Главная Безопасность Бизнес Вебмастеру Графика Игры Флеш игры Интернет и сети Мультимедиа Образование Рабочий стол Система Текст Реклама
История изменений программы The Bat!
Изменения в программе The Bat! 11.2.1 (11.06.2024):
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой версия без автоматического обновления предлагала пользователям автоматически обновить версию
- Исправлена ошибка нарушения прав доступа в действии «Создать форматированное письмо» в правилах сортировки
- Отсутствие установки пути корневого кэша для CEF было причиной ошибок в отрисовке HTML в одновременно запущенных копиях программы (даже если использовались разные конфигурации)
- Область Быстрого ответа не отключалась в режиме единых цепочек писем
- При использовании команды «Ответить, цитируя выбранный текст» для некоторых писем отображался код HTML
- Выполнение команды «Заменить все» в редакторе RichText приводило к зависанию программы
Изменения в программе The Bat! (02.04.2024):
- Прогресс процесса индексирования теперь отображается в строке состояния в главном окне программы
- Обновлены имена файлов индексации (Index.db -> TBIndex.db в корне почтового каталога) для обеспечения сохранения правильной структуры данных
- Единые цепочки писем автоматически обновляются, когда в них появляются новые письма
- Оптимизированы алгоритмы индексирования файлов почтовой базы
- Сокращено время запуска процесса индексирования почтовой базы
- Улучшена производительность обновления базы данных во время работы программы
- Индексирование виртуальных папок не происходит ввиду отсутствия такой необходимости в текущей реализации
- Устранены возможные задержки открытия окна редактора, вызванные перегрузкой системной папки недавних документов
- Устранена проблема, из-за которой некорректно вычислялась высота страницы HTML при использовании SmartSpace (классическая панель просмотра письма)
- Письма, отображаемые в единых цепочках, могли быть помечены как прочитанные вне зависимости от настроек почтового ящика
- Проблема, из-за которой появлялась ошибка "Invalid class typecast" в сводном режиме просмотра, устранена
Изменения в программе The Bat! (18.01.2024):
- Добавлена функция масштабирования при просмотре файлов изображений в режиме единых цепочек писем
- Контекстное меню прикреплённых файлов теперь доступно и в режиме предпросмотра содержимого файлов
- Список прикреплённых файлов в режиме предпросмотра обладает теперь той же функциональностью, как в режиме просмотра писем
- Файлы "TXT" и другие файлы в формате простого текста теперь отображаются в виртуальном режиме для повышения производительности при работе с файлами большого размера
- Исправлена ошибка в работе программы, из-за которой не отображались вложения в письмах, которые были прикреплены в формате .eml и .msg
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой при попытке открыть прикреплённый файл через контекстное меню его содержимое не отображалось в предпросмотре и это приводило к тому, что область просмотра письма становилось пустой
Изменения в программе The Bat! 11.0.3 (04.01.2024):
- Принудительно использовать классическую панель предварительного просмотра в версиях Windows ниже 10.
- Поля со списком в диалоговом окне «Настройки» становятся пустыми при перемещении в поле прокрутки на экранах меньшего размера.
- Быстрый ответ нельзя было отключить в режиме беседы, и у него не было контекстного меню.
- Исправлены некоторые возможные источники ошибок AV (в том числе при переключении типа редактора).
- Вывод шаблона может быть искажен для HTML-сообщения, не закодированного в UTF-8.
Изменения в программе The Bat! (12.12.2023):
- Исправлена ошибка в работе программу, из-за которой некоторые шаблоны в формате HTML некорректно отображались в окне редактора писем
Изменения в программе The Bat! (07.06.2023):
- Исправлена ошибка в работе программы, из-за которой при использовании функции Быстрого ответа отправлялись пустые письма
Изменения в программе The Bat! (16.01.2023):
- Тёмная цветовая схема для окна просмотра исходного текста письма
- Версия The Bat! v10.3.3 Christmas Edition не запускалась 16 января 2023 года из-за проблемы с тематической заставкой
- Исправлены ошибки предпросмотра исходного текста письма в общих настройках
- Окна «Настройки The Bat!» и «Техническое обслуживание» теперь отображаются корректно на мониторах с любым разрешением
Изменения в программе The Bat! 10.0.10 (31.05.2022):
- В меню "СвойстваНастройкаПрограммы" добавлена опция, ограничивающая количество процессов CEF
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой после завершения работы программы в оперативной памяти могли оставаться служебные процессы браузера
Изменения в программе The Bat! 10.0 (28.04.2022):
- Календарь
- Новый дизайн адресной книги
- Новая система обновления, позволяющая устанавливать обновленные компоненты без загрузки установочного файла программы
- Событие с напоминанием о дне рождения создается в календаре, когда пользователь добавляет дату рождения в свойствах контакта
- Новые параметры командной строки /OFFLINE и /ONLINE используются для запуска/переключения The Bat! в режим online либо offline при старте программы либо во время ее работы
- Метки Прочитано/Непрочитано теперь доступны в сводном режиме просмотра
- Фото контактов в сводном режиме просмотра теперь отображаются круглыми
- Оформление сводного режима просмотра изменено
- Компонент CEF обновлен до версии v99.2.14
- Сочетание клавиш Ctrl+Y теперь работает как команда «Вернуть» и в редакторе HTML, и в редакторе MicroEd
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой иконки на панелях инструментах и в меню располагались не в той последовательности, которую указал пользователь
- Пароль на доступ к файлу резервной копии теперь не отображается в открытом виде в задании Планировщика
- Автоматическая нумерация в редакторе HTML отключена (в будущем эта функция будет опциональной)
- Автоматическое переключение на формат HTML при использовании соответствующего форматирования теперь работает корректно, если выбрано несколько параграфов
Изменения в программе The Bat! 9.5.1 (26.01.2022):
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой отсутствовала возможность редактировать/удалять первый тег в списке тегов (по умолчанию тег «Банк»)
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые почтовые серверы возвращали ошибку "BYE out-of-sync data before server greeting" при попытке получения писем по протоколу IMAP4
Изменения в программе The Bat! 9.4.5 (27.10.2021):
- Новые опции в окне пересортировки папки: можно выбрать между текущей папкой, текущей папкой с подпапками или другим набором папок
- (#002094) Теперь при использовании команды «Ответить всем» можно выбрать быстрый шаблон в выпадающем меню соответствующей иконки на панели инструментов
- Заголовок List-Id добавлен в стандартный список заголовков
- Обновлена книга сертификатов Trusted Root CA во избежание ошибок из-за истекшего сертификата Let`s Encrypt
- Для изображений, вставленных из буфера обмена в письмо HTML, использовался общий тип файла, что приводило к проблемам их отображения в некоторых почтовых клиентах
- Пустые строки из обычного текста вставлялись как абзацы с нулевой высотой
- При пересортировке папки с использованием существующего профиля, нужный профиль не применялся, если пересортировка запускалась из меню или по нажатию сочетания клавиш
- Изменения в исходном коде HTML в редакторе шаблона теперь сохраняются корректно, даже если в шаблоне нет других изменений
- Встроенные изображения, скопированные из писем HTML и вставленные в редактор HTML, могли отображаться некорректно
- Теперь используется адрес из поля «Пользователь», а не из поля «E-mail адрес» для авторизации OAUTH
- Вложения S/MIME (.p7m) теперь отображаются корректно
Изменения в программе The Bat! 9.3.3 (28.01.2021):
- Новое условие для сортировки писем, которое учитывает, если в письме есть теги
- Обновлен веб-движок Chromium 88
- Группы адресных книг теперь можно сортировать по названиям в окне выбора группы
- Исправлена ошибка, которая появлялась при использовании условия «Дата» в блоке правил
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой последняя ссылка HTML отображалась в нижней части области просмотра письма и после загрузки другого письма
- Теперь при закрытии окна Диспетчера писем завершается и соединение по протоколу POP3
- В редакторе простого текста MicroEd теперь отображается вертикальная полоса прокрутки при ответе на длинный текст
- Устранена проблема, из-за которой не сохранялась информация об удаленных горячих клавишах
- Внесены изменения в настройки средства просмотра HTML для корректной авторизации по протоколу OAuth в почтовых ящиках Gmail
- Исправлено декодирование UTF-8 для текстов с эмодзи
Изменения в программе The Bat! 9.2.2 (13.07.2020):
- Добавлена опция для отображения количества непрочитанных писем на значке программы
- Добавлены отдельные опции анимирования значков программы для панели задач и для области уведомлений
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некорректно сохранялись изменения в настройках интерфейса программы
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой фокус перемещался на главное окно программы при вызове поиска по тексту писем (Ctrl+F) во второстепенных окнах
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой происходило переключение активных вкладок в области предпросмотра писем при ручной загрузке внешних изображений
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой отдельное окно просмотра писем открывалось в фоновом режиме
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой невозможно было вернуться к писку писем из области предпросмотра письма в формате HTML, используя клавишу Tab
Изменения в программе The Bat! 9.1.16 (18.04.2020):
- Внесены изменения с целью предотвращения появления сообщения об ошибке "Ошибка протокола TLS: Внутренняя ошибка BuildClientKeyExchange" при подключении к почтовым серверам по протоколу TLS
- При определении параметров подключения (хост, порт, тип шифрования) к неизвестному почтовому серверу параметры подключения TLS не имели приоритет над обычными текстовыми.
- Ассоциации типов файлов (программы по умолчанию) больше не могут быть изменены из приложения, начиная с Windows 8 или более поздней версии. Так что, если The Bat! работает под Windows 8 или Windows 10, соответствующие элементы не отображаются на вкладке «Приложения». Кроме того, диалоговое окно для сопоставления типов файлов больше не появляется, когда The Bat! запускается.
- Исправлена вставка изображений из браузеров в редакторы HTML
- Исправлена ошибка при выборе некоторых изображений в настройках панели инструментов
- Летучая мышь! Генератор QR-кода не поддерживает набор символов кандзи
- Данные конфигурации почтового сервера по умолчанию отсутствовали в The Bat! во всех версиях, выпущенных после 9 июня 2019 года
- Исправлены проблемы с изображениями меню при 175% DPI
- S / MIME не работал с v9.1.10
- The Bat! попытался изменить ассоциации из диалога настроек, даже если пользователь ничего не изменил в этой конфигурации
Изменения в программе The Bat! 9.1.12 (09.04.2020):
- Параметр командной строки / TLS_DISABLE_ECDSA для отключения комплектов шифров с сертификатами сервера Ellipric Curve DSA
- The Bat! Генератор QR-кода теперь включает блок ECI, чтобы указать, что текст имеет кодировку UTF-8 для тех текстов, которые не могут быть закодированы с помощью кодировки Kanji или ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1), например греческие или кириллические символы, разделенные пробелами или Unicode эмодзи
- Сертификат, используемый для подписи сообщения, может также иметь вместо ключа «Цифровая подпись» ключ «обязательство по содержанию» (безотказность).
- При использовании защищённого типа соединений TLS для подключения к почтовым серверам программа The Bat! требует наличия таких параметров как «Шифрование ключа» или «Согласование ключей» в атрибуте сертификата «Использование ключа», даже если сертификат используется только для подписывания временных ключей для выполнения безопасной пересылки данных. Если почтовый сервер поддерживает только наборы криптографических алгоритмов для безопасной пересылки (Perfect Forward Secrecy) по протоколу TLS, то у используемых сертификатов могут отсутствовать параметры «Шифрование ключа» или «Согласование ключей» в атрибуте «Использование ключа». Таким образом, исправлена ошибка при работе с серверами Google (Gmail) "Приветствие TLS не завершено. Недействительный сертификат сервера (Сертификат не может быть использован для этой цели).
- The Bat! Генератор QR-кода не поддерживает набор символов кандзи
- Колесо мыши Ctrl + не увеличивает / уменьшает масштаб в редакторе «обычный текст» и «Редактор Windows»
- Поиск в шаблонах QuickTemplates вызывает ошибку при закрытии окна
- Всплывающее меню сообщения не содержит опцию «Тестовые фильтры»
- Добавлен показ вторичных ярлыков (если у всплывающего окна или пункта меню есть два ярлыка)
- Исправлено положение панели инструментов после загрузки
- Исправлен порядок пунктов во всплывающих меню
- Добавлена возможность размещать панели инструментов справа от главного меню
- Исправлено удаление пользовательских подменю (теги, цвета и т. Д.)
- Исправлена вставка изображений из браузеров в редакторы HTML
- Исправлена ошибка при выборе некоторых изображений в настройках панели инструментов
Изменения в программе The Bat! 9.1.6 (02.03.2020):
- Добавлены значки для команд (пунктов меню, кнопок панели инструментов), которые не имеют значков
- Добавлены наборы шифров SHA-384 для TLS: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 & TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
- Параметры командной строки «/ CRC32_CCITT_BENCHMARK» и «/ CRC32_CASTAGNOLI_BENCHMARK» для расчета производительности реализации CRC32, используемой The Bat!
- Новое изображение для учетной записи (почтового ящика) в дереве папок
- Разрешен следующий набор шифров для TLS: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 набор шифров (он был отключен, поскольку у него был наибольший размер ключа AES, но DHE был медленнее, чем ECDHE)
- Шифры ECDHE TLS не работали на TLS версии 1.0 (но работали на TLS версии 1.1 и выше)
- Добавлена настройка ярлыков (она отсутствовала с версии 9.0)
- Стиль шрифта MailTicker был неправильно сохранен
- Добавлены правильные категории в настройках меню
- Исправлено избранное меню (возникла проблема с версии 9.0)
- Устранена утечка памяти (объект TGoogleAuthTask не был освобожден)
- Исправлено AV в настройках меню (только 64-битные)
- Ссылка на папку отсутствует на вкладке «Информация»
- Диспетчер сообщений не прекращен
- Функция сортировки Office «Не сохранять заголовок исходных сообщений» всегда применяется независимо от настроек
- Невозможно изменить стили шрифта выделенного текста
- Редактор: Пункт меню «Формат» содержит ненужный разделитель элементов (это было проблемой с версии 9.0)
- «Esc» не закрывает окна «Адресная книга», «Просмотр источника сообщения», «Просмотр печати» и «Ввод регистрационного ключа»
- «Не удается удалить значок уведомления оболочки» во время завершения работы
- После смены языка отсутствовала кнопка (это было проблемой с версии 9.0)
- При щелчке URL-адреса в сообщении HTML открывается два браузера.
- Нарушение прав доступа «ОК» в диалоговом окне «Настройка печати»
- Элементы в главном меню «Рабочая область -> Показать центр соединений» не являются взаимоисключающими (это было проблемой с версии 9.0)
- Доступ к ошибкам нарушения в диалоговом окне настроек печати и диалоговом окне отмены пароля
- Теги сообщения не отображаются в столбце «Теги»
- Альтернативный ярлык удаления (комбинация клавиш Shift + Delete) не работал в v9.1
- Исправлены вторичные ярлыки. Например, если у одной команды было два ярлыка (основной и дополнительный), работал только основной. Это коснулось следующих сочетаний клавиш: Перейти к следующему непрочитанному (Ctrl + Right, Ctrl + Alt + Right) и Move Предыдущие непрочитанные (Ctrl + Left, Ctrl + Alt + Left)
- Исправлена ошибка «недопустимый тип преобразования типа» при использовании шифра RC4 (потокового) в TLS (введено в v9.1)
- Если опция «Не сохранять заголовок исходных сообщений» отключена для действия «Создать отформатированное сообщение» в офисе сортировки, то заголовки RFC-822 исходного сообщения добавляются в качестве вложения (с содержимым -тип "text / rfc822-headers", как описано в RFC-1892) для вновь созданного сообщения
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (10.12.2019):
- The position of the toolbars is not constantly saved
- Massive AVs when changing the language
- Quick search does not hide on Esc (also #000188)
- Quick Search Box does not appear
Изменения в программе The Bat! 9.0.8 (27.11.2019):
Основные улучшения
- New interface controls in the main window of the program and in the editor window. DevExpress controls are used instead of TB2K/TBX/SpTBX
- New way of handling the user interface layout configuration. Also, there is a new file - "userdef.xml", instead of "tbuser.def" previously used
- Possibility of recording and logging of the time it takes to open the following configuration dialogs: "Account Properties", "Folder Properties", "Sorting Office/Filters", and the following windows: message editor, the folder view. The time is measured if the following command-line parameters are used to run The Bat!: "/BENCHMARK_STARTUP_TIME" and/or "/STARTUP_TIMING_LOG". With the "/STARTUP_TIMING_LOG" option only, the results will only be saved to the ex_log.file, while with "/BENCHMARK_STARTUP_TIME" they will be displayed on the screen as a message dialog
- Updated spell checker dictionaries (Hunspell) for the following languages: Danish, Dutch, English (British), English (U.S.), French, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Spanish, Swedish
- Removed PGP internal implementation (RFC-1991) from The Bat!
- There is now a random delay before sending the TLS alert code to a remote computer in order to prevent eventual timing attacks
- The Preferences dialog now displays an hourglass when it opens
- (#0000427) Tab order was wrong in some dialogs, e.g. in the "Create Mail Filter" dialog box
- (#0001327) Access Violation errors on exit have been eliminated
- (#0001545) Email was added twice to the "To:" line if the address entry in the address book contained multiple addresses
- (#0001662) Incorrect rendering of certain HTML messages has been resolved
- (#0001718) An issue with an option during the address book import has been resolved
- (#0001719) After adding an account using the mail account assistant the The Bat! main window did not show up
- (#0001755) Address Viewer incorrectly displayed the email address of the sender
- (#0001780) 64-bit version of The Bat! silently closed upon trying to send a PGP-signed message
- (#0001785) Ctrl+mouse wheel did not zoom in/out in plain text editors
- Fixed Access Violation errors which could sometimes happen infrequently, and which were caused by improper CPU thread handling, especially when exiting The Bat!
- Fixed errors when The Bat! process could hang on exit and stay in the Task Manager while exiting The Bat! when active connections to RSS feeds were in progress
- Fixed an issue when all tags became ignored
- Fixed memory leaks
- Image Crop did not work in message templates
Изменения в программе The Bat! (ALPHA) (27.08.2019):
- If you run The Bat! with "/BENCHMARK_STARTUP_TIME" and/or "/STARTUP_TIMING_LOG", it will also measure time to open an editor window or a folder view window. With the "/STARTUP_TIMING_LOG" option only, the results will only be saved to the ex_log.file, while with "/BENCHMARK_STARTUP_TIME" they will be displayed on the screen as a message dialog.
Изменения в программе The Bat! (ALPHA) (16.06.2019):
- [-] Fixed issue with loading OTFE-encrypted user layout configuration file
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.8.9 (04.06.2019):
- Добавлена опция для изменения цвета шрифтов в Mail Ticker
- Функция обрезки изображений в редакторе и в шаблонах писем
- OAuth: добавлена адресная строка для отображения используемой для авторизации гиперссылки
- Расширены возможности «Быстрого поиска», который охватывает теперь и колонку «Теги»
- Повышена скорость загрузки писем в папках IMAP, в которых содержится более 50000 писем
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой при альбомной ориентации письма не выводились на печать
- Исправлена ошибка в работе программы, из-за которой при просмотре изображений большого размера появлялось сообщение об ошибке «Недостаточно памяти»
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой макрос %TEXT по-разному отображал исходный текст письма при ответе и при пересылке
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой при использовании функции «Быстрого ответа» вместо простого текста применялся формат HTML
- В некоторых случаях не отображалась кнопка загрузки внешних изображений
- В разделе глобальных настроек программы устранены усечения в переводе интерфейса на итальянский язык
- Устранены усечения в названиях опций в разделе быстрых настроек SMTP
- Расширены границы полей для перевода опций в окне поиска дублирующихся контактов в адресной книге
- Устранены усечения в диалоговом окне для работы с тегами писем
- Исправлена ошибка в работе программы, из-за которой во время ответа на не полностью загруженные письма при помощи комбинации клавиш Ctrl+Ввод появлялись сообщения об ошибках «Нарушение прав доступа» и «Ошибка выполнения 231»
- В некоторых HTML-письмах отображаемый размер встроенных изображений был неправильным
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой в системном средстве просмотра HTML некоторые письма отображались с чрезмерным увеличением
- Устранены усечения в переводе интерфейса программы на греческий язык
- Из меню «Письмо...» убраны дублирующиеся ускорители
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой при использовании комбинации клавиш Shift+Ctrl+V для вставки текста из буфера обмена в поле «Тема» в окне редактора текст вставлялся дважды
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой не открывалось окно адресной книги, а появлялось сообщение об ошибке «Недостаточно системных ресурсов»
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой пользовательские теги были недоступны в правилах сортировки
- При использовании внутреннего средства просмотра HTML содержимое некоторых писем PayPal отображалось частично
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой после синхронизации Контактов Google в локальных копиях контактов исчезали домашний и рабочий номера телефонов
- Исправлена ошибка «Нарушение прав доступа», которая появлялась при вставке текста из MS Excel
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой встроенные в HTML-письма изображения в некоторых случаях становились у́же при ответе
- Удалённые теги по-прежнему отображались в контекстном меню списка писем
- Восстановлена работоспособность функции синхронизации Контактов iCloud
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой стандартные теги не добавлялись в меню со списком тегов
- Исправлена ошибка «Нарушения прав доступа», которая иногда появлялась при запуске The Bat! и авторизации на почтовых серверах Google при помощи протокола OAuth 2.0
- Исправлены некритичные ошибки «Нарушения прав доступа», которые могли появляться при выходе из программы
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (09.05.2019):
- [*] Minor changes in build scripts
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (03.05.2019):
- [*] The Bat! is compiled by Delphi version 10.3.1
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (22.04.2019):
- [-] Fixed an Access Violation error that could happen on The Bat! startup rarely when using Google OAuth authentication
- [-] Fixed some minor AVs which could happen on exit
- [-] 0001642: [wish] Expand "Quick Search" to also search in the "Tags" column
- [-] 0001653: "Quick Reply" uses HTML-formatting instead of plain text
- [-] 0001671: Image download button is hidden
- [-] 0001641: The macro %TEXT produces different results for replies and forwards
- [-] 0001677: Truncated translation in Italian in global Preferences
- [-] 0001451: Cant print with Landscape orientation
- [-] 0001678: Truncated strings in the MultiSMTP dialog
- [-] 0001686: More space for translation on checkboxes of the Address Book Duplicate Search Wizard
- [-] 0001689: Truncated strings in the Message Tags dialog
- [-] 0001709: Truncated strings with Greek interface
- [-] 0001739: Embedded images in HTML messages get narrower while replying
- [-] 0001740: Deleted tags still appear in the message list popup menu
- [-] OAuth: added label displaying requested url
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (03.04.2019):
- [*] Slightly faster loading messages from folders of 50K messages or more on IMAP
- [-] 0001743: iCloud Contacts synchronization
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (28.03.2019):
- [-] 0001711: Duplicate accelerators on "Message..." menu
- [-] 0001721: HTML messages from PayPal are not entirely rendered by the internal HTML viewer
- [-] 0001726: "Access violation" error message on pasting from MS Excell
- [-] 0001725: Contacts lose home and work phone numbers after synchronizing with Google
- [-] 0001720: User-defined tags are unavailable in the Sorting Office filters
- [-] Image Crop works in Message Templates
- [-] 0001694: [wish] An option to change the color of the font in Mail Ticker
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (10.03.2019):
- [-] 0001703: The system`s HTML viewer renders the message huge
- [-] 0001699: Cascades of "Access Violation" and "Runtime error 231" while replygin to not entirely downloaded messages via Ctrl+Enter
- [-] 0001700: Image are not shown in right size in HTML-messages
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (06.03.2019):
- [-] 0001592: Opening large images result in `Out of memory` error
- [-] 0001713: Shift+Ctrl+V insertes the text from the clipborad in the "Subject" twice
- [-] 0001715: Address book doesn`t open and the error message "Out of system resources" appears
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (21.02.2019):
- [-] Fixed issue when all tags become ignored
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.8.2 (13.02.2019):
- [+] An additional button to deselect "Trash" folders across all accounts in the Message Finder
- [+] Users of the On-The-Fly-Encryption mode can specify /DECRYPT_FILE_OTFE command line parameter to decrypt a particular file and save it to disk
- [*] Contents of the "Organization" header line is not automatically appended in parenthesis to the sender`s address header line on display if the contents of the Organization has a "@" character or a parenthesis or an angle bracket
- [*] The Bat! ignores message header address line comments that contain "@" characters
- [-] 0000738: Google contact synchronization did not work
- [-] 0001561: Inserting Polish character "a" (with a tail) cleared the text of messages
- [-] 0001625: Ctrl+V didn`t move messages to folders starting with the letter "O"
- [-] 0001628: Assigned colors groups were not shown in the Sorting Office menu
- [-] 0001629: Wrong code in HTML messages caused invisible messages
- [-] 0001632: Viewer/editor profiles ignored the background color settings until another profile was selected
- [-] 0001633: List settings were saved and restored incorrectly when switching between Normal and HiDPI displays: The new version stores different sizes separately to prevent wrong sizing in the older versions
- [-] 0001635: Viewer profile settings were not applied right after changing the settings in options
- [-] 0001637: Viewer/editor profiles were not retained after re-starting the program
- [-] 0001638: Images from web-site copied to clipboard are not pasted into the HTML-editor: Added possibility to copy text with images from MS Office. For the moment to copy text with images from web page first copy it to Word and then copy to The Bat!
- [-] 0001640: The internal HTML viewer failed to display certain messages
- [-] 0001645: "Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide" error message at every startup has been resolved
- [-] 0001647: "Access Violation" error message appeared while replying to an email because of the tags
- [-] 0001650: "Invalid container data (offsets)" error message appeared upon editing the Sorting Office filters
- [-] 0001652: Find duplicates wizard in address book was not entirely displayed under lower resolutions
- [-] 0001654: Color selector: Predefined color set and Windows UI colors were missing. More colors accessible via keyboard
- [-] 0001656: There were truncated options in the settings of common folders
- [-] 0001666: If email addresses were erroneously separated by spaces (not by comas or semicolons) in an address line, The Bat! displayed only the first one
- [-] 0001668: Three High-DPI issues with color selector have been resolved
- [-] 0001674: Message Finder didn`t find anything in local (non-IMAP4) folders when search scope was "Any part"; and there is no way to stop the search process
- [-] 0001676: Unicode symbols were improperly rendered in the message list
- [-] 0001683: Wrong minute in the time of the message creation - 1 second was lost
- [-] Embedded images in messages bodies grew in size on each reply on high DPI monitors (original issue 0001178)
- [-] Fixed a "classname mismatch" error (TID#80840)
- [-] Fixed sizes of Tag and Duplicates wizards for HiDPI monitors
- [-] Issue when panel sizes were lost when resolution of display changed by several pixels
- [-] The Bat! crashed on startup with "Access violation" error message
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (10.02.2019):
- [-] Fixed issue with accounts disappearing (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (09.02.2019):
- [-] Sometimes there could happen account duplication
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (08.02.2019):
- [-] 0001643: [wish] Add the button to deselect all "Trash" folders in the Message Finder
- [-] 0001676: Unicode symbols are improperly rendered in the message list
- [-] 0001683: Wrong minute in the time of the message creation - was lost 1 sec
- [-] 0001652: Find duplicates wizard in address book is not entirely displayed under lower resolutions
- [-] issue when sizes are lost when resolution of display changed to several pixels
- [-] (#0001674) Message Finder didn`t find anything in local (non-IMAP4) folders when search scope was "anywhwer"; and there is no way to stop the search process
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (31.01.2019):
- [-] Google AddressBook - contacts created in The Bat! are no uploaded to the server via the synchronization
- [-] Fixed templates when editor is HTML (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (28.01.2019):
- [-] 0001647: "Access Violation" error message appears while replying to an email due Tags
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (27.01.2019):
- [-] 0001635: Viewer profile settings are not applied right after chenging the settings in options
- [-] 0001637: Viewer/editor profiles are not retained after re-starting the program
- [-] Some malformed email addresses could cause a deadlock (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (26.01.2019):
- [+] Users of the On-The-Fly-Encryption mode can specify /DECRYPT_FILE_OTFE command line parameter to decrypt a particular file and save it to disk.
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (26.01.2019):
- [-] 0000738: Google contact sync did not work
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (22.01.2019):
- [-] 0001652: Find duplicates wizard in address book is not entirely displayed under lower resolutions
- [-] 0001656: Truncated option in the settings of common folders
- [-] 0001647: "Access Violation" error message appears while replying to an email in The Bat! v8.7.0.0.
- [-] Fixed a bug of address list handling in BETA
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (21.01.2019):
- [-] Fixed issue with empty toolbar/menus on startup - on all machines
- [-] 0001668: Three High-DPI Issues with color chooser
- [-] Embedded images in messages bodies grow in size on each reply on high DPI monitors (original issue 0001178)
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (20.01.2019):
- [-] Fixed Bad UI reflow after fix for missiing UI elemnts (BETA issue)
- [-] 0001667: Color choser: Bad Flicker and reflow while hovering with mouse (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (19.01.2019):
- Color choser: Predefined color set and Windows UI colors missing. More colors accessible via keyboard
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (18.01.2019):
- [-] Fixed issue with empty toolbar/menus on startup
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (05.01.2019):
- [-] 0001629: Wrong code in HTML message causes invisible message
- [-] 0001632: Viewer/editor profiles ignore the background color settings until another profile is selected
- [-] 0001561: Inserting Polish character "Ä…" deletes message
- [-] 0001625: Ctrl+V doesn`t move messages to folders starting with the letter "O"
- [-] Fixed a "classname mismatch" error (TID#80840)
- [-] WIP : Tags Improvement: Deleted and Ignored Tags works and tested. Removed TTagInfo class
- [-] Fixed sizes of Tagger and Duplicates wizard for HiDPI monitors
- [-] WIP : Tags Improvement: Messager Tagger Form is updated properly when GlobalPrefs are changed
- [-] WIP : Tags Improvement: Added default list of tags
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.7 (23.12.2018):
- (#0001425) Added wizards to find and manage duplicates in the address book
- Improved the handling of items in the messages list. Clicking on the Tags column or Color Group column or the Memo column shows a pop-up menu of available Tags or Colors. Click on the Memo invokes the memo editor. Also added the "Clear All Tags" menu item
- New About Screen
- Christmas Splash screen uses randomly one of five images
- Christmas graphics in the about box
- (#0001527) Now The Bat! displays a list of restored folders via Shift+Ctrl+Alt+L
- Replaced old style Delphi color combo-boxes with user-friendly color selection (palette) controls
- Updated the translation resources. At the moment, these change mostly affect Bulgarian user interface language
- (#0001585) The text can now be dragged between the fields "CC" "TO" "BCC", etc.
- (#0001624) No colors of the tabs are displayed in the list of tabs in preferences menu
- The Splash Screen showed the "UNREG Edition" suffix after The Bat! product name if the user didn`t enter the registration code
- Tags Improvement: Added 2 check-boxes to Tags Editor. Fixed press return when adding of new Tag at TagSelected
- (#0001631) Splash Screen sometimes doesn`t stay for even a second when The Bat! starts in Maximized Window mode
- Close Tags work on Threaded-View headers
- Tags selector was not resizable
- Added default font and color to the Tag editor
- (#0001573) Selected folder out of focus/view when using quick search in moving messages
- (#0001566) Cell padding is not saved in table properties
- When The Bat! uses the Windows HTML viewer (rather then the internal one), it was using MSIE version 5 viewing mode. Now it uses recent viewing modes, i.e. to benefit from IE version 7, 8, 9 and the EDGE
- (#0001607) Search for Duplicates Wizard: No email should not be treated as same email
- (#0001574) Color groups assigned to messages in "Outbox" are lost after editing the message
- (#0001557) Check all Headers for correct click behavior
- (#0001605) Search Duplicates Wizard should check only first email of account
- (#0001603) Certain type of included HTML-files in message templates are displayed as HTML-code
- (#0001604) For the same contact is was possible to open several edit windows at the same time
- (#0001578) A figure in brackets appears when an attached .eml file is opened both in POP3 and IMAP4 accounts
- (#0001577) Senders in messages within IMAP4 accounts are saved into address books without names
- (#0001575) Tags assigned to messages in "Outbox" are lost after editing the message
- (#0001580) "Add Sender to Address History" adds the recipient instead
- (#0001606) Search in the Address Book did not use "Display Name" of a contact - it should have given the first contact sorted by DisplayName
- The Bat! could give an error related to mouse cursor when some application used the screen in the full-screen mode, this error could happen when The Bat! is running in the background and the user has launched a game (e.g. the World of Tanks)
- Duplicate Wizard fits small displays
- (#0001543) Issues when monitor changes
- Address book/Search for Duplicates: Fixed issue with AV when wizard is executed for the second time
- (#0001581) Included HTML-files in message templates are displayed as HTML-code
- (#0001583) Address book/Search for Duplicates: Start Button is not displayed on UHD-Display with greater than 100% zoom factor
- (#0001584) System HTML viewer is unable to open hyperlinks
- (#0001586) "Reply to this address" on the header pane doesn`t work
- Fixed some issues that might cause folders configuration file (ACCOUNT.FLB) to be lost
- (#0001560) Color palette is not entirely displayed in table properties under high DPI
- (#0001548) Rename labels and change colors selector bug
- Fixed some IMAP-related Access-Violation errors
- (#0001570) Extended the drop-down menu of the search field in the Message Finder (F7) window
- (#0001568) Errors in the advanced filtration of the message list
- (#0001564) Memos are lost for draft messages after editing them
- (#0001541) Subject with Unicode display has rectangles after selecting
- (#0001552) Tag selector form is not updated after tag editing
- (#0001558) Used the newest version of the TRichEdit component at the moment - v4.1
- (#0001542) Text fields in the QR code generator do not handle the Ctrl+A (select all) hotkey
- (#0001543) Issues when monitor changes
- Fixed auto hotkey assignment (now if caption has `&` it has priority)
- (#0001540) Contacts` Secondary addresses are not used for replying/forwarding
- (#0001524) Address book contact`s secondary emails are not added if the message is created via a handle or "Pick e-mail addresses" dialog
- (#0001539) Memo shown as lines with only one word after reopening
- (#0001533) "Custom colors" are not remembered in the HTML-editor and HTML-templates
- (#0001522) Tags in Cyrillic get corrupted
- (#0001530) Virtual folders are not automatically updated
- Fixed painting for Tags and Color Groups
- (#0001503) The Shift+Ctrl+V combination inserts a word with the cursor in the middle of it
- (#0001529) The option "Remove Empty Lines" does not work in templates
- (#0001528) The option "Show/Hide Non-Print Characters" does not work in templates
- (#0001531) "Memo" column displays only the first word of the memo text
- Table cell border always was 1px
- (#0001538) Loss of HTML toolbars after creating/modifying/deleting a Quick Template
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (16.12.2018):
- [-] Tags Improvement: Added 2 checkboxex to Tag Editor. Fixed press return when adding of new Tag at TagSelected
- [-] 0001631: Splash Screen sometimes doesn`t stay for even a second when The Bat! starts in Maximized Window mode
- [*] Christmas graphics in the about box
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (12.12.2018):
- [-] Christmas images were improperly incorporated
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (11.12.2018):
- [-] Tags Improvements
- [*] Updated the translation resources. At the moment, these change mostly affect Bulgarian user interface language.
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (08.12.2018):
- [+] Improved the handling of items in the messages list. Clickin on the Tags column or Color Group column or the Memo column shows a pop-up menu of available Tags or Colors. Click on the Memo invokes the memo editor. Also added the "Clear All Tags" menu item.
- [-] Close Tags work on Threaded-View headers
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (05.12.2018):
- Replaced old style Delphi color comboboxes with user-friendly color selection (palette) controls
- Tags selector was not resizeable
- Added default font and color to the Tag editor
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (02.12.2018):
- [-] 0001573: Selected folder out of focus/view when using quick search in moving messages
- [-] 0001566: Cell padding is not saved in table properties
- [-] When The Bat! uses the Windows HTML viewer (rather then the internal one), it was using MSIE version 5 viewing mode. Now it uses recent viewing modes, i.e. to benefit from IE version 7, 8, 9 and the EDGE.
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (30.11.2018):
- [-] 0001607: Search for Duplicates Wizard: No email should not be treated as same email
- [-] 0001574: Color groups assigned to messages in "Outbox" are lost after editing the message
- [-] 0001557: Check all Headers for correct click behavoir
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (25.11.2018):
- [-] 0001605: Search Duplicates Wizard should check only first email of account
- [-] 0001603: Certain type of included HTML-files in message templates are displayed as HTML-code
- [-] 0001604: For the same contact is possible to open several edit windows at the same time
- [-] 0001578: A figure in brackets appears when an attached .eml file is opened both in POP3 and IMAP4 accounts
- [-] 0001577: Senders in messages within IMAP4 accounts are saved into address books without names
- [-] 0001575: Tags assigned to messages in "Outbox" are lost after editing the message
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (20.11.2018):
- [-] (#0001580) "Add Sender to Address History" adds the recipient instead
- [-] (#0001606) Search in AdrressBook did not use "Display Name" of contact -- it should have given the first contact sorted by DisplayName
- [-] The Bat! could give an error related to mouse cursor when some application used the screen in the full-screen mode, this error could happen when The Bat! is running in the background and the user have launched a game (e.g the World of Tanks).
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (19.11.2018):
- [-] Duplicate Wizard fits small displays
- [-] 0001543: Issues when monitor changes
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (12.11.2018):
- [-] Address book / Search for Duplicates: Fixed issue with AV when wizard is executed second time
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (10.11.2018):
- [-] Included HTML-files in message templates are displayed as HTML-code
- [-] Address book / Search for Duplicates: Start Button is not displayed on UHD-Display with greater than 100% zoom Faktor
- [-] System HTML viewer is unable to open hyperlinks
- [-] Need to allow drag text between fields "CC" "TO" "BCC" etc
- [-] "Reply to this address" on the header pane doesn`t work
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (02.11.2018):
- [-] Fixed some issues that might cause folders configuration file (account.flb) to be lost
- [-] (#0001560) Color palette is not entirely displayed in table properties under high DPI
- [-] (#0001548) Rename labels and change colors selector bug
- [-] Fixed some IMAP-related Access-Violation errors
- [+] (#0001425) Added wizards to find and manage duplicates in the address book
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (23.10.2018):
- [-] (#0001570) Extended the drop-down menu of the search field in the Message Finder (F7) window
- [-] (#0001568) Errors in the advanced filtration of the message list
- [-] (#0001564) Memos are lost for draft messages after editing them
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (16.10.2018):
- [-] 0001541: Subject with Unicode display as rectangles after selecting
- [-] 0001552: Tag selector form is not updated after tag editing
- [-] 0001558: Modify All TRichEdit to use version 4.1
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (02.10.2018):
- [-] (#0001540) Contacts` Secondary addresses are not used for replying/forwarding
- [-] (#0001542) Text fields in the QR code generator do not handle the Ctrl+A (select all) hotkey
- [-] (#0001543) Issues when monitor changes
- [-] Fixed auto hotkey assignment (now if caption has `&` it has priority)
- [*] (#0001527) Now The Bat! display a list folders of restored via Shift+Ctrl+Alt+L
- [-] (#0001540) Contacts` Secondary addresses are not used for replying/forwarding
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (17.09.2018):
- [-] (#0001524) Address book contact`s secondary emails are not added if the message is created via a handle or "Pick e-mail addresses" dialog
- [-] (#0001539) Memo shown as lines with only one word after reopening
- [-] (#0001533) "Custom colors" are not remembered in the HTML-editor and HTML-templates
- [-] (#0001522) Tags in Cyrillic get corrupted
- [-] (#0001530) Virtual folders are not automatically updated
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (04.09.2018):
- [-] Fixed painting for Tags and Color Groups
- [-] 0001503: Shift+Ctrl+V inserts a word with the cursor in the middle of it
- [-] 0001529: The option "Remove Empty Lines" does not work in templates
- [-] 0001528: The option "Show/Hide Non-Print Characters" does not work in templates
- [-] 0001531: "Memo" column displays only the first word of the memo text
- [-] Table cell border always was 1px
- [-] 0001538: Loss of HTML toolbars after creating/modifying/deleting a Quick Template
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.6 (14.08.2018):
- Добавлены кнопки на панель инструментов для удаления пустых строк, а также отображения непечатных символов
- Новые настройки по умолчанию для таблиц в редакторе HTML
- (#0001512) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой на панели заголовков в русской локализации не умещались некоторые длинные заголовки
- (#0001513) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые опции в настройках заголовков в русской локализации отображались частично
- (#0001508) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некорректно работала вставка ASCII-символов в редакторе HTML
- (#0001505) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой несколько символов польского алфавита кодировались некорректно
- (#0001499) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой не работало восстановление общих папок и папок почтовых ящиков при помощи сочетания клавиш Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L
- (#0001515) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой в системном средстве просмотра HTML в редких случаях вместо писем отображался HTML-код
- (#0001514) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые опции в свойствах виртуальных папок не отображались целиком
- (#0001504) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой появлялось сообщение "Системе не удаётся найти указанный файл" при двойном клике на поле "Тема:" на панели заголовков
- (#0001509) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой при создании нового контакта адресной книги в поле "Заметки" присутствовала лишняя пустая строка
- (#0001503) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой при вставке слова/фразы с помощью комбинации клавиш Shift+Ctrl+V курсор становился в центр вставленного слова/фразы
- (#0001516) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой программа не выбирала следующее в списке письмо после перемещения нескольких писем мышкой
- (#0001450) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой не работало добавление новых контактов в адресную книгу из списка писем при помощи комбинации клавиш Ctrl+W
- (#0001497) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой письма по ошибке помечались флажком после раскрытия цепочек по ссылкам
- (#0001487) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой выделенный текст удалялся после повторного редактирования гиперссылки
- (#0001503) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой многострочный текст вставлялся в виде одной строки при использовании комбинации клавиш Shift+Ctrl+V
- Исправлена ошибка в работе условия правила сортировки "равен" для полей отправителя и получателя
Изменения в программе The Bat! (BETA) (15.08.2018):
- [*] Changed attributes of newly-inserted HTML tables
Изменения в программе The Bat! (ALPHA) (07.08.2018):
- [-] 0001512: Long headers do not fit on the header pane (Russian)
- [-] 0001513: Truncated option in header properites (Russian translation)
- [-] 0001508: Inserting symbols via ASCII codes is broken in the HTML editor
- [-] 0001505: Wrong encoding of two Polish characters
- [-] 0001499: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L doesn`t restore account and common folders
- [-] 0001515: System`s HTML viewer displays the HTML-code instead of the message
- [-] 0001514: Truncated options in virtual folder`s properties
- [-] 0001504: Error message "The system cannot find the file specified" while double-clicking in "Subject:" on the header pane
- [-] 0001509: Extra empty line in "Memo" while creating a new contact
- [-] 0001503: Shift+Ctrl+V inserts a word with the cursor in the middle of it
- [-] 0001516: Incorrect selection of emails after a drag-and-drop move operation
- [-] 0001450: CTRL-W broken
- [-] 0001497: Irrelevant flagging of messages while expanding message list threads
- [-] The Find Lost Folder command didn`t work properly since The Bat! version released on January 25, 2018
Изменения в программе The Bat! (ALPHA) (24.07.2018):
- [-] First Implementation of Scale HTML (There is a new mode in the message editor: "Scaled HTML".
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (15.07.2018):
- [+] The /TLS_DISABLE_ECDHE command line option to disable elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman ephemeral key agreement cipher suites on TLS
- [+] The /TLS_DISABLE_DHE command line option to disable Diffie-Hellman ephemeral key agreement cipher suites on TLS
- [-] In case of a Diffie-Hellman ephemeral key agreement on TLS, if the server has provided a "p" parameter which is not a safe prime, The Bat! no longer terminates the connection with the "protocol error BuildClientKeyExchange" error code.
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.5.6 (08.07.2018):
- TLS 1.2. Поддерживаются следующие наборы криптографических алгоритмов:
- При использовании параметра командной строки /STARTUP_COMMAND_LINE в файл ex_log.txt теперь записывается больше данных о процессе запуска The Bat!
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой диалоговые окна "Вставить символ", "Вставить таблицу" и др. некорректно масштабировались на мониторах сверхвысокой чёткости, начиная с версии The Bat!, выпущенной 14 сентября 2017 года
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой проверка ассоциаций с расширениями файлов (настройки программ по умолчанию в Windows) работала некорректно, .т.к. в некоторых случаях это диалоговое окно (вызываемое программой The Bat! для настройки ассоциаций) отображалось за заставкой при запуске The Bat!
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (07.07.2018):
- [!] "Zoom" in plain text editor and viewer (MicroEd) - you can change the font size by Ctrl+MouseWheel
- There is no keyboard shortcut yet that would have allowed to do that without mouse.
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (04.07.2018):
- [-] Fixed an error of simulteneous access to the ACCOUNT.ATB file which could lead to write error to this file when multipile accounts with OAUTH were trying to simultaneously write to this file
- [+] A command-line option /SMTP_DELAY_AFTER_SEND:N to specify delay in milliseconds to wait after sending each message, before sending a new message. This delay may only be made if several messages are sent during a single SMTP connection. For example, for 2-second delay, specify /SMTP_DELAY_AFTER_SEND:2000. Minimum value is 1 and maximum is 60000. After sending a message, you will be able to see SMTP status "Delay N ms..." if this option is active.
- [+] Added a command-line option /DISABLE_TLS12 which disables TLS 1.2 and is equivalent to /TLS_VERSION_RANGE:0-2
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.5.2 Beta (28.06.2018):
- [+] Now a meanginful error message is given to the log when the server disconnects during TLS handshake
- [-] Fixed incompatibilities with some TLS 1.2 servers
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (28.06.2018):
- [-]Fixed incompatibilities with some TLS 1.2 servers
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (28.06.2018):
- [+] Now a meanginful error message is given to the log when the server disconnects during TLS handshake
- [-] Some interface strings were not translatable
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.5 (27.06.2018):
- TLS 1.2. Поддерживаются следующие наборы криптографических алгоритмов:
- При использовании параметра командной строки /STARTUP_COMMAND_LINE в файл ex_log.txt теперь записывается больше данных о процессе запуска The Bat!
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой диалоговые окна "Вставить символ", "Вставить таблицу" и др. некорректно масштабировались на мониторах сверхвысокой чёткости, начиная с версии The Bat!, выпущенной 14 сентября 2017 года
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой проверка ассоциаций с расширениями файлов (настройки программ по умолчанию в Windows) работала некорректно, .т.к. в некоторых случаях это диалоговое окно (вызываемое программой The Bat! для настройки ассоциаций) отображалось за заставкой при запуске The Bat!
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (24.06.2018):
- [-] Zoom is added to MicroEd
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (23.06.2018):
- [-] "Insert Symbol", "Insert Table" and other editor dialogs didn`t scale properly on high-resolution monitors since The Bat! v7.4.16.49 released on 14-Sep-2017.
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.4 (22.06.2018):
Новые возможности
- You can now use styles in the HTML editor
- The Bat! now splits long IMAP commands (of about 7500 characters or more) into shorter ones. This is needed for
- IMAP servers (e.g. Zimbra) that don`t accept longer commands, e.g. when you move thousands of messages from one folder to another and the messages are not in a sequence. See "Long Command Lines" sections of the following RFCs
- for more details: RFC-2683, p., RFC-7162, p. 4.
- New command-line parameter "/TLS_VERSION_RANGE:0-3" to specify lowest and highest SSL/TLS version minor byte number that The Bat! should support. "0" means SSL 3.0, "1" means TLS 1.0, "2" means TLS 1.1 and "3" means "TLS 1.2". For example, to disable SSL 3.0, use "/TLS_VERSION_RANGE:1-3". Another example to only allow TLS 1.2 is "/TLS_VERSION_RANGE:3-3"
- New command-line parameter "/TLS_DISABLE_PERFECT_FORWARD_SECRECY" to disable perfect forward secrecy
- New command-line parameter /LOG_IA32CPUID to write list of CPU capabilities to the ex_log.txt file
- New command-line parameter (must be specified as the first parameter in order to be accepted, other parameters may follow it): "/SHA1_BENCHMARK". For example, you can run /SHA1_BENCHMARK /NOLOGO /LOG_IA32CPUID
- New command-line parameter "/TEMP:" to specify a different temporary folder instead of one specified by %TEMP% environment variable
- Support for "Intel SHA extensions" instructions for SHA-1 on CPUs that support it for hardware acceleration of SHA-1. These instructions are introduced on Intel Goldmont microarchitecture processors, e.g. Pentium J4205, Celeron J3455, Atom C3958, etc. These instructions are currently supported for 64-bit version of The Bat! only
- Added the `Insert Symbol` button to the editor toolbar
- Added support for TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension. It is useful when multiple servers are sharing the same IP address. For more information on SNI, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication
- Added new path macros: %PROGRAMFILES% and %PROGRAMFILESX86%
(#0001454) Toolbar has now drop-down history for the "Copy to folder" and "Move to folder" buttons
- Updated HTML editor component version
- The Bat! now tries to call the GetAddrInfoExW function instead of GetAddrInfoExA. Only if GetAddrInfoExW is not available, it falls back to GetAddrInfoExA
- The Bat! is now able to locate GPG4WIN 3.1.1
- Optimized CPU thread usage by creating and freeing threads less frequent because of using more threads with a reusable thread pool
- If CPU supports SHA extensions, The Bat! will use them for SHA-256 hash. You can call The Bat! with /SHA256_BENCHMARK command line parameter to figure out whether you CPU supports the extension and what is real gain from using the extensions
- The Bat! didn`t notify plugins about a "MainWindowLoaded" event since version 8
- Fixed the "Select Image" icon in toolbar customization
- Some modifications on PGP internal signature verification
- Some fatal errors that prevented The Bat! from starting and were silent now are displayed to the user
- If external third-party plugins in The Bat! prevent it from starting successfully, The Bat! restarts, removes all the plugins from the list, and notifies the user about it, creating copies of plugin configuration files
- If a Windows API function to resolve host name fails with an Access Violation error or other exception, The Bat! no longer uses that API function
- Fixed splash screen labels` transparency
- Fixed some memory leaks
- Fixed some "Access Violation" errors which could occur while working with IMAP
- Fixed issue with showing some HTML entities (symbols)
- Fixed editor toolbars
- Fixed a bug in determining system-defined folders
- Added Quick Templates combo on toolbar
- (#0001496) Access Violation on closing The Bat! while viewing a message in the internal HTML viewer
- (#0001493) Sub-filters didn`t correctly handle the "is" operator
- (#0001482) Reintroduced: The Bat! v6.8.4 It`s not possible to save the changes in the "Insert Hyperlink" window
- (original issue 0000730)
- (#0001481) Reintroduced: Embedded images in messages bodies grow in size on each reply on high DPI monitors
- (original issue 0001178)
- (#0001478) Quick Reply is unusable - Access Violations upon trying to copy, cut, backspace, delete and paste a Quick Template
- (#0001476) Added: the option "Clear formatting", "IncreaseFont", "DecreaseFont" to the HTML-editor
- (#0001474) Added: the option for forwarding types to the drop-down of the "Forward" icon on the main toolbar
- (#0001471) Fixed: clicking on the email of an account`s information page creates a message from the default account
- (#0001466) Added buttons "Subscript" and "Superscript" to the HTML editor
- (#0001463) Added the button "Strikethrough" to the HTML editor
- (#0001461) The recipient`s name got corrupted in the editor window
- (#0001460) Shift+Enter for Bullet Points was broken
- (#0001415) Wrong "Created" date if "Date:" line is missing in the message headers
- (#0000571) Open attachments with the Shift key pressed still displayed a warning
- (#0000151) Could not load HTML images under 32-bit (many images with the same URL)
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.4 Beta (22.06.2018):
What`s new in version 8.4 since version 8.3:
- [+] You can now use styles in the HTML editor
- [+] The Bat! now splits long IMAP commands (of about 7500 characters or more) into shorter ones. This is needed for IMAP servers (e.g. Zimbra) that don`t accept longer commands, e.g. when you move thousands of messages from one folder to another and the messages are not in a sequence. see "Long Command Lines" sections of the following RFCs for more details: RFC-2683, p., RFC-7162, p. 4.
- [+] The "/TLS_VERSION_RANGE:0-3" command line parameter to specify lowest and highest SSL/TLS version minor byte number that The Bat! should support. "0" means SSL 3.0, "1" means TLS 1.0, "2" means TLS 1.1 and "3" means "TLS 1.2". For example, to disable SSL 3.0, use "/TLS_VERSION_RANGE:1-3". Another example - to only allow TLS 1.2 - use "/TLS_VERSION_RANGE:3-3"
- [+] The "/TLS_DISABLE_PERFECT_FORWARD_SECRECY" command-line parameter
- [+] The "/TLS_FORCE_PERFECT_FORWARD_SECRECY" command-line parameter
- [+] Support for "Intel SHA extensions" instructions for SHA-1 on CPUs that support it for hardware acceleration of SHA-1. These instructions are introduced on Intel Goldmont microarchitecture processors, e.g. Pentium J4205, Celeron J3455, Atom C3958, etc. These instructions are currently supported for 64-bit version of The Bat! only.
- [+] New command-line parameter /LOG_IA32CPUID to write list of CPU capabilities to the ex_log.txt file.
- [+] New command-line parameter (must be specified as a first parameter in order to be accepted, other parameters may follow it): "/SHA1_BENCHMARK". For example, you can run /SHA1_BENCHMARK /NOLOGO /LOG_IA32CPUID
- [+] Fixed the "Select Image" in toolbar customization
- [+] Added the "Insert Symbol" button on the editor toolbar
- [+] Added support for TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension. It is useful when multiple servers are sharing the same IP address. For more information on SNI, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication
- [+] Added new path macros: %PROGRAMFILES% and %PROGRAMFILESX86%
- [+] (#0001454) Toolbar has now drop-down history for the "Copy to folder" and "Move to folder" buttons
- [+] "/TEMP:" command line parameter to specify a different temporary folder instead of one specified by %TEMP% environment variable
- [-] The Bat! didn?t` notify plugins about an "MainWindowLoaded" event since version 8
- [-] Some modifications on PGP internal signature verification
- [-] Some fatal errors that prevented The Bat! from starting and were silent now are displayed to the user
- [-] If external third-party plugins to The Bat! prevent it from starting successfully, The Bat! restarts, removes all the plugins from the list, and notifies the user about it, creating copies of plugin configuration files
- [-] If a Windows API function to resolve host name fails with an Access Violation error or other exception, The Bat! no longer uses that API function
- [-] Fixed splash screen labels` transparency
- [-] Fixed some memory leaks
- [-] Fixed some "access violation" errors which could occur while working with IMAP
- [-] Fixed issue with showing some HTML entities (symbols)
- [-] Fixed issue with showing some HTML entities (symbols)
- [-] Fixed editor toolbars
- [-] Fixed a bug in determining system-defined folders
- [-] Added quick templates combo on toolbar
- [-] (#0001496) Access Violation on closing The Bat! while viewing a message in the internal HTML viewer
- [-] (#0001493) Sub-filters didn`t correctly handle the "is" operator
- [-] (#0001482) Reintroduced: The Bat! v6.8.4 It`s not possible to save the changes in the "Insert Hyperlink" window (original issue 0000730)
- [-] (#0001481) Reintroduced: Embedded images in messages bodies grow in size on each reply on high DPI monitors (original issue 0001178)
- [-] (#0001478) Quick Reply is unusable - Access Violations upon trying to copy, cut, backspace, delete and paste a Quick Template
- [-] (#0001476) [WISH] Add the option "Clear formatting", "IncreaseFont", "DecreaseFont" to the HTML-editor
- [-] (#0001474) [WISH] Add the option for forwarding types to the drop-down of the "Forward" icon on the main toolbar
- [-] (#0001471) Clicking on the email of an account`s information page creates a message from the default account
- [-] (#0001466) Add buttons "Subscript" and "Superscript" to the HTML editor
- [-] (#0001463) Add the button "Strikethrough" to the HTML editor
- [-] (#0001461) The recipient`s name gets corrupted in the editor window
- [-] (#0001460) Shift+Enter for Bullet Points is broken
- [-] (#0001415) Wrong "Created" date if "Date:" line is missing in the message headers
- [-] (#0000571) Open attachments with the Shift key pressed still displays a warning
- [-] (#0000151) Cannot load HTML images under 32-bit (many images with the same URL)
- [*] Updated HTML editor component version
- [*] The Bat! now tries to call the GetAddrInfoExW function instead of GetAddrInfoExA. Only if GetAddrInfoExW is not available, it falls back to GetAddrInfoExA.
- [*] The Bat! is now able to locate GPG4WIN 3.1.1
- [*] Optimized CPU thread usage by creating and freeing threads less frequent because of using more threads with a reusable thread pool
- [*] If CPU supports SHA extensions, The Bat! will use them for SHA-256 hash. You can call The Bat! with /SHA256_BENCHMARK command line parameter to figure out whether you CPU supports the extension and what is real gain from using the extensions.
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (20.06.2018):
- [-] Fixed select Image in toolbar customization
- [-] Since previous beta, The Bat! was writing extra information to ex_log.txt even when no /STARTUP_TIMING_LOG parapeter was give
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (19.06.2018):
- [i] fixed select Image in toolbar customization
- [+] The "/TLS_VERSION_RANGE:0-3" command line parameter to specify lowest and highest SSL/TLS version minor byte number that The Bat! should support. "0" means SSL 3.0, "1" means TLS 1.0, "2" means TLS 1.1 and "3" means "TLS 1.2". For example, to disable SSL 3.0, use "/TLS_VERSION_RANGE:1-3". Another example – to only allow TLS 1.2 – use "/TLS_VERSION_RANGE:3-3"
- [+] The "/TLS_DISABLE_PERFECT_FORWARD_SECRECY" command-line parameter
- [-] The Bat! didn` notify plugins about an "MainWindowLoaded" event since version 8
- [-] If external third-party plugins to The Bat! prevent it from starting successfully, The Bat! restarts, removes all the plugins from the list, and notifies the user about it, creating copies of plugin configuration files
- [-] Some fatal errors that prevented The Bat! from starting and were silent now are displayed to the user
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (17.06.2018):
- [-] Added quick templates combo on toolbar
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (12.06.2018):
- [-] Some modifications on PGP internal singature verification
- [-] 0001496: Access Violation on closing The Bat! while viewing a message in the internal HTML viewer
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (09.06.2018):
- Trying to fix access violations which happens after Windows 10 update when getaddrinfo() API function is called
- Removed TLS 1.2 until we finish implementing it
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (05.06.2018):
- [+] TLS 1.2 (but ECDHE is not yet supported)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (05.06.2018):
- Display of native language symbols fixed (ex Cyrillic)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (05.06.2018):
- [+] Added support for TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension. It is useful when multiple servers are sharing the same IP address.
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (04.06.2018):
- [*] If CPU supports SHA extensions, The Bat! will use them for SHA-256 hash. You can call The Bat! with /SHA256_BENCHMARK command line parameter to figure out whether you CPU supports the extension and what is real gain from using the extensions.
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (02.06.2018):
- [+] Support for "Intel SHA extensions" instructions for SHA-1 on CPUs that support it for hardware acceleration of SHA-1. These instructions are introduced on Intel Goldmont microarchitecture processors, e.g. Pentium J4205, Celeron J3455, Atom C3958, etc. These instructions are currently supported for 64-bit version of The Bat! only.
- [+] New command-line parameter (must be specified as a first parameter in order to be accepted, other parameters may follow it): "/SHA1_BENCHMARK". For example, you can run /SHA1_BENCHMARK /NOLOGO /LOG_IA32CPUID
- [+] New command-line parameter /LOG_IA32CPUID to write list of CPU capabilities to the ex_log.txt file.
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (02.06.2018):
- [-] If a Windows API function to resolve host name fails with an Access Violation error or other exception, The Bat! no longer uses that API function
- [*] The Bat! now tries to call the GetAddrInfoExW function instead of GetAddrInfoExA. Only if GetAddrInfoExW is not available, it reverts to GetAddrInfoExA. This may probably fix problems on recent Windows 10 updates
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (02.06.2018):
- [-] If a Windows API function to resolve host name fails with an Access Violation error or other exception, The Bat! no longer uses that API function
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (02.06.2018):
- [-] Fixed a bug in determining system-defined folders
- [+] Added new path macros: %PROGRAMFILES% and %PROGRAMFILESX86%
- [*] The Bat! is now able to locate GPG4WIN 3.1.1
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (01.06.2018):
- [-] (#0001493): Sub-filters stopped working in v8
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (31.05.2018):
- [-] Sub-filters didn`t correctly handdle "is" operator
- [-] RichText view mode - URL parameter separator ("&") is wrong-encoded (BETA issue)
- [-] Fixed an AV in OAUTH authorization (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (26.05.2018):
- [-] Fixed minor bugs of (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (26.05.2018):
- Fixed some memory leaks
- Fixed editor toolbars
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (24.05.2018):
- [-] 0001428: Link surrounded by <> not correctly parsed
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (23.05.2018):
- [-] The HTML editor styles combobox was empty (BETA issue)
- [-] The HTML editor styles didn`t work on OTFE (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (21.05.2018):
- [-] (#0000151) Cannot load HTML images under 32-bit (many images with the same URL)
- [-] (#0000767) Cannot load HTML images under 32-bit (many images with the same URL)
- [*] (#0001248) refactor image download threads
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (20.05.2018):
- Optimized thread usage by creating and freeing threads less frequent because of using more threads with a reusable thread pool
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (17.05.2018):
- [-] Moving messages between IMAP accounts didn`t work in previous alpha (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.3 (23.03.2018):
Новые возможности
- (#0001422) The "Copy Format" in the Message Editor
- (#0001437) You can now add a column with a short folder name – just a name without its full path
- (#0001453) It is now possible to add secondary addresses of an address book entry to the To or CC field or to not add at all, instead of just an option to add to BCC as before
- (#0001161) The menu entry "Download International Pack" is obsolete
- (#0001349) Outdated version number while authenticating at Gmail via OAUTH
- (#0001366) Needless confirmation on closing editor window after saving the message via Ctrl+S
- (#0001407) The Message Dispatcher does not remember the position of the header auto-view splitter
- (#0001408) CardDAV synchronization did not transfer URLs to server and deleted them afterwards in The Bat (tested with mailbox.org)
- (#0001414) CardDAV synchronization duplicates three phone numbers and overwrites three others (tested with mailbox.org)
- (#0001439) Wrong handling of "<" and ">" characters in the messages created out of HTML-templates
- (#0001442) The "Lock toolbars" option is not remembered in the Message Dispatcher window
- (#0001444) The Quick Search skips the search/display criteria of the selected tab
- (#0001455) Fixed the bug "TLS protocol error" Internal error GenerateKeyBlockCipher when connecting to servers with DES/3DES ciphers (a bug of The Bat! v8.2.8)
- (#0001456) Fixed an access violation on exit when The Bat! was configured to be minimized to the System Tray
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.2.8 (19.02.2018):
- Some modifications to improve usefulness of the exceptions log files
- (#0000027) Shift+Ctrl+Alt+L on a common folder found special folders on hard drive
- (#0000682) Double click on an icon of an address book contact opened the properties of the highlighted contact
- (#0000873) There was no confirmation popup for changed mail after closing window
- (#0001164) Character Encoding got broken if text had been inserted via an included text file
- (#0001170) HTML code was displayed instead of the contents of the message if set to the system`s HTML viewer
- (#0001402) %QINCLUDE inserted wrong text
- (#0001412) Special characters were improperly displayed in the HTML editor
- (#0001413) CardDAV: Synchronization sent phone "Office" to organizational field "Branches" (tested with mailbox.org)
- (#0001416) Switching between smiles and plain text editor did not take effect immediately
- (#0001419) The active account did not change when the "From:" was changed via the field`s drop-down menu. RSS accounts have been removed from the "From" and "To" lists
- (#0001420) The header "Comments:" displayed the contents of the "Subject:" header
- (#0001423) Modified Font dropdown with list of recently used fonts
- (#0001429) Message text disappeared from the editor window after auto-save
- (#0001430) Access Violation error on "Reply to All" has been fixed
- Fixed access violation errors introduced in The Bat! 8.2.4
- Fixed an access violation that might happen at the beginning of an IMAP session when it the account was configured to use multiple IMAP connections
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.2.4 (23.01.2018):
- Improved speed of the IDEA encryption algorithm
- Improved speed of the RC4 encryption algorithm
- Libiconv version updated to version 1.15. Added ISO-2022-JP-MS converter. Updated the CP1255 converter to map one more character
- Improved speed of the UTF-8 encoder and decoder
- Some internal optimizations in the interface element dynamic layouts
- (#0001085) Scrolling in address book moves selection bar instead of address list<
- (#0001257) CardDAV-Syncronization transfers Home Location Street address correctly, but deletes it afterwards (tested with mailbox.org)
- (#0001261) The Bat! v7.4.16 (64 Bit) - cannot print multiple mails
- (#0001334) Issue with OAUTH for Mail.Ru while creating a new account
- (#0001335) Misleading "Authentication failed" message while creating a new account for Mail.Ru and Gmail and using OAUTH
- (#0001363) It`s possible to overcome the mandatory "Unique ID" handle while creating a color group
- (#0001377) Previously created templates (text format) were not usable if switching to HTML editor
- (#0001407) The Message Dispatcher does not remember the position of the header auto-view splitter
- The MailTicker was sometimes improperly updated or not updated or caused Access Violation errors
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.2 (11.01.2018):
- Встроены следующие проверки для части, в которой отображается имя отправителя: если содержится символ «@» или любой управляющий символ (например, «возврат каретки», «перевод строки» или «пусто»), то такая часть имени не учитывается, и пользователь видит реальный электронной адрес отправителя, а не сфабрикованный, который злоумышленник замаскировал в части имени отправителя
- Улучшения в многопоточном механизме блокировки (только в 32-битных версиях)
- Улучшения в работе программы на современных процессорах, поддерживающих инструкции AVX-512 (только в 64-битных версиях)
- (#0000521) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой не работали макросы в HTML-шаблонах (для папок, почтового ящика и т.д), изменения коснулись макроса %- и пробелов в конце строки
- (#0001229) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой процесс сжатия вставленных в текст письма изображений производился дважды, это вызывало задержку при сохранении таких писем в папку "Отправленные"
- (#0001376) Изменился алгоритм работы редактора писем в формате HTML, теперь нажатие клавиши "Tab" не удаляет выделенный фрагмент текста
- (#0001255) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой не передавалось значение поля дня рождения при синхронизации адресной книги CardDAV
- (#0001256) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой после синхронизации адресной книги CardDAV дублировались электронные адреса, если в свойствах контакта ранее было указано более одного электронного адреса (протестировано с mailbox.org)
- (#0001382) Исправлена ошибка в программе, из-за которой при синхронизации адресной книги CardDAV появлялось сообщение "Server reports error: "HTTP/1.1 501 Request Failed"
- (#0001384) Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой окно журнала синхронизации адресных книг было модальным
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.0.18 Christmas Edition (25.12.2017):
- The Download Manager writes additional information to the ex_log.txt file whenever there is an exception inside a WinInet API function call
- Added some root certificates used by Google mail servers
- Better description for the registration key validity version
- More debug messages will be added to the ex_log.txt with /startup_timing_log command line option to figure out why
- The Bat! hangs at startup
- Fixed a "stack overflow" error which could occur when a message got loaded, e.g. on IMAP
- Fixed an access violation at startup
- Some normal connection state changes were written to the ex_log.txt file
- The MailTicker was sometimes grey and didn`t move
- (#0000493) Column "Tags" in message list cannot be size-adjusted by double click
- (#0000557) Copying of Sorting Office filters with hot keys is incomplete
- (#0000908) MailTicker goes to background even of the "Always on top" option is enabled
- (#0001039) Double-clicking a word with national characters doesn`t select it
- (#0001103) Table paste not keeping columns widths
- (#0001118) Attachments` names in national characters are converted to underscore
- (#0001121) Shift+Arrows or Ctrl+Arrows don`t work as expected in HTML message preview
- (#0001138) Names of the attachments are displayed incorrectly
- (#0001281) %CURSOR is ignored in Quick Template
- (#0001320) On 4K monitors, the mail ticker is too slow
- (#0001346) POP3 Message Dispatcher hangs with an error message
- (#0001350) Quick Template is not inserted into Quick Reply
- (#0001355) UI elements misplaced in filter conditions
- (#0001358) Quick search filter doesn`t clear filter on empty filter text
- (#0001360) No caption "paste as text" while pasting smiles in the HTML editor
- (#0001361) Multiple quotes are rendered too wide
- (#0001362) Empty brackets for quick templates in the drop-down menus
- (#0001366) Needles confirmation on closing editor window after saving the message via Ctrl+S
- (#0001367) Access Violation on pasting smilies
- (#0001368) "Undo" and "Redo" work erratically
- (#0001369) "Paste as plain text" does not replace the highlighted text
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.0.14 (27.11.2017):
- Fixed issues of 8.0.12 MSI.
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.0.12 (26.11.2017):
- [-] (#0000599) Truncated/disappeared buttons in status bar of Editor window when switching text format to HTML mode
- [+] (#0001341) Added the insert/overwrite mode for all message editors, not just MicroEd
- [-] (#0001342) Pasting text to Quick Search was troublesome because when the user selects some text, e.g. an email address, in an outside application, that application often copies text to the clipboard with a trailing space character and when the user pastes it to Quick Search, the user don`t see this trailing blank, but The Bat! doesn`t find the address in the message list so the user becomes very perplexed.
- [-] (#0001323) The log box in the "Message Base Maintenance Center" window doesn`t scroll properly (as in the Connection Center)
- [-] (#0001337) HTML Table editor is unavailable
- [-] (#0001343) Quick Search in Message List does not use focused tab for a refined search
- [-] (#0001235) Untranslatable string in the Connection Center
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.0.10 (14.11.2017):
- [-] The message editor status bar didn`t show cursor position (line/character) for the following modes: Plaintext (Windows), HTML+Plaintext, HTML only. It did only show cursor position for Plaintext (Microed). Now it shows the position for all the editor types.
- [-] (#0001338) The buttons for "bold", "italic", drop down menu "font" and "fontsize" are kind of sticky
Изменения в программе The Bat! 8.0.8 (13.11.2017):
New features
- 32-bit version of The Bat! now works even under very old computers with CPUs that don’t support MMX instruction set. In this case, FPU is used to copy data.
- Upgraded the HTML editor. Text formatting has improved (the components render bi-directional text and “exotic” scripts reliably; "justify" alignment and custom character spacing now can be applied to bi-directional text; new paragraph alignment type: "distribute"; distributed paragraphs are similar to justified paragraphs, but space is added between all characters, not between words; this type of alignment is common for Far East languages; customized alignment for the last line of justified and distributed paragraphs; special options for vertical text in table cells - automatic application of vertical fonts and switching column order from right-to-left to left-to-right). There were also visual improvements: the users can define a customized degree of transparency for backgrounds of paragraphs, tables, table cells, text boxes; user interface is compatible with high-DPI display modes
- AVX/AVX2/AVX-512 use: if the CPU supports AVX or AVX2 instruction set, 64-bit version of The Bat! will use large, 32-byte YMM registers for faster memory copy and fill, and if the CPU supports AVX-512 instruction set, The Bat! will use even larger, 64-byte ZMM registers for even faster memory copy and fill. These instruction sets are not used by 32-bit version of The Bat!
- The Bat! now uses improved multi-threading locking mechanism as a part of the improved memory manager - FastMM4-AVX. The new locking mechanism is much better than the mechanism implemented in the default memory manager which is used by the Delphi compiler
- If the CPU supports Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB (ERMS), The Bat! uses this feature for faster memory copy or fill
- Faster overall program work gained by removing the "lock" prefix from many instructions that were supposed to provide multi-thread handling. On practice, adding "lock" prefix to an instruction slows it down significantly, and, in most cases, was not needed, e.g. increasing reference counters when assigning strings
- (#0001250) Internal program code rewrite regarding to HTML editors that was used in the message editor and HTML template editors
- AVX-512 Instruction Set is used, if available, for faster memory copy and fill operations. In order for The Bat! to make use it, a CPU with AVX-512 instruction set is required, for example Intel`s Xeon Phi x200 (Knights Landing) and Skylake-X Core i7 and i9 models. Besides that the operating system should also support AVX-512 registers. It is Windows 10 latest update and Windows Server 2016 that support AVX-512
- Version 8 Splash Screen
- Better thread handling - the program works faster and generates lower number of the Page Faults
- Auto-configuration of display fonts on The Bat! first run. On Windows 7 and later, if the fonts are configured in Windows settings to be displayed as Cleartype or if the screen resolution (pixels per inch) is 150% of base DPI or higher, then, on The Bat! first run for this Windows user account after the new installation, the new fonts are automatically configured be used (instead of previously hard-coded values): Consolas and Calibri are now used instead of the old Courier New and Arial. Besides that, during that first run, the default editor font size now accommodates to the screen resolution (pixels per inch): if the current DPI is below 150% of the base DPI (96), the default editor font size is 9pt as before, but for 150%<200% - 10pt, 200%<300% - 11pt, 300% and higher - 12pt.
- Auto-substitution of the Courier New on 4K monitors when viewing HTML messages. The details are the following. On Windows 7 and later, with ultra-high-definition (4K) monitors with DPI of 192 and more (>200% of base DPI), if an HTML email arrives with Courier New font defined, and the characters have font size of or between 5 and 28 points, the font is automatically displayed as Consolas. This behavior of substation of Courier New to Consolas is hardcoded and you cannot change it. This only affects screen, not the printer. On printer, when printing HTML with Courier New, this font is always used if defined so in the HTML
- Updated Root CA certificates
- Improved speed of CRC-32 calculation when the processor does not support CRC32 instruction, but if it does, the speed has increased even more. The Bat! uses CRC-32 algorithm internally in many cases, so the overall program speed has increased as a result
- Non-exceptional (normal) situations like IMAP server responses "NO" and "BAD" were added to the exceptions log
- Improvements on multi-threaded operation: The Bat! often worked poorly on multi-core processors or multi-CPU computers. The thread operation wasn’t very good thought out in some places. As a result, there were various errors like Access Violation
- The Bat! MSI installation package no longer include EWS DLL files. As a result, The Bat! would not support Exchange Web Services (EWS) protocol until you manually download a DLL and store it un the same directory where thebat32.exe/thebat64.exe resides. The EWS DLL download URLs are https://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/ews/ews_x32.zip and https://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/ews/ews_x64.zip
- 64-bit Simple MAPI handler DLL gave access violation errors
- When a QR Code window was already open and then the user has put another window to front and chose to generate a QR code from the menu, the old QR Code window remained in the background so the user had no idea what happened, as if nothing happened. Now the QR Code window will be brought to front in such cases
- The QR Code generator didn`t save a generated code to file properly. It asked for a list of graphic formats, but in fact only supported BMP. So if you chose, for example, PNG, it saved a BMP into the file with .PNG extension which was incorrect. Now it only offers to save to PNG
- If you save generated QR code to file or copy it to clipboard, it didn`t scale to the fixed number of times, which might result uneven scaling
- If a QR Code window was called from the main window and was open, and you close The Bat!, there was an Access Violation error
- If there were a message source view window open and you closed The Bat!, there were an access violation error
- The Bat! couldn`t gracefully handle improperly specified "charset=unicode", especially in malformed HTML messages
- (#0001044) Screen reader did not read the contents of the status bar
- (#0001043) Screen reader did not read the text of the tabs
- (#0000360) Attributes of messages in threaded message lists were not read
- (#0001191) The option "Complete address automatically from" in the message editor did not work
- (#0001189) The auto-complete did not offer a suggestion right away as only the suggestion list with no selection appears
- (#0001185) The Bat! gave an access violation error on exit when NVDA (www.nvaccess.org) was active on The Bat!
- (#0001193) The Bat! crashed upon invoking the address book if JAWS is running
- (#0000448) Invalid key handling in the Message Editor address grid (arrows)
- (#0001188) The cursor jumped between From/To/CC/BCC/Subject fields using the arrow keys whereas only the Tab key should be applied
- (#0001187) The screen reader did not notice that a list of addresses appears in the message editor window
- (#0000447) Screen reader improperly read RSS item list
- (#0000489) Accessibility Feature: Label for fields in the message creation window was not read properly
- (#0000697) Screen reader did not read the names of folders in the "Manage IMAP folders" window
- (#0000471) JAWS was speaking after each character when auto-completion in the "To" field was in the "on" state
- (#0000699) Screen reader did not read the names of contacts in the Address Book
- (#0000151) The Bat! could not down load HTML images under 32-bit if there were a message with many images with the same URL
- (#0001207) Space bar sets/removes the check-box on the selected folder and jumps into the search field in Watch for virtual folders
- (#0001206) The Up key does not return to the To, CC or BCC field in the message editor
- (#0001208) Change of the checkboxes in the Options tab of the Sorting Office did not immediately affect the checkboxes in the left tree
- (#0001200) The Bat! crashed while returning to the terminal session
- (#0001198) The Bat! hangs on testing outgoing connection in the Create New Account wizard
- (#0001205) A screen reader did not speak the check-marks and selected/not selected in the Sorting Office
- (#0001178) Embedded images in messages bodies grow in size on each reply on high-DPI (4K) monitors
- (#0001219) URLs were incorrectly displayed in the plain text part of messages
- (#0001173) Images in HTML templates are resized under high DPI (4K) monitors
- (#0001182) "List index out of bounds" error appeared while trying to assign an URL to an image in the HTML template
- (#0001228) Sometimes, very rarely, due to a bug, Message Headers got multiplied everywhere - in the Preferences, in the Message Editor, in the viewers. Other configuration items like color groups, etc., could also have been duplicated
- The program became faster as a whole because of significant improvements to internal algorithms related to data storage and retrieval (data containers)
- The algorithms to process, load and store configuration items, e.g. mail folders, message headers, color groups, etc. (data containers) contain flaws that could lead to data loss
- When The Bat! saves images, for example when you edit and HTML message where you have inserted inline images from clipboard, or you have added a photo to an address book entry - The Bat! chooses between the two file formats - PNG and JPG, compressing to both formats and seeing which of the files are smaller. For PNG, compression level from 1 to 9 is selected, based on the dimensions of the image: larger images take faster compression levels, to not produce interface freezes when saving message; for JPG, quality of 85 is always chosen. Previously, The Bat! did always save in JPG with 100 level, which did produce very big files. For photos, JPG process smaller files than PNG, while PNG makes smaller files when there are flat images with just a few colors, like a simple screenshot
- (#0001125) Not enough room for "User / Server" localization in the Connection Center window
- (#0001201) Truncated options` names on the "Options" tab of the customizer (select the menu item "WorkspaceToolbarsCustomize" and then go to the "Options" tab)
- When the Sorting Office window was opened, but The Bat! was in foreground, the Sorting Office window was trying to check the clipboard data used by other programs, which gave errors under Windows 10
- (#0000946) The server-side "Sent" folder is lost and re-downloaded on each program start for hotmail.com accounts. Although this was not related solely for Hotmail. The bug was the following: if we had a local folder in the IMAP account with a particular name, and then we`ve got an IMAP folder with the same name from the server, The Bat! couldn`t handle such situations properly, it didn`t permanently store the TBB cache file, but instead created a new TBB on each restart of The Bat!, but the old TBB file was abandoned and no longer used, thus occupying the disk space in vain
- The Bat! didn`t always set the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY for temporary files; setting this attribute increases speed of working with temporary files
- The default string encoding in anti-spam plugin changed from Windows-default-for-non-Unicode-programs to UTF-8
- Miscellaneous HTML-editor-related fixes
- (#0000876) Modal dialog boxes with modal window frame have an icon that overlaps text on Windows XP computers
- Fixed html editor dialog translations
- (#0001249) A division by zero error in the MicroEd
- (#0000798) Editing links in HTML-editor is faulty – the lings got truncated, e.g., after a particular character in the link
- (#0001252) Wrong icons in the title bars
- (#0001160) Truncated Quick Search options
- (#0001232) Column width is not remembered in "Manage IMAP folders"
- (#0001162) Untranslatable Quick Search options in the Message Viewer
- (#0001081) Macro %QUOTES sets HTML message quotes to uppercase
- (#0001181) All caracters of the quoted text are put into the uppercase while replying
- (#0001240) The Bat! crashes on selecting an HTML message if the internal HTML viewer is used
- (#0001227) Embedded images are rendered too big
- (#0000857) If there is not enough free space, no warning appears during the compacting process
- A 32-bit version of The Bat! did release memory right when it started (to release memory used by startup data and startup code that was no longer needed) and when was minimized, but the 64-bit version didn`t do that properly - vice versa - it tried to reserve 4GB for itself instead. Now the 64-bit version is also doing things properly - it doesn`t try to reserve 4GB, but releases memory just when started (once) and each time you minimize it
- (#0001183) Message List Tabs cannot be scrolled to the right on high DPI
- (#0000873) No confirmation popup for changed mail after closing window
- (#0001221) Wrong display of the sender in Address History
- (#0001038) The Sorting Office conditions are not vertically aligned (edit/text)
- Fixed a EStringListError "List index out of bounds (0)" error in the image download manager
- Fixed an access violation error related to IMAP which could happen in many cases, e.g. after sending out a message, etc.
- (#0000456) SMTP log does not auto-scroll in the Connection Center
- (#0000896) The Bat! does not remember column width in the "Select Quick Template" window
- (#0000932) The window "The Bat! Master Password" gets hidden behind other windows
- (#0000964) The default fonts in the message editor (The default font Courier New 9 pt is small and pale)
- (#0001174) Importing messages from Outlook 2016 fails to include senders` email addresses
- (#0001186) Access Violation popups if inspecting message source on IMAP account
- (#0001192) Image viewer does not display a PNG file although it is displayed in the preview tab
- (#0001199) Ctrl+A doesn`t work in Memo in the address book properties
- (#0001225) Quick Search tabs do not display separate message lists
- (#0001267) Sorting office column widths (in the filters tree - left part of the windows) are not saved
- (#0001268) Sorting office default column widths are not proportional to the text
- (#0001269) Tip of the day image is not rescaled to accommodate higher resolution
- (#0001272) It is not obvious that in the Address Entry, the list of addresses should be separated by CR, not comma
- (#0001282) Some HTML messages were incorrectly displayed by The Bat! internal HTML viewer. Element positions were incorrect. Elements were doubled up in some of the messages
- (#0001283) Fixed the selection of items (in check/uncheck items in the selection tree view) in some dialogs. For example, the behaviour of these items was OK in the Message Finder (F7) dialog, but wasn`t OK in the other dialogs like the "Manage IMAP Folders" dialog. If you open this dialog to manage IMAP folders and try to select/unselect a folder with subfolders, or an account node, the expected behaviour was that the sub-items would also be selected/unselected (checked/unchecked). But his didn`t happen - this was especially illogical for the account root nodes - checking/unchecking this node didn`t have actually any effect - the account node was checked/unchecked, but the account folders weren`t affected at all, so in fact there was absolutely no practical meaning in checking/unchecking the account node of the tree view control in the Manage IMAP folders dialogs. The only exception (that worked correctly) was the Message Finder (F7). Now, behaviour of all this places is identical to the correct behaviour used in the Message Finder
- (#0001288) Shortcut editor (when you configure shortcuts for a particular toolbar button) hotkey edit field is not zoomed on 4K
- (#0001289) The code was optimized - some generic classes were removed in favour of old-fashioned container classes that didn`t use generic source code constructs. The rationale behind this optimization was that the compiler didn`t automatically eliminate the duplicated binary code when generics were used to created containers for different classes in such places where the classes were very similar and there was no reason for the compiler to create multiple instances of the binary code that implements the containers like "lists" (TList<> vs Classes.TList). This explosion of the binary code was not cache-friendly, especially not L0/L1 friendly - the program worked slower because of this code size explosion that had no rationale
- Fixed a bug that might cause "Access Violation" error in filters when there were multiple connections already working with the filters, for example, when moving sent message from Outbox to Sent folder
- Fixed an error when cancelling a folder compression task on exit
- Fixed issue with wrong font family in preferencessource viewer
- In some dialog windows of The Bat!, font face of some GUI elements was hard-coded (e.g. to Tahoma). Now this hardcoding is removed and the font face of these elements is also dynamic as for all other GUI elements, so it matches exactly the font face of the surrounding GUI elements (controls)
- The captions of the "processing folders" status display window were too narrow
- There were some bugs in the "View message source" where first or last character of second and subsequent lines was corrupted, which also led to incorrect cursor placement
- (#0001293) Image detection for the internal image viewer was incorrect: every type of image was detected as "JPEG". As a result, other images, like "PNG" could not be displayed in the internal image viewer
- (#0001214) The "Illegal instruction" error on viewing some JPG files under 32-bit version of The Bat!
- (#0001250) Removed duplicate code from HTML templates handling
- (#0001296) Paste image into HTML mail from clipboard fails
- (#0001297) Pasting copied file in HTML mail fails with exception
- (#0001300) An Access Violation error on exit, related to virtual folders
- (#0001299) An invalid pointer operation error when dealing with mail messages (copy, move, process by a filter, etc)
- (#0001297) Pasting copied file in HTML mail fails with exception
- (#0001296) Paste image into HTML mail from clipboard fails
- (#0001301) If the user creates a tag with a duplicate name, The Bat! did not start with "Config:1 EStringListError String list does not allow duplicates"-error messages in ex_log.txt during program startup
- (#0001172) Embedded images are too narrow in the internal HTML viewer
- (#0001231) Phantom window of the action "Add addresses to Address Book" appears in the preview of windows on the task bar
- (#0000898) Tip of The Day displays national characters incorrectly. For example, if the "Language for non-Unicode programs" configured in Windows is different from The Bat! interface language, the national characters were incorrectly displayed in the "Tip of The Day"
- Fixed an access-violation on exit when the messages were loading via IMAP in progress and the user exits The Bat! at this moment
- (#0001316) Impossible to insert smiles to the message
- (#0001163) Inserting smileys with ">" or "<" in the plain text editors inserts HTML-code instead
- Some fixes of Access Violation errors on IMAP
- Long labels didn`t wrap in progress dialogues
- Program size decreased slightly
- (#0000895) Addresses are not added into address book automatically in IMAP accounts
- (#0001309) "Insert Hyperlink" interprets command-line arguments as named HTML characters, and thus falsified the HREF
- (#0001177) Image files attached to messages are not printed correctly if image width is larger than height but paper (page) width is smaller than its height. If the width of an image is larger than the size of the page, then the right part of the image gets cut while printing/in print preview
- (#0001113) External image download control for the system`s HTML viewer does not work if set according to The Bat! rules
- (#0001234) Sorting Office does not trigger on tags
- (#0001113) External image download control for the system`s HTML viewer does not work if set according to The Bat! rules
- (#0000166) Scheduler did sometimes lose its settings
- If the user interface was in such a language to which the website www.ritlabs.com was not translated and the user pressed "Help" button of F1 key, and there were no CHM file of this language present, The Bat! gave an obscure error "Missing context help indxed ...". Now it opens the online help in English
- (#0000335: Option "Headers | Show" in Message body is checked, even Header pane is disabled
- (#0000443: v6.3.2: Message List for normal email folder shown in the "Summary View"
- (#0001324: The log box in the "Account Log" window doesn`t scroll properly (as in the Connection Center)
- (#0000592) Email is not validated in redesigned "New Account" wizard
- (#0001287) Logs are incorrectly scrolled in the message re-filter dialog
- (#0001045) IMAP positive test results are not displayed in the New Account Wizard when you click the Test Now Button
- (#0000492) Message List cannot be sorted by column "Tags"
- Fixed an error that could happen when there were no free space left on disk
- (#0000436) Can`t change language from HTML editor status bar
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (15.10.2017):
- [-] Long labels didn`t wrap in progress dialogues
- [-] Program size decreased slightly
- [-] (#0000895) Addresses are not added into address book automatically in IMAP
- [-] (#0001309) "Insert Hyperlink" interprets commandline arguments as named
HTML characters, and thus falsified the HREF
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (13.10.2017):
- [-] 0001316: Impossible to insert smiles to the message
- [-] 0001163: Inserting smileys with ">" or "<" in the plain text editors inserts HTML-code instead
- [-] Some fixes of Access Violation errors on IMAP
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (10.10.2017):
- [-] 0001231: Phantom window of the action "Add addresses to Address Book"
appears in the preview of windows on the task bar
- [-] 0001311 Update TrichView to 16.16.2 from 16.15.6 and RichViewActions to
- [-] (#0000898) Tip of The Day displays national characters incorrectly. For
example, if the "Language for non-Unicode programs" configured in Windows is
different from The Bat! interface language, the national characters were
incorrectly displayed in the "Tip of The Day".
- [-] Fixed an access-violation on exit when the messages were loading via IMAP
in progress and the user exits The Bat! at this moment
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (06.10.2017):
- [-] 0001160: Truncated Quick Search options finally fixed (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (03.10.2017):
- [-] (#0001301) If the user creates a tag with a duplicate name, The Bat! did not start with "Config:1 EStringListError String list does not allow duplicates"-error messages in ex_log.txt during program startup
- [-] (#0000456) SMTP log does not autoscroll in the Connection Center
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (25.09.2017):
- [-] The stack size allocated to The Bat! in previous alphas was too small that wasn`t enough for hunspell (BETA issue)
- [-] (#0001274) Hunspell crashes (BETA issue)
- [-] (#0001278) Crash if switching language for Spell lCheck in the HTML editor (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (19.09.2017):
- [-] (#0001214) THe "Illegal instruction" error on viewing some JPG files under 32-bit
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (14.09.2017):
- [*] Auto-configuration of display fonts on The Bat! first run. On Windows 7 and
later, if the fonts are configured in Windows settings to be displayed as
Cleartype or if the screen resolution (pixels per inch) is 150% of base DPI or
higher, then, on The Bat! first run for this Windows user account after the new
installation, the new fonts are automatically configured be be used (instead of
previously hard-coded values): Consolas and Calibri are now used instead of the
old Courier New and Arial. Besides that, during that first run, the default
editor font size now accommodates to the screen resolution (pixels per inch):
if the current DPI is below 150% of the base DPI (96), the default editor font
size is 9pt as before, but for 150%<200% - 10pt, 200%<300% - 11pt, 300% and
higher - 12pt.
- [*] Auto-substitution of the Courier New on 4K monitors when viewing HTML
messages. The details are the following. On Windows 7 and later, with
ultra-high-definition (4K) monitors with DPI of 192 and more (>200% of base
DPI), if an HTML email arrives with Courier New font defined, and the
characters have font size of or between 5 and 28 points, the font is
automatically displayed as Consolas. This behavior of substation of Courier New
to Consolas is hardcoded and you cannot change it. This only affects screen,
not the printer. On printer, when printing HTML with Courier New, this font is
always used if defined so in the HTML.
- [*] Updated Root CA certificates
- [-] (#0000456) SMTP log does not autoscroll in the Connection Center
- [-] (#0000798) Editing links in HTML-editor is faulty
- [-] (#0000896) The Bat! does not remember column width in the "Select Quick Template" window
- [-] (#0000932) The window "The Bat! Master Password" gets hidden behind other windows
- [-] (#0000964) The default fonts in the message editor (The default font Courier New 9 pt is small and pale)
- [-] (#0001174) Importing messages from Outlook 2016 fails to include senders` email addresses
- [-] (#0001186) Access Violation popups if inspecting message source on IMAP account
- [-] (#0001192) Image viewer does not display a PNG file although it is displayed in the preview tab
- [-] (#0001199) Ctrl+A doesn`t work in Memo in the address book properties
- [-] (#0001225) Quick Search tabs do not display separate message lists
- [-] (#0001267) Sorting office column widths (in the filters tree - left part of the windows) are not saved
- [-] (#0001268) Sorting office default column widths are not proportional to the text
- [-] (#0001269) Tip of the day image is not rescaled to accomodate higher resolution
- [-] (#0001272) It is not obvious that in the Address Entry, the list of addresses should be separated by CR, not comma
- [-] (#0001273) Command line parameter "/reg" was not supported in previous alphas (BETA issue)
- [-] (#0001282) Some HTML messages were incorrectly displayed by The Bat!
internal HTML viewer. Element positions were wrong, elements were doubled up in some of the messages.
- [-] (#0001283) Fixed the selection of items (in check/uncheck items in the
selection tree view) in some dialogs. For example, the behaviour of these items
was OK in the Message Finder (F7) dialog, but wasn`t OK in the other dialogs
like the "Manage IMAP Folders" dialog. If you open this dialog to manage IMAP
folders and try to select/unselect a folder with subfolders, or an account
node, the expected behaviour was thea the sub-items would also be
selected/unselected (checked/unchecked). But his didn`t happen - this was
especially illogical for the account root nodes - checking/unchecking this node
didn`t have actually any effect - the account node was checked/unchecked, but
the account folders weren`t affected at all, so in fact there was absolutely no
practical meaning in checking/unchecking the account node of the tree view
control in the Manage IMAP folders dialogs. The only exception (that worked
correctly) was the Message Finder (F7). Now, behaviour of all this places is
identical to the correct behaviour used in the Message Finder.
- [-] (#0001288) Shortcut editor (when you configure shortcuts for a particular toolbar button) hotkey edit field is not zoomed on 4K
- [-] (#0001289) The code was optimided - some generic classes were removed in
favour of old-fashioned container classes that didn`t use generic source code
constructs. The rationale behind this optimization was that the compiler didn`t
automatically eliminate the duplicated binary code when generics were used to
created containers for different classes in such places where the classes were
very similar and there were no reason for the compiler to create multiple
instances of the binary code that implements the containers like "lists"
(TList<> vs Classes.TList). This explosion of the binary code was not
cache-friendly, especailly not L0/L1 friendly - the program worked slower
because of this code size explosion that had no rationale.
- [-] Fixed a bug that might cause "Access Violation" error in filters when there
were multiple connections already working with the filters, for example, when
moving sent message from Outbox to Sent folder
- [-] Fixed an error when cancelling a folder compression task on exit
- [-] Fixed issue with wrong font family in preferencessource viewer
- [-] Fixed some bugs in CRC32 calculation in previous alphas (BETA issue)
- [-] In some dialog windows of The Bat!, font face of some GUI elements was
hard-coded (e.g. to Tahoma). Now this hardcoding is removed and the font face
of these elements is also dynamic as for all other GUI elements, so it matches
exactly the font face of the surrounding GUI elements (controls)
- [-] The captions of the "processing folders" status display window were too narrow
- [-] There were some bugs in the "View message source" where first or last
character of second and subsequent lines was corrupted, which also led to
incorrect cursor placement
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (27.07.2017):
- [-] Fixed an access violation related to IMAP which could happen in many cases,e.g. after sening out a messag, etc - this was happening for a logn time
- [-] Fixed IMAP error of previous alphas (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (25.07.2017):
- [-] Fixed hangs of previous Alpha (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (23.07.2017):
- [*] Better thread handling - the program works faster andd generates lower nbumber of the Page Faults.
- [-] Improvements on multi-threaded operation
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (22.07.2017):
- [-] Some fixes of alpha 38-41 (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (22.07.2017):
- Fixed some issues of previous alpha
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (18.07.2017):
- Some fixes of (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (16.07.2017):
- [+] Alpha/Beta version warning reinstated (BETA issue)
- [-] Serious internal changes - please test thoroughly - if there will be any errors - please send me an exception log ASAP.
- [-] A 32-bit version of The Bat! did release memory right when it started (to release memory used by startup data and startup code that was no longer needed) and when was minimized, but the 64-bit version didn`t do that properly - vice versa - it tried to reserver 4GB for itself instead. Now the 64-bit version is also doing things properly - it doesn`t try to reserve 4GB, but releases memory just when started (once) and each time you minimize it.
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (10.07.2017):
- [-] (#0001091) URLs with national characters are corrupted in Quick Templates(BETA issue)
- [-] (#0001240) The Bat! crashes on selecting HTML message if the internal HTMLviewer is used
- [-] (#0001227) Embedded images are rendered too big
- [-] (#0001211) The first space at the beginning of the row in HTML editor isremoved after saving the message (BETA issue)
- [-] (#0000857) If there is not enough free space, no warning appears during thecompacting process
- [-] The AES instruction support by the CPU was detected incorrectly (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (07.07.2017):
- [-] Previous alpha was incorrect
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (03.07.2017):
- [-] 0001232: Column width is not remembered in "Manage IMAP folders"
- [-] Some rework in the memory manager (heap manager) - some testing is needed - the work may be unstable in this alpha
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (01.07.2017):
- [-] 0001160: Truncated Quick Search options
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (28.06.2017):
- [-] Fixed a sorting office/filters editor bug introduced in BETA
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (24.06.2017):
- [-] Some AVX code was used in the non-AVX section (BETA issue)
- [-] (#0001235) Untranslatable string in the Connection Center (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (21.06.2017):
- [-] Removed an HTML image download manager bug introduced in (BETA issue)
- [-] Previous Alpha version had a bug in processor feature set detection
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (20.06.2017):
- [-] The Bat! didn`t always set the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY for temporary files; setting this attribute increases speed of working with temporary files
- [-] The default string encoding in anti-spam plugin changed from Windows-default-for-non-Unicode-programs to UTF-8
- [+] Memory reallocation, fill and copy operations are now much faster under 64-bit
- [-] Miscellaneious HTML-editor-related fixes
Изменения в программе The Bat! Alpha (06.06.2017):
- [!] Updated the HTML editor component from version 14.5.2 to 16.15.1 of TRichView. Some bugs may appear. See below.
- [-] (#0000946) The server-side "Sent" folder is lost and re-downloaded on each program start for hotmail.com accounts. Although this was not related solely for Hotmail. The bug was the following: if we had a local folder in the IMAP account with a particular name, and then we`ve got an IMAP folder with the same name from the server, The Bat! couldn`t handle such situations properly, it didn`t permanently store the TBB cache file, but instead created a new TBB on each restart of The Bat!, but the old TBB file was abandoned and no longer used, thus occupying the disk space in vain.
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (20.05.2017):
- [-] Fixed the redirect error of previous beta (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (19.05.2017):
- [-] (0001125) Not enough room for "User / Server" localization in the Connection Center window
- [-] (#0001201) Truncated options` names
- [-] When the Sorting Office window was opened, but The Bat! was in foreground, the Sorting Office window was trying to check the clipboard data used by other programs, which gave errors under Windows 10.
- [-] Previous Alpha did fix message header duplicates, but didn`t fix view mode duplicates; also it wasn`t possible to open Sorting Office window in that Alpha (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (17.05.2017):
- [-] (#0001228) Message Headers got multiplied everywheere - in the Preferences, in the Message Editor, in the viewers
- [-] The program became slightly faster as a whole beause of significant improvements to some internal algorithms
- [-] When The Bat! saves images, for example when you edit and HTML message where you have inserted inline images from clipboard, or you have added a photo to an address book entry - The Bat! chooses between the two file formats - PNG and JPG, compressing to both formats and seeing which of the files are smaller. For PNG, compression level from 1 to 9 is selected, based on the dimensions of the image: larger images take faster compression levels, to not produce interface freezes when saving message; for JPG, quality of 85 is always choosen. Previously, The Bat! did always save in JPG with 100 level, which did produce very big files. For photos, JPG proces smaller files than PNG, while PNG makes smaller files when there are flat images with just a few colors, like a simple screenshot.
- [-] (0001125) Not enough room for "User / Server" localization in the Connection Center window
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (13.05.2017):
- Finally fixed the black box mentioned in bt.ritlabs.com/view.php?id=1173 (see second comment) - 0001173:
- Images in HTML templates are re-sized under high DPI (BETA issue)
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (12.05.2017):
- [-] (#0001173) Images in HTML templates are re-sized under high DPI
- [-] (#0001182) "List index out of bounds" while trying to assign an URL to an image in the HTML template
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (09.05.2017):
- [-] (#0001219) URLs are incorrectly displayed in the plain text part of messages
- [*] Improved speed of CRC calculation, so the program overall works slightly faster as a whole
Изменения в программе The Bat! Beta (05.05.2017):
- [-] (#0001207) Space bar sets/removes the check-box on the selected folder and jumps into the search field in Watch for virtual folders
- [-] (#0001206) The Up key does not return to the To, CC or BCC field in the message editor
- [-] (#0001208) Change of the the checkboxes in the Options tab of the Sorting Office do not immediately affect the checkboxes in the left tree
- [-] (#0001200) The Bat! crashes while returning to the terminal session
- [-] (#0001198) The Bat! hangs on testing outgoing connection in the Create New Account wizard
- [-] (#0001205) A screen reder does not speak the check-marks, selected/not selected in the Sorting Office
- [-] (#0001178) Embedded images in messages bodies grow in size on each reply on high DPI monitors