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История изменений программы REAPER
Изменения в программе REAPER 6.78 (14.03.2023):
- Доступность: улучшено описание постобработки рендера (нормализация/ограничение/затухание)
- Действия: добавить действие, чтобы максимизировать высоту выбранных элементов в режиме свободного позиционирования элемента
- Действия: исправление выбора времени, которое иногда сбрасывалось при запуске действия для установки темпа из выбора
- FX: включить действия для последнего измененного параметра для нетрековых эффектов
- FX: показывать встроенные имена пресетов VST/AU/LV2 в браузере FX/проектном отсеке
- FX: исправлена загрузка пресетов REAPER для плагинов оболочки VST в браузере FX/Project Bay.
- FX: показывать видеопроцессоры в отсеке проекта
- FX: показать пресеты видеопроцессора в браузере FX
- MIDI: применить предпочтение формата имени файла для записанных файлов к записанным в проекте элементам MIDI.
- MIDI: автоматически именовать новые MIDI-элементы так же, как новые аудиоэлементы, без «безымянного MIDI-элемента».
- MIDI: редактирование привязки к начальной/конечной точкам незацикленных, но объединенных MIDI-элементов
- Редактор MIDI: улучшена производительность при удалении элементов MIDI/переключении контекстов редактора.
- Редактор MIDI: исправлено сохранение положения окна при максимизации/масштабировании в Linux/macOS.
- MIDI-редактор: наборы экранов включают развернутое/увеличенное состояние окна
- Редактор MIDI: при восстановлении скринсетов соблюдайте предпочтение открытия всего проекта или всех дорожек MIDI
- Вкладки проекта: дважды щелкните пустую область в списке вкладок, чтобы создать новую вкладку.
- Рендеринг: подстановочный знак $marker соответствует первому маркеру в пределах диапазона времени рендеринга или последнему маркеру перед началом
- Рендеринг: отображать правильную длину файла в диаграмме статистики рендеринга при использовании пользовательской скорости воспроизведения проекта.
- Рендеринг: отображение пиков для файла, выбранного в представлении списка статистики рендеринга
- Рендеринг: исправлено отображение дополнительных строк в статистике рендеринга при использовании вторичного формата рендеринга и рендеринга нескольких файлов.
- Привязка: не привязываться к фантомным точкам петли незацикленных элементов
- Панели треков: улучшены всплывающие подсказки для кнопки обхода FX без FX
- Вертикальное масштабирование: исправление проблем с темами, в которых определена повторяющаяся общая высота.
- VST: изменение приоритета режима 12/14/16 каналов по умолчанию на поведение 6,75
- Windows: исправление фокуса клавиатуры в различных окнах переименования
Изменения в программе REAPER 6.64 (13.07.2022):
- + Пакетный преобразователь: разрешить изменение размера окна до меньшей минимальной высоты
- + GIF: исправлена утечка памяти при декодировании файлов с покадровыми картами цветов.
- + GIF: уменьшить использование памяти при декодировании файлов gif с большим количеством кадров
- + Меню справки: меню сортировки документации по имени файла
- + JSFX: установка точки отмены после вызова set_pinmapper_flags()
- + JSFX: sstillwell/randomizer поддерживает скорость 0x90=0 нот-офф
- + JSFX: поддержка автоматизации и отмены для ползунков громкости пользовательского микса в плагине отображения каналов
- + Мастер-трек: исправлена всплывающая подсказка считывания измерителя громкости
- + Media Explorer: добавить столбец громкости, расчет громкости
- + Media Explorer: добавлена возможность нормализовать громкость предварительного просмотра до -12LU (при необходимости скорректирована для монофонических носителей), если громкость была рассчитана
- + Media Explorer: добавьте отдельные действия для расчета пиковой громкости, громкости или пробной статистики
- + Нормализация: соблюдайте режим канала при нормализации элементов мультимедиа до целевой громкости
- + ReaScript: добавлена функция CalcMediaSrcLoudness
- + Региональный менеджер: сортировка маркеров дублей в порядке времени проекта
- + Диспетчер регионов: поддержка выбора маркера/региона по имени путем ввода списка в Windows
- + Рендеринг: добавлен пункт меню/действие для отображения статистики рендеринга HTML со скрытыми путями к файлам
- + Рендеринг: отображать название проекта и автора в статистике рендеринга HTML, если они установлены
- + Рендеринг: отображение измерения RMS-RA (динамический диапазон на основе среднеквадратичного значения), когда LRA (динамический диапазон на основе LUFS) не рассчитывается
- + Рендеринг: если в проекте не сохранено имя файла рендеринга, командная строка и рендеринг в очереди используют имя проекта в качестве имени выходного файла.
- + Рендеринг: при необходимости снова включить раскрывающийся список границ после загрузки предустановки рендеринга.
- + Рендеринг: упростить настройки статистики громкости
- + Рендеринг: улучшен расчет статистики рендеринга, использование ЦП
- + Рендеринг: поддержка длины нарастания/затухания, формы
- + Передискретизация: исправлено зависание r8brain-free при использовании с недопустимыми частотами дискретизации.
- + Тема: улучшено округление стеков ручек
- + Wave64: исправление записи файлов Wave64 с плавающей запятой, в которых отсутствует информация о порядке каналов (регрессия 6.62)
- + Windows: восстановить поведение Alt-клавиши 6.61 (будет пересмотрено)
Изменения в программе REAPER 6.63 (03.07.2022):
- + Пакетный преобразователь: исправление проблем с аудиоустройствами, использующими PDC.
- + Рендеринг: document wildcard $markernumber (давно поддерживается, но не задокументировано)
- + Windows: исправление регрессии синтаксического анализа проекта по сравнению с 6.62.
Изменения в программе REAPER 6.61 (17.06.2022):
- + Действия: исправлен возможный сбой при запуске действия для нормализации выбранных элементов без выбранных элементов.
- + Рисование: различные исправления целочисленного переполнения чертежа с бессмысленными значениями [t=267310]
- + Конверты: исправлено рисование карандашом конвертов на растянутых носителях в определенных ситуациях [t=267716]
- + FX: убедитесь, что модуляция/привязка параметров FX сохраняются после отмены после загрузки цепочек эффектов [t=267697]
- + Браузер эффектов: включить LV2i в список инструментов [t=267835]
- + Мастер-трек: исправлена метка всплывающей подсказки индикатора громкости в микшере
- + Media Explorer: добавлено скрытое доступное текстовое поле для вывода определения высоты тона
- + MIDI: исправление экспорта MIDI типа 1, который имеет как встроенные реплики, так и изменения тональности [p=2569390]
- + MIDI: исправлен экспорт ключевой подписи [t=267626]
- + ReaSamploMatic5000: добавлены параметры Media Explorer, чтобы установить MIDI-ноту или канал для назначения при вставке мультимедиа в сэмплер, с увеличением при вставке на новую дорожку
- + ReaSamploMatic5000: добавлена опция Media Explorer для назначения ноты MIDI на основе обнаруженной высоты тона при вставке медиафайлов в сэмплер
- + ReaSamploMatic5000: при вставке в сэмплер и определении высоты тона назначайте начало высоты тона семплера, а не начало ноты (чтобы сэмпл можно было воспроизводить на разных высотах, правильно настроенный)
- + ReaSamplomatic5000: добавлено определение шага
- + ReaSamplomatic5000: отображение названий нот для смещения высоты тона
- + ReaSamplomatic5000: если обнаруженная сэмплом высота тона выходит за пределы параметра начала высоты тона, при необходимости добавьте октавы к параметру начала ноты [p=2549739]
- + ReaSamplomatic5000: поддержка сортировки списка семплов по обнаруженному шагу
- + ReaSamplomatic5000: поддержка ввода семплового шага
- + ReaSamploMatic5000: при вставке медиафайлов из медиа-проводника в существующий экземпляр сэмплера соблюдайте настройки для применения регулировки громкости/высоты
- + ReaScript: исправлено сопоставление Track/TakeFX_AddByName() с существующими экземплярами при использовании префикса типа FX [t=267548]
- + Запись: исправление записи вывода перед эффектами/префейдерами, когда многопроцессорная обработка живых эффектов отключена.
- + Рендеринг: всегда отображать одну мгновенную, одну краткосрочную и одну встроенную статистику рендеринга в диалоговом окне рендеринга.
- + Рендеринг: полностью отменить очередь рендеринга, когда пользователь нажимает «отменить все» [t=267732]
- + Рендеринг: более четко указать в настройках, что либо LUFS, либо RMS, а не оба, будут рассчитываться/отображаться для заданного периода (мгновенного, краткосрочного или интегрированного)
- + Спектральные правки: исправление неполной загрузки некоторых сложных форм
- + Спектральное редактирование: предотвращение изменения размера регионов в полностью отрицательное пространство
- + Спектральное редактирование: при вставке нового редактирования выберите редактирование по умолчанию
- + Тема: метки громкости/панорамирования/ширины сохраняются, даже если они находятся над другими элементами управления [t=267524]
- + Отменить: не обрабатывать отложенные точки отмены, если они находятся в процессе редактирования мышью
- + Видео: исправление некоторых проблем с декодированием WMF, которые не были исправлены другим исправлением декодирования WMF в версии 6.60.
- + Видео: мы надеемся улучшить совместимость с WMF и дальше
- + Видео: исправление проблем с производительностью/стабильностью при использовании декодирования AVFoundation на дорожке, которая не использует буферизацию мультимедиа [t=267563]
- + VST: улучшено поведение начального размера с помощью плагинов, которые регулируют размер при открытии пользовательского интерфейса (Kee Bass)
- + Windows: улучшен внешний вид отмеченных элементов меню растрового изображения (затухание, формы заметок и т. д.)
Изменения в программе REAPER 6.60 (08.06.2022):
- + API: расширенный API хука hwnd_info, позволяющий отключать глобальные горячие клавиши для определенного контекста.
- + Редактор кроссфейдов: исправлено поведение редактирования сгруппированных элементов при открытом редакторе
- + Конверты: исправлено неправильное редактирование конверта при перемещении элементов мультимедиа по дорожкам с включенным ripple-all и перемещении точек конверта с элементами мультимедиа.
- + FX: разрешить изменение размера окон FX за пределами размера экрана в Windows.
- + FX: улучшено поведение автоматической записи с помощью PDC, когда установлено значение остановки в конце выбора времени.
- + Группировка: при разделении сгруппированных элементов группируйте все элементы, которые начинаются фактически в то же время, что и точка разделения, а не элементы, которые начинаются после точки разделения.
- + macOS: отключить автоматическую локализацию эквивалента ключа в macOS 12.0+
- + Media Explorer: новые столбцы, добавленные пользователем, по умолчанию имеют значение «настраиваемый», а не «только для чтения».
- + MIDI: исправление проблем с зацикленным воспроизведением с частичными блоками и несколькими одновременными нотами
- + MIDI: если включена опция нотации «изменение подписи клавиш влияет на все дорожки», вставлять изменения подписи клавиш при экспорте файлов MIDI типа 1.
- + Модификаторы мыши: исправлено включение/отключение модификатора привязки во время перетаскивания при создании области выделения или бритвенного редактирования.
- + ReaFIR: привязка отредактированного вручную прироста точек к диапазону графика
- + ReaPlugs: улучшена поддержка автоматизации end-of-touch при настройке ползунков с помощью клавиатуры/колесика мыши.
- + Запись: добавьте настройку для каждой дорожки для записи вывода дорожки до FX или после FX / до фейдера
- + Рендеринг: исправление диаграмм HTML-рендеринга, когда файлы/маркеры/регионы содержат некоторые специальные символы
- + Рендеринг: небольшое улучшение использования памяти при передискретизации во время рендеринга
- + Splash: улучшены сообщения о состоянии при загрузке FX
- + Заставка: добавлена возможность пропускать анимацию заставки при запуске.
- + Видео: оптимизация открытия дополнительных объединенных аудиодекодеров (не пытайтесь декодировать режимы, которые ранее не удавались)
- + Видео: улучшено отображение предварительного просмотра видео при использовании различных режимов редактирования.
- + Видео: улучшение совместимости декодирования WMF
- + Видео: обход ошибки WMF при декодировании определенных файлов путем возврата к другим декодерам
- + VST: автоматическое завершение записи автоматизации касания, если окно конфигурации закрыто
- + VST: улучшен процесс сканирования подключаемых модулей (особенно подключаемых модулей MacOS NI)
- + WALTER: использование переднего плана для mcp.extmixer теперь поднимает фон extmixer выше в Z-порядке.
- + Windows: исправлена проблема с быстрым нажатием кнопки на панели инструментов новой вкладки проекта.
Изменения в программе REAPER 6.59 (30.05.2022):
- + Действия: добавить действия для перемещения/копирования содержимого выделения времени в курсор редактирования
- + Пакетный конвертер: добавлен пункт меню для отображения свойств преобразованного файла
- + Источник щелчка: исправлено сохранение настроек формы по умолчанию
- + Цветовая тема: применение наложения темы отключения звука/неактивности/блокировки к внешним полям фоновых изображений элементов мультимедиа.
- + Бесплатное позиционирование элементов: не нормализовать высоту элементов мультимедиа при вырезании/копировании/вставке на дорожку FIPM
- + FX: разрешить установку передискретизации экземпляра FX для нескольких элементов одновременно в виде цепочки
- + FX: предотвращение непреднамеренного перетаскивания FX при быстром нажатии на несколько кнопок FX дорожки подряд
- + Linux: исправлен сбой при запуске при загрузке закрепленных эффектов
- + macOS: исправлено появление модальных окон при переключении в/из темного режима
- + macOS: при использовании системного устройства вывода по умолчанию обнаруживать изменения устройства (например, при подключении наушников)
- + Медиа-проводник: добавить действия для сортировки списка файлов по определенным столбцам
- + Медиа-проводник: отображать избранное состояние во время поиска
- + Media Explorer: поддержка добавления пользовательских тегов (любой простой текст, например «Инструмент» или «Качество»)
- + Media Explorer: определяемые пользователем теги будут кэшироваться локально и могут быть записаны в медиафайлы для некоторых типов медиа.
- + Метроном: правильно использовать сэмплы проекта по умолчанию при создании нового проекта, а в предыдущем проекте были установлены семплы
- + Редактор MIDI: добавление точек отмены при изменении выбора времени с помощью перетаскивания Alt+Right.
- + Opus: при рендеринге убедитесь, что введенный пользователем битрейт находится в диапазоне
- + Opus: улучшено окончательное округление пакетов, чтобы свести к минимуму заполнение при кодировании
- + Opus: поддержка кодирования значений с плавающей запятой больше +0 дБ
- + Opus: использовать меньший размер кадра по умолчанию при кодировании
- + Производительность: сокращение прерываний аудиопотока при перемещении/копировании содержимого регионов проекта
- + Редактирование Razor: добавьте модификаторы мыши, чтобы выбрать область и время редактирования Razor одновременно, в контекстах дорожки, медиа-элемента и края медиа-элемента.
- + Редактирование Razor: обработка модификатора мыши, сопоставленного с «без действий», путем перехода к базовому контексту
- + Редактирование бритвой: более точное рисование пиков на краях редактирования бритвы во время редактирования мышью
- + ReaInsert: небольшая оптимизация планирования потоков
- + ReaScript: поддержка GetMediaFileMetadata(src, "Generic:BPM") для получения любых существующих метаданных BPM
- + ReaVerb: исправлено сохранение/восстановление состояния конфигурации общего количества каналов инструмента канала [t=266889]
- + Недавние проекты: добавить параметр для управления добавлением проектов в список последних при загрузке
- + Недавние проекты: добавить параметр для отключения «Сохранить копию проекта», добавляемого в список последних.
- + Недавние проекты: добавлена возможность удаления старого проекта из списка последних при использовании «Сохранить новую версию проекта».
- + Рендеринг: при рендеринге MPEG-4 используйте расширения .mp4/.m4v/.m4a по умолчанию в зависимости от того, существуют ли аудио/видеопотоки (при желании можно изменить в диалоге рендеринга)
- + Рендеринг: улучшена скорость нормализации при рендеринге только аудио MPEG-4.
- + Ресэмплинг: предотвращение избыточного использования ОЗУ при ресэмплинге во время записи/рендеринга/отскока, когда выходным файлом является mp3, opus или MPEG-4/WMF
- + Матрица маршрутизации: исправление ошибки рисования при изменении размера в macOS.
- + Сохранить как: convert/trim теперь конвертирует файлы .m4a
- + Запуск: определить, когда произошло неполное обновление/установка, и предупредить пользователя
- + Тема: исправление незначительной проблемы с боковой панелью в теме по умолчанию
- + Тема: восстановить старое поведение отображения тем до версии 5 с прозрачными фоновыми изображениями элементов мультимедиа.
- + Тема: обновить описание настройки темы для общего цвета темы
- + Тема: исправление углового случая парсинга .] в WALTER
- + Тема: обработка `scalar==vector` в сравнениях WALTER как `scalar==vector{0}`, а не `scalar==0`
- + Окно отслеживания маршрута: исправлены проблемы с отображением в локализациях UTF-8.
- + Видео: разрешить кодирование только видео m4v/mov при использовании AVFoundation
- + Видео: исправление потенциальной ошибки использования после освобождения памяти при использовании видеопроцессоров и нескольких копий одного и того же источника
- + Видео: улучшение управления битрейтом ffmpeg для различных кодеков
- + Видео: поддержка передачи параметров командной строки ffmpeg напрямую при рендеринге
- + Видео: упрощение настроек кодирования WMF
- + VST: добавлена опция, позволяющая использовать несколько плагинов с одним и тем же VST3 UID16.
- + Windows: добавление проектов в общесистемный список последних документов при сохранении
Изменения в программе REAPER 6.58 (18.05.2022):
- + Автосохранение: улучшить сообщения об ошибках [t=62857]
- + Перетаскивание: исправлен цвет текста индикатора вставки новой дорожки [p=2556218]
- + IDE: использовать сортировку в стиле 6.53 для списков наблюдения [t=266700]
- + JSFX: обновить классическую регулировку громкости JSFX, чтобы использовать размер шага 0,1 дБ
- + LV2: поддержка настройки совместимости для игнорирования уведомлений об изменении состояния [t=266424]
- + Медиа-проводник: исправление представления «Мой компьютер» при локализации [t=266458]
- + Элементы мультимедиа: разрешить нажатие примечаний к элементам и кнопок свойств элемента на заблокированных элементах.
- + MIDI-редактор: исправление модификатора мыши для удаления касаемых нот при очень медленном перемещении мыши [p=2555629]
- + Производительность: уменьшение количества перерисовок при перемещении мыши по дорожкам огибающей
- + Редактирование Razor: исправлено потенциальное мерцание дисплея после определенных действий/масштабирования/прокрутки [t=265219]
- + Редактирование Razor: исправление возможного неправильного рисования при очень большом увеличении
- + Редактирование Razor: добавление точек отмены при очистке выбора
- + Редактирование Razor: предотвращение потери выбора при загрузке проекта с отсутствующим медиафайлом
- + ReaFIR: исправлена непоследовательная обработка первого блока аудио.
- + ReaScript: сделать обработку Lua неуказанных опциональных параметров const char* совместимой с EEL2, другими типами данных [t=266405]
- + Рендеринг: поддержка матрицы области рендеринга через мастер [t=265457]
- + Рендеринг: исправление нормализации рендеринга при рендеринге видео с помощью WMF
- + Рендеринг: если границы рендеринга установлены на «выбранные регионы» и регионы не выбраны, визуализировать все регионы
- + Рендеринг: повышена скорость рендеринга при рендеринге стеблей или регионов через мастер [p=2551835]
- + Рендеринг: всегда отображать одно мгновенное измерение громкости и одно кратковременное измерение громкости в диаграммах HTML
- + Рендеринг: опционально отображать регионы/маркеры проекта в диаграммах HTML
- + Рендеринг: убрать опцию рендеринга в файлы .wmv или .wma; нет причин использовать эти форматы файлов в качестве контейнеров для современных кодеков [p=2557603]
- + Видео: декодирование моно аудио в стерео при использовании WMF
- + Видео: исправление различных проблем с декодированием видео при использовании WMF [t=266535]
- + Видео: исправление рендеринга встроенного 4-канального звука AAC при использовании WMF.
- + Видео: исправление рендеринга видео с определенными сочетаниями цветового пространства/размера при использовании WMF [t=266503]
- + Видео: поддержка встраивания многоканального звука в видео MP4 при использовании WMF
- + Видео: поддержка рендеринга только видео или только аудио mp4 при использовании WMF
- + Видео: улучшено сообщение об ошибке, когда кодер AVFoundation не инициализируется
- + Видео: поддержка рендеринга многоканального AAC при использовании AVFoundation
- + VST: избегайте повторяющихся записей при обнаружении нескольких экземпляров VST3 UID16 с разными частями имени файла [t=266362]
- + VST: поддержка сканирования пакетов Windows .vst3 с установленным системным атрибутом файловой системы [p=2556345]
Изменения в программе REAPER 6.57 (07.05.2022):
- + Внешний вид: добавлено отдельные настройки для рисования меток над элементами мультимедиа и скрытия меток элементов мультимедиа на определенной высоте элементов мультимедиа.
- + Внешний вид: не рисовать метки элементов мультимедиа над элементом, если элемент будет меньше, чем метка
- + Перетаскивание: улучшено отображение предварительного просмотра при перетаскивании в область вставки новой дорожки
- + Рисование: улучшите производительность рисования с тысячами очень маленьких элементов
- + FX: обнуление сэмплов задержки FX с компенсацией PDC
- + FX: показывать комбинированную частоту передискретизации в представлении цепочки, когда используется передискретизация как цепочки, так и экземпляра.
- + Браузер FX: разрешить удаление категорий, созданных LV2
- + lv2: поддержка спецификаций файловой системы с URL-кодированием
- + macOS: добавлены элементы темы gen_vol*_dark и gen_pan*_dark для темного режима macOS
- + macOS: исправлено горизонтальное перетаскивание мышью элементов управления отправкой микшера
- + Медиа-проводник: не пытайтесь копировать каталоги с помощью перетаскивания
- + Элементы мультимедиа: действия по активации предыдущего/следующего/и т. д. не влияют на заблокированные элементы мультимедиа.
- + Элементы мультимедиа: разрешить открытие и редактирование эффектов для каждого дубля на заблокированных элементах мультимедиа, но не Alt/opt+щелчок, чтобы удалить все эффекты.
- + Элементы мультимедиа: разрешить автопрокрутку по вертикали при перемещении/копировании элементов с помощью определенных настраиваемых модификаторов мыши
- + Элементы мультимедиа: исправлено отображение дублирующего маркера при определенных настройках масштабирования
- + Элементы мультимедиа: улучшено взаимодействие между настройками высоты элемента при использовании свободного позиционирования элемента
- + Редактор MIDI: улучшено поведение модификатора мыши, чтобы удалить все затронутые ноты при быстром перемещении мыши
- + Редактор MIDI: поддержка загрузки необработанного sysex из файла в окне редактирования sysex
- + Редактор MIDI: используйте шрифт фиксированной ширины для окна редактирования sysex
- + Редактор нотации: улучшено расположение знаков альтерации в аккордах
- + Opus: убедитесь, что все сэмплы сбрасываются в файл при рендеринге с частотой дискретизации, отличной от 48k.
- + Пики: исправлены различные сбои просмотра на уровне выборки
- + Производительность: уменьшение использования ЦП в реальном времени при перемещении курсора редактирования при остановленном воспроизведении
- + Производительность: улучшено восстановление после опустошения буфера мультимедиа при интенсивной обработке отдельных элементов.
- + Настройки: включить дополнительную информацию/помощь в окно сведений о видеодекодере
- + Редактирование Razor: исправлена ошибка редактирования, когда редактирование Razor содержало MIDI-элементы в проекте с временной базой и частичными тактами
- + Редактирование Razor: упрощение отображения предварительно отредактированных областей редактирования Razor
- + Редактирование Razor: добавление модификаторов мыши для перемещения областей, отключающих или временно включающих редактирование пульсации
- + Редактирование Razor: исправление привязки в зависимости от положения мыши
- + ReaScript: повышена точность начальной/конечной позиции редактирования бритвы, возвращаемой GetSetMediaTrackInfo("P_RAZOREDITS")
- + Недавние проекты: добавлена опция для отображения настраиваемого названия проекта (установленного в настройках проекта/примечаниях) в меню недавних проектов и приглашении
- + Недавние проекты: добавлена возможность отображать в списке либо часть файла, либо полный путь
- + Рендеринг: исправление проблем с пиками и дизерингом, когда количество каналов соответствует выходным данным (например, многоканальное преобразование в стерео с помощью CD или DDP-рендеринга)
- + Рендеринг: возможность добавления визуализированных файлов в проект, когда включена настройка, чтобы вернуться в окно настроек рендеринга после рендеринга
- + Рендеринг: поддержка рендеринга в mp3 (в качестве основного или вторичного вывода) при обработке с частотой дискретизации выше 48k
- + Рендеринг: при рендеринге выбранных регионов, если регионы не выбраны, рендерить все регионы
- + Рендеринг: улучшить детали сообщения об ошибке
- + Тема: добавление элементов темы для неактивных дублей, применяемых отдельно от элементов для приглушенных/не соло треков/элементов
- + Timestretch: добавлен новый режим растяжения Rrreaaa (многофазный синтез), полезный для художественной растяжки.
- + Отмена: улучшено поведение отмены для действий/скриптов, которые ранее не устанавливали правильные флаги отмены.
- + Видео: поддержка встроенного декодирования и рендеринга аудио/видеофайлов .wma, .wmv и mpeg-4 через Windows Media Foundation
- + Видео: поддержка встраивания аудио FLAC в файлы MP4/M4V с кодировкой WMF (Windows 10 и более поздние версии)
- + Видео: повышение производительности при использовании только видео или только аудио.
- + Видео: поддержка кодирования файлов только для аудио или только для видео с помощью ffmpeg
- + Видео: обновление предустановки «Сетка видео».
- + Видео: устаревший режим декодирования видео DirectShow, его необходимо повторно включить вручную в настройках.
- + VST3: очистить всю информацию о параметрах kParamTitlesChanged [t=265989]
- + WALTER: разрешить указывать mcp.extmixer и master.mcp.extmixer перед командой
Изменения в программе REAPER 6.08 (03.04.2020):
- + ARA: больше улучшений для предотвращения потери данных при выполнении сложных правок [p = 2253315]
- + Действия: добавить действие, чтобы очистить конверт темпа
- + JSFX: добавить расширенные опции записи sequencer_megababy через параметр триггера MIDI
- + MIDI: избегать повторной записи нот при записи после конца незапертого элемента MIDI
- + MIDI: предотвратить воспроизведение двойного события в определенных ситуациях наложения
- + Media Explorer: опционально применить предварительный просмотр громкости при вставке медиа элемента
- + NINJAM import: разрешить установку формата вывода при импорте сеанса
- + Импорт NINJAM: создание дорожки чата с сообщениями чата в пустых заметках
- + Pan: добавить опцию для ограничения конуса линейной формой выше + закон панорамирования 3dB [t = 231241]
- + ReaNINJAM: добавить кнопку синхронизации, с возможностью запуска воспроизведения REAPER в начале интервала, установить темп проекта / интервал цикла
- + ReaNINJAM: улучшить поведение в приватных серверных лобби
- + ReaNINJAM: улучшить внешний вид в macOS / Linux
- + ReaNINJAM: исправление возможного некорректного мониторинга, когда сервер имеет ограниченные локальные каналы
- + ReaNINJAM: включить сообщения чата в clipsort.log для потомков / импорта
- + Render: исправление потенциального сбоя при рендеринге стеблей и не удается открыть целевой файл [t = 233558]
Изменения в программе REAPER 6.05 (05.03.2020):
- + ARA: предотвратить потерю правок при использовании автоматических резервных копий
- + ARA: предотвращать потерю правок при запуске действия, чтобы обрезать несколько элементов одновременно
- + ARA: предотвращать потерю правок при выполнении действия, которое создает несколько разделений или копий одновременно
- + Элементы автоматизации: при копировании / вставке элементов мультимедиа также копируйте / вставляйте все выбранные элементы автоматизации
- + Поверхности управления: всегда следуйте выбору трека
- + Поверхности управления: добавить собственный режим FaderPort v2 (2018)
- + Кредиты: + = Кенни;
- + DDP: исправить импорт ISRC [p = 2249484]
- + DDP: исправить импорт и рендеринг, когда INDEX0 не используется
- + DDP: исправить импорт носителя .DAT на определенных установках
- + DDP: удалить избыточные данные ISRC при рендеринге
- + Тема по умолчанию: исправление несовместимого представления управления шириной в режиме панорамирования 3.x
- + MIDI редактор: добавьте действие для установки пользовательской карты цветов для каждой дорожки (не для медиа-элемента)
- + MIDI редактор: добавьте опции, чтобы использовать цвет темы для выделенного тела заметки и / или границы при раскраске по дорожке или медиа-элементу
- + MIDI-редактор: добавить опцию при загрузке файла названия банка / программы, чтобы установить новое значение по умолчанию
- + MIDI: добавить опцию для отображения названий программ и текстовых событий в режиме упорядочения
- + Навигация: исправьте действия, чтобы двигаться вперед / назад на один удар с определенными темпами
- + Render: добавлена поддержка вторичного формата рендеринга (рендеринг одновременно в wav, mp3 и т. Д.)
- + Маршрутизация / группировка: добавить параметр контекстного меню, чтобы показать / скрыть подсказки в диалоге маршрутизации и группировки
- + TCP: избегайте ненужного изменения вертикального увеличения / размера дорожки при изменении размера дорожек
- + Takes: взрывать предметы в дорожки, только если хотя бы половина предметов перекрывается
- + Тема: исправление незначительных различий в размерах макетов TCP B / C
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.983 (29.08.2019):
- + Fadein/fadeout tooltip: fix combined time display [t=224530]
- + Linux: improve default dialog/font sizes, menu checkmarks
- + Linux: fix modal rendering window issue [t=224362]
- + Linux: detect/warn/allow override if numeric locale is set in an incompatible fashion
- + MIDI: fix overdub/replace recording when using 0x90 note-offs and item velocity adjustment set [t=224549]
- + Playback: improve scrolling-by-action behavior when auto-scrolling view during playback is enabled
- + Preferences: remove outdated scrolling option
- + Project bay: fix comps view (5.975 regression) [t=222183]
- + ReaScript: Main_openProject() supports noprompt: and template: prefixes [t=221668]
- + ReaSurround: fix quadraphonic label typo
- + Save as: fix rounding issue when "trim media" enabled [t=224122]
- + Subprojects: prevent audio drivers from latently reopening device during subproject renders [t=224498]
- + Subprojects: allow import of subprojects when auto-background rendering is disabled [t=224569]
- + Transport: fix display of primary time unit when showing secondary time unit [t=224458]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.982 (17.08.2019):
- + AIFF: support 8-bit uncompressed Amiga IFF files
- + AIFF: support reading FP files encoded with inconsistent bits/sample field
- + ARA: disable undo integration (should improve stability for Melodyne)
- + Actions: fix potential rounding error in actions to trim or remove selected area of selected items [t=223134]
- + Actions: faster screen updates when processing actions triggered by MIDI messages
- + Batch converter: fix command-line output filename generation [t=108947]
- + Batch converter: fix converter visibility being set by command line render
- + Batch converter: support OUTPATTERN in command-line configuration chunk
- + Command line: add -nosplash and -splashlog options
- + FX: avoid resetting FX from audio thread after undo/redo
- + FX: improve reliability of SetTrackStateChunk() API when setting FX state [t=217691]
- + JSFX: fix gfx_showmenu() coordinates on macOS retina displays
- + Jump to time: allow jumping to times relative to track/item by using tXiY prefix
- + Jump to time: mX and rX can be followed by whitespace and a time offset
- + MIDI: don`t reset previous quantization for unselected notes when quantizing selected notes
- + macOS: automatically rescan MIDI hardware on device change notifications [t=222339]
- + macOS: fix GetUserFilenameForRead() [t=223825]
- + macOS: improve memory use calculation [p=1980539]
- + Marquee: fix drawing glitches after interrupted marquee selection
- + Media explorer: faster item navigation via arrow keys with large databases
- + Media items: add actions to force (persistent) offline of item media, inactive take media
- + Media items: add support for per-item beats ruler
- + Media items: if MIDI or click source has custom tempo/time signature set, use it for media item ruler
- + Media items: fix ruler color with certain themes [t=223758]
- + Navigator: improve behavior when continuous scrolling is enabled
- + Notation editor: fix rounding issue when auto-detecting triplets [p=2166957] [p=2159228]
- + Project load: warn of low TLS/FLS slots when plug-ins failed to load
- + ReaScript: fix two small IDE issues when attaching to already-running scripts
- + ReaScript: fix gfx_showmenu() coordinates on macOS retina displays
- + Ruler/Transport: allow choosing primary and secondary display units separately
- + Scrub: do not include (previously incorrectly-rendered) take FX when scrubbing
- + Windows: fix topmost pins with certain multimonitor arrangements [t=224062]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.981 (22.07.2019):
- Automation items: obey preference to pool automation items when duplicating or pasting tracks [t=223104]
- LTC generator: fix 29.97DF timecode drift
- LTC generator: fix glitch when starting timecode mid-frame
- Media items: avoid creating inconsistent take lanes when deleting takes from adjacent media items [t=222309]
- Media items: fix hang when displaying media item source ruler and setting media offline
- Notation editor: better handling for custom accidentals in key signatures that are enharmonic to C major [t=222761]
- Render: fix render source resetting when opening region manager [t=223074]
- Takes: always delete media items when deleting the last non-empty take
- Tempo envelope: fix tempo map edits incorrectly inserting time in certain situations [t=223126]
- Tempo: support lower tempos when auto-detecting tempo from time selection
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.980 (11.07.2019):
- + ARA: handle ARA state load error without interfering with extension state loading [p=2151344]
- + Arrange view: avoid excessive redraws during some mouse edits
- + Envelopes: don`t preserve relative differences between points when editing via action [t=222016]
- + Envelopes: fix inconsistency when loading projects with bezier envelope points
- + Envelopes: fix time selection edits that start at the beginning of a media item [p=2154450]
- + Envelopes: improve UI performance when recording send volume/pan automation [t=207384]
- + FX: fix potential crash on macOS/Linux when auto-switching visible FX chain [t=222841]
- + FX: fix ReaTune per-take FX tail issue [t=221956]
- + Jump to time: add support for jumping to relative time in earliest selected media item
- + Localization: improve alignment of various auto-resized controls when arranged in columns [p=2146661]
- + MIDI editor: handle converting multiple selected events between 2-byte and 3-byte messages [p=2154933]
- + MIDI editor: support copy/pasting events between CC lanes and channel pressure lane [p=2154852]
- + macOS: fix system Services menu [p=2150593]
- + macOS: use standard Window/Help menu ordering
- + macOS: add osx_max_open_files= reaper.ini tweak [p=2156238]
- + Media items: add optional per-item ruler display
- + Mixer: fix slowness when opening mixer [t=222728]
- + Mouse modifiers: fix preference to ignore targeting media item lower half [t=222080]
- + Mouse modifiers: improve handling of empty take lanes when targeting media item lower half [p=1683360]
- + Notation editor: fix chasing key signature changes when displaying multiple tracks [t=222703]
- + Notation editor: fix chasing clef changes when media items overlap [t=219859]
- + Nudge: fix issue with calling nudge-by-settings-slot before opening nudge window [p=2156424]
- + Peaks: do not set all media online after building peaks [t=222807]
- + Peaks: fix bug in waveform drawing with some themes and settings (5.979 regression) [t=222229]
- + Performance: improve low-latency behavior by avoiding destroying media buffers from audio threads
- + Performance: fix live FX multiprocessing issue with folder tracks causing media buffer underruns
- + Performance: reduce audio device underruns when pausing
- + ReaScript: simplify display of line numbers in IDE error messages [t=222740]
- + ReaScript: improve Python compatibility with unicode strings
- + Ruler: in frame mode, display one tick mark per frame when possible
- + Render: add option to render selected tracks via master
- + Render: improve use of $item wildcard when rendering project regions
- + Render: support $item and $track wildcards when rendering selected media items via master
- + Render: when rendering selected tracks or media items via master, also render children and receives [p=2151904]
- + Toolbars: improve automatic button images for various Set: actions
- + VST: limit preset dropdown to 512 presets of each type
- + VST: improve support for VST3 MIDI program change messages
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.978 (11.05.2019):
- ARA: improve behavior when copying ARA plug-in to another track via drag and drop
- ARA: improve selection/undo history behavior when adding ARA plug-in to existing FX chain •
- Automation items: fix issues with bypass envelopes and PDC •
- Linux: use realtime for reaper_host_xxx if REAPER running realtime
- Linux: implement memory use warnings, memory use in help text
- macOS: improve behavior when closing file/directory browse windows
- Notation editor: improve phrase handling when notes are filtered out •
- Theme: fix save/load of grid line draw mode on macOS/Linux
- VST: use VST3 enum steps for generic parameter UI
- Windows: fix potential memory error when performance meter is open (thanks Gabriel Ivancescu)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.977 (06.05.2019):
- + Bounce: add action to bounce using most recent settings
- + Bounce: add option to silently increment recorded filename
- + Elastique: fix large memory use
- + MIDI editor: improve event editor behavior when switching between CP/AT types [t=220558]
- + Notation editor: when setting custom notehead for a given pitch, also reset previously customized noteheads at that pitch
- + Project bay: fix column collision between FX parameter and automation item tabs [p=2130165]
- + Track templates: preserve MIDI pools within templates on load, but do not pool loaded MIDI with existing MIDI [t=219675]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.976 (03.05.2019):
- Automation items: copying AIs copies extension state
- Envelopes: fix default bezier tension when adding automation item to otherwise empty envelope
- MIDI: fix diamonds/triangles peak view for very low numbered MIDI notes
- Media explorer: improve performance with large databases
- Mousewheel: add undo points when changing track volume/pan/width via mousewheel
- Project bay: always display position/length in time for time-based media, beats for beat-based media
- ReaScript: SetEnvelopeStateChunk() updates envelope panels
- Stability: fix potential crash when renaming tracks and SWS auto-layout is used
- Stability: fix project bay automation item-related crash
- Stretch markers: permit adding markers on audioless video items
- Transport: improve jump to marker/region menu
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.975 (30.04.2019):
- + API: safer + ARA: fix potential crash on closing REAPER
- + ARA: fix potential crash when moving media from one ARA track to another [t=219699]
- + ARA: improve loading projects when source files were moved or renamed
- + Actions: fix action to set item start to source media start with negative start offset [p=2118376]
- + Actions: improve Apply FX/Render Item speed when processing large numbers of files
- + Actions: auto-build peaks when pasting if pasted chunk has WANT_PEAKS_BUILD 1 token at top level
- + Audio: prevent race condition where audio device could be left in a closed state when loading a project that changes audio device samplerate [t=219984]
- + Automation items: apply AIs when applying pan/width via VCA
- + Automation items: apply AIs when calculating video processor mute/wet values
- + Automation items: apply AIs when linking track volume/pan to MIDI channels [p=2123953]
- + Automation items: update edge attachment when loading automation item from disk
- + Elastique: update to v3.3.0
- + FX: improve performance while stopped when using large numbers of automated parameters [t=219231]
- + FX: improve live FX multiprocessing scheduling with complex routing
- + FX: optimize automated parameter control surface notifications
- + MIDI: add action to remove duplicate selected events (existing action only removed duplicate notes)
- + MIDI: send MIDI CCs to parent/sends when track has MIDI controls enabled but no media nor FX
- + MIDI: more efficient import of .mid files with many duplicate events [t=219351]
- + Media explorer: import automation item name when inserting via media explorer action
- + Media explorer: support drag-import of multiple automation items at once
- + NINJAM: crosslap .ogg files when concatenating to .wav files from imported clipsort.log
- + NINJAM: improve subsample accounting when importing clipsort.log
- + NINJAM: fix ReaNINJAM writing of stereo .wav files of local streams [p=2124239]
- + NINJAM: improve ReaNINJAM sound quality at end of each interval
- + Notation: duplicate articulations when duplicating notes up/down an octave [t=220147]
- + Notation: fix musicxml export issues with multiple voices
- + Notation: improve display of tied voiced notes
- + Notation: improve proportional spacing display [t=219655]
- + Notation: split long beams more predictably [p=2125451]
- + OSC: fix incorrect saving of action bindings for non-main sections
- + Project bay: add support for automation items
- + Project bay: optimize copy/move of large numbers of files
- + Project help: report correct time since last manual project save [t=219875]
- + Project save: optimize copying of project media files [t=216526]
- + Projects: losslessly encode long/complex track/take/marker/region names in project/undo state [p=2120673]
- + ReaScript: add GetSetAutomationItemInfo(D_POOL_QNLEN), MIDIEditor_SetSetting_Int()
- + ReaScript: add GetSetProjectInfo_String(RENDER_FORMAT), GetItemFromPoint(), GetTrackFromPoint()
- + ReaScript: add P_EXT: prefix for extension-specific string state for GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String(), GetSetAutomationItemInfo_String(), etc
- + ReaScript: add GetSetTrackSendInfo_String() and GetSetEnvelopeInfo_String() (for P_EXT: use)
- + ReaScript: allow using various GetSet..Value() functions with strings, automatically converting numbers to/from string
- + ReaScript: update to Lua 5.3.5
- + Render: allow dither and noise shaping when rendering stems
- + Render: fix potentially incorrect region time wildcards [t=213312]
- + Ruler: display selected regions (for rendering) more distinctly
- + Ruler: add context menu item to render individual regions
- + Snap: add option to snap time selection to media item edges [t=218957]
- + Take FX: add actions to set take FX on/offline [t=220052]
- + Take FX: update FX window titles when duplicating take via action
- + Take FX: flush all take FX on playback start
- + Theming: add new HSV blend mode with bugfixes, old behavior is now deprecated HSV adjust blend mode
- + UI: improve mute/solo swipe behavior when there are hidden grouped tracks [t=219783]
- + UI: improve multimonitor tooltip behavior
- + UI: improve take envelope button drag/click behaviors
- + VST: automatically default to VST3 soft reset for plug-ins that appear to support setProcessing
- + VST: prevent hard reset from called from audio thread when flushing buffers
- + linux: improve keyboard handling with modal window open
- + linux: install SIGPIPE handler
- + macOS: prevent network related SIGPIPE crashes
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.975 rc1 (28.04.2019):
- + Snap: add option to snap time selection to media item edges [t=218957]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.975 pre1 (26.04.2019):
- + API: add GetSetAutomationItemInfo(D_POOL_QNLEN) to get/set pooled length in quarter notes
- + API: add MIDIEditor_SetSetting_Int()
- + API: add support for GetSetProjectInfo_String(RENDER_FORMAT)
- + API: safer + ARA: fix potential crash on closing REAPER
- + ARA: fix potential crash when moving media from one ARA track to another [t=219699]
- + ARA: improve loading projects when source files have moved or been renamed
- + Actions: fix action to set item start to source media start with negative start offset [p=2118376]
- + Apply FX: improve speed when processing large numbers of files
- + Audio: prevent race condition where audio device could be left in a closed state when loading a project that changes audio device samplerate [t=219984]
- + Automation items: apply AIs when applying pan/width via VCA
- + Automation items: apply AIs when calculating video processor mute/wet values
- + Automation items: apply AIs when linking track volume/pan to MIDI channels [p=2123953]
- + Automation items: update edge attachment when loading automation item from disk
- + Control surfaces: optimized automated FX parameter notifications
- + Elastique: update to v3.3.0
- + FX: flush all take FX on playback start
- + FX: improve performance while stopped and when using large numbers of automated parameters [t=219231]
- + Linux: install SIGPIPE handler
- + Live FX multiprocessing: improve scheduling
- + MIDI editor: add action to remove duplicate selected events (existing action only removes duplicate notes)
- + MIDI track controls: send MIDI CCs to parent/sends when track lacks items/fX
- + MIDI: more efficient import of .mid files with many duplicate events [t=219351]
- + Media explorer: import automation item name when inserting via media explorer action
- + Media explorer: support dragging multiple automation items at once
- + NINJAM: crosslap .ogg files when concatenating to .wav files from imported clipsort.log
- + NINJAM: improve subsample accounting when importing clipsort.log
- + Notation editor: duplicate articulations when duplicating notes up/down an octave [t=220147]
- + Notation editor: fix musicxml export issues with multiple voices
- + Notation editor: improve display of tied voiced notes
- + Notation editor: improve proportional spacing display [t=219655]
- + Notation editor: more tuplet display improvements
- + Notation editor: split long beams more predictably [p=2125451]
- + OSC: fix incorrect saving of bindings for non-main sections
- + Paste: build peaks if pasted chunk has WANT_PEAKS_BUILD 1 token
- + Project Bay: add support for automation items
- + Project bay: optimized copy/move of large numbers of files
- + Project help: report correct time since last manual project save [t=219875]
- + Project save: improve media copying speed [t=216526]
- + Projects: losslessly encode long/complex track/take/marker/region names in project/undo state [p=2120673]
- + ReaNINJAM: fix writing of stereo .wav files of local streams [p=2124239]
- + ReaNINJAM: improve resampling issues at interval boundaries
- + ReaNINJAM: improve sound quality at end of each interval
- + ReaScript: add GetItemFromPoint()
- + ReaScript: add GetSetTrackSendInfo_String() and GetSetEnvelopeInfo_String() (for P_EXT: use)
- + ReaScript: add GetTrackFromPoint()
- + ReaScript: add P_EXT: prefix for extension-specific string state for GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String() etc
- + ReaScript: add automation item pool extension state via P_POOL_EXT: prefix for GetSetAutomationItemInfo_String()
- + ReaScript: allow using various GetSet..Value() functions with strings, automatically converting numbers to/from string
- + ReaScript: update to Lua 5.3.5
- + Regions: add context menu item to render individual regions
- + Render: allow dither and noise shaping when rendering stems
- + Render: fix potentially incorrect region time wildcards [t=213312]
- + Render: when rendering selected regions, if no regions are selected, render all regions
- + Ruler: display selected regions (for rendering) more distinctly
- + Take FX: add actions to set take FX on/offline [t=220052]
- + Take buttons: improve take envelope button drag/click behaviors
- + Takes: update FX window titles when duplicating take via action
- + Theming: add new HSV blend mode with bugfixes, old behavior is now deprecated HSV adjust blend mode
- + Tooltips: improve multimonitor behavior
- + Track panels: improve mute/solo swipe behavior when there are hidden grouped tracks [t=219783]
- + VST3: automatically default to soft reset for plug-ins that appear to support setProcessing
- + VST: prevent hard reset from being used when flushing from audio thread
- + linux: improve keyboard handling with modal window open
- + macOS: prevent network related SIGPIPE crashes
- # API: GetSetObjectState()/GetSetObjectState2() support inactive/invisible envelopes
- # API: ValidatePtr2() treat inactive track envelopes as valid
- # API: allow setting RENDER_SRATE=0 to use project samplerate [p=2123025]
- # API: extend RENDER_FORMAT to allow setting type without having to base64 encode it
- # API: update track envelope list when loading envelope state via GetSetObjectState
- # ARA: minor optimization of project load sequence
- # Fix crash on tracks that have record input FX but no track FX
- # Live FX multiprocessing: more improvements
- # Live FX multiprocessing: more tweaks, made a few things safer
- # Notation editor: adjust positioning for voiced stemmed articulations
- # Notation editor: improve beamed tuplet display
- # Notation editor: improve positioning of articulations/ornaments for voiced and beamed notes [t=219883]
- # Notation editor: improve proportional spacing of tuplets
- # Notation editor: minor tweaks to tie positioning
- # Notation editor: more proportional spacing improvements
- # Project Bay: fix bug with automation items
- # ReaScript: fix GetSetEnvelopeInfo_String() P_EXT: retrieval
- # ReaScript: fix P_EXT: for tracks/items/takes
- # ReaScript: fix P_POOL_EXT
- # ReaScript: fix completely broken P_EXT: support (could cause crashes)
- # Track panels: fix another swipe case [p=2122877]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0425 (25.04.2019):
- + ARA: improve loading projects when source files have moved or been renamed
- + Notation editor: duplicate articulations when duplicating notes up/down an octave [t=220147]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0424 (24.04.2019):
- + Actions list: allow searching by key bindings
- + Actions list: show action list indicators for shortcuts which are global
- + Actions window: increase size of key assignment list
- + Linux: install SIGPIPE handler
- + Notation editor: split long beams more predictably [p=2125451]
- + macOS: prevent network related SIGPIPE crashes
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0423 (23.04.2019):
- + Actions: when assigning key bindings for main action section, optional scope to define global bindings
- + OSC: fix incorrect saving of bindings for non-main sections
- # Global hotkey override: remove separate sections
- # Global hotkey override: support global overrides in (alt recording) mode too
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0422 (22.04.2019):
- + Global hotkey override: allow defining overrides to force keys to be sent to main actions context, or to system processing, or to be ignored, etc
- + NINJAM: improve subsample accounting when importing clipsort.log
- + Project help: report correct time since last manual project save [t=219875]
- + ReaNINJAM: improve resampling issues at interval boundaries
- + Take FX: add actions to set take FX on/offline [t=220052]
- + Tooltips: improve multimonitor behavior
- + linux: improve keyboard handling with modal window open
- # Notation editor: adjust positioning for voiced stemmed articulations
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0421 (21.04.2019):
- + Automation items: apply AIs when applying pan/width via VCA
- + Automation items: apply AIs when calculating video processor mute/wet values
- + Automation items: apply AIs when linking track volume/pan to MIDI channels [p=2123953]
- + MIDI track controls: send MIDI CCs to parent/sends when track lacks items/fX
- + NINJAM: crosslap .ogg files when concatenating to .wav files from imported clipsort.log
- + Notation editor: fix musicxml export issues with multiple voices
- + ReaNINJAM: fix writing of stereo .wav files of local streams [p=2124239]
- + ReaNINJAM: improve sound quality at end of each interval
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0420 (20.04.2019):
- Fix crash on tracks that have record input FX but no track FX
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0419a (19.04.2019):
- + Project bay: optimized copy/move of large numbers of files
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0418 (18.04.2019):
- + Control surfaces: optimized automated FX parameter notifications
- + FX: improve performance while stopped and when using large numbers of automated parameters [t=219231]
- + Notation editor: improve display of tied voiced notes
- + Takes: update FX window titles when duplicating take via action
- # API: ValidatePtr2() treat inactive track envelopes as valid
- # ARA: minor optimization of project load sequence
- # Notation editor: improve positioning of articulations/ornaments for voiced and beamed notes [t=219883]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0417 (17.04.2019):
- + ARA: fix potential crash on closing REAPER
- + Notation editor: more tuplet display improvements
- # API: allow setting RENDER_SRATE=0 to use project samplerate [p=2123025]
- # Notation editor: improve beamed tuplet display
- # Track panels: fix another swipe case [p=2122877]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0416 (16.04.2019):
- + Track panels: improve mute/solo swipe behavior when there are hidden grouped tracks [t=219783]
- + VST3: automatically default to soft reset for plug-ins that appear to support setProcessing
- # Notation editor: more proportional spacing improvements
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0414 (14.04.2019):
- + ARA: fix potential crash when moving media from one ARA track to another [t=219699]
- # HiDPI: improve macOS retina extended mixer size handling
- # MCP: improve mixer send knob sizing
- # Notation editor: improve proportional spacing of tuplets
- # WALTER: layout_dpi_translate implemented for envcp
- # WALTER: layout_dpi_translate implemented for tcp/master.tcp
- # WALTER: support layout_dpi_translate with scale 1.0 for hidden alias layouts
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0412 (12.04.2019):
- + Automation items: update edge attachment when loading automation item from disk
- + Notation editor: improve proportional spacing display [t=219655]
- + Paste: build peaks if pasted chunk has WANT_PEAKS_BUILD 1 token
- + Projects: losslessly encode long/complex track/take/marker/region names in project/undo state [p=2120673]
- + Render: fix potentially incorrect region time wildcards [t=213312]
- + Render: when rendering selected regions, if no regions are selected, render all regions
- + Ruler: display selected regions (for rendering) more distinctly
- + Theming: add new HSV blend mode with bugfixes, old behavior is now deprecated HSV adjust blend mode
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0411 (11.04.2019):
- + API: add MIDIEditor_SetSetting_Int()
- + Elastique: update to v3.3.0
- + FX: flush all take FX on playback start
- + Regions: add context menu item to render individual regions
- + VST: prevent hard reset from being used when flushing from audio thread
- # Automation items: restore attach automation items to underlying envelope options
- # Live FX multiprocessing: more tweaks, made a few things safer
- # Project Bay: fix bug with automation items
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0410 (10.04.2019):
- + Envelopes: add action to attach automation items to underlying envelope
- # API: extend RENDER_FORMAT to allow setting type without having to base64 encode it
- # Automation items: fix crash on mouseover of certain items (oops) [p=2119614]
- # Live FX multiprocessing: more improvements
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0409 (09.04.2019):
- + API: add support for GetSetProjectInfo_String(RENDER_FORMAT)
- + Automation items: remove preference to attach automation items to the underlying envelope (superseded by per-automation-item transition time setting)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974+dev0407 (07.04.2019):
- + Actions: fix action to set item start to source media start with negative start offset [p=2118376]
- + Live FX multiprocessing: improve scheduling
- + MIDI editor: add action to remove duplicate selected events (existing action only removes duplicate notes)
- + MIDI: more efficient import of .mid files with many duplicate events [t=219351]
- + Project Bay: add support for automation items
- + ReaScript: add GetItemFromPoint()
- + ReaScript: add GetTrackFromPoint()
- + ReaScript: update to Lua 5.3.5
- + Render: allow dither and noise shaping when rendering stems
- + Take buttons: improve take envelope button drag/click behaviors
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974 (06.04.2019):
- + ARA: support preview audio while editing ARA per-take FX
- + Actions: add actions to set media item start, end, or both to match source media [p=2107139]
- + Automation items: add customizable per-automation item transition time
- + Automation items: add option to chase non-FX envelopes to automation items when underlying envelope is bypassed
- + Envelopes: automatically rename send envelope control panels when renaming tracks
- + Envelopes: when editing curve envelope segments, avoid rendering curved segments as many discrete linear segments
- + Envelopes: optimize edits that delete many points at once
- + Item notes: optionally display image notes in full height mode
- + Item/track images: detect changes in underlying image when manually loading images [p=2112488]
- + Item/track images: add preference for controlling still image item thumbnail display mode
- + Item/track images: add preference for default length of imported still images
- + macOS: improve CoreAudio MIDI hardware input timing when using only CoreAudio audio output [t=219383]
- + MIDI: display linear tempo transitions in MIDI editor timeline similar to arrange view timeline
- + MIDI: optimize edits that delete many notes/CCs at once [t=200877] [p=2114855]
- + MIDI: fix minimum note length behavior when snapping disabled [t=217677]
- + MIDI: obey editor toolbar preference for CC following notes when quantizing notes only [t=172470]
- + MIDI: add per-item option to chase MIDI CC/pitch/program before take start offset (in MIDI source properties, defaults to enabled for new MIDI items)
- + MIDI: fix export of unnamed project markers in type 0 MIDI files [t=219000]
- + Markers: fix issues with selected markers in marker manager introduced in 5.972 [t=218608]
- + Media item properties: after closing window via action, do not automatically reopen on startup
- + Notation: better handling of edits that extend the media item to the left [p=2112160]
- + Notation: fix chart clef spacing in continuous view mode [t=209954]
- + Notation: fix inconsistent behavior when editing notation in non-active media items [t=218310]
- + Notation: improve behavior when moving notation between tracks [t=209875]
- + Notation: fix multicontext issues when using project tabs [p=2112215]
- + ReaNINJAM: fix saving sessions to UTF-8 paths [t=190475]
- + ReaScript: fix various UTF-8 IDE editor issues [t=219013]
- + ReaScript: optionally show ReaScript paths in actions window
- + ReaScript: add GetSetAutomationItemInfo_String(), ThemeLayout_GetLayout()/ThemeLayout_SetLayout()
- + ReaScript: add GetSetProjectInfo(), GetSetProjectInfo_String(), primarily useful for manipulating render settings
- + ReaScript: add MIDI_DisableSort(), to improve script speed by disabling sorting for all MIDI insert, delete, set functions, until the next call to MIDI_Sort (which must be called when edits are done!)
- + ReaScript: allow querying envelopes via Get..Info_Value() by using P_ENV:+ ReaScript: allow querying tracks and envelopes via P_* from Get..Info_Value() functions
- + ReaScript: fix CSurf_OnScroll() Y-axis bounds checking [t=218940]
- + ReaScript: fix macOS behavior when calling MIDIEditor_GetMode() on a window that has been closed [t=218796]
- + ReaScript: properly validate Linux HWNDs for Dock*() functions
- + Recording: add $recpass filename format wildcard (global recording pass counter) [t=212300]
- + Recording: add action to reset global recording pass counter
- + Render: fix persistence of render tail setting in certain cases [t=218639]
- + Render: add action to render using most recent settings, then automatically close render dialog when finished
- + Render: do not render media during render tail, only FX [t=201825]
- + Ruler: enable seeking to markers/regions even when markers/regions are locked [t=217939]
- + Stretch markers: fix peak display glitch when resizing left edge of looped item with stretch markers
- + Tempo envelope: do not create unnecessary tempo markers when pasting tempo envelope points [t=215995]
- + Track grouping: respect grouping-disabled setting when swiping mute/etc in TCP/MCP/track manager
- + Track grouping: allow chaining of VCA groups [t=218066]
- + Undo: update send/receive list in track routing window when undoing
- + Varispeed: do not obey preserve pitch in audio items setting when gluing/applying FX to items [t=219125]
- + VST3: do not show non-automatable parameters in last-tweaked menu [t=217809]
- + Video: add option in Prefs/Media to allow video items to be set offline
- + Video: do not report sample rates for audio-less videos and image files [p=2117608]
- + Windows: installer will not try to overwrite Reavura.otf unless it has changed [t=175741]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974 rc4 (05.04.2019):
- + Undo: update send/receive list in track routing window
- + Video: do not report audio-less videos and image file samplerates [p=2117608]
- # Notation editor: do not extend media item when editing note edge to end of measure
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974 rc3 (04.04.2019):
- + Project playrate: do not obey preserve pitch in audio items setting when glueing/applying FX to items [t=219125]
- + Windows: do not try to overwrite Reavura.otf unless it changed [t=175741]
- # Automation items: fix incorrect chasing of automation items while they are being created [p=2117202]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974 rc2 (03.04.2019):
- + Markers: fix issues with selected markers in marker manager introduced by 5.972
- + Stretch markers: fix peak glitch when resizing left edge of looped item with stretch markers
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974 rc1a (02.04.2019):
- + ReaScript: allow querying envelopes via Get..Info_Value() by using P_ENV:+ ReaScript: allow querying tracks and envelopes via P_* from Get..Info_Value() functions
- + ReaScript: properly validate Linux HWNDs for Dock*() etc
- # MIDI editor: improve efficiency when quantizing CC events
- # MIDI editor: quantize CC events relative to note end as well as note start
- # Take envelopes: fix envelopes not being evaluated in some situations [p=2116612]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.974 rc1 (02.04.2019):
- + API: add GetSetProjectInfo, GetSetProjectInfo_String, primarily useful for manipulating render settings
- + API: add MIDI_DisableSort, to disable sorting for all MIDI insert, delete, get and set functions, until the next call to MIDI_Sort
- + ARA: improve alignment of various interfaces/objects
- + ARA: support preview audio while editing ARA per-take FX
- + Action window: optionally show ReaScript paths
- + Actions: add action to reset global recording pass counter
- + Actions: add actions to set media item start, end, or both to match source media [p=2107139]
- + Actions: fix set item to media start/end actions for MIDI items and with stretch markers
- + Automation items: add customizable per-item transition time
- + Automation items: make optional chasing non-FX envelopes to automation items when underlying envelope is bypassed
- + Envelopes: automatically rename send envelopes when renaming tracks
- + Envelopes: faster delete when many points are selected
- + Envelopes: prevent rendering curved segments as discrete points
- + Item notes: optionally display image notes in full height mode
- + Item/track images: detect changes when manually loading images [p=2112488]
- + MIDI editor: draw linear tempo transitions similar to arrange view
- + MIDI editor: faster deletion of notes/CCs via action [t=200877]
- + MIDI editor: fix minimum note length behavior when snapping disabled [t=217677]
- + MIDI editor: obey toolbar preference for CC following notes when quantizing notes only [t=172470]
- + MIDI editor: optimize delete small notes actions [p=2114855]
- + MIDI: add per-item option to chase MIDI CC/pitch/program before take start offset (in MIDI source properties, defaults to enabled for new MIDI items)
- + MIDI: fix exporting unnamed project markers in type 0 MIDI files [t=219000]
- + Markers: fix potential duplication of markers on project save [t=218608]
- + Media item properties: update last state when closing window via action
- + Notation editor: better handling of edits that extend the media item to the left [p=2112160]
- + Notation editor: fix chart clef spacing in continuous view mode [t=209954]
- + Notation editor: fix incosistent behavior when editing notation in non-active media item [t=218310]
- + Notation editor: improve behavior when moving notation between tracks [t=209875]
- + Notation: fix multicontext issues when using project tabs [p=2112215]
- + ReaNINJAM: fix saving sessions to UTF-8 paths [t=190475]
- + ReaScript IDE: fix various UTF-8 issues [t=219013]
- + ReaScript: add GetSetAutomationItemInfo_String()
- + ReaScript: add ThemeLayout_GetLayout/ThemeLayout_SetLayout
- + ReaScript: fix CSurf_OnScroll() ydir bounds checking [t=218940]
- + ReaScript: fix macOS behavior when calling MIDIEditor_GetMode() on a destroyed window [t=218796]
- + Recording: add $recpass filename format wildcard (global recording pass counter) [t=212300]
- + Render dialog: fix persistence of render tail setting in certain cases [t=218639]
- + Render: add action to render using most recent settings, auto-close render dialog when finished
- + Render: do not render media during render tail [t=201825]
- + Ruler: enable seeking to markers/regions even when locked [t=217939]
- + Still images: preference for controlling still image item thumbnail display mode
- + Still images: preference for default length of imported still images
- + Tempo envelope: do not create unnecessary tempo markers when pasting tempo envelope points [t=215995]
- + Track grouping: respect grouping-disabled setting when swiping mute/etc in TCP/MCP/track manager
- + VCAs: allow chaining of VCA groups [t=218066]
- + VST3: do not show non-automatable parameters in last-tweaked menu [t=217809]
- + Video: add option in Prefs/Media to allow video items to go offline
- # API: restore pre-0326 behavior when calling MIDI functions with noSort=true (somewhat less efficient)
- # Actions: improve actions to set media item start/end to match source media [p=2107404]
- # Automation items: avoid occasional click at automation item start
- # Automation items: fix "chasing" plugin envelopes to the start of the first automation item [t=218756]
- # Automation items: fix bug introduced in +dev0324 [p=2113226]
- # Automation items: fix one-sample rounding issue at automation item start
- # Automation items: fix transition at edges of overlapping automation items
- # Automation items: internal changes to transition time implementation
- # Automation items: more transition improvements
- # Envelopes: fix envelope jump when splitting take envelopes [p=2082089]
- # Envelopes: fix point editing, broken in 5.965+dev0112
- # Envelopes: restore correct behavior of action to insert new point at current position
- # MIDI editor: fix quantizing CC after stretching notes and CC together [p=2107474]
- # MIDI editor: optimize `Edit: delete notes` action
- # Notation editor: allow notation edits to extend the media item if necessary
- # Notation editor: avoid extending media item to the right more than necessary
- # Notation editor: better fix for inconsistency when editing notation in non-active MIDI item [p=2106819]
- # Notation editor: extend media item if necessary when notation event occurs at the very end of the last measure
- # Notation editor: fix mouse tracking when moving notation between rows with a single track displayed [p=2112160]
- # Notation editor: fix some editing behaviors when moving notes and dynamics together [p=2110610]
- # Notation editor: improve behavior when edits are bounded by the media item edges
- # Notation editor: one more fix for editing notation text in non-active media item [p=2107475]
- # Prefs: add help text for new video offline option
- # Still images: allow specifying default image length in frames
- # VCA: simplify chained VCA handling of pre-FX bit
- # VST3: do not query parameter information for ignored automation notifications
- # VST3: fix incorrect behavior relating to Waves CLA issue with recent dev builds [p=2110195]
- # Video: fix video window CC assignment menu feedback in actions list
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973+dev0329a (29.03.2019):
- + API: add GetSetProjectInfo, GetSetProjectInfo_String, primarily useful for manipulating render settings
- + Actions: add action to reset global recording pass counter
- + MIDI editor: optimize delete small notes actions [p=2114855]
- + Markers: fix potential duplication of markers on project save [t=218608]
- + ReaScript: fix macOS behavior when calling MIDIEditor_GetMode() on a destroyed window [t=218796]
- + Recording: add $recpass filename format wildcard (global recording pass counter) [t=212300]
- + Video: add option in Prefs/Media to allow video items to go offline
- # API: restore pre-0326 behavior when calling MIDI functions with noSort=true (somewhat less efficient)
- # MIDI editor: optimize `Edit: delete notes` action
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973+dev0329 (29.03.2019):
- + API: add GetSetProjectInfo, GetSetProjectInfo_String, primarily useful for manipulating render settings
- + Actions: add action to reset global recording pass counter
- + MIDI editor: optimize delete small notes actions [p=2114855]
- + Markers: fix potential duplication of markers on project save [t=218608]
- + ReaScript: fix macOS behavior when calling MIDIEditor_GetMode() on a destroyed window [t=218796]
- + Recording: add $recpass filename format wildcard (global recording pass counter) [t=212300]
- # API: restore pre-0326 behavior when calling MIDI functions with noSort=true (somewhat less efficient)
- # MIDI editor: optimize `Edit: delete notes` action
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973+dev0328 (28.03.2019):
- + API: add GetSetAutomationItemInfo(D_POOL_QNLEN) to get/set pooled length in quarter notes
- + Envelopes: faster delete when many points are selected
- + MIDI editor: faster deletion of notes/CCs via action [t=200877]
- + Notation editor: fix chart clef spacing in continuous view mode [t=209954]
- + ReaScript IDE: fix various UTF-8 issues [t=219013]
- + ReaScript: add ThemeLayout_GetLayout/ThemeLayout_SetLayout
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973+dev0327 (27.03.2019):
- + MIDI: fix exporting unnamed project markers in type 0 MIDI files [t=219000]
- + ReaScript: allow using various GetSet..Value() functions with strings, automatically converting numbers to/from string
- # ReaScript: fix GetSetEnvelopeInfo_String() P_EXT: retrieval
- # ReaScript: fix P_EXT: for tracks/items/takes
- # ReaScript: fix P_POOL_EXT
- # ReaScript: fix completely broken P_EXT: support (could cause crashes)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973+dev0326 (26.03.2019):
- + API: add MIDI_DisableSort, to disable sorting for all MIDI insert, delete, get and set functions, until the next call to MIDI_Sort
- + API: safer + Media item properties: update last state when closing window via action
- + ReaScript: add GetSetAutomationItemInfo_String()
- + ReaScript: add GetSetTrackSendInfo_String() and GetSetEnvelopeInfo_String() (for P_EXT: use)
- + ReaScript: add P_EXT: prefix for extension-specific string state for GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String() etc
- + ReaScript: add automation item pool extension state via P_POOL_EXT: prefix for GetSetAutomationItemInfo_String()
- + ReaScript: fix CSurf_OnScroll() ydir bounds checking [t=218940]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973+dev0325 (25.03.2019):
- + MIDI editor: fix minimum note length behavior when snapping disabled [t=217677]
- + Ruler: enable seeking to markers/regions even when locked [t=217939]
- # Automation items: fix bug introduced in +dev0324 [p=2113226]
- # Notation editor: avoid extending media item to the right more than necessary
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973+dev0324 (24.03.2019):
- + Action window: optionally show ReaScript paths
- + Item/track images: detect changes when manually loading images [p=2112488]
- + Notation editor: better handling of edits that extend the media item to the left [p=2112160]
- + Notation: fix multicontext issues when using project tabs [p=2112215]
- # Notation editor: extend media item if necessary when notation event occurs at the very end of the last measure
- # Notation editor: fix mouse tracking when moving notation between rows with a single track displayed [p=2112160]
- # Video: fix video window CC assignment menu feedback in actions list
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973+dev0323a (23.03.2019):
- # Automation items: more transition improvements
- # Still images: allow specifying default image length in frames
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973+dev0321 (21.03.2019):
- + Item images: optionally display item images/image items with constant height (in Preferences/Appearance/Media)
- # Notation editor: fix some editing behaviors when moving notes and dynamics together [p=2110610]
- # Notation editor: improve behavior when edits are bounded by the media item edges
- # VST3: do not query parameter information for ignored automation notifications
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973+dev0319 (19.03.2019):
- + ARA: improve alignment of various interfaces/objects
- + Notation editor: improve behavior when moving notation between tracks [t=209875]
- + Render dialog: fix persistence of render tail setting in certain cases [t=218639]
- # VST3: fix incorrect behavior relating to Waves CLA issue with recent dev builds [p=2110195]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973+dev0318 (18.03.2019):
- # Automation items: fix one-sample rounding issue at automation item start
- # VCA: simplify chained VCA handling of pre-FX bit
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973+dev0316 (16.03.2019):
- + Tempo envelope: do not create unnecessary tempo markers when pasting tempo envelope points [t=215995]
- + VCAs: allow chaining of VCA groups [t=218066]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.973 (11.03.2019):
- + Audio Units: fix plug-in compatibility issue in 5.97 [t=218049]
- + Audio Units: report recording state if requested
- + Continuous scrolling: improve item button hit testing
- + Folder tracks: correctly detect some feedback situations with nested folders [t=218072]
- + IDEs: do not blink edit cursor when editor lacks focus
- + JSFX: fix potential crash when loading .wav files [t=217971]
- + Marquee zoom: fix issues with tracks that have locked height [t=218144]
- + Media explorer: fix seeking of media when `Start on bar` is set [p=2104467]
- + Normalization: improve gain calculation behavior with high bit depth media [t=196012]
- + Performance: fix UI lag introduced in 5.972 [p=2104857]
- + Project bay: fix up column left/right/center justification [t=218097]
- + ReaScript: fix TrackEnvelope validation [t=218235]
- + Render: properly update tail button when opening render dialog
- + Takes: added actions to cycle to next/previous takes (pre-5.965 behavior) [t=218249]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.972 (07.03.2019):
- + ARA: add FX menu action to align media to detected grid
- + ARA: improve interaction of FX menu items to import notes, tempo, and time signatures
- + ARA: remove menu actions to export tempo and notes and MIDI (instead, import to the project and then export if needed)
- + ARA: set minimal undo state saving by default for Melodyne
- + ARA: support linear tempo transitions
- + Actions: fix action to create measure from time selection when there is an existing tempo marker at the end of the selection [t=52400]
- + Free item positioning: create a blank lane if there are no existing overlapping media items when enabling free item positioning
- + Free item positioning: more parsimonious vertical spacing with multiple overlapping items
- + Media explorer: fix measure-aligned tempo sync dropouts
- + Notation editor: fix PDF export when using percussion clef [t=217753]
- + ReaScript: add get_config_var_string()
- + Render: support rendering only selected regions in an existing region render matrix [t=193405]
- + Routing/grouping/render matrix: hide children of compacted folder tracks
- + Routing/grouping/render matrix: show track and region colors
- + Theming: add [track|mcp]_recarm_[auto_]norec images
- + Theming: add color blend/alpha for grid lines, MIDI editor grid lines
- + Theming: add color configuration for CC lane add/remove buttons
- + Theming: add color configuration item for MIDI piano pane background
- + Theming: add theme items for MIDI editor CC horizontal lines
- + Theming: improve text contrast colors
- + Theming: support complex rules for mcp.size and mcp.master.size
- + Theming: obey meter text colors alpha field (0-255) if theme version is 6 or higher
- + Transport: auto-arrange rate label/field if less than 2:1 aspect ratio
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.972 rc2 (05.03.2019):
- # Region manager: fix seek-on-select behavior [p=2103063]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.972 rc1 (04.03.2019):
- + Media explorer: fix measure-aligned tempo sync dropouts
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.972 pre1 (28.02.2019):
- + ARA: add FX menu action to align media to detected grid
- + ARA: set minimal undo state saving by default for Melodyne
- + ARA: support linear tempo transitions
- + Actions: fix action to create measure from time selection when there is an existing tempo marker at the end of the selection [t=52400]
- + Free item positioning: create a blank lane if there are no existing overlapping media items when enabling free item positioning
- + Free item positioning: more parsimonious vertical spacing with multiple overlapping items
- + Notation editor: fix PDF export when using percussion clef [t=217753]
- + Render: support rendering only selected regions in an existing region render matrix [t=193405]
- + Routing/grouping/render matrix: hide children of compacted folder tracks
- + Routing/grouping/render matrix: show track and region colors
- + Track/region manager: minor change in display for default-colored tracks/regions
- # ARA: fix timeline display with negative project start measure
- # Routing/grouping/render matrix: increase available space for text names
- # Video: video item properties menu item from video window works when in uncached mode
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.971+dev0225 (25.02.2019):
- + ARA: support linear tempo transitions
- + MIDI editor: obey toolbar preference for CC following notes when quantizing notes only [t=172470]
- # ARA: fix timeline display with negative project start measure
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.971 (25.02.2019):
- + ARA: fix adjusting plugin playback to project tempo when media item start position is not zero [p=2099289]
- + ARA: properly account for timing offset in certain situations [t=217606]
- + Dockers: improve dock/undock focused window action (always affect docked window before the docker that contains it, set focus)
- + JSFX: fix gfx_a2 default when drawing into secondary buffers [p=2099185]
- + ReaScript: gfx_a2 is always reset to 1 on each gfx frame
- + ReaScript: prevent possible crash when scripts terminating scripts [p=2090998]
- + ReaTune: fix per-take FX manual mode timing [t=217577]
- + ReaTune: fix take FX manual mode inconsistencies with global project offset
- + Video: fix YV12/YUY2 text rendering alignment with certain fonts/characters
- + Video: allow drawing text with larger font sizes (up to 700pt)
- + Video: improve playback performance with looped playback [p=2097954]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.97+dev0224a (24.02.2019):
- + ARA: fix adjusting plugin playback to project tempo when media item start position is not zero [p=2099289]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.97+dev0224 (24.02.2019):
- + JSFX: fix gfx_a2 default when drawing into secondary buffers [p=2099185]
- + ReaScript: gfx_a2 is always reset to 1 on each gfx frame
- # ReaScript: improve behavior of terminating all reascripts with IDEs open, etc
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.97+dev0223a (23.02.2019):
- + ARA: properly account for timing offset in certain situations [t=217606]
- + ReaTune: fix take FX manual mode inconsistencies with global project offset
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.97+dev0223 (23.02.2019):
- + ReaScript: prevent crash when scripts terminating other scripts [p=2090998]
- + ReaTune: fix per-take FX timing [t=217577]
- # Envelopes: restore correct behavior of action to insert new point at current position
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.97 (21.02.2019):
- + ARA: support for ARA2-compatible plugins
- + ARA: support for importing notes and tempo from plugins into project, or exporting as MIDI
- + Actions: allow removing FX chain actions
- + Automation: handle empty automation items more gracefully [t=217307]
- + Automation: fix crash when duplicating empty automation items via region copy [t=212401]
- + Control surfaces: add action to reset MIDI control surface devices
- + Control surfaces: actions for next/previous track update control surface offsets [t=184004]
- + Joysticks: fix joystick support [p=2081611]
- + Linux: do not show (unused) video output colorspace options
- + Linux: fix crossfade window glitches [p=2083685]
- + Linux: fix project bay menu issues [p=2083685]
- + MIDI editor: allow resizing right edges of notes down to note insert size if lower than grid size
- + MIDI editor: fix possible crash when editing notation
- + MIDI editor: obey note insertion length when in measure-grid mode [p=2072523]
- + MIDI editor: event filter fixes and tweaks [p=2089513]
- + OSC: fix support for s/track/x/name setting
- + OSC: fix unreliable setting of marker/region information by timeline-index
- + OSC: support modifying/creating markers/regions by ID, using /region_id/@/time and /marker_id/@/time etc
- + OSC: support writing marker/region values
- + Performance meter: auto-resize text areas to configured view options
- + Performance meter: optionally display video load
- + Project bay: add position column for source media and media items
- + Project bay: allow dragging complete (not trimmed) media into the media items tab
- + Projects: add actions to save copy of project (optionally prompting for new filename)
- + ReaComp: add pre-fader feedback detector mode
- + ReaComp: deprecated non-fully-functional AA support, hidden when not used
- + ReaComp: improve ratio/attack/rms slider curves and display precision
- + ReaScript: fix MIDIEditor_GetSetting_int [t=212449]
- + ReaScript: EEL2 scripts support //@gmem=sharedMemorySegmentName starting line in first 100 lines of code (also shares with JSFX)
- + ReaScript: add reaper.gmem_attach()/gmem_read()/gmem_write() to Lua for interacting with JSFX/Video Processors/EEL2 ReaScripts gmem[] segments
- + ReaScript: support UTF-8 characters in os.remove()/os.rename() on Windows
- + ReaScript/JSFX: add gfx.a2/gfx_a2 for creating transparent images
- + Stretch markers: add new "transient-optimized" and "no pre-echo reduction" stretch marker modes
- + Stretch markers: add project setting for stretch marker mode
- + Stretch markers: improve timing of timestretch ramps with elastique and Rubberband Library[t=204269]
- + Track FX drag: update mouse cursor when changing modifiers
- + Tempo map: fix importing initial time signature from MIDI tempo map
- + Theme: fix retina vs HiDPI inconcistency relating to label margins
- + VST: do not deactivate VST3 plugins before changing IO buffer information
- + VST: flush VST3 buffers on stop without resetting other plugin state
- + VST: inform plugins of project loop selection regardless of playback state
- + VST: report loop points to plugins even if project repeat is disabled
- + VST: restore pre-5.9x reset-on-stop default behavior for ET-200, FA3, Vienna Ensemble
- + Video: sort and reorganize preset names into categories
- + Video: add new presets including Color Peeker, Decorative Oscilliscope, Decorative Spectrum Analyzer, RGB Histogram, Resize to Project Settings, Screensaver, Frame Rate Decimator, RGB Shadow/Midtone/Highlight, Apply Track FX Only Where Track Has Video Items [p=2073314], Vertical Wipe
- + Video: improve various built-in presets
- + Video: improve Chroma-key presets, add separate RGB/YUV versions
- + Video: add JSFX video sample peeker which can provide audio samples to Decorative Oscilliscope/Decorative Spectrum Analyzer presets
- + Video: add experimental performance tweaks and information to video window menu
- + Video: add experimental decoder prefetch support (improved multiprocessing, improved reverse video playback performance when enabled)
- + Video: add option to show green frames for underruns, rather than previous frame
- + Video: add option to disable rendering cache for all media/video FX (can be used for low latency interactions)
- + Video: avoid re-rendering video frames when tweaking parameters during playback
- + Video: better preview behavior when slip editing items
- + Video: improve monitoring FX performance during underruns/seeking, playback recovery after CPU overutilization during normal playback
- + Video: improve preview behavior when scrubbing backwards continuously
- + Video: always force rendered videos to be even in dimension
- + Video: do not process any video when rendering audio-only
- + Video: do not run video processors in monitoring FX chain while rendering
- + Video: increase maximum parameter count to 24
- + Video: parameters can now be specified without indices for convenience
- + Video: add processor support for gfx_a2, which can be used to control RGBA alpha-channel writing
- + Video: add processor functions: gfx_getpixel(), input_get_name(), on_parameter_change(), time_precise(), ui_get_state(), fft()
- + Video: improve gfx_evalrect() (can take flags to process right-to-left, vertical, third source for 3-way blends, initialization code, returns -1 on error, add restrictions to processor code)
- + Video: improve input_info() to not clear project_w/project_h if they are passed as parameters and input is not present
- + Video: support //@gmem=sharedMemorySegmentName (also shares with JSFX`s options:gmem=)
- + Video: fix RGBA chromakeyed blit [t=213118]
- + Video: improve internal colorspace management logic (reduction of excess colorspace conversions)
- + Video: improve knob behavior relating to mousewheel, step sizes, and undo/redo
- + Video: fix VLC decoding to RGB [t=215295]
- + Video: fix ffmpeg hang when seeking some old miniDV .avi files
- + Video: improve VLC/ffmpeg decoding behavior near end of file [p=2069421]
- + Video: improve DirectShow output performance
- + Video: fix refresh issues with linux or Windows/BitBlt() output
- + Video: optionally send CC events on video window mouse drag (once option enabled, right click in MIDI learn window to assign)
- + Video: output colorspace preference no longer affects processor rendering pipeline, only final display stage
- + Virtual MIDI keyboard: do not adjust center position in response to UI sizing [t=209001]
- + WALTER: fix HiDPI extended mixer mode setting [p=2075538]
- + macOS: switch to newer development toolchain for release (improves video playback on large monitors and fixes AUv3 issues on 10.14)
- + macOS: removed PPC bridging support
- + macOS: workaround for NSWorkspace race condition when launching external editors after open-copy [t=214818]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.97pre2 (18.02.2019):
- + API: prevent scripts/extensions from calling SetObjectState on tracks or media items that have existing ARA FX
- + Automation items: handle empty automation items more gracefully [t=217307]
- + ReaComp: add pre-fader feedback detector mode
- # ARA: disable track freeze [p=2096279]
- # ARA: handle project path changes
- # MIDI editor: toggle state for set length for next inserted note: grid
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.97pre1 (15.02.2019):
- + ReaComp: deprecated non-fully-functional AA support, hidden when not used
- + ReaComp: improve ratio/attack/rms slider curves and display precision
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.966pre5 (13.02.2019):
- ARA: improve behavior of progress indicator (do not show window if appears for short amounts of time)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.966pre4 (11.02.2019):
- # ARA: allow non-constant tempo adjustments
- # ARA: only adjust media item length after user tempo map confirmation if the timebase is set to beats (not time)
- # ARA: optimize project saving when state is clean
- # ARA: permit negative project measure offset
- # Video: fix odd-height decoding for ffmpeg/vlc3/AVFoundation [t=216634]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.966pre3 (07.02.2019):
- # ARA: display progress of ARA analysis and save/load
- # ARA: respect per-FX preference to save minimal undo states
- + MIDI: further tweaks to event filter [p=2089513]
- # ARA: account for project start time offset
- # ARA: improve undo behavior when using UNDO_STATE_ALL
- # Mixer: don`t auto-scroll when editing master track
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.966pre2 (31.01.2019):
- + Actions list: allow removing FX chain actions
- # MIDI: fix event position/length filter [p=2087673]
- # Video: fix possible crash when using uncached video and editing video item edges
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.966pre1 (23.01.2019):
- + API: fixed MIDIEditor_GetSetting_int [t=212449]
- + ARA: associate audio modifications with underlying source audio rather than individual takes (note, old projects will not load properly)
- + ARA: fix rendering short fades with large buffer sizes
- + ARA: if one instance of an ARA FX UI is already open, focus that UI when inserting a new instance of the same type of FX
- + ARA: load copied tracks even if the ARA plugin context is no longer available [p=2022675]
- + ARA: mirror edits in looped media
- + ARA: support for ARA2-compatible plugins (note: there are no publicly available ARA2-compatible plugins)
- + ARA: update edits to muted items and inactive takes when loading project
- + Automation: fix crash when duplicating empty automation items via region copy [t=212401]
- + Control Surfaces: add action to reset MIDI control surface devices
- + Control surfaces: actions for next/previous track update control surface offsets [t=184004]
- + Elastique: improve timing of timestretch ramps [t=204269]
- + JSFX: add gfx_a2 support
- + Joysticks: fix joystick support [p=2081611]
- + Linux: do not show (unused) video output colorspace options
- + Linux: fix crossfade window glitches [p=2083685]
- + Linux: fix project bay menu issues [p=2083685]
- + MIDI editor: allow resizing right edges of notes down to note insert size if lower than grid size
- + MIDI editor: fix possible access-after-free when editing notation
- + MIDI editor: obey note insertion length when in measure-grid mode [p=2072523]
- + OSC: fix support for s/track/x/name setting
- + OSC: fix unreliable setting of marker/region information by timeline-index
- + OSC: support modifying/creating markers/regions by ID, using /region_id/@/time and /marker_id/@/time etc
- + OSC: support writing marker/region values
- + Performance meter: auto-resize text areas to configured view options
- + Performance meter: optionally display video load
- + Project Bay: add position column for source media and media items
- + Project bay: allow dragging complete (not trimmed) media into the media items tab
- + Projects: add save copy of project and save copy of project as actions
- + ReaScript: EEL2 scripts support //@gmem=sharedMemorySegmentName starting line in first 100 lines of code (also shares with JSFX)
- + ReaScript: add gfx.a2/gfx_a2 for creating transparent images
- + ReaScript: add reaper.gmem_attach()/gmem_read()/gmem_write() to Lua for interacting with JSFX/Video Processors/EEL2 ReaScripts gmem[] segments
- + ReaScript: support UTF-8 os.remove()/os.rename() on Windows
- + Rubberband: improve timing of timestretch ramps [t=204269]
- + Stretch markers: add new "transient-optimized" and "no pre-echo reduction" stretch marker modes
- + Stretch markers: add project setting for stretch marker mode
- + TCP/MCP FX drag: update mouse cursor when changing modifiers
- + Theme: fix retina/hidpi inconcistency relating to label margins
- + VST: report loop points to plugins even if project repeat is disabled
- + Video: add Color Peeker preset
- + Video: add Decorative Spectrum Analyzer
- + Video: add RGB Histogram preset
- + Video: add Resize to project settings preset
- + Video: add Screensaver preset for use in monitoring FX
- + Video: add experimental adaptive framerate option
- + Video: add experimental option to aggressively update video when updating the arrange view
- + Video: add frame rate decimator preset
- + Video: add gfx_a2, which can be used to control RGBA alpha-channel writing
- + Video: add gfx_getpixel()
- + Video: add input_get_name() to get input take/track name
- + Video: add on_parameter_change()
- + Video: add performance tweaks and information to video window menu
- + Video: add preset `Apply track FX only where track has video items` [p=2073314]
- + Video: add shadow/midtone/highlight RGB adjustment preset
- + Video: add time_precise()
- + Video: add ui_get_state() function
- + Video: add vertical wipe
- + Video: added preset for Decorative Oscilloscope with Blitter (requires included JSFX video_sample_peeker)
- + Video: always force rendered videos to be even in dimension
- + Video: avoid re-rendering video frames when tweaking parameters during playback
- + Video: better preview behavior when slip editing items
- + Video: do not process any video when rendering audio-only
- + Video: do not run video processors in monitoring FX chain while rendering
- + Video: do not show empty processor parameter slots in envelope list
- + Video: experimental decoder prefetch support
- + Video: fix RGBA chromakeyed blit [t=213118]
- + Video: fix VLC decoding to RGB [t=215295]
- + Video: fix ffmpeg hang when seeking some old miniDV .avi files
- + Video: fix issues with videos whose dimensions are multiples of 2 but not 4
- + Video: fix refresh issues with linux or Windows/BitBlt() output
- + Video: gfx_evalrect() can take flags to process right-to-left, vertical
- + Video: gfx_evalrect() extended to take a third source for single-pass 3-way blends
- + Video: gfx_evalrect() improvements (can execute initialization code in context, does not hook r/g/b/a variables unless in RGBA mode, etc
- + Video: gfx_evalrect() returns -1 if failed compiling code
- + Video: improve Chroma-key presets, add separate RGB/YUV versions
- + Video: improve VLC decoding behavior near end of file [p=2069421]
- + Video: improve directshow output performance
- + Video: improve ffmpeg decoding near end of file [p=2069421]
- + Video: improve knob behavior with various step sizes
- + Video: improve monitoring FX performance during underruns/seeking
- + Video: improve playback recovery after CPU overutilization during normal playback
- + Video: improve preview behavior when scrubbing backwards continuously
- + Video: improve various presets, remove outdated presets
- + Video: increase maximum parameter count to 24
- + Video: input_info() will not clear project_w/project_h if they are passed as parameters and input is not present
- + Video: knobs respond to mousewheel
- + Video: option to show green frames for underruns, rather than previous frame
- + Video: optionally disable rendering cache for all media/video FX (can be used for low latency interactions)
- + Video: optionally send CC events on video window mouse drag (once option enabled, right click in MIDI learn window to assign)
- + Video: output colorspace preference no longer affects rendering pipeline, just display stage
- + Video: output mode configuration cleanups/improvements
- + Video: parameters can now be specified without indices for convenience
- + Video: reduce CPU use of video thread when sources active but otherwise idle
- + Video: reduce compilation overhead for gfx_evalrect()
- + Video: refresh processor knobs on undo/redo
- + Video: restrict code that gfx_evalrect() can execute (no gfx_*, no user functions)
- + Video: reverse video pre-fetch support, greatly improves reverse video playback when pre-fetch enabled
- + Video: show black rather than green frames when last video processor refuses to render output
- + Video: sort/rename presets and give categories
- + Video: support //@gmem=sharedMemorySegmentName (also shares with JSFX`s options:gmem=)
- + Video: support fft() etc
- + Video: update Blur presets to use new gfx_evalrect() capabilities
- + Video: updated colorspace management logic
- + Video: vastly improve stopped/scrubbing video cache behavior
- + Virtual MIDI keyboard: do not adjust center position in response to UI sizing [t=209001]
- + WALTER: fix hidpi extended mixer mode setting [p=2075538]
- + macOS: switch to newer development toolchain for release (improves video playback on large monitors and fixes AUv3 issues on 10.14)
- + macOS: workaround for NSWorkspace race condition when launching external editors after open-copy [t=214818]
- # ARA: add support for custom track and item colors (for SynchroArts)
- # ARA: analyze active takes only
- # ARA: communicate REAPER project measure offset to ARA
- # ARA: disable debug messages
- # ARA: display "Track N" if the track is not named
- # ARA: do not adjust imported or recorded audio tempo without user intervention
- # ARA: enable REAPER undo management for ARA plugins
- # ARA: export media item and track names and colors (for Steinberg SpectraLayers)
- # ARA: fix keyboard passthrough to Melodyne
- # ARA: float the correct FX when ARA plugins are inserted after existing plugins and automatically moved to the start of the FX chain [p=2003812]
- # ARA: float the correct inserted FX when using a keyboard shortcut to add ARA FX [p=2005328]
- # ARA: more efficient handling when adding or removing media from a track
- # ARA: omit ARA plugin state from REAPER undo (Melodyne has its own undo system)
- # ARA: properly track which take is selected
- # ARA: report project time selection to plug-ins
- # ARA: restore pre9 and earlier behavior: ARA edits are not pooled when copying media items
- # ARA: when loading projects saved with incompatible ARA handling, show an informative error message
- # DirectShow output: restore asynchronous output behavior
- # Linux: fix localization of main menu [p=2066516]
- # Melodyne: improve keyboard command pass-through to plugin
- # Render wildcards: put some wildcards in submenu, make help text and menu order consistent
- # Save project copy displays MessageBox after saving
- # Save project copy does not save undo history for new copy
- # TCP/MCP: fix ctrl+clicking panels on Windows [p=2080820]
- # Video: CC-sending from video window also sends CCs for mousewheel
- # Video: DirectShow output fix, hopefully
- # Video: Invert colors preset can optionally preserve alpha channel
- # Video: add RGB decompose preset
- # Video: align image rows for improved performance in certain instances (may require a lot of testing)
- # Video: allow user-defined functions to be called from gfx_evalrect() etc
- # Video: another possible DirectShow performance fix
- # Video: better passthrough video processor support (fixes green frames, allows processors to fully disengage and passthrough)
- # Video: blur presets add force RGB parameter
- # Video: change video frame underrun display logic to show nearest frame, option to show underruns as green frames only affects playback
- # Video: color peeker preset wont hold image when not in mouse context, optimizations
- # Video: fix RGBA vertical gfx_evalrect()
- # Video: fix YUY2 deltablit/xformblit clipping errors
- # Video: fix a bug in the peephole/vignette preset
- # Video: fix crash with reverse take and prefetch
- # Video: fix ffmpeg loading on win32
- # Video: fix multiprocessing issue with monitoring FX
- # Video: fix peephole/vignette rounding errors in transition mode
- # Video: fix/improve image overlay preset
- # Video: gfx_evalrect() can analyze inputs directly without having to blit() when using flag|2
- # Video: improve RGB shadow/midtone/highlight preset
- # Video: improve Track opacity/zoom/pan to be RGBA alpha-aware
- # Video: improve ffmpeg reading EOF handling
- # Video: improve histogram preset
- # Video: improve horizontal wipe to allow divider, fade
- # Video: improve image overlay preset
- # Video: improve pre-fetch latency
- # Video: improve scrub/jog forward behavior
- # Video: improve stepped parameter envelope handling
- # Video: improve text overlay preset
- # Video: improve video processor multiprocessing thread priority
- # Video: increase video processor multiprocessing max to 4 threads (may or may not be worthwhile)
- # Video: input_next_item(-1) returns first item on current track
- # Video: internal cleanups (should have no effect)
- # Video: oscilloscope goniometer center-fix for non-square output
- # Video: panoramic panner mouse viewing mode (only usable as monitoring FX or if in low-latency video mode)
- # Video: remove adaptive frame-rate reduction setting
- # Video: show peak recent video frame rendering time in addition to average (load)
- # Video: ui_get_state() also returns mousewheel state
- # Video: ui_get_state() returns video window context when outside of window and mouse dragging
- # Video: update presets for colorspace overhaul
- # Video: video processor help overhaul
- # WALTER: better knob mode behavior when using UI scaling
- # video: spectrum analyzer optional log scale/sampling improvements
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.965+dev0119 (19.01.2019):
- + Joysticks: fix joystick support [p=2081611]
- + Linux: fix crossfade window glitches [p=2083685]
- + Linux: fix project bay menu issues [p=2083685]
- + Project Bay: add position column for source media and media items
- # ARA: export media item and track names and colors (for Steinberg SpectraLayers)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.965+dev0116 (16.01.2019):
- + Theme: fix retina/hidpi inconcistency relating to label margins
- + VST: report loop points to plugins even if project repeat is disabled
- # ARA: report project time selection to plug-ins
- # Automation items: avoid occasional click at automation item start
- # WALTER: layout_dpi_translate implemented for transport
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.965+dev0115 (15.01.2019):
- + WALTER: add additional 8 font slots
- # Envelopes: fix envelope jump when splitting take envelopes [p=2082089]
- # Theme: Default 5.0 adds _norec images
- # WALTER: add support for rtconfig layout_dpi_translate `source layout` dpi_scale `destination layout`, to be implemented
- # WALTER: better knob mode behavior when using UI scaling
- # WALTER: layout_dpi_translate implemented for mcp/master.mcp
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.965+dev0112a (12.01.2019):
- # Envelopes: fix point editing, broken in 5.965+dev0112
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.965+dev0112 (12.01.2019):
- + Envelopes: prevent rendering curved segments as discrete points
- + OSC: fix unreliable setting of marker/region information by timeline-index
- + ReaScript: support UTF-8 os.remove()/os.rename() on Windows
- + Themes: add [track|mcp]_recarm_[auto_]norec images
- # TCP/MCP: fix ctrl+clicking panels on Windows [p=2080820]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.965+dev0110 (10.01.2019):
- + API: fixed MIDIEditor_GetSetting_int [t=212449]
- + Control Surfaces: add action to reset MIDI control surface devices
- + macOS: switch to newer development toolchain for release (improves video playback on large monitors and fixes AUv3 issues on 10.14)
- # Linux: fix armv7l/aarch64 JSFX/rescript issues
- # Linux: fix localization of main menu [p=2066516]
- # Remove old stale cc14 branch (will revisit NPRN later)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.965+dev0105 (05.01.2019):
- + Control surfaces: actions for next/previous track update control surface offsets [t=184004]
- + Virtual MIDI keyboard: do not adjust center position in response to UI sizing [t=209001]
- # Video: improve image overlay preset
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.965+dev1231 (31.12.2018):
- + Automation items: add customizable per-item transition time
- + JSFX: add gfx_a2 support
- + MIDI editor: fix possible access-after-free when editing notation
- + ReaScript: add gfx.a2/gfx_a2 for creating transparent images
- + TCP/MCP FX drag: update mouse cursor when changing modifiers
- + Video: fix VLC decoding to RGB [t=215295]
- + WALTER: fix hidpi extended mixer mode setting [p=2075538]
- # Automation items: fix transition at edges of overlapping automation items
- # Render wildcards: put some wildcards in submenu, make help text and menu order consistent
- # Save project copy displays MessageBox after saving
- # Save project copy does not save undo history for new copy
- # Video: improve text overlay preset
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.965+dev1221 (21.12.2018):
- + Automation: fix crash when duplicating empty automation items via region copy [t=212401]
- + Projects: add save copy of project and save copy of project as actions
- + Video: add gfx_a2, which can be used to control RGBA alpha-channel writing
- + Video: add preset `Apply track FX only where track has video items` [p=2073314]
- # Video: CC-sending from video window also sends CCs for mousewheel
- # Video: Invert colors preset can optionally preserve alpha channel
- # Video: add RGB decompose preset
- # Video: fix/improve image overlay preset
- # Video: improve Track opacity/zoom/pan to be RGBA alpha-aware
- # Video: input_next_item(-1) returns first item on current track
- # Video: ui_get_state() also returns mousewheel state
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.965+dev1220 (20.12.2018):
- + MIDI editor: allow resizing right edges of notes down to note insert size if lower than grid size
- + MIDI editor: obey note insertion length when in measure-grid mode [p=2072523]
- + OSC: support modifying/creating markers/regions by ID, using /region_id/@/time and /marker_id/@/time etc
- + OSC: support writing marker/region values
- + macOS: workaround for NSWorkspace race condition when launching external editors after open-copy [t=214818]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.965 (19.12.2018):
- Changes since 5.964 (recalled):
- + MIDI editor: fix synchronization of grid with arrange for "Measure" setting [t=214947]
- + MP3 encoder: add option to prevent joint stereo from being used
- + MP3 encoder: add option to include ReplayGain tag
- + ReaScript: GetSetProjectGrid() can be used to set/get measure mode
- - Fix render queue options issue [p=2071567]
- + Arrange: improve vertical scroll behavior on undo, showing/hiding envelopes en masse
- + Audio Units: do not show parameters that are not automatable
- + Audio Units: AU v3 support
- + Audio Units: track parameter IDs across sessions for envelopes/track controls/etc
- + Automation: do not apply envelope trim value to new envelopes when envelopes are bypassed outside of automation items
- + Automation: prevent alt+drag and certain undos from leaving stale envelope panels open [t=192424]
- + Automation: always reset automation-item related options when loading old (pre-automation item) projects
- + Automation: fix undo state point adding for actions that show/hide all envelopes
- + Batch converter: improve updating of output filenames when changing output configuration
- + Comps: include item mute state in addition to active take
- + FX: improve performance of ReaPlugs on x86_64
- + Grid: fix drawing glitches while continuous scrolling
- + JSFX: improve spectrograph/spectrogram preset log scaling
- + JSFX: avoid sometimes setting the `srate` variable to 0 when plug-in is bypassed [t=214716]
- + JSFX: fix gfx_drawstr() bug with centered mode and bitmapped font [t=214765]
- + JSFX: improve compilation speed of JSFX (2x-10x speedup observed for larger FX)
- + JSFX: improve denormal prevention (for ReEQ and others)
- + JSFX: optimize UI performance for scripts with many regular UI elements visible
- + JSFX: reduce per-instance processing overhead
- + JSFX: use FTZ mode on armv7l
- + Linux: fix excessive video window updates when video stopped
- + MIDI Learn: optionally only respond to learn while effect configuration is visible
- + MIDI Editor: fix ruler theme font issues
- + MIDI Editor: select-all only selects notes within the editable part of a trimmed media item
- + MIDI Editor: fix event position filter [t=213126]
- + MP3 decoder: show source file channel mode in source properties
- + MP3 encoder: fix gain issue (encoder was incorrectly attenuating signal by 0.0002dB)
- + MP3 encoder: make encoder quality settings consistent with those of command line lame_enc
- + MP3 encoder: add option to prevent joint stereo from being used
- + MP3 encoder: add option to include ReplayGain tag
- + MusicXML: support import of non-ASCII filenames
- + Performance meter: reset RT underrun count/etc when resetting graph via action
- + Preferences: do not search for hidden items on macOS/Linux
- + Preferences: do not show option for `show last undo in menubar` on macOS [t=214178]
- + Project bay: fix take-selection issues when removing source media from project
- + ReaEQ: update band controls for screen readers [t=213889]
- + ReaScript: IDE add duplicate selected text or current line via Ctrl+D/Cmd+D
- + ReaScript: fix GetSetMediaTrackInfo() for some values on tracks in inactive projects
- + ReaScript: fix gfx_drawstr()/gfx.drawstr() bug with centered mode and bitmapped font [t=214765]
- + ReaScript: improve compilation speed of large EEL scripts
- + ReaScript: optimize calling of extension-defined functions
- + ReaScript: remove limit on size of data returned by GetTrackMIDILyrics()
- + ReaScript: support larger string sizes for extension-defined functions
- + Recording: respect "tape mode" recording option when auto-punch selected items record mode is enabled
- + Render: auto-saved RPP files when processing render queue rather than when adding to render queue
- + Render: add $bitdepth wildcard
- + Render: allow resizing file overwrite warning window
- + Render: do not auto-save project when using the `Save and close` button
- + Render: do not prompt for overwrite/missing regions when using `Save and close` button [p=2059839]
- + Render: support up to 10,000 alternate filenames
- + Render: render wildcards can have character substitions (see built-in help)
- + Takes: improve behavior of next/previous take actions with multiple items selected
- + Takes: improve display vs selection of empty takes
- + Theme: fix redraw of various windows on theme changes
- + Theme: add filter field to theme tweaker to allow searching elements
- + Timecode synchronization: options to re-sync to timecode while recording
- + VST: knob mode changing support for VST3 [t=209071]
- + Video: add Gaussian Blur
- + Video: fix ffmpeg encoder leak
- + Video: fix switching between different display renderers on Windows (DirectShow/generic output)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.964+dev1216 (16.12.2018):
- + VST: knob mode changing support for VST3 [t=209071]
- # DirectShow output: restore asynchronous output behavior
- # Video: fix ffmpeg loading on win32
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.964 rc1 (15.12.2018):
- + Comps: include item mute state in take comps
- + FX: improve performance of ReaPlugs on macOS (all architectures), Linux x86_64, possibly other platforms
- + JS: improve log scaling on spectrograph/spectrogram preset
- + JSFX: avoid sometimes setting the `srate` variable to 0 when plug-in is bypassed [t=214716]
- + JSFX: fix gfx_drawstr() bug with centered mode and bitmapped font [t=214765]
- + JSFX: optimized UI performance for scripts with many UI elements visible
- + JSFX: reduce some samplerate-dependent processing overhead per instance
- + JSFX: use FTZ mode on armv7l linux
- + MIDI Learn: optionally only respond to learn while effect configuration is visible
- + MIDI: fix event position filter [t=213126]
- + Project bay: fix take-selection issues when removing source media from project
- + Projects: always reset automation-item related options when loading old (pre-automation item) projects
- + ReaScript: fix gfx_drawstr()/gfx.drawstr() bug with centered mode and bitmapped font [t=214765]
- + ReaScript: optimize calling of extension-defined functions
- + ReaScript: remove limit on size of data returned by GetTrackMIDILyrics()
- + ReaScript: support NeedBig/NeedXXX suffixes for extension-defined function char* API parameters (via realloc_cmd_ptr() extension API function for NeedBig)
- + Takes: improve behavior of next/previous take actions with multiple items selected
- + Takes: overhauled display vs selection of empty takes
- # API: fix implied Lua buffer passing for API-added functions
- # API: realloc_cmd_ptr() can resize buffers down
- # FX: improve performance for reaplugs on armv7l
- # ReaScript: optimized calling of NeedBig APIs
- # ReaScript: plug-in added API functions that use realloc_cmd_ptr/NeedBig can return binary-safe data (resized size is used)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.964+dev1214 (14.12.2018):
- + MIDI Learn: optionally only respond to learn while effect configuration is visible
- + Video: add on_parameter_change()
- + Video: optionally disable rendering cache for all media/video FX (can be used for low latency interactions)
- + Video: optionally send CC events on video window mouse drag (once option enabled, right click in MIDI learn window to assign)
- + Video: parameters can now be specified without indices for convenience
- # Video: another possible DirectShow performance fix
- # Video: color peeker preset wont hold image when not in mouse context, optimizations
- # Video: panoramic panner mouse viewing mode (only usable as monitoring FX or if in low-latency video mode)
- # Video: ui_get_state() returns video window context when outside of window and mouse dragging
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.964+dev1212 (12.12.2018):
- + Video: improve VLC decoding behavior near end of file [p=2069421]
- + Video: improve ffmpeg decoding near end of file [p=2069421]
- # Video: DirectShow output fix, hopefully
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.964+dev1211 (11.12.2018):
- + Automation items: make optional chasing non-FX envelopes to automation items when underlying envelope is bypassed
- + JS: improve log scaling on spectrograph/spectrogram preset
- # Video: better passthrough video processor support (fixes green frames, allows processors to fully disengage and passthrough)
- # Video: improve pre-fetch latency
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.964 pre3 (10.12.2018):
- + Automation: do not apply envelope trim value to new envelopes when bypassing envelopes outside of automation items
- # Render: fix string replacement when auto-capitalization is used in wildcards
- # Render: wildcard character replacement UTF-8 support
- # Video: fix VLC 2.x colorspace conversion issue
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.963+dev1208 (08.12.2018):
- + Video: improve directshow output performance
- # Render: fix string replacement when auto-capitalization is used in wildcards
- # Render: wildcard character replacement UTF-8 support
- # Video: align image rows for improved performance in certain instances (may require a lot of testing)
- # Video: fix VLC 2.x colorspace conversion issue
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.963+dev1205 (05.12.2018):
- + Video: always force rendered videos to be even in dimension
- + Video: knobs respond to mousewheel
- + Video: output mode configuration cleanups/improvements
- + Video: updated colorspace management logic
- # Video: blur presets add force RGB parameter
- # Video: fix YUY2 deltablit/xformblit clipping errors
- # Video: gfx_evalrect() can analyze inputs directly without having to blit() when using flag|2
- # Video: improve RGB shadow/midtone/highlight preset
- # Video: improve ffmpeg reading EOF handling
- # Video: improve histogram preset
- # Video: improve stepped parameter envelope handling
- # Video: update presets for colorspace overhaul
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.963+dev1203 (03.12.2018):
- + Linux: do not show (unused) video output colorspace options
- + MIDI editor: fix ruler font changing on theme change
- + MusicXML: support import of non-ASCII filenames
- + Video: add RGB Histogram preset
- + Video: add Resize to project settings preset
- + Video: add shadow/midtone/highlight RGB adjustment preset
- + Video: do not process any video when rendering audio-only
- + Video: fix ffmpeg hang when seeking some old miniDV .avi files
- + Video: fix issues with videos whose dimensions are multiples of 2 but not 4
- + Video: fix refresh issues with linux or Windows/BitBlt() output
- + Video: improve knob behavior with various step sizes
- + Video: improve various presets, remove outdated presets
- + Video: increase maximum parameter count to 24
- + Video: input_info() will not clear project_w/project_h if they are passed as parameters and input is not present
- + Video: output colorspace preference no longer affects rendering pipeline, just display stage
- + Video: show black rather than green frames when last video processor refuses to render output
- # Video: fix multiprocessing issue with monitoring FX
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.963+dev1130 (30.11.2018):
- + Preferences: do not search for hidden items on macOS/Linux
- + Preferences: do not show option for `show last undo in menubar` on macOS [t=214178]
- + Recording: respect "tape mode" recording option when auto-punch selected items record mode is enabled
- # Video: fix RGBA vertical gfx_evalrect()
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.963+dev1129 (29.11.2018):
- + Batch converter: improve updating of output filenames when changing output configuration
- + Render: add $bitdepth wildcard
- + Video: gfx_evalrect() can take flags to process right-to-left, vertical
- + Video: gfx_evalrect() extended to take a third source for single-pass 3-way blends
- + Video: update Blur presets to use new gfx_evalrect() capabilities
- # Theme tweaker: add filter label
- # Video: fix peephole/vignette rounding errors in transition mode
- # Video: internal cleanups (should have no effect)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.963+dev1128 (28.11.2018):
- + Render: wildcards can have character substitions
- + Theme tweaker: add filter field to allow searching elements
- + Video: fix RGBA chromakeyed blit [t=213118]
- + Video: improve Chroma-key presets, add separate RGB/YUV versions
- # Video: change video frame underrun display logic to show nearest frame, option to show underruns as green frames only affects playback
- # Video: improve scrub/jog forward behavior
- # Video: remove adaptive frame-rate reduction setting
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.963+dev1127 (27.11.2018):
- + Video: do not run video processors in monitoring FX chain while rendering
- + Video: improve preview behavior when scrubbing backwards continuously
- + Video: vastly improve stopped/scrubbing video cache behavior
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.963+dev1126 (26.11.2018):
- + Colortheme: add color config for CC lane add/remove buttons
- + Colortheme: add theme items for MIDI editor CC horizontal lines
- + Colortheme: improve contrast color picking
- + Grid: fix drawing glitches when continuous scrolling
- + Video: add Gaussian Blur
- + Video: add vertical wipe
- + Video: better preview behavior when slip editing items
- + Video: do not show empty processor parameter slots in envelope list
- + Video: improve blur preset
- + Video: improve vignette preset
- + Video: refresh processor knobs on undo/redo
- # Colortheme: fix grid line blend mode loading/saving
- # Video: improve horizontal wipe to allow divider, fade
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.963+dev1125 (25.11.2018):
- + Colortheme: add color blend/alpha for grid lines, MIDI editor grid lines
- + Colortheme: add color configuration item for MIDI piano pane background
- + Envelopes: prevent alt+drag and certain undos from leaving stale envelope panels open [t=192424]
- + ReaEQ: fix update of band controls for screen readers [t=213889]
- + Video: add experimental option to aggressively update video when updating the arrange view
- # Video: show peak recent video frame rendering time in addition to average (load)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.963+dev1124 (24.11.2018):
- + Performance meter: reset RT underrun count/etc when resetting graph via action
- + Video: improve monitoring FX performance during underruns/seeking
- + Video: option to show green frames for underruns, rather than previous frame
- + Video: reverse video pre-fetch support, greatly improves reverse video playback when pre-fetch enabled
- # Video: fix crash with reverse take and prefetch
- # Video: improve video processor multiprocessing thread priority
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.963 (23.11.2018):
- + VST: fix misreported output latency [t=212314]
- + VST3: fix potential crash with plug-ins that support IContextInfoHandler/IContextInfoHandler (e.g. VocAlign) [t=213747]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.962+dev1121 (21.11.2018):
- + Video: add frame rate decimator preset
- # API: fix implied Lua buffer passing for API-added functions
- # API: realloc_cmd_ptr() can resize buffers down
- # MIDI editor: fix select all in secondary contexts [p=2060079]
- # Video: video processor help overhaul
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.962+dev1120 (20.11.2018):
- + Audio Units: do not show parameters that are not automatable
- + ReaScript: remove limit on size of data returned by GetTrackMIDILyrics()
- + Render queue: auto-saved RPP files when processing render queue, not when adding to render queue
- + Render: do not auto-save project when using the `Save and close` button
- + Render: do not prompt for overwrite/missing regions when using `Save and close` button [p=2059839]
- + Render: support up to 10,000 alternate filenames
- # ReaScript: optimized calling of NeedBig APIs
- # ReaScript: plug-in added API functions that use realloc_cmd_ptr/NeedBig can return binary-safe data (resized size is used)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.962+dev1119 (19.11.2018):
- + Audio Units: obey parameter flags for readable/writeable
- + Audio Units: preliminary AU v3 support
- + Audio Units: track parameter IDs across sessions for envelopes/track controls/etc
- + JSFX: improved denormal prevention (for ReEQ and others)
- + JSFX: use FTZ mode on armv7l linux
- + MIDI editor: select-all only selects notes within the editable part of a trimmed media item
- + MIDI: fix event position filter [t=213126]
- + Render: allow resizing file overwrite warning window
- + VST: fix misreported output latency [t=212314]
- # FX: improve performance for reaplugs on armv7l
- # Theme loading: fix update of empty area below TCP on windows
- # Theme loading: update icons in icon picker
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.962+dev1118 (18.11.2018):
- + JSFX: optimized UI performance for scripts with many UI elements visible
- + JSFX: reduce some samplerate-dependent processing overhead per instance
- + ReaScript: IDE add duplicate selected text or current line via Ctrl+D/Cmd+D
- + Theme changing: simplified redraw of various windows on theme changes
- + Themes: update action window, FX browser on theme change
- # JSFX: more compilation speedups (for ReEQ specifically)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.962+dev1117 (17.11.2018):
- + FX: improve performance of ReaPlugs on macOS (all architectures), Linux x86_64, possibly other platforms
- + JSFX: improve compilation speed of JSFX (2x-10x speedup observed for larger FX)
- + Performance meter: auto-resize text areas to configured view options
- + Performance meter: optionally display video load
- + ReaScript: improve compilation speed of large EEL scripts
- + Transport: auto-arrange rate label/field if less than 2:1 aspect ratio
- + Video: add experimental adaptive framerate option
- + Video: add performance tweaks and information to video window menu
- + Video: avoid re-rendering video frames when tweaking parameters during playback
- + Video: improve playback recovery after CPU overutilization during normal playback
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.961+dev1112 (12.11.2018):
- + Linux: fix JSFX/ReaScript EEL bug on armv7l
- + MIDI editor: better pasting of time-selection-copied notes
- + MIDI editor: time selection copy better handles notes that begin after selection start [p=2055757]
- + OSC: add /loop/start/time and /loop/end/time messages
- + Project settings: fix writing of default project measure offset [t=213175]
- + ReaScript: optimize calling of extension-defined functions
- + ReaScript: support NeedBig/NeedXXX suffixes for extension-defined function char* API parameters (via realloc_cmd_ptr() extension API function for NeedBig)
- + ReaSurround: avoid possible deadlock when changing channel counts [t=213308]
- + ReaTune: update UI on preset load [t=212979]
- # ARA: properly track which take is selected
- # linux: fix menu popup immediately after opening a window [p=2053638]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.961+dev1103 (03.11.2018):
- + Linux: VST2 bridging/firewalling support
- + OSC: .ReaperOSC parsing improvements
- + OSC: continue loading .ReaperOSC files that have unknown action tokens
- + linux: auto-cleanup zombie processes when not waiting for return of reaper.ExecProcess() or if jackd takes a long time to exit
- + macOS: do not use 32-bit bridge on Mojave
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.961+dev1101 (01.11.2018):
- + Marker manager: fix time format autodetection
- + OSC: fix notifications when removing markers
- + OSC: send marker position and region position/length
- + OSC: update Default.ReaperOSC to accurately reflect default state
- # Mixer: fix resize issue when width depends on folder state, and folder state changed
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.961+dev1027 (27.10.2018):
- + JSFX: frequency spectrum analyzer slope control, improve UI layout for smaller sizes
- + Linux: reduce flicker when certain windows overlap (e.g. meter + track rename)
- + ReaFIR: fix potential graph move when shift+clicking a point [t=212541]
- + ReaScript: EEL2 scripts support //@gmem=sharedMemorySegmentName starting line in first 100 lines of code (also shares with JSFX)
- + Recording: improve performance when disarming many tracks during recording
- + Video: add input_get_name() to get input take/track name
- + Video: added preset for Decorative Oscilloscope with Blitter (requires included JSFX video_sample_peeker)
- + Video: gfx_evalrect() improvements (can execute initialization code in context, does not hook r/g/b/a variables unless in RGBA mode, etc
- + Video: support //@gmem=sharedMemorySegmentName (also shares with JSFX`s options:gmem=)
- # embed fx: add actions to show/hide all embedded UIs, or navigate previous/next single UI
- # embed fx: improve layout/aspect ratio handling
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.961 (19.10.2018):
- + Linux: improve ALSA underrun handling
- + MIDI editor: fix hit testing on looped items with partial start offsets [t=212002]
- + NINJAM: fix clipsort.log import
- + Notation: fix actions to insert note at nearest C, etc [p=2045279]
- + ReaEQ: fix phase calculation error, improve phase display range [t=193417]
- + ReaEQ: alt+click band to remove, ctrl+mousewheel to fine-adjust band width
- + ReaEQ: doubleclicking an empty area adds a new band/notch/shelf/hipass/lowpass
- + ReaEQ: hold ctrl+shift when adjusting point for fine adjustment of bandwidth
- + ReaEQ: notify parameter change when using mousewheel to adjust bandwidth
- + ReaEQ: options to increase band handle size, use 3dB or 4.5dB/octave slope on analyzer
- + ReaScript: fix incorrect playback following updating item state via GetSetMediaItemInfo() [t=209873]
- + ReaScript: fix double-character return from gfx.getchar() for some keys (e.g. F10) on Windows [t=212238]
- + ReaScript: fix ownership issues when using SetMediaItemTake_Source() from EEL/lua [t=212276]
- + ReaXcomp: fix UI glitch on macOS/linux
- + ReaXcomp: doubleclick band handle to bypass, shift+doubleclick to solo
- + ReaXcomp: improve band insertion behavior, insert band on doubleclick
- + ReaXcomp: options to increase band handle size, use 3dB or 4.5dB/octave slope on analyzer
- + VST3: fix color byte ordering for plug-ins that use IContextInfoHandler [t=211988]
- + VST3: revert to 5.95 behavior relating to latent VST3 parameter changes and state saving
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 rc4 (05.10.2018):
- + Video: 360 panner spherical source mode
- # ARA: ARA will not be in 5.96
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 rc3 (03.10.2018):
- + VST3: fix popup menu position [t=211708]
- + linux: fix scrollbar in routing/envelope windows [p=2041607]
- + macOS: improve scrollbar drawing glitches
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 rc2 (01.10.2018):
- + ARA: add ARA2 support (Melodyne 4.2+, Revoice Pro 4+, etc)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 rc1 (01.10.2018):
- + API: InsertAutomationItem() adds undo point when adding the first automation item on track
- + API: InsertAutomationItem() supports creating AI pools with a specified index
- + API: InsertAutomationItem() trims behind new AIs according to preference
- + API: [Take|Track]FX_SetParamNormalized() always sets touch state, even if value did not change
- + API: add GetAudioDeviceInfo()
- + API: fix [Take|Track]FX_EndParamEdit() when called immediately following parameter set
- + Actions: add meta-action to toggle following action armed (rather than always arm)
- + Automation items: fix corrupted state after moving tracks to subproject [t=207762]
- + Automation items: improve selection tracking in undo state
- + FX chain: paste after currently selected item rather than at end of list [t=211489]
- + FX: improve behavior when dragging an FX to its existing position [p=2039495]
- + Item notes: copy notes/images to new item when using pencil-drawing of new items [p=2039146]
- + Localization: fix elastique display on Cyrillic character sets [t=211027]
- + MIDI editor: avoid hit testing against notes that begin before the active area of item and end exactly at the active are of item [p=2033526]
- + MIDI editor: do not draw notes that begin before the active area of item and end exactly on the start of item [p=2033526]
- + MIDI editor: duplicate notes octave down better handles notes that begin before start offset [t=209141]
- + MIDI editor: fix duplication of notes that start at negative project times
- + MIDI editor: fix incorrect undo behavior when navigating notes via action and previews disabled
- + MIDI editor: fix issues with paste/duplicate notes and non-1.0 take rates
- + MIDI editor: fix multi-context selection undo with various actions, mouse behaviors
- + MIDI editor: fix undo for secondary contexts when using [un]select all actions [p=2035184]
- + MIDI editor: optimize multi-context undo system
- + MIDI editor: preserve grid-enabled setting when switching contexts [t=210916]
- + MIDI inline editor: avoid flicker when resizing content and left edge
- + MIDI: fix glitches when editing the left edges of looped MIDI items
- + MIDI: fix negative start offset peak drawing issue around tempo changes
- + MIDI: fix peak drawing bug with non-1.0 takerate, looping, tempo changes
- + MusicXML: support .mxl (zip-compressed MusicXML)
- + Notation: .mxl export support
- + Notation: allow editing both start/end of immediately adjacent items [t=211117]
- + Notation: fix chasing of clef to start of media item [t=211116]
- + Notation: fix create tuplet action when not launched via context menu [t=211161]
- + Notation: fix marquee undo for multiple contexts [t=210918]
- + Notation: improve multi-context selection undo behavior when unselecting via select phrase, pedal event, lyric, notation, tuplet, etc
- + Notation: set armed cursor when using armed toolbar action
- + Notation: tick/QN to measure calculation bugfix (reprise) [t=209949] [t=209953]
- + Notation: update select all notes in staff action description to be more accurate
- + OSC: fix FX parameter change notifications for last track in bank
- + OSC: send FX parameter state for new plug-ins/loaded project
- + OSC: send an integer value of -1 to fx/@/param in order to end touch state
- + OSC: setting FX parameters always sets touch state, even if value did not change
- + OSC: support receiving large (32KB) OSC bundles
- + Performance: avoid loading multiple copies of track icon/media item background/info images
- + Preferences: fix apply button behavior in project backup settings [t=209654]
- + Preferences: fix re-enabling of missing MIDI device warnings [p=2033194]
- + Recording: fix recorded offset of tracks armed during pre-roll [t=211017]
- + Undo: avoid repeatedly trying to reload track/item images after initial failure
- + Undo: avoid unnecessary reload of track panel images
- + Undo: fix loss of item background images [t=211437]
- + VST3: always apply latent VST3 parameter changes before saving state
- + Video: allowing bypassing DirectShow video output on Windows
- + linux: fix slider precise-mode issue [p=2034376]
- # GetAudioDeviceInfo: fix SRATE, add BPS
- # MIDI editor: fix hit-testing of notes on secondary items [p=2038521]
- # MIDI: fix content-resizing of beginning of items across tempo changes [p=2033523]
- # Notation: decrease size of measure-start region hit testing
- # Notation: fix hit testing of overlapping start/ends
- # Notation: fix incorrect item-end drawing with scroll [p=2035613]
- # Notation: if context start/end overlaps with measure start, hit test to context start/end
- # Notation: insert lyric sets initial keyboard focus
- # Notation: properly chase clefs in grand staff view [p=2035615]
- # VST3: change the way latent VST3 parameter changes are applied (should preserve FabFilter fix from 5.90, and fix SoftTube Console 1, hopefully)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 pre12 (27.09.2018):
- + FX chain: paste after currently selected item rather than at end of list [t=211489]
- + Item notes: copy notes/images to new item when using pencil-drawing of new items [p=2039146]
- + Notation: .mxl export support
- + Preferences: fix apply button behavior in project backup settings [t=209654]
- # ARA: restore pre9 and earlier behavior: ARA edits are not pooled when copying media items
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 pre11 (25.09.2018):
- # ARA: small optimizations/simplifications
- # GetAudioDeviceInfo: fix SRATE, add BPS
- # Keyboard: fix dead key behaviors
- # MIDI editor: fix hit-testing of notes on secondary items [p=2038521]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 pre10 (24.09.2018):
- + ARA: associate audio modifications with underlying source audio rather than individual takes (note, old projects will not load properly)
- + VST3: support notifying plug-ins of track title, GUID, color, and index via IInfoListener interface
- # ARA: when loading projects saved with incompatible ARA handling, show an informative error message
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 pre9 (23.09.2018):
- + API: add GetAudioDeviceInfo()
- + Performance: avoid loading multiple copies of track icon/media item background/info images
- + Undo: avoid repeatedly trying to reload track/item images after initial failure
- + Undo: avoid unnecessary reload of track panel images
- + Undo: fix loss of item background images [t=211437]
- # Keyboard also ignore unmodified overrides in IDE windows
- # Keyboard: ignore search filtering in global hotkey override list
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 pre8 (21.09.2018):
- + API: InsertAutomationItem() trims behind new AIs according to preference
- + MIDI editor: duplicate notes octave down better handles notes that begin before start offset [t=209141]
- + MIDI editor: fix duplication of notes that start at negative project times
- + MIDI editor: fix issues with paste/duplicate notes and non-1.0 take rates
- + OSC: support receiving large (32KB) OSC bundles
- # Keyboard: do not use global hotkey override for unmodified normal keys when in edit fields
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 pre7 (20.09.2018):
- + API: InsertAutomationItem() adds undo point when adding the first automation item on track
- + API: InsertAutomationItem() supports creating AI pools with a specified index
- + Automation items: fix corrupted state after moving tracks to subproject [t=207762]
- # Notation: decrease size of measure-start region hit testing
- # Notation: if context start/end overlaps with measure start, hit test to context start/end
- # Notation: insert lyric sets initial keyboard focus
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 pre6 (18.09.2018):
- + MusicXML: support .mxl (zip-compressed MusicXML)
- + Notation: update select all notes in staff action description to be more accurate
- # ARA: add support for custom track and item colors (for SynchroArts)
- # Keyboard: do not allow script/custom actions in global override context
- # Notation: fix hit testing of overlapping start/ends
- # Notation: fix incorrect item-end drawing with scroll [p=2035613]
- # Notation: properly chase clefs in grand staff view [p=2035615]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 pre5 (17.09.2018):
- + Keyboard: add global hotkey override section
- + MIDI editor: optimize multi-context undo system
- + WALTER: meter text colors support alpha field (0-255) if theme version is 6 or higher
- # Keyboard: remove `override all contexts` section
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 pre4 (16.09.2018):
- + Keyboard: add "Main (override all contexts including text fields)" section which allows global keyboard overrides
- + MIDI editor: fix incorrect undo behavior when navigating notes via action and previews disabled
- + MIDI editor: fix multi-context selection undo with various actions, mouse behaviors
- + MIDI editor: fix undo for secondary contexts when using [un]select all actions [p=2035184]
- + MIDI editor: preserve grid-enabled setting when switching contexts [t=210916]
- + Notation: allow editing both start/end of immediately adjacent items [t=211117]
- + Notation: fix chasing of clef to start of media item [t=211116]
- + Notation: fix create tuplet action when not launched via context menu [t=211161]
- + Notation: improve multi-context selection undo behavior when unselecting via select phrase, pedal event, lyric, notation, tuplet, etc
- + linux: fix slider precise-mode issue [p=2034376]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 pre3 (13.09.2018):
- + Notation: fix marquee undo for multiple contexts [t=210918]
- + Notation: tick/QN to measure calculation bugfix (reprise) [t=209949] [t=209953]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 pre2 (12.09.2018):
- + Localization: fix elastique display on Cyrillic character sets [t=211027]
- + MIDI editor: avoid hit testing against notes that begin before the active area of item and end exactly at the active are of item [p=2033526]
- + MIDI editor: do not draw notes that begin before the active area of item and end exactly on the start of item [p=2033526]
- + MIDI inline editor: avoid flicker when resizing content and left edge
- + Notation: fix issues around certain tempo changes [t=209949] [t=209953]
- + Preferences: fix re-enabling of missing MIDI device warnings [p=2033194]
- + Recording: fix recorded offset of tracks armed during pre-roll [t=211017]
- # MIDI: fix content-resizing of beginning of items across tempo changes [p=2033523]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.96 pre1 (11.09.2018):
- + API: [Take|Track]FX_SetParamNormalized() always sets touch state, even if value did not change
- + API: fix [Take|Track]FX_EndParamEdit() when called immediately following parameter set
- + Actions: add meta-action to toggle following action armed (rather than always arm)
- + Automation items: improve selection tracking in undo state
- + MIDI: fix glitches when editing the left edges of looped MIDI items
- + MIDI: fix negative start offset peak drawing issue around tempo changes
- + MIDI: fix peak drawing bug with non-1.0 takerate, looping, tempo changes
- + Notation: set armed cursor when using armed toolbar action
- + OSC: fix FX parameter change notifications for last track in bank
- + OSC: send FX parameter state for new plug-ins/loaded project
- + OSC: send an integer value of -1 to fx/@/param in order to end touch state
- + OSC: setting FX parameters always sets touch state, even if value did not change
- + Video: allowing bypassing DirectShow video output on Windows
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 (10.08.2018):
- + API: add ArmCommand(), GetArmedCommand(), [Take|Track]FX_CopyTo[Track|Take](), [Track|Take]FX_Delete(), [Track|Take]FX_[Set|Get]Offline()
- + API: calling TrackList_AdjustWindows() now updates scrollbars/ranges
- + API: fix LICE_FillCBezier() definition for reaper_plugin_functions.h [t=209456]
- + API: improve SetOnlyTrackSelected() to set last touched state and support inactive projects [t=209697]
- + API: improve input FX control surface notifications, add CSURF_EXT_SETFXPARAM_RECFX
- + API: improve input FX support for GetFocusedFX() and GetLastTouchedFX()
- + API: improve control surface notifications for FX paste
- + API: support GetSetMediaTrackInfo*(B_HEIGHTLOCK)
- + API: update documentation for various Get.._Value() functions to include pointers that are gettable
- + Actions: allow arming action via right-click menu in actions window
- + Actions: add disarm action, arm next action meta-action for use in custom actions
- + Actions: fix explode multichannel audio when application is inactive [t=209799]
- + Automation: copying/pasting and duplicating time selection include all automation of tracks with items within time selection
- + Automation: fix automation items start offset issues relating to tempo changes
- + Automation: improve behavior of automation pasting with differing tempos [p=2010009]
- + Automation: prevent pasting of envelope points into envelopes that are automation item-only
- + Automation: avoid adding redundant points to envelope when moving points to new automation item [p=2031007]
- + Automation: improved automation item selection behavior when copying/moving/pasting/auto-splitting/duplicating
- + Automation: fix automation item positioning glitch when duplicating multiple automation items that partially intersect the time selection [p=2031811]
- + Automation: fix rare hidden points at start of some automation items [p=2031172]
- + Automation: use media item duplication preference for automation item pooling when duplicating regions from ruler
- + Automation: trim any existing automation items when pasting/duplicating items that have any automation
- + Automation: avoid hiding default setting envelopes when copying media items to other tracks [t=210845]
- + Automation: improve auto-cleanup of redundant square points
- + Automation: improve cleanup of unnecessary automatically-added envelope points when moving media items
- + Automation: prevent creation of automation items in tempo envelope on paste [t=210545]
- + Automation: update transport when setting loop selection to automation item
- + Elastique: update to 3.2.7
- + Glue: only force items to exact samples when project setting to force beats to samples is enabled [p=1991071]
- + Heal splits: preserve item fade-out shape/curve [t=209846]
- + JSFX: fix mdct() concurrency issue (bug dated to 2004, diagnosis thanks to Lauri Liinat)
- + Linux: add OGG Opus support
- + Linux: implement ReaScript reaper.ExecProcess()
- + Linux: use fontconfig for font mappings (if you have a customized libSwell.colortheme, will need to change the default font)
- + Linux: file browser shows dot files/directories (toggle via context menu or Ctrl+H)
- + Linux: fix possible crash on startup from processing keyboard events before fully initialized
- + MIDI devices: allow sorting by device name, ID, or state
- + MIDI devices: provide separate options to show warnings for non-present MIDI devices vs devices which could not be opened
- + MIDI devices: improve handling of hung MIDI devices on Windows
- + MIDI editor: support armed toolbar commands in CC lanes, lane resizers
- + MIDI editor: avoid deselecting notes on click when toolbar armed
- + MIDI editor: improve selection preservation when duplicating notes
- + MIDI recording: fix preview display offset in record input mode after tempo changes [t=209595]
- + Mixer: fix incorrect channel info tooltip for hardware outputs [t=210380]
- + Notation: prevent double-opening text edit window [t=209955]
- + Notation: always paste multi-track notes into the active track and any tracks below
- + Notation: clicking in staff view sets active context
- + Notation: fix move edit cursor to mouse cursor action [t=210544]
- + Notation: fix possible incorrect note previews when dragging notes [t=209947]
- + Notation: move edit cursor to mouse cursor also activates context under mouse cursor
- + Notation: pasting/inserting events via action goes to the selected track context [t=210542]
- + Notation: support armed toolbar buttons
- + Opus: add options to encode 3-8 channel audio as discrete channels, bitrates specified per-channel
- + Opus: fixed peak generation when recording direct to Opus from non-48khz source
- + Preferences: tweak help text sizing for macOS
- + ReaNINJAM: display border between vol/pan faders [t=167525]
- + ReaScript: fix flicker when resizing script windows
- + ReaScript: add usecliprect parameter to gfx.deltablit()
- + ReaScript: remove size limitation and improve memory use for various APIs including Get*StateChunk(), GetSet*Info_String(), GetProjExtState(), GetSetProjectNotes(), MIDI_GetAllEvts()
- + ReaScript: prevent undefined behavior with GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String()/GetSetMediaItemTakeInfo_String() on non-string values
- + ReaScript: GetSetMediaItemTakeInfo_String() and GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String() can now be used for GUID (as {guid_string})
- + ReaScript: add GetSetMediaItemInfo_String() for use with GUID and P_NOTES
- + Recording: improve existing group behavior after splits from recording
- + Ruler: fix incorrect MIDI start offset handling when copying/reordering regions
- + Tempo map: various item/automation item partial measure support fixes
- + Toolbars: better arming indicators across multiple toolbars
- + Video: add gfx_evalrect(), preset for slow vertical edge detection
- + Video: fix issues with LFOs on video processors
- + Video: fix possible Windows crash following resume with multiple monitors [t=210807]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 rc4 (09.09.2018):
- + Ruler: fix incorrect MIDI start offset handling when copying/reordering regions
- + Tempo map: various item/automation item partial measure support fixes
- # Automation items: fix issues when copying region with ruler
- # Fix some glitches editing AIs with complex tempo maps
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 rc1 (06.09.2018):
- + Preferences: tweak help text sizing for macOS
- + Automation items: use media item AI pool preference when duplicating regions from ruler
- + MIDI editor: improve selection preservation when duplicating notes
- + Automation: avoid hiding simple/default settings envelopes when copying media items to other tracks [t=210845]
- + Removed still-testing/in-development branches (these will return in 5.96pre):
! ARA support
! VST3 parameter flushing mode
! Stretch marker modes
! WALTER improvements
! 14-bit NRPN/RPN CC editing (will get finished someday)
! Routing diagram view (will get finished someday)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre21 (06.09.2018):
- + Automation items: de-select existing AI when pasting
- + Automation items: de-select unaffected AI when copying/moving
- + Automation items: de-select unaffected AI when duplicating time selection
- + Automation items: fix rare hidden points at start of item [p=2031172]
- + Automation: improve auto-cleanup of redundant square points
- + Windows: possible fix for video output causing crash after resume with multiple monitors attached [t=210807]
- # Notation: duplicate events always duplicates to source track
- # automation items: correct selection state when autosplitting items
- # automation items: do not select copies/trimmed items on move/copy via drag
- # notation: fixed copy/paste destination issue [p=2031232]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre20 (05.09.2018):
- + Automation Items: fix start offset drift when moving with items across tempo changes
- + Automation items: avoid adding redundant points to envelope when moving points to new automation item [p=2031007]
- + Automation: improve cleanup of unnecessary automatically-added envelope points when moving media items
- + Notation: always paste multi-track notes into the active track and any tracks below
- # Automation items: improve undo point addition when pasting
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre19 (04.09.2018):
- + Notation: clicking in staff view sets active context
- + Notation: fix move edit cursor to mouse cursor action [t=210544]
- + Notation: move edit cursor to mouse cursor also activates context under mouse cursor
- # duplicate selected area of items: do not duplicate selected pooled envelopes outside of time selection
- # unselect automation items on copy-drag within timesel
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre18 (03.09.2018):
- + Duplicate selected items: remove existing AIs
- # Item move: move selected AIs with items, but exclude unrelated AIs in time-selection mode
- # automation items: improve selection state on item move/copy
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre17 (02.09.2018):
- + Automation items: do not include unrelated selected automation items when moving media items
- + Duplicate selected area of items: duplicate entire timeselection of envelope data
- + Paste: trim any existing automation items when pasting items that have regular automation
- # Item move: move time-selection automation when item moved using time-selection modifier
- # make cut selected area of items handle automation the same as copy selected areas
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre16 (31.08.2018):
- Copy: improve automation copy/paste behavior with multiple items [p=2026564]
- Copy: include automation between selected items when gap is fully within time selection
- Item drag: move include automation between items when gap is fully within time selection
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre15 (30.08.2018):
- Notation: pasting/inserting events via action goes to the selected track context [t=210542]
- Opus: add options to encode 3-8 channel audio as discrete channels, bitrates specified per-channel
- Elastique: update to 3.2.7
>> could everybody please test all 3 elastique 3.2.7 modes
(pro, efficient, soloist), on all available architectures
(test 32-bit versions too even if you normally just use 64-bit)?
also: please test both the icc18 builds and classic macOS builds.
please post all related feedback (positive or negative) in the
pre-release thread. thank you. -justin <<
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre14 (29.08.2018):
- Copy/paste: improve behavior of automation pasting with differing tempos [p=2010009]
- Envelopes: fix pasting of envelope points into envelopes that are AI-only
- Linux: add OGG Opus support
- Opus: fixed peak generation when recording direct to Opus from non-48khz source
- Tempo envelope: prevent creation of automation items on paste [t=210545]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre13 (27.08.2018):
- Automation items: duplicating items with AIs will obey trim content behind automation items preference
- JSFX: fix mdct() concurrency issue (bug dated to 2004, diagnosis thanks to Lauri Liinat)
- Paste: fix undo following AI autoremoval [p=2027654]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre12 (25.08.2018):
- Automation items: pasting items with AIs will obey trim content behind automation items preference [p=2027226]
- Item copy via drag: include automation between items
- Mixer: fix incorrect channel info tooltip for hardware outputs [t=210380]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre11 (24.08.2018):
- Copy: improve envelope copy/paste behavior
- linux: vertically center menubar text
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre10 (23.08.2018):
- Copy: when copying multiple items, include automation between items, avoid adding extra points at inter-item boundaries [p=2026564]
- linux: fix possible crash on startup from processing keyboard events before fully initialized
- ReaScript: fix display issues with some scripts [p=2026319]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre9 (21.08.2018):
- API: prevent mixer flicker when calling ThemeLayout_RefreshAll()
- ARA: fix keyboard passthrough to Melodyne
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre8 (20.08.2018):
- Glue: only force items to exact samples when project setting to force beats to samples is enabled [p=1991071]
- Linux: support ReaScript reaper.ExecProcess()
- MIDI devices: allow sorting by device name, ID, or state
- Linux: correct listview sort arrow backwardness
- Linux: debug info now generated for builds
- Linux: amd64/armv7 builds are now from a new machine (old one died), hopefully no drama (cross-compiling ARM is a bit finicky to set up)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre7 (18.08.2018):
- ARA: fix rendering short fades with large buffer sizes
- ARA: load copied tracks even if the ARA plugin context is no longer available [p=2022675]
- Linux: use fontconfig for font mappings (if you have a customized libSwell.colortheme, might need to change your default font)
- ReaNINJAM: display border between vol/pan faders [t=167525]
- linux: file browser can show dot files/directories (toggle via context menu or Ctrl+H)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre6 (13.08.2018):
- + API: fix LICE_FillCBezier() definition for reaper_plugin_functions.h [t=209456]
- + MIDI editor: armed toolbar commands work in CC lane
- + Notation editor: prevent double-opening of text edit window [t=209955]
- + Notation: fix possible incorrect note previews when dragging notes [t=209947]
- + Video: add preset for slow vertical edge detection
- + WALTER: support complex rules for mcp.size and mcp.master.size
- # Notation: use default click behavior when clicking while action armed
- # linux: uninstall script will not try to remove user desktop files if running as root
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre5 (09.08.2018):
- Item grouping: improve group behavior after autosplits during recording
- Video: fix issues with LFOs on video processors
- Video: gfx_evalrect() can take a source bitmap for configurable blends
- Video: gfx_evalrect() can take flags&2 in order to disable output
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre4 (08.08.2018):
- + API: calling TrackList_AdjustWindows() updates scrollbars/ranges
- + API: support GetSetMediaTrackInfo*(B_HEIGHTLOCK)
- + Actions: fix explode multichannel audio when application is inactive [t=209799]
- + Heal splits: preserve item fade-out shape/curve [t=209846]
- + MIDI devices: provide separate options to show warnings for non-present MIDI devices vs devices which could not be opened
- + Notation: support armed toolbar buttons
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre3 (07.08.2018):
- API: GetSetMediaItemTakeInfo_String() and GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String() can be used for GUID (as {guid_string})
- API: add ArmCommand(), GetArmedCommand()
- API: add GetSetMediaItemInfo_String() for use with GUID and P_NOTES
- Actions window: allow arming action via right-click menu
- Actions: add disarm action, arm next action meta-action for use in custom actions
- ReaScript: remove size limitation and improve memory use for various APIs including Get*StateChunk(), GetSet*Info_String(), GetProjExtState(), GetSetProjectNotes(), MIDI_GetAllEvts()
- Toolbars: better arming indicators across multiple toolbars
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre2 (06.08.2018):
- + API: CSURF_EXT_SETFXCHANGE adds flags=(INT_PTR)parm2, &1=rec fx
- + API: add TakeFX_/TrackFX_ CopyTo Track/Take
- + API: add TrackFX/TakeFX _Delete()
- + API: add TrackFX/TakeFX_ Set/Get Offline
- + API: improve SetOnlyTrackSelected() to set last touched state and support inactive projects [t=209697]
- + API: notify CSURF_EXT_SETFXCHANGE on FX paste
- + API: prevent undefined behavior with GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String()/GetSetMediaItemTakeInfo_String() on non-string values
- + API: update documentation for various Get.._Value() functions to include pointers that are gettable
- + MIDI recording: fix preview display offset in record input mode after tempo changes [t=209595]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.95 pre1 (04.08.2018):
- + API: improve input FX control surface notifications, add CSURF_EXT_SETFXPARAM_RECFX=0x00010018
- + API: improve input FX support for GetFocusedFX() and GetLastTouchedFX()
- + ARA: mirror edits in looped media
- + ReaScript: fix flicker when resizing script windows
- + ReaScript: gfx.deltablit() can take a usecliprect=0 parameter
- + Video: add gfx_evalrect()
- + Windows: improve handling of hung MIDI devices
- # ARA: more efficient handling when adding or removing media from a track
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.941 (04.08.2018):
- API: fix ReaLearn crash
- API: support GetSetMediaTrackInfo(P_PROJECT)
- MIDI hardware: allow saving project/other limited UI actions while waiting for a hung MIDI device
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.941 (04.08.2018):
- API: fix ReaLearn crash
- API: support GetSetMediaTrackInfo(P_PROJECT)
- MIDI hardware: allow saving project/other limited UI actions while waiting for a hung MIDI device
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.94 (03.08.2018):
- + Control surfaces: send active-sensing messages for HUI mode
- + FX: do not default to square envelope points on parameters that have a large number of steps defined [p=2016907]
- + FX: improve win32/mac plug-in filename parsing for projects saved on linux
- + Glue: do not re-open MIDI editors for items whose editors were hidden
- + JSFX: add rate control for spectrograph plug-in
- + JSFX: gfx_getchar(65536) returns special window information flags
- + Linux: add ALSA MIDI support, do not show MIDI-only devices in audio configuration
- + Linux: add system hidpi detection, can disable using ui_scale_auto=0 in reaper.ini, or override using ui_scale=
- + Linux: reuse existing REAPER instances when opening files from desktop environment (use -newinst command line parameter to override)
- + Linux: improve appearance, include libSwell.colortheme (copy to .config/REAPER/libSwell-user.colortheme to override)
- + Linux: rename main executable reaper (from reaper5)
- + Linux: fix control surface support
- + Linux: fix external editor support
- + Linux: fix file association icons
- + Linux: simplify desktop integration to only add a single item to applications list
- + MIDI devices: add retry button to audio/MIDI device error window
- + MIDI devices: warn when a previously-enabled device is not connected (you may see new warnings about MIDI devices from your past)
- + MIDI devices: show previously-connected devices in device list, allow forgetting those devices
- + MIDI devices: allow changing the device ID of input/output devices to enable I/O consistency between multiple computers
- + MIDI devices: rescan when opening MIDI device tab or resetting (may depend on specific driver/OS behavior)
- + ReaScript: fix validation of PCM_source parameters [p=2015950]
- + ReaScript: gfx.getchar(65536) or gfx_getchar(65536) return special window information flags
- + Video: add ffmpeg 4.0 support
- + Video: add Colorize preset
- + Video: gfx_procrect() can take mode=1 to apply Y values to U/V (colorization mode)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.94 rc1 (31.07.2018):
- Audio/MIDI devices: add retry button for device error window
- FX: do not default to square envelope points on parameters that have a large number of steps defined [p=2016907]
- Glue: do not re-open MIDI editors for items whose editors were hidden
- HUI: send keepalive messages
- JS: spectrograph rate control
- MIDI devices: allow changing the device ID of input/output devices to enable configuring consistency between multiple computers
- MIDI devices: show non-connected devices in device list, allow forgetting those devices
- MIDI devices: warn when a previously enabled device is not connected
- Preferences: correct MIDI devices apply button behavior on macOS/Linux
- Preferences: rescan MIDI devices when opening MIDI device tab, or resetting
- ReaScript: fix validation of PCM_source parameters [p=2015950]
- Video: ffmpeg 4.0 support
- linux: ALSA rawmidi support
- linux: bundle a tweaked libSwell.colortheme
- linux: do not show ALSA MIDI-only devices in audio device configuration
- linux: executable now named reaper rather than reaper5
- linux: fix control surface issues
- linux: fix launching external editors
- linux: fix mime-type file association icon
- linux: override any x11 scaling if ui_scale= set in reaper.ini
- linux: simplified desktop integration to only add a single item to applications list
- linux: support reusing existing REAPER instances when opening files from desktop environment
- linux: system hidpi detection, can disable using ui_scale_auto=0 in reaper.ini
- Linux: bundle Liberation fonts
- MIDI devices: allow forgetting multiple selected devices
- MIDI editor: add "color notes by voice" to View menu
- ffmpeg: correct non-win32 search paths in help
- linux: ALSA MIDI device rescanning
- linux: fix incorrectly not saving audio mode
- linux: fix issue with existing-instance detection
- linux: fix tooltip flicker
- linux: improve behavior with various tiling window managers
- linux: improve file association icons
- linux: improve thread names (and do not name main thread which interferes with killall etc)
- linux: reinit control surface devices when changing between jack/alsa
- linux: remove docker border drawing
- linux: remove rewire prefs page
- linux: support ALSA MIDI subdevices
- linux: use O_CLOEXEC for opening files
- linux: warn if ~/.REAPER is used as as configuration path
- macOS/linux: set thread names
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.94 pre9 (30.07.2018):
- FX: do not default to square envelope points on parameters that have a large number of steps defined [p=2016907]
- linux: fix issue with existing-instance detection
- linux: improve thread names (and do not name main thread which interferes with killall etc)
- linux: use O_CLOEXEC for opening files
h2>Изменения в программе REAPER 5.94 pre8 (28.07.2018):
- JS: spectrograph rate control
- linux: executable now named reaper rather than reaper5
- linux: override any x11 scaling if ui_scale= set in reaper.ini
- linux: simplified desktop integration to only add a single item to applications list
- linux: support reusing existing REAPER instances when opening files from desktop environment
- linux: system hidpi detection, can disable using ui_scale_auto=0 in reaper.ini
- MIDI editor: add "color notes by voice" to View menu
- Melodyne: improve keyboard command pass-through to plugin
- ffmpeg: correct non-win32 search paths in help
- linux: improve file association icons
- macOS/linux: set thread names
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.94 pre6 (24.07.2018):
- HUI: send keepalive messages
- + linux: bundle a tweaked libSwell.colortheme
- # Linux: bundle Liberation fonts
- # MIDI devices: allow forgetting multiple selected devices
- # linux: fix tooltip flicker
- # linux: improve behavior with various tiling window managers
- # linux: remove docker border drawing
- # linux: remove rewire prefs page
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.94 pre5 (23.07.2018):
- Audio/MIDI devices: add retry button for device error window
- MIDI devices: show non-connected devices in device list, allow forgetting those devices
- MIDI devices: warn when a previously enabled device is not connected
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.94 pre4 (22.07.2018):
- MIDI devices: allow changing the device ID of input/output devices to enable configuring consistency between multiple computers
- Preferences: correct MIDI devices apply button behavior on macOS/Linux
- Preferences: rescan MIDI devices when opening MIDI device tab, or resetting
- linux: reinit control surface devices when changing between jack/alsa
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.94 pre3 (21.07.2018):
- Glue: do not re-open MIDI editors for items whose editors were hidden
- linux: ALSA MIDI device rescanning
- linux: fix incorrectly not saving audio mode
- linux: support ALSA MIDI subdevices
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.94 pre2 (20.07.2018):
- linux: ALSA rawmidi support
- linux: do not show ALSA MIDI-only devices in audio device configuration
- linux: fix launching external editors
- wiring diagram: fix folder receive positioning [p=2013577]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.94 pre1 (18.07.2018):
- Track wiring diagram view
- linux: fix control surface issues
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.93 rc3 (13.07.2018):
- VLC3: fix colorspace conversions for ProRes
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.93 rc2 (12.07.2018):
- Notation editor: properly adjust events when inserting notation messages in media items with nonzero start offset [t=208079]
- Automation Items: fix various snap behaviors
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.93 rc1 (11.07.2018):
- Audio Units: fix .aupreset export issue [t=203533]
- Automation items: separate settings to snap automation items to media items, or other automation items
- Envelopes: permit converting envelope segment to bezier curve even if default envelope point shape is square [t=208290]
- FX: prevent reset from audio thread when bringing an offline FX online
- MIDI editor: support snapping to measure regardless of time signature
- MIDI editor: update custom CC names in editor dropdown when changing active track [t=208759]
- Mousewheel: support Windows (Control on macOS) key as modifier [t=177917]
- Notation: fix invalid access when removing text events
- Project settings: add option for default state of item `Preserve pitch when changing rate` [p=1965998]
- Project settings: projects can override global preference for copy-media-on-import
- Ruler: add project option to base ruler markings off project measure offset [t=208074]
- Subprojects: fix potential hang when moving tracks to subproject [t=207996]
- Undo: optimized undo state loading when items have been reordered
- VLC: also look for /Applications/VLC2.app, VLC32/64.app on macOS
- VLC: support VLC 2.1,2.2, and 3.0, except on 32-bit macOS (which still supports 2.0-2.2)
- VLC: support loading from VLC or VLC.app relative to REAPER
- Video: add 9:16 resolution presets, more framerate options
- API: fix reascript documentation for Take/TrackFX_Get/SetPinMappings
- macOS: fix icc18 rewire support (apparent icc18 compiler bug)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.93 pre5 (08.07.2018):
- ARA: if one instance of an ARA FX UI is already open, focus that UI when inserting a new instance of the same type of FX
- Project settings: projects can override global preference for copy-media-on-import
- VLC: also look for /Applications/VLC2.app, VLC32/64.app on macOS
- VLC: support VLC 2.1,2.2, and 3.0, except on 32-bit macOS (which still supports 2.0-2.2)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.93 pre4 (01.07.2018):
- Mousewheel: support Windows (Control on macOS) key as modifier [t=177917]
- Notation: fix invalid access when removing text events
- Project settings: add option for default state of item `Preserve pitch when changing rate` [p=1965998]
- ARA: float the correct inserted FX when using a keyboard shortcut to add ARA FX [p=2005328]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.93 pre3 (28.06.2018):
- + Preferences: add option for default state of item `Preserve pitch when changing rate` [p=1965998]
- + Undo: optimized undo state loading when items have been reordered
- + Video: add 9:16 resolution presets, more framerate options
- # ARA: omit ARA plugin state from REAPER undo (Melodyne has its own undo system)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.93 pre2 (25.06.2018):
- Envelopes: permit converting envelope segment to bezier curve even if default envelope point shape is square [t=208290]
- ARA: float the correct FX when ARA plugins are inserted after existing plugins and automatically moved to the start of the FX chain [p=2003812]
- macOS: fix icc18 rewire support (apparent icc18 compiler bug)
- macOS: icc18 build now built with ICC 2018 Update 3
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.93 pre1 (21.06.2018):
- Audio Units: fix .aupreset export issue [t=203533]
- Automation items: separate settings to snap automation items to media items, or other automation items
- FX: prevent reset from audio thread when bringing an offline FX online
- MIDI editor: support snapping to measure regardless of time signature
- Notation editor: properly adjust events when inserting notation messages in media items with nonzero start offset [t=208079]
- Ruler: add project option to base ruler markings off project measure offset [t=208074]
- ARA: disable debug messages
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.92 (21.06.2018):
- Automation: do not auto-clear/disable armed invisible envelopes [t=207425]
- Grid: prevent possible crash with very very small grid sizes and high zoom levels [p=2002568]
- MIDI: import time signature messages incorrectly exported in instrument tracks [p=1999501]
- MIDI: fix possible incorrect 14-bit message pairing
- MIDI: rename "MIDI note name" menu/load/save/undo strings to "MIDI note/CC name"
- MusicXML: improve error handling for failed XML import
- Project notes: prevent fallback to default project behavior for `show notes on open` [p=2000865]
- ReaSurround: fix potential crash when duplicating UI while channel name editing [p=1997128]
- ReaSurround: improve keyboard navigation and copy/paste when editing channel names
- ReaScript: correct track state documentation for I_SOLO and I_RECINPUT
- ReaScript: add ShowPopupMenu() API
- Render: queued renders use original project filename for BWF tags [t=207574]
- Render: improve handling of samplerate changes with online rendering [t=208029]
- Ruler: support drawing ruler by measures, snapping to grid by measures
- VST3: restore multichannel bus notifications to 5.90 behavior (default to enabled)
- VST3: default to stereo-safemode for Steinberg plug-ins (e.g. HALion)
- Video: .ini file setting for experimental video processor multiprocessing
- Video: improve processor updating of TCP parameters
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.92 rc2 (18.06.2018):
- Render: improve handling of samplerate changes with online rendering [t=208029]
- Actions: add actions to set grid to measure, framerate rather than toggle
- VST3: default to stereo-safemode for Steinberg plug-ins (e.g. HALion)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.92 rc1 (18.06.2018):
- API: add ShowPopupMenu()
- Automation: do not auto-clear/disable armed invisible envelopes [t=207425]
- MIDI import: handle time signature messages incorrectly exported in instrument tracks [p=1999501]
- MIDI: fix possible incorrect 14-bit message pairing
- MusicXML: improve error handling for failed XML import
- Project load: prevent fallback to default project behavior for `show notes on open` [p=2000865]
- ReaSurround: fix potential crash when duplicating UI while channel name editing [p=1997128]
- ReaSurround: improve keyboard navigation and copy/paste when editing channel names
- Render queue: use original project filename for BWF tags/etc rather than queued filename [t=207574]
- Ruler: support drawing ruler by measures, snapping to grid by measures
- VST3: restore multichannel bus notifications to 5.90 behavior (default to enabled)
- Video: .ini file setting for experimental video processor multiprocessing
- Video: improve processor updating of TCP parameters
- Actions: add button/menu feedback for actions to set the grid to frames or measures
- MIDI: rename "MIDI note name" menu/load/save/undo strings to "MIDI note/CC name"
- ReaScript: correct track state documentation for I_SOLO and I_RECINPUT
- Ruler: fix option to divide arrange view vertically by measures, when ruler grid is also set to measures
- Video: update automated parameters even when not using output of video processor
- linux: improve mouse behaviors for various knobs
- linux: optional mlockall() support
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.92 pre3 (15.06.2018):
- MIDI editor: 14-bit registered parameter/non-registered parameter CC editing
- MIDI import: handle time signature messages incorrectly exported in instrument tracks [p=1999501]
- MIDI: fix possible incorrect 14-bit message pairing
- Project load: prevent fallback to default project behavior for `show notes on open` [p=2000865]
- Video: .ini file setting for experimental video processor multiprocessing
- ARA: analyze active takes only
- MIDI: rename "MIDI note name" menu/load/save/undo strings to "MIDI note/CC name"
- linux: optional mlockall() support
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.92 pre2 (07.06.2018):
- ARA: display "Track N" if the track is not named
- Actions: add button/menu feedback for actions to set the grid to frames or measures
- ReaScript: correct track state documentation for I_SOLO and I_RECINPUT
- Ruler: fix option to divide arrange view vertically by measures, when ruler grid is also set to measures
- VST3: change the way latent VST3 parameter changes are applied (should preserve FabFilter fix from 5.90, and fix SoftTube Console 1, hopefully)
- Video: update automated parameters even when not using output of video processor
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.92 pre1 (05.06.2018):
- Automation: do not auto-clear/disable armed invisible envelopes [t=207425]
- MusicXML: improve error handling for failed XML import
- ReaSurround: fix potential crash when duplicating UI while channel name editing [p=1997128]
- ReaSurround: improve keyboard navigation and copy/paste when editing channel names
- Ruler: support drawing ruler by measures, snapping to grid by measures
- Video: improve processor updating of TCP parameters
- Theme: add mcp_master_vol[bg/thumb/bg_horz/thumb_horz].png, rtconfig mcp_master_vol_zeroline
- inux: improve mouse behaviors for various knobs
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.91 (02.06.2018):
- Accessibility: improve keyboard navigation for control surface configuration
- Accessibility: label AI properties sliders
- FX: fix create shortcut for video processors
- FX: fix truncated labels for insert chain actions
- Guides: optionally do not draw horizontal guides when moving items
- MIDI editor: update CC lane combo boxes when loading note names [t=207290]
- MusicXML: fix memory error on musicXML import
- MusicXML: import files with .musicxml extension as well as .xml
- MusicXML: always import MusicXML files to built-in project MIDI, rather than file reference
- ReaScript: add drag and drop receive support with gfx.getdropfile()/gfx_getdropfile()
- ReaScript: allow deferred script execution to continue during modal windows triggered by MIDI
- ReaScript: fix SnapToGrid() for slightly-offscreen points
- ReaScript: StuffMIDIMessage() for control defers to process similar to a hardware MIDI event
- ReaSurround: fix small UI positioning glitch
- Render: fix $samplerate wildcard (uses render samplerate rather than audio device rate)
- Routing: update affected tracks when adding hardware outputs en masse [t=207326]
- Routing: repopulate channel selection list when track channel count changes
- Snap: improve item quantize and stretch marker snap behavior near tempo markers [t=207162]
- Stability: prevent deadlock when using SetObjectState() with certain state on track FX (SWS issue ID 992) [p=1992206]
- VST: do not inform VST3 of track channel changes by default, allow override for all instances of a plug-in or per-instance with channel count
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.91 RC1 (01.06.2018):
- API: fix SnapToGrid() for slightly-offscreen points
- API: prevent deadlock from occuring when using SetObjectState() on track FX (SWS issue ID 992) [p=1992206]
- Accessibility: improve keyboard navigation for control surface configuration
- Accessibility: label AI properties sliders
- FX: fix create shortcut for video processors
- FX: fix truncated labels for insert chain actions
- Guides: option to not draw horizontal guides when moving items
- MIDI editor: update CC lane combo boxes when loading note names [t=207290]
- MusicXML: fix memory error on musicXML import
- MusicXML: import files with .musicxml extension as well as .xml
- ReaScript: add drag and drop receive support with gfx.getdropfile()/gfx_getdropfile()
- ReaScript: allow deferred script execution to continue during modal windows triggered by MIDI
- Render: fix $samplerate wildcard (uses render samplerate rather than audio device rate)
- Routing: update affected tracks when adding hardware outputs en masse [t=207326]
- Snap: improve item quantize and stretch marker snap behavior near tempo markers [t=207162]
- VST3: do not inform VST3 of track channel changes by default, allow override for all instances of a plug-in or per-instance with channel count instead
- API: StuffMIDIMessage() for control defers to process similar to a hardware MIDI event
- FX Browser: fix `Add to` menu
- MusicXML: always import MusicXML files to built-in project MIDI, rather than file reference
- Routing windows: repopulate channel selection list when track channel count changes
- VST3: potential fix for HALion crash (prevent overrunning buffers when calculated channel count is less than plug-in reported count)
- linux: fix spacebar in various text fields
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.91 Pre5 (31.05.2018):
- MIDI editor: update CC lane combo boxes when loading note names [t=207290]
- Routing: update affected tracks when adding hardware outputs en masse [t=207326]
- VST3: do not inform VST3 of track channel changes by default, allow override for all instances of a plug-in or per-instance with channel count instead
- FX Browser: fix `Add to` menu
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.91 Pre4 (29.05.2018):
- FX: fix create shortcut for video processors
- FX: fix truncated labels for insert chain actions
- Guides: option to not draw horizontal guides when moving items
- VST3: potential fix for HALion crash (prevent overrunning buffers when calculated channel count is less than plug-in reported count)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.91 Pre3 (29.05.2018):
- API: fix SnapToGrid() for slightly-offscreen points
- Accessibility: improve keyboard navigation for control surface configuration
- Accessibility: label AI properties sliders
- MusicXML: fix memory error on musicXML import
- ReaScript: allow deferred script execution to continue during modal windows triggered by MIDI
- Render: fix $samplerate wildcard (uses render samplerate rather than audio device rate)
- API: StuffMIDIMessage() for control defers to process similar to a hardware MIDI event
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.91 Pre2 (27.05.2018):
- API: add ShowPopupMenu()
- API: add get_config_var_string() for ReaScript
- API: prevent deadlock from occuring when using SetObjectState() on track FX (SWS issue ID 992) [p=1992206]
- Snap: improve item quantize and stretch marker snap behavior near tempo markers [t=207162]
- linux: fix spacebar in various text fields
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.91 Pre1 (24.05.2018):
- ARA: support for ARA2-compatible plugins (note: there are no publicly available ARA2-compatible plugins)
- ReaScript: add drag and drop receive support with gfx.getdropfile()/gfx_getdropfile()
- VST3: always apply latent VST3 parameter changes before saving state
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.90 (24.05.2018):
- API: TrackFX_AddByName/TrackFX_GetByName/etc can take VST2:/VST3:/VST:/AU:/JS:/DX: prefixes
- API: add ReorderSelectedTracks()
- API: SetEnvelopePointEx() will propagate envelope item changes when not modifying point time and nosort=false
- API: SetTrackSelected() notifies various windows of state change
- API: Undo_EndBlock() with empty string uses first item in block if available
- Actions: fix selection behavior for various "Item edit: item under mouse cursor" actions
- Audio Units: improve compatibility by resetting/re-initializing plugins only from main thread
- Automation items: allow pasting of points into existing items [t=205161]
- Automation items: avoid setting point shape to square when FX is offlined [t=206454]
- Automation items: improve behavior when copy/pasting overlapping media items [t=206767]
- Automation items: create a new automation item when pasting points in AI-only mode
- Dynamic split: fix corner case where audio is muted when the gate should open [p=kenny]
- Envelopes: clear old point selection when duplicating points via mouse modifier [p=1987813]
- Glue: do not round glued MIDI to audio samples [p=1991071]
- Live FX multiprocessing: improve performance with folder tracks that have PDC [t=169675]
- Live FX multiprocessing: process receives similar to folders
- Live FX multiprocessing: remove old logic for reducing worker threads when not using anticipative FX processing
- MIDI editor: 14-bit CC editing fixes [t=201025]
- MIDI editor: allow screensets to save/load editability of individual media items
- MIDI editor: allow scroll-left actions to scroll past item start but not project start
- MIDI editor: avoid double-drawing many updates
- MIDI editor: change default editor selection link options, may change options in existing installations
- MIDI editor: do not include end-of-item all-notes-off in list of channels that contain data [t=185555]
- MIDI editor: faster updating when using hand scrolling
- MIDI editor: fix 14-bit CC editing in event properties [p=1991134]
- MIDI editor: fix drawing issues at extreme zoom/time combinations
- MIDI editor: fix various issues with show only used/named notes
- MIDI editor: fix maximize state incorrectly being reset
- MIDI editor: fix next/previous note navigation/selection issues [t=206404]
- MIDI editor: fix pasting to secondary editable items that are looped
- MIDI editor: fix pasting to secondary items that start before active item
- MIDI editor: fix restore of macOS menu after renaming note [p=1984944]
- MIDI editor: fix secondary editor zoom inconsistency with different PPQN settings [p=1985602]
- MIDI editor: fix zoom-selection with secondary items at earlier time [p=1983153]
- MIDI editor: improve behavior with multiple pooled items as secondary editable items
- MIDI editor: improve copy/paste behavior with multiple contexts editable on multiple tracks
- MIDI editor: improve start position accuracy when quickly painting new notes [p=1991890]
- MIDI editor: improve undo messages on various lane edits
- MIDI editor: improve behavior when opening multiple items at once
- MIDI editor: improve behavior with hidden parent tracks
- MIDI editor: when loading note names from recent list, merge with current note names when holding shift key (feature lost in v5.0) [t=178560]
- MIDI editor: properly enable menu option for cut/copy with CCs/Text/SysEx selected [p=1986463]
- MIDI editor: fix adjacent note deleted on paste bug [t=200489]
- MIDI editor: prevent event sorting from sometimes destroying notes [t=205082]
- MIDI editor: fix potential deadlock issues with crop/delete active take and MIDI editor open
- MIDI recording: auto-add of time-selection length MIDI items obeys new MIDI item looping preference [t=206748]
- Meters: fix incorrect clip indicators with +0dB maximum range [t=196950]
- MusicXML: set doctype correctly on timewise export (which is not supported by many programs) [t=206120]
- Paste: fix paste with more than 32 empty tracks between items (existed since 2005) [t=206222]
- Performance: make automatic worker scheduling mode slightly more aggressive
- Performance: reduce underruns when repositioning the edit cursor soon after stop
- Preroll: improve position calculation logic
- ReaEQ: fix arrange view updating when removing bands that have automated parameters
- ReaEQ: fix automated band behavior for first block after stop [t=206702]
- ReaEQ: fix undo when removing bands that have envelopes [t=206363]
- ReaEQ: support NamedConfigParm BANDTYPEx and BANDENABLEDx
- ReaSurround: add edit modes to move selected inputs directly towards or away from a specific speaker
- ReaSurround: add per-input channel controls to reverse (mirror) edits [p=1968511]
- ReaSurround: add relative speaker influence mode
- ReaSurround: change default 9.1 channel order to match SMPTE (existing projects are not affected)
- ReaSurround: hold down control key to override reverse/mirror edits when moving inputs with the mouse
- ReaSurround: hold shift key for faster edit, control key for slower edit
- ReaSurround: in relative mode, prevent bleed into speakers at opposite edges of the space
- ReaSurround: initialize arrangements with speakers closer to the edge of the space
- ReaSurround: restrict edits to the visible space
- Render: fix render preset dither when loading all settings [t=207024]
- Ruler: allow mapping double-click to no action [t=206937]
- Snap: improve snap/grid consistency with snap/grid settings linked [t=206160]
- Spectral editing: fix storage/application of very low compression thresholds
- Take envelopes: fix snap behaviors when inserting new point via shift+click [p=1990858]
- Take envelopes: transform MIDI take envelopes when modifying time map [t=206703]
- Undo: coalesce send volume/pan automation additions via action [t=206064]
- Undo: defer undo point for single-click media item selection
- Undo: flush any latent undo states before project save
- Undo: improve cursor position undo point behavior
- Undo: notify MIDI editor/Project Bay from various item selection change actions when item selection undo is disabled [p=1987752]
- VST: add compatibility setting to flush VST3 buffers with hard vs soft reset [p=1946500]
- VST: fix state saving for bypassed/take FabFilter VST3 [t=182827]
- VST: when forcing VST3 bus channel count, immediately reinitialize plug-in I/O
- VST: improve compatibility by resetting/re-initializing plugins only from main thread
- VST: prevent hanging notes when resetting plugins on loop [p=1932726]
- Video: re-open peaks when re-enabling audio for video item [t=206646]
- Virtual MIDI keyboard: pass through most shift-modified keys to main window [t=194984]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.90 RC9 (22.05.2018):
- MIDI editor: fix horizontal painting from rc8
- Take FX: fix automatic increase of channel count on take FX insertion
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.90 RC8 (21.05.2018):
- MIDI editor: improve start position accuracy when quickly painting new notes [p=1991890]
- Take envelopes: fix snap behaviors when inserting new point via shift+click [p=1990858]
- Arrange: faster display updating when editing item edges
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.90 RC7 (21.05.2018):
- API: TrackFX_AddByName/TrackFX_GetByName/etc can take VST2:/VST3:/VST:/AU:/JS:/DX: prefixes
- API: add ReorderSelectedTracks()
- MIDI editor: avoid double-drawing many updates
- MIDI editor: faster updating when using hand scrolling
- Ruler: allow mapping doubleclick to no action [t=206937]
- MIDI editor: improve ruler hit testing/cursor updating
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.90 RC6 (20.05.2018):
- MIDI editor: fix drawing issues at extreme zoom/time combinations
- MIDI editor: fix scrollbar issues at extreme zoom/scroll
- MIDI editor: update piano roll scrollbar when changing item/track visibility
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.90 RC5 (19.05.2018):
- Glue: do not round glued MIDI to audio samples [p=1991071]
- MIDI editor: fix 14-bit CC editing in event properties [p=1991134]
- Dynamic split: tweaked corner case modification to use old behavior for transient-splits
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.90 RC4 (17.05.2018):
- Dynamic split: fix corner case where audio is muted when the gate should open [p=kenny]
- Tempo map: fix hang on tempo change
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.90 RC3 (17.05.2018):
- Multiprocessing: remove old logic for reducing worker threads when using Live FX Multiprocessing and no Anticipative FX processing
- Take envelopes: transform MIDI take envelopes when modifying time map [t=206703]
- VST3: when forcing bus channel count, immediately reinitialize plug-in I/O
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.90 RC2 (15.05.2018):
- Automation items: improve behavior of copy/paste of overlapping media items [t=206767]
- MIDI recording: auto-add of time-selection length MIDI items obeys new MIDI item looping preference [t=206748]
- Performance: make automatic worker scheduling slightly more aggressive
- Preroll: improve position calculation logic
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.90 RC1 (14.05.2018):
- Audio Units: Reset/re-initialize plugins only from main thread
- Live FX Multiprocessing: improve performance with folder tracks that have PDC [t=169675]
- Live FX Multiprocessing: process receives similar to folders
- Snap: improve consistency with grid lines when snap settings linked to grid [t=206160]
- VST3: add compatibility setting to flush buffers with hard vs soft reset [p=1946500]
- VSTi: prevent hanging notes when resetting plug-ins on loop [p=1932726]
- Video: re-open peaks when re-enabling audio for video item [t=206646]
- VST: send plugin reset messages on the main thread whenever possible
- Batch converter: fix samplerate conversion issue with mainthread_reset updates [p=1976823]
- FX: avoid possible deadlock on preset load
- FX: fix rendering-related hang [p=1933560]
- FX: fix take FX [p=1934499]
- FX: simplify I/O initialization of media item FX on multichannel tracks [p=1945506]
- Live FX multiprocessing: fix deadlock issue [p=1932587]
- Live FX multiprocessing: fix deadlock with feedback routing
- Live FX multiprocessing: more deadlock fixes [p=1933830]
- MIDI editor: improve autozoom behavior after glue
- MIDI paste: improve behavior with overlapping notes pasted beyond item end [p=1989154]
- ReaPlugs: fix reset on playback start
- Sends: fix channel count increasing on sending track instead of receiving track [p=1935792]
- VST3: handle VST3 offline processing state changes from main thread
- VST3: inform plugin of track channel count only when it changes [p=1950595]
- VST: enable soft reset option for vst2 as well as vst3
- VST: fix VST3 output issues [p=1937585]
- VST: fix sample rate/buffer size error on render
- VST: fix setting hard reset compatibility option from Add FX context menu [p=1946919]
- VST: respect compatibility setting to (not) inform plug-ins of track channel count change [p=1950292]
- mainthread_plugin_reset: fix issue with glue and differing media/audio device samplerates
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 RC2 (13.05.2018):
- Performance: reduce underruns when repositioning the edit cursor soon after stop
- ReaEQ: fix automated band behavior for first block after stop [t=206702]
- MIDI editor: fix paste at end-of-item behavior [p=1988834]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 RC1 (12.05.2018):
- MIDI paste: improve behavior when pasting past end of visible item and extend is off [p=1988464]
- VST3: FabFilter-only fix
removed (returning in 5.82pre1):
- mainthread VST/AU initializations
- Live FX multiprocessing improvements
- WALTER new feature additions
- new stretchmarker timing modes
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 pre12 (10.05.2018):
- Automation items: pasting points in AI-only mode creates a new automation item
- Envelopes: clear old point selection when duplicating points via mouse modifier [p=1987813]
- Automation items: improve behavior when pasting points into exactly-fitting items and when pasting at the end of an item
- Track selection: notify MIDI editor/projbay/etc from various actions of item selection change when item selection undo is disabled [p=1987752]
- linux: fix jack MIDI control surface support crash
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 pre11 (09.05.2018):
- Automation items: allow pasting of points into existing items [t=205161]
- MIDI editor: fix project time display after switching context to/from items with non-1.0 playrate [p=1987557]
- MIDI editor: improve behavior when inserting notes on items with non-1.0 playrate
- MIDI editor: improve copy/paste behavior on items with non-1.0 rate
- ReaEQ: fix stale TCP parameter control when removing certain bands [p=1987661]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 pre10 (08.05.2018):
- Automation items: fix point shape getting reset to square for first parameter of offline FX
- MIDI editor: allow screensets to create the empty MIDI editor [p=1987100]
- MIDI editor: fix zoom-to-track in track list
- MIDI editor: improve various autoscroll/autozoom behaviors for source beats timebase
- MIDI editor: re-fixed select next/previous note actions, made them use stream order rather than note order
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 pre9 (07.05.2018):
- Automation items: avoid setting point shape to square when FX is offlined [t=206454]
- MIDI editor: add screenset tracking of editability
- MIDI editor: fix next/previous note navigation/selection issues [t=206404]
- Virtual MIDI keyboard: passthrough most shift-modified keys to main window [t=194984]
- MIDI editor: do not zoom to show all notes when using note folding and switching context to an item with no notes
- MIDI editor: fix opening after having loaded certain screensets [p=1986842]
- MIDI editor: improve track list auto-scroll to use edit cursor when it intersects the item
- MIDI editor: improve track list doubleclick behaviors
- MIDI editor: optimize note-folding calculations
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 pre8 (06.05.2018):
- MIDI editor: properly enable menu option for cut/copy with CCs/Text/SysEx selected [p=1986463]
- ReaEQ: fix arrange view updating when removing bands that have automated parameters
- ReaEQ: fix undo when removing bands that have envelopes [t=206363]
- MIDI editor: better preserve editability state when switching active context via arrange-link or track list item [p=1986546]
- MIDI editor: fix 14-bit CCs not being recognized during/after certain edits
- MIDI editor: improve opening new item via arrange with link-to-visibility enabled [p=1986574]
- MIDI editor: prevent pasting into an empty editor [p=1986464]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 pre7 (04.05.2018):
- MIDI editor: 14-bit CC editing fixes [t=201025]
- MIDI editor: do not include end-of-item ANO in channel list [t=185555]
- MIDI editor: improve undo messages on various lane edits
- MIDI editor: merge note names w/ shift pressed when loading from recent list (feature lost in v5.0) [t=178560]
- API: SetTrackSelected() notifies various windows of state change
- macOS: sign icc18 build disk images
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 pre6 (03.05.2018):
- MIDI editor: fix multicontext CC editing bug [p=1985426]
- MIDI editor: fix secondary editor zoom inconsistency with different PPQN settings [p=1985602]
- MIDI editor: improve UI for editor preferences
- MIDI editor: improve autoscroll behavior when duplicating events
- MIDI editor: improve track list display in source-beats view
- MIDI editor: note folding ignores other contexts in source-beats view
- MIDI editor: scroll but do not zoom when activating item from track list (click again to auto-zoom)
- MIDI paste: fix paste at start of item
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 pre5 (02.05.2018):
- Actions: fix selection behavior for various "Item edit: item under mouse cursor" actions
- MIDI editor: fix restore of macOS menu after renaming note [p=1984944]
- Paste: fix paste with more than 32 empty tracks between items [t=206222]
- ReaEQ: support NamedConfigParm BANDTYPEx and BANDENABLEDx
- Undo: defer undo point for single-click media item selection
- Undo: flush any latent undo states before project save
- Undo: improve cursor position undo point behavior
- MIDI editor: fix update of linked selection after doubleclick open on Windows [p=1985111]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 pre4 (01.05.2018):
- MIDI editor: changed default editor selection link options, may change options in existing installations
- MIDI editor: fix zoom-selection with secondary items at earlier time [p=1983153]
- Meters: fix incorrect clip indicators with +0dB maximum range [t=196950]
- MusicXML: set doctype correctly on timewise export (which is not supported by many programs) [t=206120]
- MIDI editor: listview cursor handling improvements
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 pre3 (29.04.2018):
- MIDI editor: fix maximize state incorrectly being reset
- Notation: improved logic to ensure a particular time (e.g. edit cursor) is visible
- Notation: update display when moving edit cursor via action
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 pre2 (28.04.2018):
- MIDI editor: allow scroll-left actions to scroll past item start but not project start
- MIDI editor: fix pasting to secondary editable items that are looped
- MIDI editor: fix pasting to secondary items that start before active item
- MIDI editor: improve copy/paste behavior with multiple contexts editable on multiple tracks
- Undo: coalesce send volume/pan automation additions via action [t=206064]
- API: Undo_EndBlock() with empty string uses first item in block if available
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.81 pre1 (26.04.2018):
- API: SetEnvelopePointEx() will propagate envelope item changes when not modifying point time and nosort=false
- MIDI editor: avoid auto-rezooming to less than 4 beats
- MIDI editor: fix EnsureNoteRangeVisible() / EnsureNoteVisible() with note folding enabled
- MIDI editor: improve editability linking when opening editable items from arrange, editability linked and active unlinked [p=1982004]
- MIDI editor: improve track list activate behavior when activating looped item
- MIDI editor: try to keep all folded notes in view when updating during recording
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.80 (25.04.2018):
- Glue: fix creation of subsample items when gluing on partial sample boundaries [t=205783]
- Keyboard: add option to allow the space key to be used for navigation in various windows [t=205757]
- Localization: improve MIDI consolidate error messages [p=1979031]
- MIDI editor: fix zoom to selected CC/notes with multiple contexts
- ReaXcomp: improve text field behavior when automating parameters [t=205735]
- VST3: enabled compatibility option `Inform plug-in of track channel count`, now enabled by default
- VST3: added per plug-in instance option to request bus channel count
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.80 rc1 (23.04.2018):
- Glue: fix creating small items when glueing items that begin/end on partial sample boundaries [t=205783]
- Keyboard: add option to allow the space key to be used for navigation in various windows [t=205757]
- Localization: improve MIDI consolidate error messages [p=1979031]
- MIDI editor: fix zoom to selected CC/notes with multiple contexts
- ReaXcomp: improve text field behavior when automating parameters [t=205735]
- VST3: make compatibility option `Inform plug-in of track channel count` work, default to enabled
- VST3: per plug-in instance option to request bus channel count
- Localization: add csurf names, more complete langpack generation
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.80 pre6 (23.04.2018):
- MIDI editor: fix zoom to selected CC/notes with multiple contexts
- MIDI editor: fix issues with note folding and simultaneous inline and regular MIDI editors
- MIDI editor: fix re-opening MIDI item auto-zoom bug [p=1981796]
- MIDI editor: improve note folding behavior with multiple contexts
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.80 pre5 (22.04.2018):
- MIDI editor: auto-zooming better handles looping
- MIDI editor: remove update of arrange edit cursor position when switching contexts [p=1981619]
- MIDI editor: when re-opening a MIDI item, auto-scroll if completely out of range (unless anybody objects) [p=1981624]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.80 pre4 (21.04.2018):
- VST3: make compatibility option `Inform plug-in of track channel count` work, default to enabled
- VST3: per plug-in instance option to request bus channel count
- MIDI editor: ignore state of hidden parent tracks for various calculations
- MIDI editor: when switching context via empty space doubleclick, exchange editability state if control/command not held
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.80 pre3 (21.04.2018):
- MIDI editor: improve behavior with multiple pooled items as secondary editable items
- MIDI editor: fix latent editability bug [p=1981123]
- MIDI editor: when opening multiple selected items via action, make the item closest to the edit cursor active [p=1981299]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.80 pre2 (20.04.2018):
- VST3: add compatibility mode option to force channels per bus, useful for various plug-ins
- MIDI editor: opening editor via action and `open all in project` focuses first selected item [p=1980838]
- MIDI: (re)restore sorting CC before note events [p=1978021]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.80 pre1 (19.04.2018):
- Glue: fix creating small items when glueing items that begin/end on partial sample boundaries [t=205783]
- Keyboard: add option to allow the space key to be used for navigation in various windows [t=205757]
- Localization: improve MIDI consolidate error messages [p=1979031]
- ReaXcomp: improve text field behavior when automating parameters [t=205735]
- Localization: add csurf names, more complete langpack generation
- MIDI editor: allow adjusting scroll when changing arrange selection and linked [p=1979046]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 (16.04.2018):
- Actions window: refresh after duplicating custom action
- Audio Units: improve support for AU that use multiple buses but do not support channel-configuration (e.g. Addictive Drums AUi) [t=203534] [t=205618]
- Automation items: fix crash when pasting to a track with more than 127 automation items (5.78 regression)
- Envelopes: do not clamp written volume envelope automation to visible envelope maximum
- Free item positioning: order items by timeline position if they were split from the same original recording
- Glue: round start/end times to project samplerate [t=205043]
- Keyboard: pass through spacebar in various windows to main window
- Localization: improve routing window organization [p=1974922]
- Localization: various fixes [p=1974917] [p=1974919] [p=1963506]
- MIDI editor: double/halve note length actions update pre-quantized state
- MIDI editor: fix possible crash when closing project tab [t=204933]
- MIDI editor: fix potential hang when text/sysex message list is left out of order by ReaScript [t=205010]
- MIDI editor: improve multi-context grid quantization behavior [t=137514]
- MIDI editor: in source beats piano roll view, show edit cursor position relative to source
- Multiprocessing: allow autodetection of up to 32 cores/threads
- MusicXML: fix importing voiced notes [t=204454]
- Notation: fix autoscroll issue when opening with out of range zoom levels [p=1976104]
- Notation: if auto-zoomed-in when switching to notation view, ensure edit cursor visible
- Notation: improve accidental positions on displaced notes and clusters [p=1971522]
- Performance meter: optionally show xrun counters
- ReaScript: prevent buffer overflow if very long string entered in Python path/libname in preferences
- ReaScript: GetTrackEnvelopeByName()/GetTakeEnvelopeByName() search english names before localized names
- Solo: improve receive behavior when folder track and child track soloed [t=205456]
- VST: support wantsChannelCountNotifications canDo
- Video: add presets to invert colors, rotate to normal zoom/pan
- Video: add absolute difference and other YUV blend modes to script
- Windows: fix potential accessibility related crash [t=205483]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 RC1 (15.04.2018):
- API: Get*EnvelopeByName() searches english names before any localized names
- API: export LICE_DrawCBezier, LICE_FillCBezier
- Automation items: fix crash with more than 127 automation items per track (5.78 regression)
- Envelopes: do not clamp written volume envelope automation to visible envelope maximum
- Free item positioning: order items by timeline position if they were split from the same original recording
- Glue: round start/end times to project samplerate [t=205043]
- Keyboard: passthrough spacebar in actions, automation items, project bay, metronome, dynamic split, media item properties, MIDI note properties, MIDI humanize/quantize, scale finder, and routing/grouping matrix windows.
- Localization: improve routing window organization [p=1974922]
- Localization: improve various localized string formats [p=1974919]
- Localization: various fixes [p=1974917]
- Localization: various localization corners rounded [p=1963506]
- MIDI editor: double/halve note length action updates pre-quantized state
- MIDI editor: ensure edit cursor visible when opening a new editor
- MIDI editor: fix possible crash when closing project tab [t=204933]
- MIDI editor: fix potential hang when text/sysex message list is out of order due to ill-behaved ReaScript [t=205010]
- MIDI editor: improve multi-context grid quantization behavior [t=137514]
- MIDI editor: improve track list activation behavior [t=204728]
- MIDI editor: in source beats piano roll view, show edit cursor position relative to source
- Multiprocessing: allow autodetection of up to 32 cores/threads
- MusicXML: fix importing voiced notes [t=204454]
- Notation: fix autoscroll issue when opening with out of range zoom levels [p=1976104]
- Notation: if auto-zoomed-in when switching to notation, ensure edit cursor visible
- Notation: improve accidental positions on displaced notes and clusters [p=1971522]
- Performance meter: optionally show xrun counters
- ReaScript: prevent buffer overflow if very long strings entered in Python path/libname in preferences
- Solo: improve receive behavior when folder track and child track soloed [t=205456]
- VST: support wantsChannelCountNotifications canDo
- Video: add Invert colors preset, add rotate to normal zoom/pan preset
- Video: add absolute difference and other YUV blend modes
- Windows: fix potential accessibility related crash [t=205483]
- Actions: fix "view FX chain for current track" w/ master track [t=205352]
- Notation editor: display tuplets without display quantization
- Notation: allow more columns of nearly-overlapping accidentals
- Performance meter: fix potential crash
- linux: show ALSA device names
- linux: support optional disabling of power management via /dev/cpu_dma_latency
- linux: use PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT for mutexes
- linux: use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) for various timings, use prio_inherit for event mutexes
- linux: use smaller file reading buffers by default
- 18dbFS default gain for js/schwa/gaussian_noise_generator
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre17b (15.04.2018):
- MIDI editor: clicking to activate an already-active item in track list will auto-zoom
- MIDI editor: simplify open-zoom logic (do not auto-zoom when opening via arrange, unless the item clicked is already the active item in editor)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre16 (14.04.2018):
- MIDI editor: fix reuse of completely empty editor when in one editor per project mode
- MIDI editor: zoom to contents of current item when opening/reopening from arrange
- Notation specific autozoom/repositioning tweaks
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre15 (14.04.2018):
- Automation items: fix crash with more than 127 automation items per track (5.78 regression)
- MIDI editor: contents menu fixes for option updates
- MIDI editor: fix various weird editability behaviors
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre14 (13.04.2018):
- Envelopes: do not clamp written volume envelope automation to visible envelope maximum
- MIDI editor: improved behavior when opening multiple items at once
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre13 (12.04.2018):
- MIDI editor: disable edit cursor sync outside of visible item bounds
- MIDI editor: fix various zoom/selection/etc things
- MIDI editor: improve autoscroll behavior when near start of active item [p=1977694]
- MIDI: restore sorting CC before note events [p=1978021]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre12 (10.04.2018):
- MIDI editor: better behavior when moving edit cursor
- MIDI editor: better resize/zoom/scroll behavior on item selection changes
- Notation editor: avoid extending looped items in certain instances
- Windows: fix potential accessibility related crash [t=205483]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre11 (10.04.2018):
- FX learn: fix controller mapping defaults when FX name contains brackets [t=205458]
- MIDI editor: improve multi-context grid quantization behavior [t=137514]
- MIDI editor: preserve zoom level when switching contexts, do not auto-zoom in [p=1977060]
- MIDI editor: various fixes to visibility/editability linking, same-track option
- MIDI editor: when in one editor-per-project/track modes, always show full ruler [p=1977060]
- Solo: improve receive behavior when folder track and child track soloed [t=205456]
- linux: support optional disabling of power management via /dev/cpu_dma_latency
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre10 (09.04.2018):
- API: export LICE_DrawCBezier, LICE_FillCBezier
- MIDI editor: ensure edit cursor visible when opening a new editor
- MIDI editor: improve track list activation behavior [t=204728]
- MIDI editor: in source beats piano roll view, show edit cursor position relative to source
- Notation: if auto-zoomed-in when switching to notation, ensure edit cursor visible
- VST: support wantsChannelCountNotifications canDo
- Batch converter: fix samplerate conversion issue with mainthread_reset updates [p=1976823]
- 18dbFS default gain for js/schwa/gaussian_noise_generator
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre9 (07.04.2018):
- Localization: improve routing window organization [p=1974922]
- MIDI: prevent event sorting from sometimes destroying notes [t=205082]
- Notation: fix autoscroll issue when opening with out of range zoom levels [p=1976104]
- Actions: fix "view FX chain for current track" w/ master track [t=205352]
- Fix track selection control surface notifications [p=1975835]
- WALTER: clearing anything in tcp.* now disables all legacy sizing logic
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre8 (05.04.2018):
- MIDI paste: fix adjacent note deleted on paste bug [t=200489]
- Performance: reduce underruns when repositioning the edit cursor soon after stop
- Custom actions: defer layout/recarm changes from selection changes [p=1975343]
- Notation: fix incorrect reading of notation metadata introduced in pre7 [p=1975392]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre7 (04.04.2018):
- Localization: improve various localized string formats [p=1974919]
- Localization: various fixes [p=1974917]
- MIDI: never sort events based on anything but time position [t=205082]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre6 (02.04.2018):
- Fade editor: fixed an obscure possible bug
- Misc: fixed a few minor memory leaks
- Notation editor: display tuplets without display quantization
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre6 (02.04.2018):
- ReaScript: prevent buffer overflow if very long strings entered in Python path/libname in preferences
- Performance meter: fix potential crash
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre3 (29.03.2018):
- Free item positioning: order items by timeline position if they were split from the same original recording
- MIDI editor: double/halve note length action updates pre-quantized state
- MIDI editor: fix potential hang when text/sysex message list is out of order due to ill-behaved ReaScript [t=205010]
- Notation: improve accidental positions on displaced notes and clusters [p=1971522]
- Stretch markers: add new "transient-optimized" and "no pre-echo reduction" stretch marker modes
- Stretch markers: add project setting for stretch marker mode
- Video: add Invert colors preset, add rotate to normal zoom/pan preset
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre2 (26.03.2018):
- Elastique: improve timing of timestretch ramps [t=204269]
- MIDI editor: fix possible crash when closing project tab [t=204933]
- Rubberband: improve timing of timestretch ramps [t=204269]
- Video: add absolute difference and other YUV blend modes
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 pre1 (25.03.2018):
- Keyboard: passthrough spacebar in actions, automation items, project bay, metronome, dynamic split, media item properties, MIDI note properties, MIDI humanize/quantize, scale finder, and routing/grouping matrix windows.
- MusicXML: fix importing voiced notes [t=204454]
- ReaSurround: add per-input channel controls to reverse (mirror) edits [p=1968511]
- ReaSurround: hold down control key to override reverse/mirror edits when moving inputs with the mouse
- linux: show ALSA device names
- linux: use PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT for mutexes
- mainthread_plugin_reset: fix issue with glue and differing media/audio device samplerates
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.78 (25.03.2018):
- Envelopes: convert automation items to square points when copy/pasting to mute, tempo, or FX bypass envelope and automation item is not pooled
- Envelopes: generally prevent curved envelope segments on FX bypass envelopes
- Free item positioning: automatically reposition media items when first setting a track to FIPM
- Free item positioning: initial vertical positioning, and action to auto-reposition, follows item creation order, similar to ordering when showing overlapping media items in lanes [t=204127]
- macOS: support third party applications/applescript inserting media with options e.g. "#NOTAB#START:0.5#LENGTH:360.0#/path/to/file"
- macOS: update default FX name filtering
- Multichannel audio: properly name single-channel items after "explode by channel" action [t=203560]
- Preferences: fix option to create new project tab when inserting media using "open with..." from explorer/finder
- ReaScript: allow running scripts with restricted permissions via "ReaScript: Run [Last] ReaScript..." actions
- ReaScript: GetLastTouchedFX() and GetFocusedFX() only succeed if FX is in active project [t=204540]
- ReaSurround: fix automation of diffusion bias knob [t=201871]
- Render: increase dither bit width to 1.5 bits [t=202685]
- Take FX: fix take FX automation timing on media items when start in source is not zero and the FX has latency [t=203863]
- Tempo map: fix importing initial time signature from MIDI tempo map
- Track manager: fix enabling/disabling track FX via track manager mouse sweep
- Track manager: fix selection mirroring when first opening the track manager
- Tracks: add track height locking
- VST3: fix forcing a plugin to mono if it supports more than 64 output channels [t=204324]
- Windows: support third party applications inserting media with options (WM_COPYDATA with dwData=0x100, data e.g. "#NOTAB#START:0.5#LENGTH:360.0#C:pathtofilename")
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.78 RC4 (22.03.2018):
- MacOS: accommodate AppleScript path strict/irrational typing [p=1969070&]
- linux: ALSA driver gives error if failed opening input or output
- linux: ALSA driver tries to use mmap mode unless alsa_mmap=0 in reaper.ini
- linux: option to auto-suspend PulseAudio in ALSA/JACK modes
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.78 RC3 (18.03.2018):
- MacOS: fix opening REAPER via file association
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.78 Pre2 (11.03.2018):
- Envelopes: convert automation items to square points when copy/pasting to mute, tempo, or FX bypass envelope and automation item is not pooled
- Envelopes: generally prevent curved envelope segments on FX bypass envelopes
- Multichannel audio: properly name single-channel items after "explode by channel" action [t=203560]
- ReaScript: allow running scripts with restricted permissions via "ReaScript: Run [Last] ReaScript..." actions
- ReaSurround: add edit modes to move selected inputs directly towards or away from a specific speaker
- ReaSurround: add relative speaker influence mode
- ReaSurround: hold shift key for faster edit, control key for slower edit
- ReaSurround: initialize arrangements with speakers closer to the edge of the space
- ReaSurround: restrict edits to the visible space
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.77 (09.03.2018):
- Arrange view: highlight the track with horizontal move guides when moving media items
- Arrange view: show move guides when dragging media into the project
- Automation items: add action to convert all project automation to automation items
- Automation items: delete selected automation items when deleting media items
- Automation items: split selected automation items when splitting media items
- Envelopes: when moving or copying an unpooled automation item to a mute envelope, convert all points to square shape [p=1955309]
- FX: add support for assigning shortcuts to insert specific FX or FX chains
- FX: optionally show assigned shortcuts in the Add FX dialog (Options/Show in FX list)
- FX: fix bypass automation issues on plug-ins that use PDC [t=203665]
- FX: fix updating bypass checkbox in floating window when bypassed from FX chain window [t=203451]
- macOS: fix magnify gestures respecting preference for mousewheel to target window under cursor or window with focus
- MIDI: add options for displaying CC lanes in arrange view: no lanes, first lane visible in MIDI editor, one combined lane, or multiple lanes
- MIDI: draw thinner arrange view notes/CC, lighter CC shading, avoid drawing overlapping PC/sysex
- MIDI: preserve notation data when exploding items by pitch or channel
- MIDI: add themeable fill mode for chased MIDI CC data in arrange view
- Notation editor: fix "delete clef" menu action [t=204099]
- Preferences: improve UI for adding/removing VST plug-in search paths [t=203195]
- ReaSurround: fix automation of knob-based controls [t=201871]
- Ruler: fix grid drawing inaccuracy when zoomed in and grid set to triplets [p=1957656]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 Pre3 (24.02.2018):
- Arrange view: highlight the track with horizontal move guides when moving media items
- Arrange view: show move guides when dragging media into the project
- FX: fix bypass automation issues on plug-ins that use PDC [t=203665]
- FX: properly fix updating bypass checkbox in floating window when bypassed from FX chain window [t=203451]
- FX: shortcut to insert/show FX applies to all selected tracks or media items
- MIDI: use less vertical space for MIDI CC data
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 Pre2 (23.02.2018):
- FX: fix updating bypass checkbox in floating window when bypassed from FX chain window [t=203451]
- FX: optionally show assigned shortcuts in the Add FX dialog (Options/Show in FX list)
- MIDI: add options for displaying CC lanes in arrange view: no lanes, first lane visible in MIDI editor, one combined lane, or multiple lanes
- ReaSurround: fix automation of knob-based controls [t=201871]
- Ruler: fix grid drawing inaccuracy when zoomed in and grid set to triplets [p=1957656]
- Automation items: "split under mouse cursor" actions work on automation items
- FX: refresh action list dialog properly after deleting/editing FX shortcuts
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.79 Pre1 (20.02.2018):
- Automation items: add action to convert all project automation to automation items
- Automation items: delete selected automation items when deleting media items
- Automation items: split automation items when splitting media items
- FX: support inserting FX chains via shortcut
- MIDI: draw thinner arrange view notes/CC, lighter CC shading, avoid drawing overlapping PC/sysex
- MIDI: preserve notation data when exploding items by pitch or channel
- MIDI: themeable fill mode for chased MIDI CC data in arrange view
- FX shortcuts: add fx shortcut actions to action list, so shortcuts can be edited there or toolbar buttons assigned
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.76 RC2 (19.02.2018):
- VST3: fix activating secondary buses with no active pins connected [p=1956236]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.75 (16.02.2018):
- Automation items: do not automatically extend automation items that match the time selection (to enable time selection autopunch behavior) [p=1936848]
- Automation items: fix automation items being left behind when key modifiers change during media item edit [t=200768]
- Batch converter: avoid possible glitch at end of conversion for items with take FX
- Batch converter: fix incorrect sample rate used when processing item with take FX
- Control surfaces: do not auto-close http/OSC control surfaces when inactive
- Envelopes: when using "preserve edge points" mouse modifier, prevent unnecessary left edge point if previous point shape is square
- Extensions: do not load project template after successfully importing a project via extension [t=202610]
- FX: ensure no feedback loop created when building multichannel routing on a folder [t=201177]
- FX: fix channel behavior when loading FX chain via SWS resources [p=1951546]
- FX: fix looping PDC automation issues near loop point [t=200899]
- FX: fix wet/dry automation issue with PDC [t=201087]
- FX: use variable I/O for Audio Unit plug-ins that do not support kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels
- FX: list newly scanned plug-ins in the "New" category for 24 hours
- Grid: display arrange view grid lines and ruler markings more consistently with linear tempo changes [p=1924259]
- Grid: optionally divide arrange view vertically by measures
- Groups: allow theming of colors for groups 33-64
- Install: do not update last-modified timestamp on unchanged InstallData files (such as JSFX)
- MIDI editor: fix CC lane drawing issues with looped items
- MIDI: improve pixel accuracy and overall display of notes and CC in the arrange view [t=201105]
- MIDI: add preference to display multiple CC lanes in the arrange view, and/or combine all CC data into a single lane
- MIDI: treat type 0 files with meta-events as multichannel files on import; if configured, prompt to import meta-events and channel MIDI as separate tracks [t=201510]
- Media: when replacing source media, reset start offset if it is no longer within the source media length [t=203231]
- Mouse modifiers: new modifier to add or toggle media items or MIDI notes to selection, and set time selection to selected items or notes
- MusicXML: fix manual quantizing after import [t=202244]
- OSC: allow setting /track/monitor mode directly (rather than just cycling) [p=1914163]
- ReaControlMIDI: support sample-accurate automation playback
- ReaScript: TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm() can query pdc, input/output pin names
- ReaScript: allow very small sizes for custom UIs
- ReaScript: fix incorrect sample rate used when processing take FX via audio accessors
- ReaScript: improve syntax highlight of non-typical Lua function calls [t=203219]
- Recording: latency-compensate input-FX delay [t=200916]
- Regions: copy regions without splitting the original media items [p=1902899]
- Regions: fix some envelope issues that arise when copying/moving regions [p=1947748]
- Solo: improve behavior with routing and folders [t=199396]
- Subprojects: add action to save project and render RPP-PROX for non-subprojects
- Subprojects: add option to prevent automatic subproject rendering
- Subprojects: add option to prompt on background subproject rendering
- Subprojects: copy markers/regions when moving track to subproject
- Subprojects: copy grid/framerate settings when moving tracks/items to subproject
- Super8: improve edge trimming
- Take FX: fix issues when rendering take FX as new take [p=1937158]
- Take pan: produce stereo output when rendering mono items with pan or pan envelopes
- Tempo envelope: add action to insert tempo marker at cursor, without opening the tempo edit dialog
- Undo: avoid over-compaction of undo history [p=1936784]
- Video: add (otherwise undocumented) refresh_ms= ini file tweak
- VST: do not update VST3 preset list in response to parameter names changing [p=1924970]
- VST: inform VST3 plug-ins of multichannel context even if the plug-in does not adjust its I/O configuration in response
- VST: prevent VST3 multichannel plug-ins from running in mono on stereo tracks [p=1945285]
- VST: avoid incorrect offline-processing notifications on plug-in load
- Windows: fix topmost pin state remembering when using non-latin pathnames [p=1926485]
- Windows: show top-level expand/collapse button in Add FX dialog
- macOS: preserve track I/O window position when auto-resizing
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.76 RC1 (18.02.2018):
- FX: fix time reported to plug-ins after PDC and looped playback [t=203300]
- MIDI: do not display velocity data in arrange view [t=203349]
- Subprojects: copy more global project state when moving items/tracks to subproject
- macOS: improve listview update speed
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.76 Pre1 (17.02.2018):
- Audio Units: Reset/re-initialize plugins only from main thread
- Envelopes: when moving or copying an unpooled automation item to a mute envelope, convert all points to square shape [p=1955309]
- FX: add support for assigning shortcuts to show/insert specific FX
- FX: fix time reported to plug-ins after PDC and looped playback [t=203300]
- Preferences: improve UI for adding/removing VST plug-in search paths [t=203195]
- Subprojects: copy more global project state when moving items/tracks to subproject
- macOS: improve listview update speed
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 RC2 (14.02.2018):
- Lua: syntax-highlight user-defined functions [t=203219]
- Media: when replacing source media, reset start offset if it is no longer within the source media length [t=203231]
- VST3: fix activation of secondary buses that have higher channel counts than track channels
- linux: fix VST3 remove_fd() crash
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 RC1 (10.02.2018):
- Audio Units: use variable I/O for plug-ins which do not support kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels
- Automation items: don`t automatically extend automation items that match the time selection (to enable time selection autopunch behavior) [p=1936848]
- Automation items: fix automation items being left behind when key modifiers change during media item edit [t=200768]
- Batch converter: avoid glitches at end of conversion for items with Take FX
- Batch converter: fix incorrect samplerate used when processing item with take FX
- Control surfaces: do not auto-close http/OSC control surfaces
- Envelopes: when using "preserve edge points" mouse modifer, prevent unnecessary left edge point if previous point shape is square
- Extensions: do not load project template after successfully importing a project via extension [t=202610]
- FX: ensure no feedback loop created when building multichannel routing on a folder [t=201177]
- FX: fix channel behavior when loading FX chain via SWS resources [p=1951546]
- FX: fix looping PDC automation issues near loop point [t=200899]
- FX: fix wet/dry automation issue with PDC [t=201087]
- Grid: add option to divide arrange view vertically every N measures
- Grid: display arrange view grid lines and ruler markings more consistently
- Groups: allow theming of colors for groups 33-64
- JSFX: super8 edge trimming improvements
- MIDI editor: fix CC lane drawing issues with looped items
- MIDI: add preference to display multiple CC lanes in the arrange view, and/or combine all CC data into a single lane
- MIDI: improve item peaks display
- MIDI: improve pixel accuracy for MIDI peaks in the arrange view [t=201105]
- MIDI: treat type 0 files with meta-events as multichannel files on import; if configured, prompt to import meta-events and channel MIDI as separate tracks [t=201510]
- Mouse modifiers: add modifier to add a range of media items or MIDI notes to selection, and set time selection to selected items or notes
- Mouse modifiers: add modifier to toggle MIDI note selection and set time selection to selected notes
- Mouse modifiers: add modifier to toggle media item selection and set time selection to selected items
- MusicXML: fix manual quantizing after import [t=202244]
- OSC: allow setting /track/monitor mode directly (rather than just cycling) [p=1914163]
- ReaControlMIDI: support sample-accurate automation playback
- ReaScript: TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm() can query pdc, input/output pin names
- ReaScript: allow very small sizes for custom UIs
- ReaScript: fix incorrect samplerate used when processing take FX via audio accessors
- Recording: latency-compensate input-FX delay [t=200916]
- Regions: copy regions without splitting the original media items [p=1902899]
- Regions: fix some envelope issues that arise when copying/moving regions [p=1947748]
- Ruler: draw ticks more consistently with linear tempo changes [1924259]
- Ruler: optionally divide arrange view vertically by measures
- Ruler: optionally highlight ruler markings in the arrange view
- Solo: improve behavior with routing and folders [t=199396]
- Subprojects: add action to save project and render RPP-PROX for non-subprojects
- Subprojects: add option to prevent automatic subproject rendering
- Subprojects: add option to prompt on background subproject rendering
- Subprojects: move track to subproject copies markers/regions
- Subprojects: move tracks/items to subproject copies grid/framerate settings
- Take FX: fix issues rendering take FX as new take [p=1937158]
- Take pan: produce stereo output when rendering mono items with pan/pan envelopes
- Tempo envelope: add action to insert tempo marker at cursor, without opening the tempo edit dialog
- Undo: avoid over-compaction of undo history [p=1936784]
- VST3: do not update preset list in response to parameter names changing [p=1924970]
- VST3: inform plugins of multichannel context even if the plugin does not adjust its I/O configuration in response
- VST3: prevent multichannel plugins from running in mono on stereo tracks [p=1945285]
- VST: avoid incorrect offline-processing notifications on plug-in load
- VST: improve multichannel detection for some VST2 plug-ins (e.g. FabFilter)
- VST: list newly scanned plugins in the "new" category for 24 hours
- Windows: fix topmost pin state remembering when using non-latin pathnames [p=1926485]
- Windows: show top-level expand/collapse button in Add FX dialog
- macOS: preserve track I/O window position when auto-resizing
- Arrange view: fix red/blue theme color channel swap in vertical shading mode [p=1939856]
- Envelopes: consider envelope points at the right edge of a project region to be within the region [p=1937919]
- FX: fix PDC automation precision near loop point with 1-block latency
- FX: list newly scanned plugins in FX quick-add menu
- Grid: color arrange view gridlines for custom-colored project markers and regions [p=1932926]
- Grid: dynamic grid shading follows beat-based ruler markings even below one measure [p=1935890]
- Grid: fix disappearing gridlines/hang bug [p=1933010]
- Grid: fix track divider lines in certain themes [p=1938081]
- Grid: move/reword option to use odd/even track colors to divide arrange view by measures
- Grid: support dividing vertically when using frame grid
- Grid: when dividing vertically by measures and the ruler is in measures.beats, generally follow ruler markings
- Grid: when dividing vertically by measures, respect custom project measure start
- Install: avoid updating modified timestamp on non-changed InstallData files (such as JSFX)
- JS: categorize JS edited within the last 24 hours as new
- Linux: VST3 IRunLoop support
- MIDI peaks: do not chase PC/SYX
- MIDI peaks: do not chase velocities, use max(vel1,vel2) rather than vel1|vel2
- MIDI peaks: draw PC/SYX even when no CC lanes visible
- MIDI peaks: fix chased CC peak display
- MIDI peaks: initialize centered lanes properly
- MIDI: always draw at least one lane of CC data in arrange view
- MIDI: display either 14-bit or associated MSB lane in arrange view, not both
- MIDI: don`t display combined CC lane in arrange view if the media item contains zero or one distinct type of CC data
- MIDI: ensure both peaks and peaks edges colors (if enabled) are used for all MIDI notes [p=1939526]
- MIDI: fix crash when splitting MIDI item with inline editor open [p=1937408]
- MIDI: fix peaks drawing when theme supports different colored edges on peaks [p=1937141]
- MIDI: fix peaks view when automatic scaling is disabled [p=1934859]
- MIDI: minor tweaks when drawing peaks edges [p=1938984]
- MIDI: remove option to scale MIDI peaks to fit (peaks are always scaled now)
- MIDI: smoother combined CC data lane in peaks drawing
- ReaControlMIDI: fix MIDI learn [p=1938515]
- Regions: fix crash when copying regions with overlapping media items [p=1937388]
- Regions: include envelope points very close to start of region when copying region [p=1950427]
- Regions: prevent extra points when moving or copying project regions [p=1948787]
- Ruler: EvilDragon appeasement [p=1933948]
- Ruler: avoid drawing highlights over media items when time selection is active [p=1932347]
- Ruler: fix lag in loop point drawing [p=1936526]
- Ruler: fix tickmarks in time-based display modes [p=1932941]
- Ruler: recalculate grid immediately when changing grid settings [p=1932912]
- Ruler: the full Chamberlain [p=1935874]
- VST3: minor change to how plugins are notified of multichannel track counts
- VST: use file creation time rather than last modified time to determine whether to categorize plugin as new
- Video: add undocumented refresh_ms= ini file tweak
- linux: fix JACK initialization race condition
- linux: trash support for directory cleanup
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre20 (08.02.2018):
- Audio Units: use variable I/O for plug-ins which do not support kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels
- Extensions: do not load project template after successfully importing a project via extension [t=202610]
- FX: fix channel behavior when loading FX chain via SWS resources [p=1951546]
- Subprojects: add action to save project and render RPP-PROX for non-subprojects
- Subprojects: add option to prevent automatic subproject rendering
- Subprojects: add option to prompt on background subproject rendering
- Envelopes: consider envelope points at the right edge of a project region to be within the region [p=1937919]
- Regions: include envelope points very close to start of region when copying region [p=1950427]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre19 (06.02.2018):
- Subprojects: move track to subproject copies markers/regions
- Subprojects: move tracks/items to subproject copies grid/framerate settings
- Envelopes: save points with more significant digits to avoid region copy rounding errors [p=1950427]
- VST3: inform plugin of track channel count only when it changes [p=1950595]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre18 (05.02.2018):
- Install: avoid updating modified timestamp on non-changed InstallData files (such as JSFX)
- Regions: prevent extra points when moving or copying project regions [p=1948787]
- VST: respect compatibility setting to (not) inform plug-ins of track channel count change [p=1950292]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre17 (01.02.2018):
- Regions: fix some envelope issues that arise when copying/moving regions [p=1947748]
- VST: improve multichannel detection for some VST2 plug-ins (e.g. FabFilter)
- VST3: minor change to how plugins are notified of multichannel track counts
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre16a (29.01.2018):
- FX: simplify I/O initialization of media item FX on multichannel tracks [p=1945506]
- JS: categorize JS edited within the last 24 hours as new
- VST: fix setting hard reset compatibility option from Add FX context menu [p=1946919]
- VST: use file creation time rather than last modified time to determine whether to categorize plugin as new
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre14a (24.01.2018):
- MIDI: always draw at least one lane of CC data in arrange view
- MIDI: don`t display combined CC lane in arrange view if the media item contains zero or one distinct type of CC data
- MIDI: smoother combined CC data lane in peaks drawing
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre14 (24.01.2018):
- Envelopes: when using "preserve edge points" mouse modifer, prevent unnecessary left edge point if previous point shape is square
- MIDI: add preference to display multiple CC lanes in the arrange view, and/or combine all CC data into a single lane
- VST3: inform plugins of multichannel context even if the plugin does not adjust its I/O configuration in response
- MIDI peaks: initialize centered lanes properly
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre13 (18.01.2018):
- ReaControlMIDI: fix bug in sample accurate parameter change support
- linux: trash support for directory cleanup
- mac: added icc18 test builds
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre12a (13.01.2018):
- Arrange view: fix red/blue theme color channel swap in vertical shading mode [p=1939856]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre12 (12.01.2018):
- ASIO: permit buffer sizes that are not a power of 2 if the device does not very specifically request otherwise [t=200746]
- MIDI: ensure both peaks and peaks edges colors (if enabled) are used for all MIDI notes [p=1939526]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre11 (12.01.2018):
- Solo: improve behavior with routing and folders [t=199396]
- VST: avoid incorrect offline-processing notifications on plug-in load
- Grid: fix track divider lines in certain themes [p=1938081]
- MIDI: minor tweaks when drawing peaks edges [p=1938984]
- ReaControlMIDI: fix MIDI learn [p=1938515]
- Video: add undocumented refresh_ms= ini file tweak
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre9 (07.01.2018):
- Automation items: don`t automatically extend automation items that match the time selection (to enable time selection autopunch behavior) [p=1936848]
- Groups: allow theming of colors for groups 33-64
- ReaControlMIDI: support sample-accurate automation playback
- Grid: dynamic grid shading follows beat-based ruler markings even below one measure [p=1935890]
- MIDI peaks: do not chase PC/SYX
- MIDI peaks: do not chase velocities, use max(vel1,vel2) rather than vel1|vel2
- MIDI peaks: draw PC/SYX even when no CC lanes visible
- MIDI peaks: fix chased CC peak display
- MIDI: remove option to scale MIDI peaks to fit (peaks are always scaled now)
- Ruler: fix lag in loop point drawing [p=1936526]
- Ruler: the full Chamberlain [p=1935874]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre8 (05.01.2018):
- Grid: add option to divide arrange view vertically every N measures
- MIDI editor: fix CC lane drawing issues with looped items
- MIDI: improve item peaks display
- MIDI: improve pixel accuracy for MIDI peaks in the arrange view [t=201105]
- MIDI: treat type 0 files with meta-events as multichannel files on import; if configured, prompt to import meta-events and channel MIDI as separate tracks [t=201510]
- Mouse modifiers: add modifier to toggle MIDI note selection and set time selection to selected notes
- Mouse modifiers: add modifier to toggle media item selection and set time selection to selected items
- MIDI: fix peaks view when automatic scaling is disabled [p=1934859]
- Sends: fix channel count increasing on sending track instead of receiving track [p=1935792]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre7 (03.01.2018):
- FX: fix PDC automation precision near loop point with 1-block latency
- FX: fix take FX [p=1934499]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre6 (03.01.2018):
- FX: avoid possible deadlock on preset load
- Live FX multiprocessing: more deadlock fixes [p=1933830]
- Ruler: EvilDragon appeasement [p=1933948]
- VST: fix sample rate/buffer size error on render
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre5 (02.01.2018):
- FX: avoid possible deadlock on preset load
- FX: fix rendering-related hang [p=1933560]
- Grid: move/reword option to use odd/even track colors to divide arrange view by measures
- Grid: support dividing vertically when using frame grid
- Grid: when dividing vertically by measures and the ruler is in measures.beats, generally follow ruler markings
- Grid: when dividing vertically by measures, respect custom project measure start
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre4a (01.01.2018):
- Ruler: optionally divide arrange view vertically by measures
- Grid: fix disappearing gridlines/hang bug [p=1933010]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre3 (31.12.2017):
- Grid: color arrange view gridlines for custom-colored project markers and regions [p=1932926]
- Live FX multiprocessing: fix deadlock with feedback routing
- ReaPlugs: fix reset on playback start
- Ruler: fix tickmarks in time-based display modes [p=1932941]
- Ruler: recalculate grid immediately when changing grid settings [p=1932912]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.71 Pre1 (30.12.2017):
- Automation items: fix automation items being left behind when key modifiers change during media item edit [t=200768]
- Control surfaces: do not auto-close http/OSC control surfaces
- Grid: display arrange view grid lines and ruler markings more consistently
- Live FX Multiprocessing: improve performance with folder tracks that have PDC [t=169675]
- Live FX Multiprocessing: process receives similar to folders
- OSC: allow setting /track/monitor mode directly (rather than just cycling) [p=1914163]
- ReaScript: TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm() can query pdc, input/output pin names
- Recording: latency-compensate input-FX delay [t=200916]
- Regions: copy regions without splitting the original media items [p=1902899]
- Ruler: draw ticks more consistently with linear tempo changes [1924259]
- Ruler: optionally highlight ruler markings in the arrange view
- Take pan: produce stereo output when rendering mono items with pan/pan envelopes
- Tempo envelope: add action to insert tempo marker at cursor, without opening the tempo edit dialog
- VST3: do not update preset list in response to parameter names changing [p=1924970]
- Windows: fix topmost pin state remembering when using non-latin pathnames [p=1926485]
- Windows: show top-level expand/collapse button in Add FX dialog
- macOS: preserve track I/O window position when auto-resizing
- VST: send plugin reset messages on the main thread whenever possible
- Linux: VST3 IRunLoop support
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.70 (13.12.2017):
- Arrange: do not allow pencil drawing in collapsed tracks [t=200258]
- Automation: copy automation item mute state when duplicating regions [p=1909799]
- Automation: always remove points from underlying envelope when creating automation items
- Automation: monitor existing automation items when writing into an automation item
- Automation: option to trim content behind automation items when editing also trims when writing automation
- Automation: write into selected automation items only
- Automation: trim overlapping automation items on actions to write current value to envelope and create a new automation item [p=1904138]
- FLAC: update to FLAC 1.3.2
- FX: support developer and VST3 category listings in Add FX window
- FX: display and order FX quick-add menu according to Add FX window preferences
- FX: optimize/improve TCP/MCP quick-add menu organization [p=1902034]
- FX: cache JSFX lists, clear cache on refresh in Add FX window
- Fades: improve behavior of crossfade shape actions [t=200422]
- Groups: support up to 64 track groups per project
- JSFX: allow NUL characters in literal strings
- macOS: autodetect and use customized system open file descriptor limit [p=1899324]
- macOS: improve disk image window initial size on 10.13
- macOS: notify Audio Units plug-ins of offline rendering
- mp3 decoder: use .reapindex for files 12MB or larger (previously was 64MB)
- MIDI editor: add actions to move cursor to start/end of measure
- OSC: support bidirectional communication modes
- Preferences: add option to display/hide arrange view gridlines for project regions/markers and/or time signature changes
- ReaComp: support TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm(GainReduction_dB)
- ReaScript: allow NUL characters in literal strings in EEL
- Regions: improve edits to overlapping regions
- Regions: improve tempo envelope behavior when moving and copying regions
- Regions: support dual edge editing
- Render: clear "all tracks" in region render matrix when removing track via API [t=199671]
- Ruler: allow expanding the ruler to display multiple lanes
- Ruler: add actions to display regions, markers, tempo/time signature changes in lanes (or constrain to a single lane)
- Ruler: add option to display tempo and time signature changes in separate lanes, or hide them completely
- Ruler: control+alt+drag on tempo markers adjusts tempo on both sides of marker
- Ruler: display tempo/time signature changes more like a ruler, less like markers
- Ruler: add mouse modifier contexts for tempo/time signature markers, project regions, project markers
- Stretch markers: avoid hangs with invalid stretch marker data
- Stretch markers: improve loop indicator drawing
- Tempo envelope: allow points to set time signature and/or metronome pattern without changing tempo
- Tempo envelope: enable freehand draw (always snaps drawn points to beat, though)
- Tempo envelope: fix actions to move points up/down, envelope control panel scroll [p=1916815]
- Tempo envelope: fix behavior when duplicate tempo envelope points exist [t=189365]
- Tempo envelope: improve behavior when tempo envelope contains markers with "allow partial measure before this marker" enabled [p=1912250]
- Tempo envelope: fix actions to move points left/right [p=1916815]
- Tempo envelope: inserting the first tempo change no longer defaults to linear transition mode
- Tempo envelope: fix "ripple-all affects tempo envelope" option, independent of "envelope points move with media items" option [t=197771]
- Theme loading: fix toolbar button background preview for zipped themes [p=1799518]
- Theme loading: increase maximum zipped file count from 2048 to 8192 [p=1919416]
- Undo: include time selection in marquee undo points [t=200237]
- VST: ignore various notifications immediately after loading VST2 state [t=199346]
- VST: support TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm() with GainReduction_dB to retrieve the current GR from plug-ins that support the Presonus GR API
- Video: restore floating size for video processor FX windows
- Video: allow NUL characters in literal strings in video processors
- Windows: fix full UTF-8 support in preset names
- Windows: fix issues with non-latin characters in Windows username
- Windows: fix VST and VLC path autodetection with non-latin characters
- Windows: fix configuration import with non-latin characters [p=1912540]
- Windows: fix various issues with non-latin characters in installation path
- Windows: fix project bay drag and drop of filenames with UTF-8
- Windows: fix DX plug-in scanning memory leak
- Windows: support dragging multiple files from other applications that place both file names and file URLs on the clipboard
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 RC6 (10.12.2017):
- Undo: include time selection in marquee undo points [t=200237]
- Ruler: allow adjusting tempo on both sides of timesig markers [p=1923410]
- improve automation item text colors
- fix tempo pencil drawing issues
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 RC5 (09.12.2017):
- Fades: improve behavior of crossfade shape actions [t=200422]
- API: always return current tempo from GetTempoTimeSigMarker, but only return time signature if the marker sets a new time signature [p=1922791]
- Preferences: increase size of control surface settings window
- Ruler: let the timeline get a bit smaller
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 RC4 (07.12.2017):
- API: GetTempoTimeSigMarker always returns the current tempo and time signature, even if the marker only sets one or the other [p=1916517]
- Arrange: do not allow pencil drawing in collapsed tracks [t=200258]
- MIDI editor: allow actions to navigate cursor forward/back to navigate beyond the start/end of the active MIDI item [p=1921718]
- Ruler: adapt to larger font sizes in primary/secondary mode
- Ruler: display more labels in non-minimal timeline modes
- Ruler: recalculate layout on theme change
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 RC2 (01.12.2017):
- Audio Units: notify plug-ins of offline rendering
- Project bay: fix drag and drop of filenames with UTF-8
- Windows: fix full UTF-8 support in preset names
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre18 (28.11.2017):
- Mouse modifiers: add context for tempo/time signature markers
- Mouse modifiers: add contexts for project region and marker/region edge
- Tempo envelope: enable freehand draw (always snaps drawn points to beat, though)
- MIDI editor: fix display of tempo/time signature changes
- Tempo envelope: fix weird bug [p=1917743]
- macOS: another small dmg layout tweak
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre17 (27.11.2017):
- Tempo envelope: fix actions to move points up/down, envelope control panel scroll [p=1916815]
- Tempo envelopes: fix actions to move points left/right [p=1916815]
- Ruler: draw labels more consistently when there are many tempo/time signature changes
- Ruler: fix editing behavior with TS-only markers [p=1915777]
- Ruler: handle control+shift+drag for linear-transition tempo points
- macOS: another tweak to .dmg window sizing
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre16 (22.11.2017):
- Ruler: control+shift+drag on tempo markers adjusts tempo on both sides of marker
- Ruler: display linear tempo transitions in the ruler
- Tempo markers: insert first marker no longer defaults to linear transition mode
- macOS: improve disk image window initial size on 10.13
- MIDI editor: respect preference to show/hide gridlines for project markers and regions
- Ruler: alwaus show gridlines for project markers and time signature changes while editing [p=1914477]
- Ruler: avoid situation where a single ruler label appears/disappears while scrolling
- Ruler: support copying a region at the same position [p=1914822]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre15 (19.11.2017):
- JSFX/ReaScript/Video Processors: allow NUL characters in literal strings
- Preferences: add option to display/hide arrange view gridlines for project regions/markers and/or time signature changes
- Ruler: add option to display tempo and time signature changes in separate lanes
- Ruler: add option to hide tempo/time signature markers
- Ruler: display tempo/time signature changes more like a ruler, less like markers
- Stretch markers: avoid hangs with invalid stretch marker data
- Stretch markers: improve loop indicator drawing
- VST: ignore various notifications immediately after loading VST2 state [t=199346]
- Regions: when overlapping regions are displayed in a single lane, mouse targets the later-starting region [p=1913639]
- Tempo envelope: don`t remove points when editing one of a pair of points at the same time position [p=1912760]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre14 (14.11.2017):
- OSC: improved configuration UI [p=1912244]
- Ruler: layout tweaks
- Ruler: prevent layout from resetting unnecessarily
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre12 (13.11.2017):
- OSC: support bidirectional communication by setting send and/or receive port to 0
- ReaComp: support TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm(GainReduction_dB)
- Regions: improve handling of tempo envelope when moving or copying regions
- VST: support TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm() with GainReduction_dB to retrieve the current GR from plug-ins that support the Presonus GR API
- Notation editor: leave a bit more room for accidentals in proportional spacing mode
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre12 (13.11.2017):
- OSC: support bidirectional communication by setting send and/or receive port to 0
- ReaComp: support TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm(GainReduction_dB)
- Regions: improve handling of tempo envelope when moving or copying regions
- VST: support TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm() with GainReduction_dB to retrieve the current GR from plug-ins that support the Presonus GR API
- Notation editor: leave a bit more room for accidentals in proportional spacing mode
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre12 (13.11.2017):
- OSC: support bidirectional communication by setting send and/or receive port to 0
- ReaComp: support TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm(GainReduction_dB)
- Regions: improve handling of tempo envelope when moving or copying regions
- VST: support TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm() with GainReduction_dB to retrieve the current GR from plug-ins that support the Presonus GR API
- Notation editor: leave a bit more room for accidentals in proportional spacing mode
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre12 (13.11.2017):
- OSC: support bidirectional communication by setting send and/or receive port to 0
- ReaComp: support TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm(GainReduction_dB)
- Regions: improve handling of tempo envelope when moving or copying regions
- VST: support TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm() with GainReduction_dB to retrieve the current GR from plug-ins that support the Presonus GR API
- Notation editor: leave a bit more room for accidentals in proportional spacing mode
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre12 (13.11.2017):
- OSC: support bidirectional communication by setting send and/or receive port to 0
- ReaComp: support TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm(GainReduction_dB)
- Regions: improve handling of tempo envelope when moving or copying regions
- VST: support TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm() with GainReduction_dB to retrieve the current GR from plug-ins that support the Presonus GR API
- Notation editor: leave a bit more room for accidentals in proportional spacing mode
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre11 (10.11.2017):
- FLAC: update to FLAC 1.3.2
- Regions: improve tempo envelope behavior when moving regions [p=1910074]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.62 (07.11.2017):
- Automation items: duplicate automation items on send envelopes when duplicating tracks [t=197766]
- Arrange: show tooltip when editing markers/regions/loop/time selections
- Config import: improve import behavior on macOS
- Control surfaces: pass through Faderport footswitch commands to action bindings as a note-on
- FX browser: allow adding FX to master track when opened via action [t=192812]
- Localization: fix validation of strings ending in %%
- Localization: improve note/key localization [p=1897006]
- Localization: localize articulations/ornaments
- Localization: localize jsfx UI
- Localization: various fixes [p=1898728] [p=1899438]
- Media items: group items correctly after moving within time selection [p=1900966]
- Media explorer: fix missing context menu items [t=197784]
- Notation editor: improve stem drawing
- Notation editor: suppport themeable colors
- Preferences: remove UI lazy updates option, always use UpdateWindow on Windows
- ReaSurround: fix automation behaviors for LFE and speaker output levels [t=197727]
- Routing window: fix accessibility support (regression in 5.61)
- Solo: 5.6/5.61 behavior fix [p=1903931]
- Startup: remember size of project selection window
- Startup: prevent new windows from being initialized with offscreen titlebars
- Undo: improve undo history context menu with ability to look at .RPP differences
- VST3: make Console 1 obey solo-in-place preference [t=197633]
- Video: fix potential memory errors with certain video processors
- macOS: check for GL shader support when opening video window rather than from video thread
- macOS: disable word-wrap in various text windows
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.62 RC1 (06.11.2017):
- Arrange: show tooltip when editing markers/regions
- Arrange: show tooltip when editing time/loop selection
- Config import: improve import behavior on macOS
- FX browser: support adding to master track when opened via action [t=192812]
- Localization: fix validation of certain strings ending in %%
- Localization: improve note/key localization in MIDI/score editor [p=1897006]
- Localization: localize articulations/ornaments
- Localization: localize jsfx UI
- Localization: localize note names in render dialog, scale finder
- Localization: various fixes [p=1898728] [p=1899438]
- Media items: group items correctly after moving within time selection [p=1900966]
- Notation editor: do not apply display quantization to tuplets [t=199010]
- Notation editor: improve stem drawing
- Notation editor: suppport themeable colors
- Preferences: remove UI lazy updates option, always updatewindow on Windows
- ReaSurround: fix automation behaviors for LFE and speaker output levels [t=197727]
- Routing window: fix accessibility support
- Solo: another 5.6x behavior fix [p=1903931]
- Startup: remember size of project selection window
- Undo: improve history context menu with ability to look at differences
- VST3: make Console 1 obey solo-in-place preference [t=197633]
- Video: fix potential memory errors with certain video processors
- Windows: prevent windows from being initialized with offscreen titlebars
- macOS: check for GL shader support when opening video window rather than from video thread
- macOS: disable word-wrap in various text windows
- Automation items: duplicate automation items on send envelopes when duplicating tracks [t=197766]
- Faderport: passthrough footswitch commands to action bindings as a note-on
- Media explorer: fix context menu item [t=197784]
- Notation editor: draw timeline area in a separate color even when mouse is not over the timeline
- Notation editor: fix gridline color when displaying light-colored notes on dark-colored background
- Undo history: show more informative info in diff menus
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre9b (04.11.2017):
- FX: avoid crash when right-clicking mixer insert
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre8 (02.11.2017):
- Notation editor: do not apply display quantization to tuplets [t=199010]
- VST3: make Console 1 obey solo-in-place preference [t=197633]
- Video: fix potential memory errors with certain video processors
- Windows: prevent windows from being initialized with offscreen titlebars
- Ruler: improve ruler lane layout logic when not displaying regions or markers in lanes
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre7 (01.11.2017):
- Arrange: show tooltip when editing markers/regions
- FX: in quick-add FX menu, list FX currently on the track before listing plugins available to insert
- Ruler: add actions to display regions, markers, tempo/time signature markers in lanes (or constrain to a single lane)
- Ruler: add actions to set height to default/minimum/maximum
- Tempo envelope: allow points to set time signature and/or metronome pattern without changing tempo
- FX: don`t switch folder view when dragging plugins to new categories/developers/folders in Add FX dialog [p=1906086]
- FX: when dragging plugins from one category to another, remove from the original category
- Faderport: passthrough footswitch commands to action bindings as a note-on
- Undo history: show more informative info in diff menus
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre6 (30.10.2017):
- Arrange: show tooltip when editing time/loop selection
- Envelopes: option to trim content behind automation items when editing also trims when writing automation
- Envelopes: trim overlapping automation items when actions to write current value to envelope create a new automation item [p=1904138]
- Preferences: remove UI lazy updates option, always updatewindow on Windows
- Undo: improve history context menu with ability to look at differences
- macOS: disable word-wrap in various text windows
- Envelopes: copy automation items when applying VCAs to tracks [p=1904138]
- FX: in Add FX dialog, optionally display plugins that have no category and/or developer defined
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre5 (28.10.2017):
- ReaSurround: fix automation behaviors for LFE and speaker output levels [t=197727]
- Regions: support dual edge editing
- Solo: another 5.6x behavior fix [p=1903931]
- Startup: remember size of project selection window
- Automation items: duplicate automation items on send envelopes when duplicating tracks [t=197766]
- FX: fix custom category/developer assignments not being read on startup [p=1903659]
- Media explorer: fix context menu item [t=197784]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.65 Pre4 (27.10.2017):
- Regions: improve edits to overlapping regions
- FX: enable category and developer listings by default in Add FX dialog (if you enabled in an earlier 5.65pre, you will need to re-enable)
- FX: fix folder menus when FX browser has not been visible [p=1903057]
- FX: fix possible crash when renaming plugin-supplied category or developer name in Add FX dialog [p=1903252]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.61 (27.10.2017):
- DX: fix memory leak when scanning plug-ins
- FX: improve TCP/MCP quick-add menu organization [p=1902034]
- ReaPlugs: fix localized pitch shifter mode display
- ReaSurround: fix automation of LFE and influence parameters [t=197727]
- Routing window: fix potential crash with multiple windows open [t=192805]
- Solo: fix child-folder implied solo send behavior changed in 5.60 [t=197697]
- Undo: fix incorrect undo points when removing last track(s) from project
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 RC2 (17.10.2017):
- Menus: fix potential hang when populating various submenus [p=1899152]
- Envelopes: fix various behaviors relating to bezier envelope points [p=1898983]
- Envelopes: improve curve rendering when points are far apart
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre15 (14.10.2017):
- Envelopes: don`t write automation point before current position if previous envelope point is square
- Envelopes: fix action to write envelope values to time selection, etc when automation items exist
- Envelopes: re-enable automation items on mute and bypass envelopes
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre13 (12.10.2017):
- Solo: improve hardware send behavior when soloed track sending to another soloed track [p=1896371]
- Automation items: fix drag/drop from media explorer when target envelope is shown in media lane
- Envelopes: skip hidden tracks and envelopes during automation item edge edit
- FX: fix quick-add-fx menu issues in 5.60prex [p=1896897]
- Solo: fix behavior with soloed parent tracks [p=1897093]
- Solo: rename new soloed send-to-soloed track option to include hardware send
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre12 (11.10.2017):
- Automation items: remove option to insert new automation item when writing automation with underlying envelope bypassed (is now default/only behavior)
- Media Explorer: support dragging selected part of automation item into project
- Automation items: fix intermittent incorrect peaks drawing with pre-fx volume envelopes [p=1896619]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre11 (09.10.2017):
- Preferences: add option for unsoloed master/parent send when a soloed-in-place track sends to another soloed track
- Preferences: move various solo/mute options to Audio, Mute/Solo tab
- ReaScript: improve behavior of fade shape setting via SetMediaItemInfo_Value() with C_FADEINSHAPE etc [t=196831]
- Track: Show correct tooltip when track muted due to envelope
- Automation items: fix recording into automation item when project timebase is set to time
- Automation items: fix recording into automation items with mute or bypass envelope in touch mode
- Automation items: initialize automation items with a single point when writing automation
- Envelopes: fix action to insert 4 points at time selection for mute and bypass envelopes
- Envelopes: fix gluing overlapping automation items with underlying envelope bypassed
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre10 (04.10.2017):
- Automation items: add automation item double-click mouse modifier to load saved automation item
- Envelopes: fix activating receive envelopes from envelope dialog [t=188909]
- FX: fix ID collision in quick-add FX/FX chains menu [t=196760]
- MIDI editor: add actions to navigate by channel, voice, staff [t=196830]
- MIDI editor: obey mouse modifier setting to select/deselect other notes when inserting note on single click [p=1893711]
- Automation items: add per-envelope option to bypass envelope outside of automation items
- Automation items: for now, remove some FX envelope behavior options when bypassing envelopes outside of automation items
- Solo: new solo routing behavior only used when solo-in-place on source track [p=1893370]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.52 (04.10.2017):
- Envelopes: fix activating receive envelopes from envelope dialog [t=188909]
- MIDI editor: fix inline editor insert note via left-click mousemap with main editor open [t=196099]
- Media explorer: fix preview playback when not using start-at-measure [t=196614]
- Opus: support reading opus files named .ogg [t=196664]
- Routing windows: update destination UI when changing send channel count in certain instances
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre9 (01.10.2017):
- Media explorer: fix preview playback when not using start-at-measure [t=196614]
- Opus: support reading opus files named .ogg [t=196664]
- Routing windows: update destination UI when changing send channel count in certain instances
- Envelopes: extend automation item as necessary when writing automation
- Envelopes: fix behavior when removing time from project that includes all points in an envelope [t=192424]
- OSX: fix context menu actions for automation items in media explorer
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre8 (30.09.2017):
- Automation items: support various context menu actions from media explorer
- Automation items: use take volume envelope color in media explorer
- Media Explorer: ignore play button for automation items
- Media explorer: fix automation item preview on OSX
- Solo: improve behavior when sending soloed tracks to soloed bus [p=1892127]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre7 (29.09.2017):
- Automation items: support preview in media explorer
- Config import: improve import behavior on macOS
- Envelopes: add theme color for unselected automation item
- Envelopes: fix end point behavior of action to insert four points at time selection [t=196548]
- Envelopes: show move guides for automation item edits
- MIDI editor: fix inline editor insert note via left-click mousemap with main editor open [t=196099]
- Solo: improve solo-in-place behavior for receives on folder tracks
- Solo: improve solo-in-place behavior when both sides of a send are soloed [t=190492]
- Envelopes: add option to automatically insert automation item when activating envelope bypassed outside of automation items and not displayed in envelope lane with no existing automation items (otherwise move to envelope lane)
- Envelopes: add project option to bypass envelope outside of automation items, and chase previous automation item value
- Envelopes: automatically remove envelope is bypassed outside of automation items, not displayed in envelope lane, and all automation items deleted
- Envelopes: fix potential twitchy parameter in bypass envelope outside of automation items, restore value mode [p=1891015]
- Envelopes: if envelopes bypassed outside of automation items and preference set to create automation items when writing automation, create automation item if necessary when playback stopped [p=1891666]
- Envelopes: options to bypass envelope outside of automation items are now per-project settings (Options/Automation items menu)
- Envelopes: support drag/drop of .ReaperAutoItem files
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.51 (29.09.2017):
- Automation items: improve threadsafety when removing/reordering automation items
- Automation items: improve editing multiple pooled instances of the same automation item at once via action or envelope control panel knob [p=1886201]
- Automation items: prevent unintentional edge edits when automation item is very small
- Automation items: fix action to copy/cut automation when multiple automation items selected [p=1887014]
- Automation items: support muting individual automation items
- Automation: fix potential incorrect memory access in write mode
- Batch converter: improve browse button default path on Windows
- Configuration import/export: allow toggling checkbox state with space key
- Elastique: enable Soloist speech mode
- Elastique: update to v3.23
- Envelopes: fix changing envelope point shape after media item edit [p=1887187]
- Envelopes: avoid potential bad outcome when deleting all envelope points and automation items within time selection [p=1886055]
- Envelopes: fix snap behavior for doubleclick insert point mouse modifiers [t=196413]
- MIDI editor: label channel pressure messages consistently [p=1884306]
- MIDI editor: preview note in key on first mouse down when key snap enabled [t=113708]
- MIDI export: avoid creating two tempo change events at the same time position [t=196112]
- Media explorer: improve measure-synced tempo matching behavior for some tempos/blocksizes [t=195830]
- Notation editor: improve localization [p=1883539]
- Peaks display settings: fix UI glitch when items have spectrogram enabled [t=196088]
- ReaTune: fix longstanding UI/audio thread locking performance issue
- ReaTune: improve manual edit appearance, use MIDI editor theme colors
- ReaTune: use arrange-view mousewheel mappings for manual edit window when possible
- ReaTune: obey horizontal zoom center preference when zooming via mousewheel
- Region manager: properly import regions defined in absolute frames [t=196333]
- Routing matrix: support horizontal-wheel scroll
- Routing: increase destination track channel count when configuring multichannel send [t=195994]
- Undo: fix envelope point selection state undo/redo [p=1886806]
- Undo: improve mute envelope automation recording behavior
- VST: prevent plug-ins from sizing window from other threads
- Web Interface: add More Me Personal Monitor Controller (more_me.html)
- Web Interface: allow /more_me as a shorthand for /more_me.html, etc
- Windows: obey mousewheel focus preference for horizontal mousewheel when possible
- Windows: improve support for logitech horizontal mousewheels
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.51 RC2 (27.09.2017):
- Envelopes: fix potential unexepected behavior when editing automation item edge point [p=1890951]
- ReaTune: add some missing mousewheel mappings
- ReaTune: use MIDI editor theme colors
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.51 RC1 (26.09.2017):
- Automation Items: improve threadsafety when removing/reordering AIs
- Automation items: avoid mess when editing multiple instances of the same automation item at once via action or envelope control panel knob [p=1886201]
- Automation items: don`t allow edge edits when automation item is very small
- Automation items: fix action to copy/cut automation items and/or points when multiple automation items selected [p=1887014]
- Automation items: support muting individual automation items
- Automation: fix potential incorrect memory access in write mode
- Configuration import/export: allow toggling checkbox state with space key
- Elastique: enable Soloist speech mode
- Elastique: updated to v3.23
- Envelopes: avoid changing envelope point shape after media item edit [p=1887187]
- Envelopes: avoid potential bad outcome when deleting all envelope points and automation items within time selection [p=1886055]
- Envelopes: fix snap behavior for doubleclick insert point mousemaps [t=196413]
- MIDI editor: label channel pressure messages consistently (not "channel aftertouch") p=1884306]
- MIDI editor: preview note in key on first mouse down when key snap enabled [t=113708]
- MIDI export: avoid creating two tempo change events at the same time position [t=196112]
- Media explorer: improve measure-synced tempo matching behavior for some tempos/blocksizes [t=195830]
- Notation editor: improve localization [p=1883539]
- Peaks display settings: fix UI glitch when items have spectrogram enabled [t=196088]
- ReaTune: fix longstanding UI/audio thread locking performance issue
- ReaTune: improved/simplified manual edit colors
- ReaTune: manual edit window follows arrange mousewheel mappings when possible
- ReaTune: obey horizontal zoom center preference when zooming via mousewheel
- ReaTune: support horizontal-wheel scroll
- Region manager: properly export regions defined in absolute frames [t=196333]
- Routing matrix: support horizontal-wheel scroll
- Routing: increase destination track channel count when configuring multichannel send [t=195994]
- Undo: fix envelope point selection state undo/redo [p=1886806]
- Undo: improve mute envelope automation recording behavior
- VST: prevent plug-ins from sizing window from other threads
- Web Interface: added More Me Personal Monitor Controller (more_me.html)
- Windows: make horizontal mousewheel option obey mousewheel focus preference
- Batch file converter: improve default path when using browse button on Windows
- Envelopes: fix resetting user preference for applying trim to envelope [t=195776]
- ReaTune: improve display
- Theme: set folderdepth for envcp context
- Web Interface: actually added more_me.html
- Web Interface: allow using /fancier rather than /fancier.html etc
- Web Interface: more_me bugfix/typofix
- Windows: another possible workaround for logitech mouse wheels
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre5 (24.09.2017):
- Automation Items: improve threadsafety when removing/reordering AIs
- Automation: fix potential incorrect memory access in write mode
- ReaTune: manual edit window follows arrange mousewheel mappings when possible
- Envelopes: in automation-item-only mode, show new envelopes in media lane only in automation write modes; otherwise show in envelope lane
- RubberBand: fix reset of timestretch in certain instances
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre4 (23.09.2017):
- Envelopes: when envelope bypassed outside of automation items, chase previous automation item value on seek [p=1888928]
- Peaks: add option to rectify peaks/waveforms
- ReaTune: obey horizontal zoom center preference when zooming via mousewheel
- ReaTune: support horizontal-wheel scroll
- Region manager: properly import regions defined in absolute frames [t=196333]
- Routing matrix: support horizontal-wheel scroll
- Envelopes: add actions to enable/disable envelopes outside of automation items on selected tracks, all visible envelopes, or all envelopes in the project
- Envelopes: when activating envelope in automation-item-only mode, automatically add an automation item at cursor position
- Peaks: add action to toggle sqrt-scale peaks
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre3a (21.09.2017):
- Envelopes: fix creating new automation items in automation write mode
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre2 (18.09.2017):
- Automation items: fix action to copy/cut automation items and/or points when multiple automation items selected [p=1887014]
- Envelopes: avoid changing envelope point shape after media item edit [p=1887187]
- MIDI export: avoid creating two tempo change events at the same time position [t=196112]
- ReaEQ: optimize parameter updates [t=196118]
- Routing: increase destination track channel count when configuring multichannel send [t=195994]
- Undo: fix envelope point selection state undo/redo [p=1886806]
- Pitch shifters: extrashifter can implement: int ConfigureSubMode(HWND hwnd, int xpos, int ypos, int submode) (returns new submode, if changed)
- Web Interface: actually added more_me.html
- Windows: workaround for horizontal wheel with some mouse drivers in arrange view/MIDI editor
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.60 Pre1 (17.09.2017):
- Automation items: avoid mess when editing multiple instances of the same automation item at once via action or envelope control panel knob [p=1886201]
- Elastique: enable Soloist speech mode
- Elastique: updated to v3.23
- Envelopes: avoid potential bad outcome when deleting all envelope points and automation items within time selection [p=1886055]
- MIDI editor: label channel pressure messages consistently (not "channel aftertouch") p=1884306]
- MIDI editor: preview note in key on first mouse down when key snap enabled [t=113708]
- Media explorer: improve measure-synced tempo matching behavior for some tempos/blocksizes [t=195830]
- Notation editor: improve localization [p=1883539]
- Peaks display settings: fix UI glitch when items have spectrogram enabled [t=196088]
- Pitch shifter/timestretch: new menu system for parameter modes
- Pitch shifters: support loading extrashifter.dll/.dylib for developers
- ReaTune: improved/simplified manual edit colors
- Spectral editing: clicking on item clears spectral edit selection
- Spectral editing: separate controls for fade in/out/low/high rather than just time/frequency
- Spectral editing: shift+drag of edges adjusts fade of that edge
- Take FX: improve handling of PDC changes [t=194308]
- Take FX: improve handling of PDC with master playspeed envelopes
- Timestretch: add Rubber Band Library
- Undo: improve mute envelope automation recording behavior
- Undo: prevent storing many duplicate empty state blocks in history
- Undo: support more efficient encoding of track configurations in history (new undo histories will not be loadable by 5.50 or earlier)
- VST: allow plug-ins to override escape key via effEditKeyDown etc
- VST: allow plug-ins to override spacebar via effEditKeyDown
- VST: prevent plug-ins from sizing window from other threads
- Web Interface: added More Me Personal Monitor Controller (more_me.html)
- Windows: improve support for application/user paths with non-latin characters
- Windows: make horizontal mousewheel option obey mousewheel focus preference
- Theme: set folderdepth for envcp context
- VST3: upgrade to SDK 3.6.7 (should hopefully have no change in function)
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.50c (15.09.2017):
- Bouncing: fixed elapsed time indicator at non-44khz
- MIDI export: re-fix another SMPTE case [p=1885834]
- Spectral editing: improve knob control positioning consistency [p=1885746]
- Automation: fix transitions writing to regions with 0ms transition time [p=1885561]
Изменения в программе REAPER 5.50a (15.09.2017):
- Automation: fix combining of trim/main volume envelope with different scales
- Automation items: ensure item edge points are square-shaped for mute envelopes
- Envelopes: fix insert 4 env points before an AI [p=1885418]
- Envelopes: fix possible crash when clearing envelope from envcp
- linux: improve Python auto-detection