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История изменений программы Robotask

Изменения в программе Robotask (22.07.2019):

+ Новые действия в плагине буфера обмена:
     + Сохранить изображение из буфера обмена
     + Поместить изображение из файла в буфер обмена
* Изменены действия «Снимок окна» и «Снимок экрана». Теперь действия 
 могут сохранять снимок в буфер обмена напрямую
* Изменено действие «Синхронизировать папки». Добавлена опция 
 «Точность до двух секунд». Алгоритм сравнения параметров файлов был оптимизирован, 
 а скорость выполнения увеличена при сравнении большого количества файлов.
* Многие другие оптимизации, улучшения и исправления ошибок.

Изменения в программе Robotask (02.05.2019):

+ Added Chromium plugin. This plugin is designed to replace obsolete engine 
  in "Web Documents" plugin.
  New actions:
  + CEF Fill Web Form
  + CEF Web Page Information
  + CEF Click Link
  + CEF Wait for Done
  + CEF Page Snapshot
+ Added the ability to edit the name of the triggering events.
+ Addid the internal error processing for SSL FTP actions
+ Added tab-separated TXT and XML formats for "Excel save as" action
+ Added an entry in the system log about connecting and disconnecting a remote 
* Improved screenshot actions. Now it can take a snapshot from any monitor.
* Improved macrorecorder module. Removed problems with unicode text.
* Replaced folder selection dialogs in the entire application.
* Improved "Send command" action. Now you can save the amount of started tasks
  into variable
* Many other optimisatioins, improvements and bug fixes. 

Изменения в программе Robotask (07.11.2018):

+ New action “STR Length”
+ New action “Excel Run Macro”
+ New system variables: FileCreateTime, FileLastAccessTime
+ New action “SSL FTP Check file”
+ New action “SFTP Check file”
+ Task Editor: added “Show Global Variables” function from task editor directly.
+ Added filter of global variables into Variables dialog
+ Added export/import global variables for remote RoboTask
* Changed “POP3 Open” action. Added SSL/TLS flags
* Changed “IMAP Open” action. Added SSL/TLS flags
* “Get File Metadata” action editor. You can see all non-empty properties for specified file.
* Many other optimizations, improvements and bug fixes. 

Изменения в программе Robotask 7.2:

+ New action – “Time difference”
+ New action “Write to Event Log”
+ Added processing of CLOB and BLOB fields in DB Loop action
Now you can export large fields into file.
+ New variable:
FolderTime – returns folder date and time
+ Added menu item “System information” to get the text with system information
* Improved algorithm of “Synchronize Folders” action. Now it raises an error
if the source folder doesn’t exist or unavailable.
– Fixed connection bug of sFTP Open action when server changed own certificate
– Fixed memory leaks in some actions
* Many other optimisations, improvements and bug fixes.

Изменения в программе Robotask 7.1:

+ Added Process Watcher triggering event. It can launch the task when some 
  process starts or stops.
* Improved FTP, FTPS & sFTP downloading actions. Now it corrects the filename
  if it contains some illegal symbols. Linux files can contain illegal 
  (for Windows, of course) symbols in its names.
+ Added action Get File Metadata. It can retrieve shell properies from 
  specified file
+ Added Process Loop action.
* Improved POP3 Mail Loop and IMAP Mail Loop actions. Added additional 
  parameters of the loop.
+ Added two extencions into Script Tools plugin: Pause and MesageBox
- Removed memory leaks in File Monitor trigger
- Removed leaks of resource handles in several actions.
* Modified Excel Set Cells action. Added new parameter Format Mode:
  General format
  Do not change Cell format
  Set value as Text
+ Added new variables:
  ProcessID - returns RoboTask`s process ID
  WorkingSet({ProcessID}) - returns working set by specified ProcessID 
  in Kilobytes
* Changed default service mode. RoboTask Service is being registered as 
  non-interative service by default now.
* Many other optimisatioins, imprivements and bug fixes. 

Изменения в программе Robotask 6.3:

+ New actions:
  + VB Script
  + VB Evaluate
+ New system variable TaskComment
* Improved Copy/Move File action. Now you can rename file at copying. You also can 
  copy file with new name at same folder.
* Improved XML Loop action. Now you can load XML from a file. This uses the 
  correct processing of encoded strings in XML
* improved RegExp Replace action. Now you can replace first, last or all 
  entries of your choice. 
- Fixed the bug at Break action. Incorrect exit out of nested loop.
* Other small improvements and bug fixes

Изменения в программе Robotask 6.2:

+ New action Choice Dialog
+ New action Multichoice Dialog 
+ New variables TaskFileByID, TaskLogFileById
+ New plugin "Script tools"
  New actions:
  + JS Script
  + JS Evaluate
+ New plugin "XML Document"
  New actions:
  + XML Create Node
  + XML Add Childnode
  + XML Loop
  + XML Save
* Send Email - added TLS into settings of SMTP
* Tray Icon - added context menu. The choice can be passed to a task as parameter.
* Added new properties into RoboTaspApp object.
* Improved the editor of Scheduler trigger.
* Other small improvements and bug fixes

Изменения в программе Robotask 6.1:

+ New action TXT Comma-Text Conversion 
+ New action Check HTTP address. It allows to form HTTP request and analyze headers of response. 
+ New action Run Command Line Utility. It allows to save the output test into variable.
+ New variables CommaSeparatedToText & TextToCommaSeparated.
+ New variables UTF8Decode & UTF8Encode
- Fixed problems with unique EventID
* Modified Web Document actions. Now is possible to open embedded web browser in hidden mode.
* Optimized built-in network client. 
* Other small improvements and bug fixes

Изменения в программе Robotask 6.0:

+ New actions
  - Window Snapshot
  - Window Pixel
  - Screenshot
  - Screen Pixel
  - Color Compliance 
+ Added function "Wake the computer to run the task" into scheduler trigger
+ New system variables DateToFormat and FormatToDate
* Added option "Do not start task immediately" to Cyclic trigger
* Modified selection of tasks in task editor (Error Handler) and actions of "Task commands" group
+ Added function "Find a task" into main window
* The action SSL FTP synchronization, added option "Output to log"
- Fixed problem in the list of running tasks when you "kill" the task.
* Other small improvements and bug fixes

Изменения в программе Robotask (22.11.2013):

+ Added new IMAP actions into Email plugin:
  IMAP Open
  IMAP Close
  IMAP Select Mail Folder
  IMAP Mail loop
  IMAP Download Message
  IMAP Get Message Flags
  IMAP Set Message Flags
  IMAP Delete Marked Messages
  IMAP Move Message
  IMAP Folder Info
* Added the date filter and sorting options into actions:
  FTP File Loop
  SSL FTP File Loop
  SFTP File Loop
* Improved "Check For Window" action. Added the window class and comparison 
* Improved window selection dialog in Window actions.
* Improved MacroRecorder. Fixed some problems at using key combinations.
* Improved Task actions:
  Added task selection dialog. It is more handy for selection of the task from 
  large list of tasks.
  Added "This task" option into actions: Enable Task, Disable Task, Stop Task. 
  This allows to select the task without choosing from the list.

Изменения в программе Robotask (09.08.2013):

+ Added SFTP (SSH FTP) plugin
  New actions:
  SFTP Log On
  SFTP LogOff
  SFTP Download
  SFTP Upload
  SFTP Rename File of Folder
  SFTP Delete File
  SFTP Change Folder
  SFTP Create Folder
  SFTP Remove Folder
  SFTP File loop
  SFTP Synchronization
  SFTP File Permissions
  SFTP Command
+ Added context filter in task editor
* Improved syntax checking in task editor
* Other small improvements and fixes.

Изменения в программе Robotask 5.6 (11.04.2013):

+ Unicode support, detected and fixed related bugs
+ New action Window Size and Position
+ New action ElseIf..Then
+ Added choosing of declared local variables in action editor
+ Added internal sorting of the list into actions  
  File loop;
  Search For Files. 
  You can sort list by name, time, file zize, and the depth of subfolders
+ New action Exit.
* Modified Robotask Service Manager. Added many useful functions
* Modified RoboTaskAPP object. New method DesktopAlert
* Modified Write Text File action. Added encoding of the text (ANSI, UTF-8, Unicode)
+ New variables:
* Other small improvements and fixes. 

Изменения в программе Robotask 5.5 Beta (22.02.2013):

+ Unicode support
* Other small improvements and fixes.

Изменения в программе Robotask 5.4 (06.12.2012):

+  New action "Service Status". It can read sevice status.
+  New action "File Date and Time". It allows to set new date and time to files 
   and folders.
+  New action:  "Web Page Information".  It allows to extract HTML code, text 
   and list of links from page.
+  New acrion: "Dektop Alert". It shows non-interactive popup messages on the 
*  Print document action has been improved. Added function to specify target 
*  The task execution optimized. Speed of action execution has been increased. 
*  Task editor has been improved:
   Task editor adds "End Loop" and "End If" actions automatically if you add 
   some Loop action or "If..Then" action.
*  Macrorecorder has been improved. We added  recording of keyboard and expanded
   recording settings.
*  Start/Stop Service actions has been modified.  The drop-down list of services
   is available for editing now.
*  Other small improvements and fixes. 

Изменения в программе Robotask 5.3 (24.09.2012):

+ New actions:
+ TXT Number of Lines - count number of lines in text
+ TXT Extract Line - extract line by number
+ New variables: 
  + WindowCaption - Returns the title (caption) of specified window handle
  + WindowClass - Returns the class name of specified window handle
* Changed triggering events. Now events can run task with parameters:
  * File Monitor
  * Window Watcher
  * On Device Change
  * Listener
* Now all actions allow to use other variables in variable names (usage of dynamic name of variable)
* Changed action Create Variable. Now action allows to create global or local variable
* Improved task editor. Added the confirmation of closing of editor if task was changed. 
* Changed "Wait for window" action. Added option "Don`t wait if..."
* External module with right elevation for registration key.
* Output task amount into system log.
* Other small improvements and bug fixes.

Изменения в программе Robotask 5.2 (30.05.2012):

* "Wait for window" action: added option "Don`t wait if..." 
* Network Server: Error message if port is busy
+ Added system variable GetCurrentFolder
* Improved task editor for network tasks. Fixed the bug with "Logon Task" parameter
* "Synchronize folders" action: added parameter "Clear readonly attribute"
* Improved dialogs of actions list and events list. Added the context search.
+ Added possibility of using variables in passwords for actions:
  - Pack Files
  - Extract files
  - Check for Email
  - Send Email
  - Pop3 Open
+ Added possibility to limit the depth of calculation of variable. 
  E.g. {VarName} -  the variables will be expanded to the whole depth; 
  {#Varname} -  expand only the specified variable without further recursive processing
* Other small improvements and bug fixes.

Изменения в программе Robotask 5.1:

Improved network client
+ Added SSL FTP plugin
  New actons:
  + SSL FTP Log On
  + SSL FTP Log Off
  + SSL FTP Download
  + SSL FTP Upload
  + SSL FTP Rename File
  + SSL FTP Delete File
  + SSL FTP Change Folder
  + SSL FTP Create Folder
  + SSL FTP Remove Folder
  + SSL FTP Transfer Type
  + SSL FTP File Loop
  + SSL FTP Synchronization
* FileExists variable can use file mask.
* Other small improvements and bug fixes

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