Internal function cm_SearchForInCurDir tried to search in curdir.. instead of current dir with cursor on [..] (64)
      • Fixed: Search in separate process: List file containing selected file names wasn`t deleted (32)
      • Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Parameter %p%s in branch view added path relative to current dir twice (32/64)
      • Fixed: Left panel: Search result within archive; Right panel: Create file with Shift+F4, then rename it -> search result was lost (32/64)
      • Fixed: Allow to open files even if they contain right to left markers, but only if they also contain real right to left text (e.g. Arabic) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Do not remove right to left markers from file names in list when using aligned extensions (separate column) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: The new checkboxes (e.g. for dimmed icons) were not disabled when checking "no icons" (32/64)
      • Added: RestrictInterface=1024: Disable manual and automatic update checks, and hide update function from menu (e.g. for companies) (32/64)
      • Fixed: TC could cause high CPU load when minimized with option "Auto-refresh" set to "Don`t react to updates while in the background" when files were changed while minimized (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 RC6 (16.11.2016):

      • Added: Update check function now sends user to www.ghisler.com/update when there is a new version (32/64)
      • Fixed: Reduced maximum width for maximized lister window to 29900 pixel (64-bit)/16000 pixel (32-bit) in the hope to fix a (not reproduced) bug in "snap to top" function (32/64)
      • Fixed: Catch floating point exceptions also when loading Lister plugins, to fix crash in Imagine (32/64)
      • Fixed: Current tab color was sometimes saved incorrectly when closing TC (32/64)
      • Fixed: Crash in function cm_ShowFileUser when releasing a buffer. Note: Function requires that TC is run as administrator (32/64)
      • Fixed: Environment variables were not working in [buttonbar] DefaultLib entry (32/64)
      • Fixed: Properties of files inside a ZIP archive: Show method 95 as "LZMA(XZ)" instead of just 95 (32/64)
      • Added: New tcmdlzma.dll and tclzma64.dll version, compiled from official 7zip sources, used for lzma compressed ZIP files (32/64)
      • Added: New method to download key directly to TC directory (32/64)
      • Fixed: Ctrl+N, https download was not working with new sChannel library when using a http proxy (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 RC5 (09.11.2016):

      • Fixed: Reduced automatic update checks to once per day, ramdomly after 0h..9h morning to better distribute the server load (32/64)
      • Fixed: Various problems watching for mobile device arrivals/removals, e.g. USB devices disappearing from Alt+F1 list, wrong labels etc. (32/64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize with certain archives, option "Only selected" checked -> recompare after sync gave empty results because the selection was lost (32/64)
      • Fixed: Further reduced CPU usage of main thread, caused by a timer which shouldn`t always be running (32/64)
      • Fixed: Archive where deeper directories are stored before others, e.g. /dir1/dir2 before /dir1 -> timestamp for /dir1 was shown incorrectly (32/64)
      • Fixed: Automatically changed view mode was lost on tab with "locked but dir changes allowed" after 2 or more directory changes and restarting TC (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - View modes: Never apply current view mode in configuration dialog to target panel, only to source panel (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - View modes: Only apply auto view mode filter to current tab when on "Auto Switch Mode" page (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - View modes: Try to preserve previous view modes on tabs even when deleting or re-ordering view modes (32/64)
      • Fixed: Directory hotlist, choose item with dirs for both sides -> separate tree for inactive panel wasn`t updated when using 2 separate trees (32/64)
      • Fixed: Context menu for file, press hotkey which doesn`t exist in the menu -> close the context menu, as in TC 32-bit (64)
      • Fixed: Catch exception "Printer selected is not valid" in "Print" - "File list" dialog box (32/64)
      • Fixed: Search via "Everything" 1.3.x and older 1.4.x caused access violation when no file/folder was found with the given search string (32/64)
      • Fixed: Themed listbox cursor was drawn in footer (directly below file list) during quick search (32)
      • Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view in archive on pdf file not showing anything while quick search dialog was open (32/64)
      • Fixed: Quick view in archive not working when invoking cm_SrcQuickview with mouse (OK via command line or hotkey) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Shift+F4 always created a new file when entering a name without extension, even when the file already existed (32/64)
      • Fixed: The following option didn`t work in 64-bit: Main menu: When additional icon dlls have their own inc file, it will be used instead of wcmicons.inc for the entire main menu (64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 RC4 (02.11.2016):

      • Fixed: Compare by content: "Only show differences" must be disabled before recomparing, e.g. when file was changed externally, or user chooses different file encoding (32/64)
      • Fixed: Opening files/programs with ENTER: Do not resolve links/reparse points pointing to complete paths (only to relative paths, except when faulty IE10 is installed), otherwise the file may no open (32/64)
      • Fixed: Default icon library for button bar was set to other than wcmicons.dll -> revert to wcmicons.dll when the other dll is no longer available (32/64)
      • Fixed: Update quick view window while quick search is up -> temporarily set focus in active panel to prevent hang in plugin SLister. Closing quick search on Ctrl+Q no longer needed! (32/64)
      • Fixed: Main menu: When additional icon dlls have their own inc file, it will be used instead of wcmicons.inc for the entire main menu (32/64)
      • Added: Configuration - Button bar: additional icon dlls can now have their own inc file. If the index differs from the wcmicons.inc file, the icon will be locked to that dll (doesn`t change automatically when switching to other dll) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Move view mode -> view modes assigned to tabs below that position were reverted to default only in active panel (32/64)
      • Fixed: Delete view mode -> view modes assigned to tabs below that position were reverted to default only in active panel (32/64)
      • Fixed: Delete view mode active in current tab, click on "Default" view mode, then "Apply" -> current tab view mode was sometimes not reverted to the default (32/64)
      • Fixed: Ctrl+PageDown could no longer be used to enter archives with no extension (32/64)
      • Added: Get file details (size, time, attributes) from Everything 1.4 or newer via new RPC call if available (32/64)
      • Fixed: Everything dlls are no longer needed, replaced by internal code calling the Everything service directly. Necessary because the dlls didn`t support the new Everything 1.4 functions yet (32/64)
      • Fixed: Open archive below a junction/reparse point -> the path changed to the junction target, which would only be needed for opening files/folders externally (32/64)
      • Fixed: Updated to latest unrar.dll from www.rarlab.com, the included one was still a beta version (5.40 beta 2 -> final) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Draw grayed text in comboboxes if they are disabled (32/64)
      • Fixed: Also disable (draw grayed) the labels in Configuration - Options - View modes for disabled comboboxes (32/64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Click on buttons <- -> etc. sometimes still not working after double clicking on path in main window to open directory hotlist -> open hotlist only on mouse up event (64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 RC3 (26.10.2016):

      • Fixed: Close quick search dialog when user presses Ctrl+Q, otherwise some plugins like SLister can hang Total Commander (32/64)
      • Fixed: Use old file list icons from TC8.x when wincmd.ini contains IconLib=filename.dll even if the linked name is invalid, otherwise the user cannot switch between old and new icons via settings (32/64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Click on buttons <- -> etc. not working after double clicking on path in main window to open directory hotlist (64)
      • Fixed: Hide "Everything" search option on Windows NT4/9x/ME because Everything.exe doesn`t work on these Windows versions (32)
      • Fixed: Recompiled 32-bit 7zip dll with Visual C++ 6.0 to make it work also on Windows 9x/ME (32)
      • Fixed: Unpack 7zip files: new 7zip unpacker dll could cause TC to hang in overwrite dialog if the callback was called from a background thread. Also updated 7zip dlls to (32/64)
      • Fixed: Crash in synchronize dirs after edit, re-compare (with save), edit, then "recompare from here" (32/64)
      • Fixed: Compare by content: Extra line combobox must be disabled initially, because "show only differences" is unchecked (32/64)
      • Fixed: "LastSearchOptions" was still saved to wincmd.ini when TC was closed, it should only be saved when the search dialog is closed (64)
      • Added: Main icon: Made text "64" on the 16x16 pixel icon larger, better readable (64)
      • Fixed: Create checksums: Sort files differently (by directory, then by name) when creating checksums in branch view (32/64)
      • Fixed: Create checksums: Overwrite dialog was shown by mistake when getting checksums of several files in same folder with option "separate checksum files for each directory" (32/64)
      • Fixed: cm_SrcViewModeList didn`t accept view mode names as parameter, only view mode numbers (32/64)
      • Fixed: Show context menu item to show vertical button bar also when right clicking on splitter panel between 2 file panels above each other (32/64)
      • Fixed: Splitter panel between the two panels: Make double click easier by not moving it on the first mouse down (32/64)
      • Fixed: Auto update check function: Added possibility to disable auto update checks, or set longer interval via auto-update server response (32/64)
      • Fixed: Button bar: Hovered button was 1 pixel too low when not using themed buttons (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 RC2 (19.10.2016):

      • Added: Separate quick view (Ctrl+Shift+Q): Show * behind "Lister" text to distinguish the quick view window from normal Lister windows (32/64)
      • Fixed: Separate quick view (Ctrl+Shift+Q) would not open maximized (after being stored via menu) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Show big link icon for LNK files (instead of default file icon with/without link overlay) when icons for EXE/LNK are disabled (32/64)
      • Fixed: Use button bar tooltips from English if there is no INC file for a language, and the command isn`t in the main menu either (32/64)
      • Fixed: Search dialog showed up with narrow unresizable window on Windows 9x/ME (due to bugfix for Windows 10 on 05.09.16) (32)
      • Fixed: Show vertical button bar when using 2 panels above each other (Vertical arrangement) via menu Start - Vertical button bar -> context menu items for vertical bar were missing (32/64)
      • Fixed: Automatic column width in file panels wrong when using 2 panels above each other (Vertical arrangement) and vertical buttonbar (32/64)
      • Fixed: Hover with mouse over buttonbar, using flat unstyled buttons -> do not draw current button frame over button which is already down (32/64)
      • Fixed: Updated installer for CD version to functions of new self-extracting installer (32/64)
      • Fixed: The uninstaller didn`t remove some newer files (32/64)
      • Added: New icon library for main menu and button bars is now included also in 48x48 pixel size (16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48) (32/64)
      • Added: Synchronize dirs: Compare by content: Compare single files from each side by selecting just the two files and choosing "Compare..." from the context menu (32/64)
      • Fixed: Alt+F10 tree wouldn`t save paths longer than about 500 characters (32/64)
      • Fixed: Dialog for choosing the default icon library: Show icons centered horizontally (32/64)
      • Fixed: Vertical button bar: Open overflow menu (bar too high), right click any item -> menu to edit main bar instead of verical bar was shown (32/64)
      • Fixed: Checkboxes in text search section of search dialog were too high, causing overlap (64)
      • Fixed: Switch from full view with custom view mode to tree -> custom background color remained below tree items (32/64)
      • Fixed: New default non-bold font was never used for new users because the installer was writing to [Configuration] -> use new font if FirstTime=0 wasn`t set on first TC start (32/64)
      • Fixed: Press SPACEBAR on folder -> `?` was no longer shown in size column until the size was calculated (32/64)
      • Fixed: Some USB link cables seem to need other GUID to connect (32/64)
      • Fixed: Passing plugin name via command line no longer worked, e.g. TOTALCMD.EXE /o /r="Secure FTP" (32/64)
      • Fixed: Compare by content, local file with ftp, save remote, return to TC -> panel could switch from ftp to local directory on some Windows versions (32/64)
      • Fixed: tsclient drives were sometimes not appearing when connecting to remote computer where TC was already running (32/64)
      • Fixed: No drive tips in drive dropdown combobox for tsclient drives (32/64)
      • Fixed: Icons for tsclient wrong when using icons from Explorer - use icons displayed in sclient path instead (32/64)
      • Fixed: Alt+F10 tree only showed root level when using natural sorting+sort dirs by name options (32/64)
      • Fixed: Search function: Load/Save last search options (checkboxes) each time when opening/closing the search dialog, to better support standalone search (32/64)
      • Fixed: Start TC with fresh INI and without key -> dialog to choose default icon library was shown the first two times TC was started, not just the first time (32/64)
      • Fixed: Search function: Ignore "Search in" field when using ev: prefix, otherwise Everything would be called for each given start path (32/64)
      • Fixed: cm_LeftViewModeList, cm_RightViewModeList and cm_SrcViewModeList now accept a view mode number>0 or view mode name as parameter in button bar, starter menu, or internal command (32/64)
      • Fixed: Right click on tab header, open tab in other panel -> view modes were not copied. Note: Locked state will NOT be copied! (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: Switching from internal to Explorer drive icons only changed the drive bar and tabs, not the drive dropdown combobox (32/64)
      • Fixed: Close TC while a locked tab was the active tab, then start TC with parameters /T /L="c:directory" -> the locked tab sometimes lost the `*`, and the new tab had the wrong tab title (32/64)
      • Fixed: Left panel: Set view mode which shows/hides icon in tabs, causing the number of tab rows to change -> file panel wasn`t resized correctly (32/64)
      • Fixed: Search function: Drives dialog not working in x64 version (test dialog shown) (64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 RC1 (15.10.2016):

      • Fixed: Show list of local drives when connecting via RDP (remote desktop) - use WTSRegisterSessionNotification to be notified when remote desktop connection starts/ends (32/64)
      • Fixed: Resizing main window could cause half-drawn icons in vertical button bar with icon size=button size (32/64)
      • Fixed: Abort running commands from view modes when holding down ESC key (32/64)
      • Added: Lister: Store position separately for separate quick view (Ctrl+Shift+Q): wincmd.ini [Lister] QuickX,QuickY,QuickDx,QuickDy, QuickMaximized (32/64)
      • Fixed: Crash showing certain dialogs when changing locale while TC is running, and ANSI sort order is different (e.g. Czech: CH sorted after H -> resource order changes) (64)
      • Fixed: Folders in search results were not sorted by the natural sorting method e.g. `CH` after `H` in Czech (32/64)
      • Fixed: Multi-rename tool: New option to auto-rename to "name (2).ext" etc. didn`t work if one of the renamed names was the same as an existing file name not changed by the rename options (e.g. test_a_.txt test_b_.txt, replace _a_ by _b_) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Auto view mode switch set for a dir with subdirs (e.g. c:dir*), go to c:dir, locked but directory changes allowed, go to subdir, switch to different tab -> view mode was lost (32/64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Comparing 2 RAR archives by content was no longer working correctly (32/64)
      • Added: Bitlocker dialog: Checkbox to not show that message again. If the user then clicks Yes, the bitlocker password dialog will always be shown, otherwise never (fails with an error) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Bitlocker dialog and registration screen could still interfere in full version (64)
      • Fixed: cm_CopyFileDetailsToClip copied extra #1 character when using custom columns with [=tc.comment] column, and the comment file was Unicode (32/64)
      • Fixed: Allow to view, rename and delete files ending with a dot, e.g. "test.txt .". These names are not allowed in Windows functions, but can still be created on NTFS with ? prefix (32/64)
      • Fixed: Display trailing dot(s) in file list for file names ending with a dot (which isn`t allowed in Windows functions , but can still be created on NTFS with ? prefix) (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 Beta 17 (05.10.2016):

      • Fixed: When entering large directories, wait with handling messages for up to 1.9 seconds - still safe to avoid freezing, but keeps keyboard input made by user (32/64)
      • Fixed: Do not watch for changes in "Computer" virtual folder when ShowExtraDrives doesn`t have value 4 added (show drives with no drive letters like phones) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Remote desktop connection: Show shared drives when connecting, hide them when disconnecting (32/64)
      • Fixed: Remote desktop connection: Local drives shared via "Local resources" options were not visible in TC (WNetOpenEnum failed) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Don`t try to show the bitlocker unlock dialog while the registration screen is still up (switch to local drive instead, as TC 8.x) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Button F3, F4 etc. in bottom bar could wrap to two lines when button too narrow (64)
      • Fixed: Quick search filter was lost after using file context menu, causing a full refresh by mistake (32/64)
      • Fixed: Comments: Problems copying comment from UTF-8-encoded comment file to OEM-encoded comment file on systems with codepage other than 1252 (32/64)
      • Fixed: Comments: Problems copying comment from OEM-encoded comment file to UTF-8-encoded comment file on systems with codepage other than 1252 (comment not visible, line breaks lost) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Comments: Default type set to one of the Unicode types, enter non-Unicode comment via Ctrl+Z -> last character was cut (32/64)
      • Fixed: Move file (F6) which is currently opened and locked by a program will copy the file, but deleting the original will fail -> show different error dialog (32/64)
      • Fixed: Hold down space on a file, then press Tab while space is still down -> the footer could be wrong (32/64)
      • Fixed: Missing identifiers for new commands in WCMICONS.INC (32/64)
      • Fixed: For consistency with the 32-bit version, don`t drive drive icons from icon lib dimmed when hovering over them (64)
      • Fixed: Search dialog: Save "Search for" combobox when starting a search and the string has changed, not only when closing the dialog (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - View mode, Apply after deleting a mode -> revert view modes on tab to 0 (default) if a mode was deleted or inserted before that mode (64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - View mode, Apply after deleting a mode -> revert view modes on tab to 0 (default) if number higher than available view modes (64)
      • Fixed: Folder tabs: Default view mode, toggle "Priority", click "Apply" -> icons for default view mode tabs were only changed when switching to these tabs (32/64)
      • Fixed: Folder tabs: When disabling folder tab icons, an empty placeholder was shown on tabs where a user mode icon with priority option was defined (32/64)
      • Fixed: Abort counting space in file system plugin subdirs (Alt+Shift+Enter or Spacebar) when disconnecting or closing the program (32/64)
      • Fixed: Windows 10 bug: Alt+Tab away from Configuration - Options - Misc after clicking on a disabled control in that dialog still caused redraw errors -> we need to focus a different control (list of pages) (64)
      • Added: Updated tc7z.dll and tc7z64.dll with latest dlls from 7z1603-extra.7z (7zxa.dll and x647zxa.dll ) (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTPS: Suggest to use OpenSSL dlls in the log window when connection fails because the operating system doesn`t support session re-use (e.g. Linux with Wine) (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTP connection dialog: Automatically check passive mode option when checking SSL/TLS, it doesn`t work with active mode (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 Beta 16 (28.09.2016):

      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - View mode, Apply after deleting a mode -> revert view modes on tab to 0 (default) if a mode was deleted or inserted before that mode (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - View mode, Apply after deleting a mode -> revert view modes on tab to 0 (default) if number higher than available view modes (32/64)
      • Fixed: Crash in quick search when trying to enter a search text while TC was frozen (32/64)
      • Fixed: Windows 10 bug: Alt+Tab away from Configuration - Options - Misc after clicking on a disabled control in that dialog caused redraw errors (64)
      • Fixed: Change Attribute dialog: Accept date and time where there is more than one separator between each value, e.g. 10//22////2016
      • Fixed: Do not use semi-transparent bitmaps with alpha channel on Windows 2000 when resizing, otherwise the icons could get a black background (32/64)
      • Fixed: Use 16-bit colors for icons on Windows 9x/ME/2000, otherwise dimmed icons look ugly, dithered with white instead of dimmed (32/64)
      • Fixed: File list icons could have black background on Windows 2000, need to use old scaling method without alpha blending (32/64)
      • Fixed: Do not open notification about new version while the startup screen or settings dialog are open (32/64)
      • Fixed: Starting TC with locked bitlocker drive on current tab and BitlockerAlwaysDecrypt=1 option could lead to infinite asking for password if user didn`t enter it (note that 32-bit works differently, it switches to c:) (64)
      • Fixed: Switch away from tab with "locked but directory changes allowed", while not in locked root -> tab color was restored to the locked root, but not the tab icon (32/64)
      • Added: cm_100percent now accepts a parameter: If >0, it sets the panel width (in percent) of the active panel. If <0, it sets the panel width (in percent) of the left window. Example: cm_100percent 70 (32/64)
      • Fixed: Switching to server with command line: cd servername requiring user name+password would sometimes show the "Reading directory" dialog in front of the login/password dialog (32/64)
      • Fixed: View modes: Right clicking on tab which wasn`t active when starting TC sometimes didn`t check the current view mode (32/64)
      • Fixed: Sometimes the right file panel couldn`t get focused (happens when only the right panel window handle is recreated) (64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 Beta 15 (21.09.2016):

      • Fixed: View modes: Commands defined in view modes were always applied to the left panel only (release beta 15 rev a) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Do not watch notifications for network drives, it can hang the watch directory thread (32/64)
      • Fixed: Re-signed all included EXE/DLL files with separate SHA-1 (re-issued) and SHA256 certificates (32/64)
      • Added: Message dialog with checkbox (e.g. shown on multi-rename name collisions): Show icon, make it look more like the standard MessageBox dialog (32/64)
      • Added: For the sorting commands like CM_SRCBYNAME, add parameter 4 to sort by additional columns, e.g. CM_SRCBYSIZE 5 adds sort by size, ascending (32/64)
      • Added: The following internal commands now accept parameters 0 (toggle, default), 1 (true), and 2 (false), except in main menu (* stands for LEFT, RIGHT, and SRC): CM_VERTICALPANELS,CM_*THUMBS,CM_*BYNAME,CM_*BYEXT,CM_*BYSIZE,CM_*BYDATETIME,CM_*UNSORTED,CM_*NEGORDER (32/64)
      • Fixed: Make sure that when rubberband selection starts in one file panel, it will remain there (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTP: avoid infinite retries if both PASV and PORT mode fail due to server misconfiguration (32/64)
      • Fixed: Auto-switching to thumbnails view in directory with images -> one of the images would sometimes not get a thumbnail (64)
      • Added: Execute view mode commands also when switching between 2 tabs with different view modes (32/64)
      • Added: Define view mode commands when switching away from a view mode to a different mode. Separate by | (vertical line), e.g. cm_100percent|cm_50percent (32/64)
      • Added: Support Ctrl+Q (quick view panel) also during quick search. May cause problems like lost cursor with some plugins (32/64)
      • Fixed: Open background transfer manager without starting any operation in it, then close TC -> warning about running background operations (32/64)
      • Fixed: Number of folders wasn`t updated in footer when network shares were added after reading the network neighborhood (delayed reporting) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Do not show any network shares in Network Neighborhood (as in TC 8.x) when Allowed= doesn`t contain the backslash (32/64)
      • Fixed: Look of horizontal separators in Configuration - Options - Fonts (32/64)
      • Added: Multi-rename tool: On Windows NT-based systems, the new placeholder [u] at the start of the new name field converts all composite characters (e.g. separate a and ^) to precomposed characters (a with accent) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Disable themed caret (cursor in listboxes) by default if WindowBlinds is running. Otherwise no cursor at all may be shown (32/64)
      • Fixed: Free space on drive was shown delayed on startup (32/64)
      • Fixed: Lister: Viewing file with BOM (UTF-16 or UTF-8): Cursor would sometimes not show up at all until it is moved, e.g. until a cursor key is pressed (64)
      • Fixed: HTTPS downloads could hang at the end when not using OpenSSL (due to incorrect error handling) (32/64)
      • Added: New SSL/TLS implementation: support TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2, and report the protocol in the connection log (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 Beta 12 (31.08.2016):

      • Fixed: Ignore keyboard input sent to TC while a modal dialog is up, e.g. F5 copy dialog. Workaround to Windows bug where TC can get focus while disabled (hover over taskbar icon until preview shows up, right click on preview) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Refresh only active panel after deleting file via right click context menu, and the other panel showed a different drive (32/64)
      • Fixed: The line between listbox and status bar wasn`t drawn in brief view (32/64)
      • Fixed: Some resized icons would appear too dark when using a custom icon size (32/64)
      • Fixed: Increased text height in background transfer manager and background progress dialog slightly to handle 10pt fonts (32/64)
      • Fixed: Drive combobox could be too narrow on higher DPI devices using larger icon size (32/64)
      • Fixed: Increased textbox height in dialog which appears when editing multiple files from ZIP with F4 with multiple document editor (32/64)
      • Fixed: F5-F6 repeatedly doesn`t work any more with CHS file names (32)
      • Fixed: Thumbnails view: View mode background wasn`t used. Note that thumbnails view only uses the first background color (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration, click "Apply": Do not try to apply auto view mode change rules unless they were actually changed, just apply the changed view mode (32/64)
      • Fixed: Sorting headers (Name/Ext. etc.): Removed extra line on the left when using HeaderThemed=0 (64)
      • Fixed: View mode and view mode switch configurations: Comboboxes were not translated when changing languages and clicking Apply without closing the dialog (32/64)
      • Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CountMarkedBackground=0 disables second progress bar in background transfer manager (32/64)
      • Fixed: Exit button was too far to the right (only beta 11) (32)
      • Fixed: When the user changed the view mode manually while auto view mode changes were enabled, it was not preserved when not using tabs (32/64)
      • Fixed: Update bitlocker drive icon in drive bar and drive dropdown combobox when unlocking bitlocker drive from within TC (32/64)
      • Fixed: After unlocking a bitlocker drive, trying to switch to it may return a different error while the drive is unlocked but not yet accessible (32/64)
      • Fixed: Do not show green open arrow overlay when using old archive icons (32/64)
      • Added: Also show old archive icon when unchecking "Show default folder/file icons from Explorer" (32/64)
      • Fixed: When an external icon library (via iconlib=) contains separate "!" overlay icons, use these always instead of the dedicated file+! and folder+! icons (32/64)
      • Fixed: Crash trying to enter directory longer than 1023 characters (Reason: directory history storing both path+name under cursor) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Search dialog: Only handle F4 for edit when the focus is not in a combobox, because F4 is already used by Windows to open a dropdown combobox (32/64)
      • Fixed: When using drive icons from Explorer, re-read network drive icon when switching from elsewhere to it, to remove red `x` if the drive was reconnected (32/64)
      • Fixed: Menu bar theme background wasn`t drawn when maximized on secondary screen, AND that screen ended with x-coordinate 0 (shown to the left of the main screen) (64)
      • Fixed: 24x24 icon in 32-bit version was replaced by a resized 32x32 icon by mistake (32)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 Beta 10 (17.08.2016):

      • Fixed: Removed all user-added hotkeys from right click context menu (32/64)
      • Fixed: Write SetEncoding=äö.do.not.remove to wincmd.ini [Configuration] on load, to prevent notepad from opening/saving the file as UTF-8 when it contains UTF-8 encoded parts (32/64)
      • Added: Configuration - Options - Icons: when a file/folder icon library is set and the user checks to use the drive icons from Explorer, move library to iconlib.bak. Restore library name when user unchecks the option (32/64)
      • Added: Configuration - Options - Icons: when a drive icon library is set and the user checks to use the drive icons from Explorer, move library to drivelib.bak. Restore library name when user unchecks the option (32/64)
      • Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Multi-step undo stops working when a rename operation gave 0 results (no names changed) (32/64)
      • Added: Drive bar, drive dropdown list: re-read drive icons when TC gets the focus (32/64)
      • Added: Configuration - Options - Icons: configure old/new default file/folder icons, old/new drive icons, "!" overlay, dimmed hidden files (32/64)
      • Added: New option OldListIcons: set to 1 to use file/folder icons from TC 8.x, except when iconlib= is set (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 Beta 8 (03.08.2016):

      • This is a bugfix release

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 Beta 7 (27.07.2016):

      • This is a bugfix release

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 Beta 6 (20.07.2016):

      • Currently the new functions are available only in English and German. More languages will be added soon.

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 Beta 3 (22.06.2016):

      • Fixed: Rename file with Shift+F6, go to next with cursor up/down, then just press ENTER (no change) -> list was not sorted as it should be (32/64)
      • Added: Run "Everything" when the user checks the checkbox and it`s not running but located in the Total Commander directory, e.g. for portable applications (32/64)
      • Fixed: Fixed alignment of controls with and without themes, and with and without flat interface (32/64)
      • Fixed: Re-added listbox borders when themes are disabled (32/64)
      • Fixed: Separate tree has sometimes getting the background color from the current view mode (32/64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Should no longer ask for next disk/zip part when unpacking single part ZIP files (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 Beta 2 (15.06.2016):

      • Fixed: Trying to fix problem where users get request for next disk in sync tool (unreproduced error) (32/64)
      • lot of checksums (32/64)
      • Fixed: Add or remove custom view mode(s) -> list of view modes in main manu wasn`t updated until the program was restarted (32/64)
      • Fixed: Access violation after copying a lot of files with "Verify" option (64)
      • Fixed: FTP Upload/Download confirmation dialog: Tab from edit box to first checkbox sometimes not working (64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc: Dropdown list of configured hotkey didn`t support Unicode (32/64)
      • Fixed: Hotkeys not working in various locations of the main settings dialog, where options changed (32/64)
      • Added: Command cm_SearchForInCurdir opens search with directory under cursor. Accepts drive letter as parameter to search on that drive. Use the character code for scripting, e.g. A=65 (32/64)
      • Added: The following internal commands now support a drive letter (A-Z) or /=root, .=parent, [=nethood as parameter: CM_SRCOPENDRIVES , CM_LEFTOPENDRIVES , CM_RIGHTOPENDRIVES. Use the character code for scripting, e.g. A=65 (32/64)
      • Added: Show state for commands cm_FocusSrc, cm_FocusLeftTree, cm_FocusRightTree, cm_FocusSrcTree, cm_FocusTrgTree. Also update button state when entering tree panel (32/64)
      • Added: Configuration - Options, left list panel: Show "Autom mode swich" more to the right than "View modes" (32/64)
      • Added: Commands with numerical parameters like CM_SELECT now support ? or ?number as parameter, to get dialog box with value request (32/64)
      • Added: Multi-rename tool, "#" button submenu: New entry [?#-#] to open plugins dialog and let user choose range from sample plugin field (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 9.0 Beta 1 (08.06.2016):

      User interface:
      • View modes, can be switched manually via menu "Show", or automatically by rules
      • Show icons on folder tabs depending on the displayed folder
      • Vertical button bar (can be disabled via Configuration - Options - Layout)
      • Rubber band selection mode when using left mouse button selection, disable via settings
      • Show up to 3 external devices without drive letter (e.g. Android or Windows Phone) in Alt+F1/F2 drive dropdown list
      • Background transfer manager (F5-F2): Show second progress bar with overall progress if available
      • Themed text cursor, enable/disable in Configuration - Options - Colors
      • Use system drive and folder icons (dynamically loaded) instead of internal
      • Dimmed icons for hidden files/folders
      • Show small green arrow as overlay icon when a folder is open, e.g. in tree or when opening very large folder
      • Click on tab header with "locked but directory changed allowed" returns to base directory of that tab
      • Better support for high resolution screens
      • Set scaling of dialog boxes (OverrideDPI) via main settings - fonts
      • Option to show sizes with 1k=1000bytes instead of 1k=1024bytes
      • Option to show numbers in TBytes, with 1 or 2 decimal digits
      File operations:
      • Unicode support for descript.ion files
      • Inplace rename: Use up/down arrow to jump to previous/next file (configurable)
      • F5 Copy/F6 Move: Show combobox with all open tabs and all subdirectories in the target panel (Shift: Source panel)
      • F5 copy: Skip empty dirs by appending |** to line "only files of this type"
      • Create and verify additional checksum types: SHA224, SHA384, SHA3_224, SHA3_256, SHA3_384, SHA3_512
      • Delete files directly (not to recycle bin): In case of errors, ask at the end of the entire operation
      • Delete files directly: Also offer "Skip all" when a file is missing
      • Re-use threads for delete, loading hints and ID-lists
      • Disable overwrite confirmation in sync: wincmd.ini [Confirmation] SyncConfirmOverwrite=0
      FTPS, HTTPS:
      • Support TLS 1.1 and 1.2 with new openssl dlls
      • Use Windows certificate stores "ROOT" and "CA" to verify purchased server certificates
      • ZIP unpacker: Support new compression method XZ (method 95) with updated tcmdlzma.dll and tclzma64.dll
      • Support invalid ZIP archives with no CRC in the local header and behind the zip file, e.g. created by owncloud
      • Support invalid ZIP archives with UTF-8-encoded names but missing UTF-8 flag (created by Dropbox)
      Search function:
      • Use "Everything" tool for much faster search on NTFS drives, also on network shares if possible
      • Search with content plugins for text on main search page
      • Regular expressions supported in more types: Unicode UTF-8+UTF-16, Office XML
      • New option "Older than" working just like "Not older than"
      • Standalone search: Allow to search in search results (after feed to listbox) and selected files
      Compare by content:
      • Show only differences, with additional lines above/below the differences, including editing
      • Edit mode: triple click now selects entire line
      Multi-rename tool:
      • New buttons to insert other fields
      • Improved range selection dialog
      • If there are duplicate names, or names that already exist, offer to auto-rename to "name (2).ext", "name (3).ext" etc.
      • Ctrl+Shift+Q: Opens Quick View in separate Lister window, updates contents when going to other file
      • View files of type RTF, BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, ICO, HTML with internal viewers also in read-protected folders (via DuplicateHandle)
      • Use larger buffer sizes to handle longer blocks of text without line breaks
      Other operations:
      • Double click/ENTER: Follow .url files pointing to directrories within Total Commander. Disable via wincmd.ini
      • Manual update check via menu Help - Check for updates now, using DNS lookup
      • Automatic update check (experimental): wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoUpdateCheck= (1: all updates, or 2: no beta versions)
      • Ctrl+B in search result = Go to directory of file under cursor
      • Read virtual folders like the Network Neighborhood asynchronously (faster initial response) and in a background thread
      • Directory history: Remember name under cursor and position in list when entering a subdir via double click/Enter
      • Content plugins: new content field chooser dialog instead of menu. Also show field preview for file/dir under cursor
      • Synchronize dirs: Compare with multi-part ZIP, supports compare by content and view
      • Buttonbar, Startmenü: New Parameter %C1..%C9, %c1..%c9
      Internal commands:
      • to focus specific panels, including tree: cm_FocusSrc, cm_FocusTrg, cm_FocusLeftTree etc.
      • to select/unselect one or more files: cm_Select, cm_Unselect, cm_Reverse
      • to open lister: cm_ListOnly, cm_ListMulti, cm_ListInternalMulti, cm_SeparateQuickView, cm_SeparateQuickInternalOnly
      • to save tabs to a specified file: SAVETABS, SAVETABSL, SAVETABSR, SAVETABS2, SAVETABS2L, SAVETABS2R cm_wait, accepting wait time in milliseconds, e.g. cm_wait 1000. Can be combined, e.g. em_cmd1,cm_wait 1000,em_cmd2

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 8.52 Final (26.08.2015):

      • Total Commander was sometimes hanging when loading the drive buttonbar on Windows 10 (problems with some removable media)
      • The Windows Explorer couldn`t completely unpack ZIP archives created with Total Commander when they contained more than 65535 files

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 8.51a Final (30.04.2014):

      • Fixed: Left panel switched to c: when inserting/removing USB stick while "Drive not found" error was shown (32)
      • Fixed: Right click context menu: Still crashes caused by PowerArchiver shell extension - fixed by initializing command string to 0 (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 8.51 Final (23.04.2014):

      • Fixed: No progress bar in system tray icon when using external icon library (via iconlib=) on high DPI device (32/64)
      • Fixed: FTP: Increased maximum allowed value of DataConnectTimeout (wcx_ftp.ini) from 60 to 300 seconds (default is 10 seconds) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Crash when aborting delete from FS plugin during the counting phase (checking how many files are in selected subfolders) (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 8.51 Beta 1 (26.02.2014):

      • Fixed: Open multi-volume RAR with missing parts: Do not show error when user cancels next volume request (32/64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Could not abort copying of folders only (32/64)
      • Fixed: When copying file system links, also copy the attributes and timestamps (32/64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs, minimize to tray, wait until overwrite confirmation is shown, double click on tray icon -> couldn`t access overwrite dialog any more (32/64)
      • Fixed: "FTP Connect" - "Protect all connections" not working in 64-bit version (64)
      • Fixed: FTPOPEN or URL as parameter: Do not switch to c: if previous directory is a valid directory (32/64)
      • Fixed: Do not add FTPOPEN parameter to directory history (32/64)
      • Fixed: F7 create directory in packer plugins may crash (one callback not set), temporary folder may not be deleted (32/64)
      • Fixed: Search text in EPUB not working when extension of files was .xhtml (32/64)
      • Fixed: Copy/Delete in background could not be paused when copying/deleting only folders (no files) (32/64)
      • Fixed: File system plugin (e.g. SFTP), upload multiple big files in background -> could result in a deadlock, TC hanging (32/64)
      • Fixed: "Background copy complete" sound was played also when moving file in the foreground with F6 (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 8.50 Final (19.02.2014):

      • Fixed: Opening partial RAR archive (or multi-volume with missing parts): The last (incomplete) file was not listed (32/64)
      • Fixed: Parameter FTPOPEN:configured_connection_name only worked on PCs with a drive "F:" (32/64)
      • Fixed: After moving files as administrator with F6-OK-Background, and switching to the target panel before the copying ended, the source panel wasn`t refreshed (32/64)
      • Fixed: Commands - Search - Advanced - "Find duplicate files" - "same plugin fields": No error was shown when the closing "]" was missing (32/64)
      • Fixed: After moving files as administrator with F6-OK-Background, the background progress dialog could remain open (32/64)
      • Fixed: Crash in synchronize dirs started as separate program, when overwriting files (preview images enabled) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Duplicate file finder, feed to listbox, select duplicates dialog: Selection by directory not always working correctly (due to uninitialized array) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Trying to copy entire drive (e.g. c:) from search results to same drive wouldn`t cause error message that this isn`t allowed (32/64)
      • Fixed: Couldn`t copy entire drive (e.g. c:) from search results with F5 - F2 in background (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 8.50 RC1 (22.01.2014):

      • Fixed: Shift+F6 edit field too short when renaming archive in search results - feed to listbox after finding files in multiple archives (32/64)
      • Fixed: Field [=tc.name] was limited to 127 characters, also affected [=tc.ext] (32/64)
      • Fixed: Increased FTP reply timeout from 20 to 30 seconds while connecting (32/64)
      • Fixed: Couldn`t open archives in virtual folders like the Desktop with Ctrl+PageDown (ENTER worked) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Find files, feed to listbox, delete files -> the (not selected) file under the cursor could be removed from the list although it wasn`t deleted (32/64)
      • Fixed: Support F5/F6 to select just the name or name+extension of a file also in various other dialogs (e.g. overwrite confirmation -> rename) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Resizing caused by remote desktop could cause crash (division by zero) (64)
      • Fixed: Multi-rename tool could show wrong file mask (e.g. [N][C] saved previously instead of [N]) when opened (32)
      • Fixed: Surrounding double quotes (e.g. "* *") not saved in the following places: Custom colors, wildcards in sync when saving settings, menu "Show" - "Custom", Find files (save parameters), Print margins dialog (header text) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Find duplicate files also in archives, feed to listbox -> we cannot show the result as duplicate files if the files are a mix from multiple archives, or normal files+archive files (32/64)
      • Added: F5,F6,Shift+F6: Remove characters #00-#31 like line breaks (LF) in name and replace tabs by spaces when new name pasted from clipboard (32/64)

      Изменения в программе Total Commander 8.50 Beta 1 (27.08.2012):

      • Added: Slow down copying in background while reading directory in the foreground to avoid hangs (32/64)
      • Fixed: Do not scale quick search dialog with OverrideDpi - problem only affected the 64-bit version (64)
      • Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CopyAllTimes=1: Copy all 3 timestamps (also the creation and last access times) when copying files (internal copy function, compatibility only on NT-based systems) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Configuration - Button bar didn`t like double quotes around icon name: Environment variables were lost, and only the first icon was shown in the actual bar (32/64)
      • Fixed: Verify archive: Second progress bar not correct for files >4GB (32/64)
      • Fixed: F3 on invalid JPG/PNG/GIF file (no image plugin installed), then press 2 or 3 -> no binary/hex data shown (32/64)
      • Fixed: ZIPFROMLIST command (e.g. on a abutton) did not support double quotes around archive name (32/64)
      • Added: Compare by content: "Resync comparison from here" now also possible after making a change, but Undo cannot go back before that point (32/64)
      • Fixed: Drag&Drop to external program from search result not working if the path of one file was c:pathname and the other c:pathname2 (32/64)
      • Fixed: Lister: Also support double word Unicode characters when moving the cursor or selecting text (32/64)
      • Fixed: Compare by content didn`t fully support double word (mostly Chinese) Unicode characters (32/64)
      • Fixed: Could not unpack multiple files from RAR with new unrar method because files were not unpacked in same order as in the archive (32/64)
      • Fixed: Do not refresh panels when copying via F5-F2 when TC gets back the focus, only when copying ends (32/64)
      • Fixed: Passing virtual folder to TC via command line (e.g. totalcmd.exe /O servername) not working when current panel already shows virtual path (32/64)
      • Added: Set current monitor (same as the one TC is on) when opening file with ENTER - only has an effect on programs which start with default window position (32/64)
      • Fixed: Synchronize dirs, Unpack specific files: Warn user when he tries to use RegEx, saved selections or corresponding files (32/64)
      • Added: Select/Unselect files (Num+ / Num-): New method to select corresponding files. Example: *.jpg > *.crw Result: When IMG_1056.JPG is selected, CRW_1056.CR2 will also be selected. crw files without corresponding jpg are not selected (32/64)
      • Added: Watch directory changes: Do not cause complete refresh of dir when changes come while a dialog box is up. Instead, add the changes once the dialog box is closed (32/64)
      • Added: Watch directory changes: Extra check to make sure the directory hasn`t changed since the notification (32/64)
      • Fixed: Click under last icon selected entire list of files (caused by new function to click on icon to select) (32/64)
      • Added: When CopyLinks set to value other than 0, do not count size of links when copying (32/64) Added: Create folder junctions and soft links also with admin rights (via tcmadmin.exe) if creation in main program fails (32/64)
      • Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CopyLinks=0: Set to 1 to copy file system links to folders as links, set to 2 to also adjust the drive in the link if link and link target are on the same drive (32/64)
      • Added: Function to copy file system links to folders (junction or soft link) with adjusting the target path. Disabled by default (32/64)
      • Fixed: Do not show option to keep releative paths in branch view when creating shortcuts with Ctrl+Shift+F5 (32/64)
      • Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SyncRecompareAfterCopy=0 turns off automatic recompare after synchronizing files. The result list is just cleared (32/64)
      • Fixed: Quick search with letters only (no search dialog): Search could focus wrong result after switching between view modes (e.g. brief and full) (64)
      • Fixed: Make TC more responsive on network drives when using "watch directory changes" - do all the refreshing in an extra background thread (32/64)
      • Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowExtraDrives=3 allows to configure the extra items shown in the drive dropdown combobox. Sum of 1: My Computer, 2: My documents (32/64)
      • Fixed: Drawing of icons in Ctrl+F connect dialog not always correct (32/64)
      • Fixed: Scroll wheel not working in print preview (Files - Print - File list) (64)
      • Fixed: Disable new "verify after copy" checkbox when choosing the Explorer method (32/64)
      • Added: When setting a font in Configuration - Options - Fonts, also save it in section `AllResolutions` (32/64)
      • Added: When there is no section in wincmd.ini for the current display resolution, look in section `AllResolutions` (32/64)
      • Added: Menu item "Search in separate process" in menu "Commands", new hotkey Ctrl+Shift+F7 (32/64)
      • Added: Describe new functions in help, split topic about wincmd.ini in two due to lack of space (32/64)
      • Fixed: Network shares: Switch directly from one server to another with cd server2, both have the exact same shares -> ENTER on a share would go to the previous server (32/64)
      • Fixed: Compare by content: Ignore OverrideDPI value for font in comparison (64)
      • Fixed: Unpacking multiple archives with remembered password: Re-ask for password if archives have different one, or user entered wrong one (32/64)
      • Fixed: Compare by content: Clear underlined search result when a file was changed outside of the compare tool and the user chose to recompare (32/64)
      • Fixed: Closing Alt+F10 tree slow only on Windows 8 (solution: need to clear the tree listbox manually before closing) (64)
      • Added: High DPI icons for "Compare by content" dialog buttons (32/64)
      • Fixed: Allow to refresh file panels when a drive/disk is removed and the panel shows the contents of that disk, even when there is a dialog box open (main window disabled) (32/64)
      • Fixed: Unrar (new method) of multiple archives with Alt+F9 not working correctly (32/64)
      • Fixed: "cd" command in button bar couldn`t handle include/exclude wildcards for directories, e.g. "cd *.* | *.*" or "cd c: est*.* | *.*" (32/64)
      • Added: Use ignore list also when getting directory size with or Alt+Shift+Enter (32/64)
      • Fixed: Lister: Handle keys 1..7 in OnKeyDo

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