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История изменений программы Audacity

Изменения в программе Audacity 3.4.2 (16.11.2023):

  • Исправлен сбой при открытии проектов с клипами нулевой длины.
  • При экспорте файла теперь учитывается частота дискретизации дорожек и запоминается последняя использованная частота дискретизации.
  • Поведение копирования и вставки теперь по умолчанию снова вставляется в клипы. Это можно изменить через «Настройки» -> «Поведение дорожки» -> «Всегда вставлять аудио как новые клипы».
  • Микширование и рендеринг теперь также сбрасывают усиление полученного трека.
  • Исправлено смещение клипов вправо при применении к ним эффектов.
  • Исправлены щелчки, возникающие при наложении проекта с приглушенными треками.
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой в редких случаях файлы экспортировались без расширения.
  • Показать все возможные частоты дискретизации для экспорта MP2.
  • Исправлена вставка в метки.
  • Исправлен сбой при очистке циклов.
  • Исправлено копирование, когда включен параметр «Выбрать все аудио, если требуется выбор».
  • Исправлено обнаружение и компиляция GTK для wxWidgets 3.2.4.
  • Исправлено сбои, связанные с Найквистом.
  • Исправлено эквалайзеры в макросах.
  • Исправлено сбой при закрытии Audacity.
  • Исправление сборок на Arm64/armhf.
  • Используйте dladdr, когда это возможно, для настройки путей к модулям

Изменения в программе Audacity 2.1.2 (03.03.2017):


  • Effects
    • Noise Reduction defaults changed.
  • Interface
We’ve made several improvements to the spectrogram view of tracks which are particularly valuable for vocal work.
  • New option ‘Spectral Reassignment’. This algorithm deduces a ‘finer’ spectrogram for vocal work.
  • Four new Spectrogram scales.
  • Improvement to the Pitch (EAC) algorithm – cleaner (sharper) display.
  • Spectrogram Settings are now available per-track.
  • Other Changes
    • Upgraded from wxWidgets 2.8.12 to wxWidgets 3.0.2.
    • Restructuring of the Preferences Menu
    • Restructuring of the Track Dropdown Menu (for the Spectrograms)
    • The Noise Reduction "Frequency smoothing" default has been increased to 3 to help avoid metallic artifacts. Resetting Preferences or deleting audacity.cfg will set the new default.
    • (Windows) The location of Audacity`s work-in-progress folder has been changed, to avoid problems where certain disk cleaners treated them as deletable temporary files.

Bug Fixes

  • Crashes
    • Crashes on reading .wav files with many channels (CVE-2016-2540) and corrupt .mp2 files (CVE-2016-2541) have been fixed. Thanks to Chris Navarrete from Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs for notifying us of these bugs and associated security risk.

Изменения в программе Audacity 2.1.1 (15.07.2015):


  • Effects
    • Built-in effects now support presets.
    • New Limiter effect replaces Hard Limiter effect.
    • New Crossfade Clips effect to apply a simple crossfade to a selected pair of clips in a single audio track.
    • Can now add/remove effects from Generate and Effects menus.
    • New version of Vocal Removal Effect.
    • Classic Filters now included as an opt-in effect.
  • Interface
    • Much faster editing with larger projects, thanks to a faster method for storing the autosave recovery file.
    • Performance improvements for Draw Tool and zooming of Spectrogram views.
    • Zero-padding Spectrograms Preference smooths the image for short window sizes.
    • Scrubbing and Seeking, including backwards play.
    • Quick-Play from Timeline enhancements, particularly for looping.
    • (Windows) Language of Audacity user interface is now set in installer.
    • More VI usability enhancements for track focus & navigation.
  • Other Changes
    • Upgraded to Nyquist 3.0.9 and libflac 1.3.1.
    • Upgraded LV2 libs, LV2 GUIs on Linux, LV2 factory Presets.
    • Crash report integration.
    • Modules can be enabled in Preferences. Mod-nyq-bench available as an experimental module (but not in the default download).

Bug Fixes

  • Crashes
    • Crash using Undo while dragging sample points
    • Crash using File > Close on project window when Screenshot Tools was open.
    • FFmpeg Custom Export: Crashes importing presets.
    • (OS X) Crash closing Track Gain or Pan adjustment box.
    • (OS X) Crash closing project window between save project dialogues
    • (Linux) TAL VST (but not other VST`s) crashed if previewing built-in effect
    • (Linux) SPACE could not be used/could crash in context menus that have a checkbox.
  • Interface
    • LV2 effects did not use parameters when using Chains.
    • Built in Generators were not usable in Chains.
    • Plot Spectrum could not change values without losing focus.
    • Track dropdown menu settings could affect other tracks.
    • Slight mismatch of vertical scale with linear spectrogram view.
    • RTP effect Play/Stop button remained deactivated after built-in preview ended.
    • Contrast: "Move forward or backward through active windows" did not refocus Contrast.
    • LADSPA and LV2 generate plug-ins failed when white space selected.

Изменения в программе Audacity 2.0.6 (29.09.2014):


  • Interface:
    • Redesigned, searchable Keyboard Preferences with Tree, Name and Key views.
    • Edit Menu: "Cut" and "Delete" are now in the top level of the menu.
    • Transport Menu now includes "Play/Stop" and "Play/Stop and Set Cursor" (use Keyboard Preferences to create shortcuts for "Play" and "Stop").
    • Tracks Menu now includes "Mix and Render to New Track".
    • Track Drop-Down Menu now has Move Track To Top and Move Track To Bottom.
    • New right-click menu choice "Delete Label" to remove single labels.
    • "Snap To" now offers choice of snap to the "closest" or "prior" position. Note: the previous "Snap To On" keyboard shortcut will no longer work.
    • "Snap To" settings are now independent for each project.
  • Effects:
    • Truncate Silence: redesigned with simpler option "Truncate Detected Silence" to shorten to the specified length without compressing silence.
    • VST effects: New "Settings" dialog lets you specify buffer size (for faster processing) and enable buffer delay compensation (to prevent inserted silence). Compensation may cause a crash in a few plug-ins.
    • VST effects now support standard FXP presets.
    • LV2 effects are now supported on all platforms (textual interface only).
  • Import or export using FFmpeg now requires FFmpeg 1.2 or later (or libav 0.8 or later).
  • New Tamil translation (largely complete).
  • (Windows) FLAC exports can now exceed 2 GB in size.
  • (OS X) Easier Audacity installation using the DMG: drag the Audacity folder to the /Applications shortcut.
  • (Linux) Self-compiled builds of Audacity now search for system LADSPA effects in /usr/lib/ladspa.

Bug Fixes

  • Interface:
    • Region Restore did not restore the region after using Preferences.
    • Dragging selections with the keyboard or Selection Toolbar digits was very slow.
    • (Windows) Help > About Audacity crashed when run in Magyar language.
    • (OS X) Some full and reduced Menu Bar items were not translated.
    • (OS X and Linux) Fixed various interface crashes.
  • Effects:
    • Reverb and Paulstretch were missing from Chains.
    • Analyze > Contrast could report very inaccurate rms levels.
    • Noise Removal: Attack and decay times were half as long as set.
    • (OS X and Linux) Nyquist effects ran much more slowly than on Windows.
  • Click or drag on the Timeline after Loop Play continued to loop.
  • Transcription Toolbar did not play slower than 0.1x speed.
  • (Linux) Audacity did not build if python 2 was not available.

Изменения в программе Audacity 2.0.5 (21.10.2013):

Bug fixes

  • Shaped dither was corrupted and too loud on all stereo exports except FLAC.
  • Keyboard Preferences: some Edit and Align commands for different sub-menus showed the same name.
  • Recordings stopped with "Stop and Set Cursor" shortcut could not be undone.
  • In locales that use comma for decimal separator:
    • Text boxes with slider in Nyquist effects only produced whole numbers when using comma to enter a fractional number. Text boxes without slider still have this problem.
    • Built-in generators produced silence after running a Nyquist effect.
  • (Windows) When first changing to Windows WASAPI host, the input volume slider in Mixer Toolbar was enabled when it should have been permanently disabled.
  • (Windows) On some machines, launching Audacity then recording from the current Device Toolbar input would not record until the input was reselected.
  • (OS X) Frequent crashes occurred on importing audio files on some machines.
  • (OS X) Files did not open using Finder "Open with", double-clicking the file or dragging the file to the Audacity icon.
  • (Linux 64-bit) Fixed a crash when using Equalization.
  • (Linux) It was not possible to open an effect or other dialog then navigate through the dialog using TAB.
  • (Linux) The Play shortcut did not play a read-directly WAV, AIFF or FLAC import if the warning for importing uncompressed files appeared.

Changes and Improvements

  • Tracks Menu:
  • The separate commands that aligned track start or end with the cursor or with selection start are combined into "Cursor/Selection Start" commands.
  • "Align and Move Cursor" renamed to "Move Selection when Aligning".
  • Label Tracks:
    • Labels Editor now allows empty labels to be saved on closing the editor.
    • TAB and SHIFT+TAB when the label track has focus now always move forwards or backwards respectively to the nearest label.
  • (Windows) On a very few machines, the Windows WDM-KS low latency audio host introduced in Audacity 2.0.4 caused Audacity to hang or the computer to crash. WDM-KS has been removed from 2.0.5 until it can be safely enabled.
  • (Windows and OS X) Screen reader improvements for Install VST Effects dialog.
  • (OS X) Audio Unit plug-ins detected by Audacity on launch are now not loaded until chosen from the Effect menu. This should speed up launch and avoid crashes at launch due to misbehaving Audio Units.
  • (Linux) Update to PortAudio r1910 fixes memory and other bugs under ALSA.
  • (Linux) Applied fix for wxGTK 2.8.12 bug which resulted in loss of Audacity`s menu bar (or visual corruption under Unity) on Debian-based systems.

Изменения в программе Audacity 2.0.3 (21.01.2013):

Bug fixes

  • Crash using Undo whilst time-shifting a track.
  • Crash using Repair if the selection extended into an empty track.
  • Export Multiple didn`t prevent export if there was no audio or all audio was muted. This allowed export of small invalid files.
Time Track
  • Loop Play of a speeded-up track inserted silence.
  • Playback and rendering was significantly inaccurate, creating audible and visual glitches.
  • The mnemonics character "&" was read out by screen readers in most of the Preferences choices.
  • NVDA did not read static text in most dialogs. Text can now be read by using INSERT + B.
  • JAWS and Window-eyes misread the "Duration" control in Silence Generator.
  • Toolbar buttons could not be pressed by ENTER
  • Other interface bug fixes.

Changes and Improvements

  • The SoX Resampler library (libsoxr) has replaced libresample in Audacity releases, offering both higher quality and greater speed. .
Time Tracks new features
  • "Set Range" now changes only the range of the Time Track, preserving the pitch/speed set by any existing warp points.
  • Vertical scale added with options for linear and logarithmic display and interpolation.
  • Upper and lower speed limits will now be remembered when saving and reopening a project in 2.0.3. Warp points in projects saved by previous Audacity versions will be correctly restored in 2.0.3.
  • Warp points saved in a 2.0.3 project will be preserved if opened in previous versions but playback and display will be incorrect.
New effects
  • Studio Fade Out (uses a filtered "S" curve).
  • Adjustable Fade (accessible effect for creating partial fades and adjustable fade shapes).
  • Bass and Treble (replaces Bass Boost).
  • Real sample rates up to 384000 Hz are now supported for playback and recording in high resolution devices (the maximum is up to 192000 Hz for Windows DirectSound host).
  • Labeled Regions in Edit Menu is renamed to "Labeled Audio" and now allows splits to be placed at point labels. Labeled audio regions that touch without overlapping are treated as separate regions. Overlapping labeled audio regions are treated as a single region.
  • New Croatian translation of Audacity.
  • CMake is required in order to build libsoxr.

Изменения в программе Audacity 2.0.2 (24.08.2012):

  • "Retain labels" Interface Preference did not retain labels for a region that snapped exactly to both label edges.
  • Projects did not save the track selected state.
  • (OS X, Linux) Timer Record: Interlinking of the Start, End and Duration controls was broken.
  • (Windows) JAWS screen-reader did not read the "Draw curves" and "Graphic EQ" radio buttons in Equalization correctly.
Envelopes and Clips
  • Exporting (or any render operation) on a track containing split lines could create clicks at the split lines.
Effects and Analysis
  • Normalize could crash if the track name contained "%".
Changes and Improvements
  • Duration controls when generating at a point now default to hh:mm:ss + milliseconds format. Selection Toolbar also defaults to that format on first installation or resetting preferences.
  • Toolbars visual improvements:
    • "Snap To" in Selection Toolbar now has an explanatory tooltip
    • Device Toolbar tooltips now display the selected device
    • Increased default width of Device Toolbar and Meter Toolbar.
  • Improvements and some bug fixes to Nyquist effects, including:
    • Delay (new option to prevent duration change)
    • Sample Data Export (new "L-R on Same Line" layout option)
    • Risset Drum (new "Amplitude" slider).
  • Importing a labels file writes the file name to the name of the Label Track, and exporting a labels file offers the name of the last Label Track in the project.
  • Removed the "Audio cache" option from Directories Preferences due to frequent crash reports. All data operations will now be written to disk and not to RAM.
  • Removed the FFmpeg "On-Demand" option from Libraries Preferences (this fixes Audacity not building if configured --without-ffmpeg).
  • Compilation: Progress on making the Modules feature mainstream. Modules can now be individually enabled and disabled in Preferences.

Изменения в программе Audacity 2.0.0 (14.03.2012):

  • Fixed playback speed and synchronization problems when dragging clips or tracks between tracks having different sample rates.
  • (Windows) Removed a crash risk where shortcuts could be used to record or import in one project while importing or exporting in another.
Imports and Exports
  • Fixed crashes when changing the sample format of read-directly WAV or AIFF files using the Track Drop-Down Menu.
  • Fixed a crash importing MP3 files that had duplicate metadata tags (this is a bug in current libsndfile which has been patched in Audacity; MP3 files mislabeled as WAV which have duplicate tags will still crash Audacity on Linux if Audacity has been compiled against an affected version of system libsndfile).
  • Fixed an issue where excessively high or corrupted sample values in the audio could corrupt exports from the start of the problem for the rest of the file, and could corrupt the rest of the project.
  • (Linux) Fixed Audacity could not be compiled against FFmpeg 0.7.x and 0.8.x.
Effects and Analysis
  • Fixed crash on launch when using "Ambisonic Decoders (PC)" VST plug-ins and other plug-ins that enable additional floating point exceptions.
  • Fixed Plot Spectrum background could be transparent on some machines.
  • Bug fixes for Click Track, High Pass, Low Pass and Vocal Remover.
  • Chirp, Tone and Silence generators now remember their settings.
Other miscellaneous bug fixes
Changes and Improvements
  • New Interface preference to show the track name in the display (this is off by default).
  • Longer default Playback preference for effects preview and preview before cut.
  • Restored use of Page Up and Page Down to scroll horizontally.

Изменения в Audacity 1.3.14 Beta:

Bug fixes for:
  • Excessive delay occurred when typing into labels in long projects.
  • Last digit of TimeText controls could not be manipulated in some formats.
  • (Windows, OS X) Play and Record shortcuts did not work after clicking in Device Toolbar.
  • (OS X, Linux) Crash occurred if Toolbars were reset during playback or recording.
Imports and Exports:
  • MP2 files were not importable without FFmpeg library or an import rule.
  • Files that could only be imported using FFmpeg imported as noise with no error message if FFmpeg was not available.
  • Files containing PCM audio but an incorrect extension (such as MP3) caused a freeze.
Effects and Analysis:
  • An empty command could be added to a Chain which then displayed a Nyquist error message when run.
  • Plot Spectrum didn`t preserve signal level if multiple tracks were analyzed.
Other bug fixes:
  • Audacity has been provisionally fixed so that it can no longer create block files longer than the sample format or project format allows, and can no longer delete these, which led to data loss. Any overlong blocks found are preserved but "orphaned", so will appear as silence.
  • Orphan block files were wrongly reported if cutting or copying to the clipboard then reopening the project in the same session.
  • Fixed some crashes and incorrect movement of audio when dragging tracks.
  • (Windows) Data loss is now prevented when encountering a corrupted .aup file created in ANSI builds.
  • (Linux) Restore building if USE_PORTMIXER is not defined.
Changes and Improvements:
  • Normalize: Faster processing and improved interface. Left-right balance in unsplit stereo tracks is now preserved by default, with a checkbox option provided to process stereo channels independently.
  • Spectrograms now allow window sizes up to 32768 and frequencies up to half the sample rate (the maximum possible).
  • Mix and Render now preserves clip length by not rendering white space between time zero and first audio, and preserves audio before time zero. To retain silence before the audio starts, generate silence after render.
  • Grouped some Edit Menu items into "Remove Audio" and "Clip Boundaries".
  • CleanSpeech Mode removed from Interface Preferences (it still runs if it was enabled in a previous Audacity but can only be turned off there).
  • (OS X) Added support for AudioUnit MusicEffects (but no MIDI support).
  • (Linux) Set the per-user files directory per the program name set in configure.
  • (Linux) Changed the default location of the Audacity temporary directory to be in /var/tmp not /tmp, so preserving the directory between reboots.

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